
Photograph via //r/discworld

A sub dedicated to the works of Terry Pratchett, including (but not limited to) the hugely popular Discworld series of books.

A sub dedicated to the books of Terry Pratchett, especially the Discworld series.

Discworld is a series of fantasy books; it has also spawned several computer games and many TV adaptations.

For more information click here for Wikipedia or here for the official site of Terry Pratchett.


102,886 Subscribers


Shades of the counterweight continent. 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️

09:40 UTC


I thought it could be fun to do this, let me know if it has already been done! Vote in comments, the most upvoted comment after 24 hours wins. Round 1, who is the fan favorite?

07:27 UTC


How I picture Vimes in the goblin cave [Snuff]

04:55 UTC


Do you think Carrot drinks excessively?

01:46 UTC


Never read TP, where to start?

As title. Big fantasy fan. Ive heard theres not quite a solid reading order, which is all grucci burger, just thought id ask the masterminds of reddit where they began and how it went.

00:11 UTC


Dwarf pizza

22:38 UTC


Thief of time

I stumbled upon this one in a thrift store and bought it since it looks interesting. Looked it up online and turns out its a whole series. I was wondering if I can start with this one or maybe a specific title? 🤔

21:19 UTC


Discworld TTRPG idea

Hi everyone, I'm planning on running a TTRPG set in the Discworld and would appreciate some opinions.

The basic premise of the storyline will be that Lord Vetinari enlists the party to find some historical precedence that women can become clowns.

It is mentioned as an off-hand comment in Making Money that the Fool’s Guild is male only. In my world Vetinari wants to change this as King Verence of Lancre, a former fool, suggested it as he found it unfair when he was training there. Vetinari wants to keep fellow rulers happy and agrees, also believing that women could be good fools and improve the city (after all witches are all women and they are very good at their job).

Women fools are currently not permitted due to ‘Women not being funny’, a very old idea that unfortunately is currently still followed at the fool’s guild, due to tradition. There are no known historical records of women fools so they will not move on the issue.

Vetinari therefore wants the group to find historical evidence of women fools.

I think this is a pretty interesting premise but I'm a little stuck on where to go from here? Any ideas on characters that should come into it or story beats I should guide my players too?

All suggestions welcome, thanks in advance

21:05 UTC


Drone assemblies

So, I am up to Lords and Ladies in my re-read and just got to the point where drone assemblies are mentioned. All the drones from miles around congregating. And, having read this sub for long enough, I know it can't be something Terry Pratchett just made up. It must exist in the real world, too. So I pause my reading to look it up. Sure enough....

20:14 UTC


One relationship I always wished received more indepth exploring was that of Lord Vetinari and Rufus Drumknott. Who do you wish we'd gotten to know better.

19:11 UTC


I doodled Carrot, Colon, and Nobbs!

I like to make a little bookmark for each new book I read, and I’m just about to start Men at Arms! Figured they would fit well with the book.

16:31 UTC


I don’t mean to flog a dead horse, but it will forever boggle the mind that Ralph Ineson was in ‘The Watch’ BBC show and not playing Sam Vimes. I feel like he would have been perfect and instead they had him playing Detritus. What were they thinking?

Footnote: “what were they thinking?” is a question that could be applied to most of the decisions made during the making of BBC’s The Watch, the notable exception being the casting of Matt Berry, because if you can get Matt Berry in your show, why the hell wouldn’t you?

14:57 UTC


Favourite introduction/re-introduction of characters?

I've been listening through the Guards series of the new audiobooks and was reminded that Pterry really had a great way of introducing characters in his books in a way that made you feel like you'd known them all your life.

What are everyone's favourite introduction to characters both old and new? Here's a gem from Feet of Clay...

There was a knock at the door. It should not be possible for a knock to sound surreptitious, yet this knock achieved it. It had harmonics. They told the hindbrain: the person knocking will, if no one eventually answers, open the door anyway and sidle in, whereupon he will certainly nick any smokes that are lying around, read any correspondence that catches his eye, open a few drawers, take a nip out of such bottles of alcohol as are discovered, but stop short of major crime because he is not a criminal in the sense of making a moral decision but in the sense that a weasel is evil–it is built into his very shape. It was a knock with a lot to say for itself.

‘Come in, Nobby,’ said Vimes, wearily.

1 Comment
14:39 UTC


Used books vs discworld collector's library

Bought the discworld books in one go, used, the were rated at very good condition.

Well they were very cheap and some are very yellow and smelly or the backs of those softcovers are bend, two even broken inside.

Going to read through all of them, ofc afterwards I most likely not going to reread them, but sometimes I really want to own a beautiful hardcover.

Does anyone know if the collection ever goes on sale?

Guess I will switch out every book I read, one by one and gift the read one, to an "open bookshelf" so that they can become a little bit more yellow.

How would you handle it?

14:04 UTC


The Wee Free Men - audible

Listening to this on audible and loving it (for the most part). Like so much of his work I'd love to see this as a live action adaptation (done right), feels like it'd fit right in with the current TV trends.

I do have one small nag, the artist decision on audible about how gonnagle rolls his R's is really grating to me. As a scotsman, I feel the roll just sounds like a person who has never heard this in real life. Loving the rest of the book, generally I'm a massive fan of the audible series, but this is one feature I'm having to fight through.

13:21 UTC


The Problem with Sharing Discworld

I'e shared the story before in comments on this sub, but I just ran into the lad yesterday and felt I should show the memory a little more appreciation.

Many years back, when I first read Guards! Guards!, I had a friend, a fellow fan of the Disc, who was a dwarf, and he had a son who was, at that time, 15 years old. He was ginger, a head taller than any of us, and very friendly. He, of course, reminded me of Carrot.

Fast forward a few years, and the crew I'm working with hires on a new man for the summer, my friend's boy. He's bigger, friendlier, and reminds me even more of the character, so I point it out, only to learn that his father had failed to share the Disc with him. The next day, I let him borrow my copy of Guards! Guards! so he can start off knowing who I compared him to.

A few days later, I asked how he was enjoying the book. "Oh, it's great," he said, looking about as excited as I did. "I really love how familiar the characters are. Like Vimes is like Dale (our skinny, wildly alcoholic supervisor), and Colon is Jack (our hefty, red-faced project manager who was always damp with sweat), and Nobby is just like... Uh, like... Well, it's a very good book. Thanks for sharing."

12:28 UTC


Another "how did I miss that?" moment 🤦‍♀️

I've been reading Fifth Elephant again and had a sudden thought; 10 minutes of research later and I'm groaning at missing another Pterry piece of information.

Werewolves can only be killed by fire or silver, and an exploding flare in his mouth would have taken Wolfgang out anyway, but it turns out some explosives contain (or used to contain) silver.

So Wolfgang took an explosion of fire AND silver, so he was pretty much guaranteed to be ended.

I will never not love Sir Pterry and the Discworld books, but every time I finally learn another hidden bit, I love it all a little bit more! 😹❤️

GNU Sir Pterry, thank you for providing more jokes with every reading, no matter how many times I've read or how long I've been collecting! ❤️😹


09:40 UTC


Music with Rocks in

06:35 UTC


Author recommendations

I’ve been a lifelong Terry Pratchett fan. My mom introduced me to him after I devoured the Hitchhikers Guide series. This satirical style of writing is my favorite.

Along with Pratchett and Adams, I very much enjoy Jasper Fforde and Christopher Moore.

I’ve been wondering for a while if there are any authors in this satirical style that offer a more diverse viewpoint. Essentially what I’m asking is:

Are there any authors who write in this style that aren’t white men?

I’m working my way through the entirety of the Discworld series right now so I have plenty to occupy my time. I’ve been wondering this for some time and I haven’t been able to find much on my own. My searcher may be broken though.

Thank you in advance!

(I’m also open to any suggestions of authors in the style I may have missed who are white men. As long as we’re here. Can’t hurt.)

05:55 UTC


Pratchett's Names are the Best

One of the things I love (along with basically everything Discworld) is the grand variety of names in the series. I've tried naming characters in games and whatnot but I can never come close to the Discworld names that are extremely unique, perfectly ordinary, and absolutely descriptive. Who doesn't love Mr. Slant or Windle Poons or Carborundum as a name? Somehow STP can nail two things together in a name and it feels perfectly ordinary to have a conversation Mightily Oats or Old Mother Blackcap. Praise be to Blind Io, Anoya, and toothy Offler.

Outside of the main cast (and maybe CMOT Dibbler), what names do you love?

05:49 UTC


Good place for an 80yo to start

So, my mum knows I've been a Discworld fan for decades. Lately, she's discovered that she wants to read Terry Pratchett because she's been told there all sorts of references she'll probably get. She asked me where to start, and my gut is just "at the start" or "The Watch". I've seen a bunch of recommended reading orders, but I'm hoping someone can give me something that specifically might "grab" my mum. I'd happily lend her my whole collection, but we're in different countries.

Edit: Thanks guys, some awesome suggestions. I may give her a list of the books you've mentioned and let her choose. Thank you!

02:56 UTC


Call the Times!

01:32 UTC


Best Ridcully Voice

From all the audiobooks and TV specials, who does the best voice for Mustrum Ridcully? I think he might be my favourite character and I want to cement the voice in my head for him with a nice, solid baritone.

22:27 UTC


You won’t half laugh when you see this one, Mr. de Worde!

22:07 UTC

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