
Photograph via snooOG

For artists, writers, gamemasters, musicians, programmers, philosophers and scientists alike! The creation of new worlds and new universes has long been a key element of speculative fiction, from the fantasy works of Tolkien and Le Guin, to the science-fiction universes of Delany and Asimov, to the tabletop realm of Gygax and Barker, and beyond.

This subreddit is about sharing your worlds, discovering the creations of others, and discussing the many aspects of creating new universes.


For artists, writers, gamemasters, musicians, programmers, philosophers and scientists alike! The creation of new worlds and new universes has long been a key element of speculative fiction, from the fantasy works of Tolkien, Le Guin and Howard, to the science-fiction universes of Burroughs, Delany and Asimov, and to the tabletop realm of Gygax, Barker and Greenwood, and beyond.

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Space Guns - How do they work

Do they shoot lasers? charge their bullets? or shoot HE? Are they railguns? or are they just normal guns with futuristic stuff duct-taped on?

15:39 UTC


Ilsaorom's Water Curse [cw: jawless, armless zombie]

1 Comment
15:38 UTC


Potential Names For Monsters??

Hey I’m writing a book and am looking for some name ideas for my monsters. For some background, a God of chaos created monsters to wreak havoc on humans. They have no real thinking capacity past destruction or chaos. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

15:37 UTC


Guildwallin the God of Learning and Teaching

1 Comment
15:33 UTC


Give me examples of eternity

I’ve always struggled wrapping my mind around eternity. Ik it’s supposedly never ending but just for fun try and give me an example of eternity. I’ve heard of the little sparrow coming and sharpening its beak every 1 million years already. It just interests me when there’s examples then it ends with “ 1 second of eternity has passed” I like talking about the meaning of eternity it’s just so mind boggling.

15:31 UTC


World building sites

I need ideas on sites to do my world building. I've already tried world anvil, but you have to have premium in order to have more than 2 articles and I don't have money right now to pay for it.

I would prefer something to help build a world in depth like world anvil.

Free is a plus.

15:30 UTC


If your world was a video game how would it play?

If theres anyone who wishes for their world to become a video game one day what would it be like?

14:54 UTC

14:25 UTC


Whats your inspiration for world building?

What was the first thing you saw and thought to yourself "I should make a whole universe about this"?

But if it's your original idea to begin with, where do you get your inspiration from for smaller things?

14:02 UTC


what is the aztec equivalent society in your world?

12:51 UTC


Criminal Law

I am trying to not to lore dump here, but there is a lot I have to share, but this post contains the extensive list of criminal murder laws in Cytopolis (my human body WBing project) and it functions similarly to the US, I haven’t came up for the sentencing for each of the degrees yet but this what I have so far.

Cellular criminal degrees of murder

~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

First degree murder


The defendant(s) intentionally with malice, premeditated and calculated an act of malicious intent that the defendant tried to or killed another cell

What also falls under 1st degree murder:

-The defendant(s) knowing full well that what they are doing is wrong and illegal

-Conspiracy to carry out the crime


Second degree murder


The defendant(s) did not kill without premeditation

What also falls under second degree murder:

-The defendant(s) kill within the heat of the moment

-The defendant(s) killed with intent to harm without premeditation or intent to harm unable to prove premeditation


Third degree murder


The defendant(s) did unintentional killing of another through an eminently dangerous act committed with a depraved mind and without regard for cellular life

What also falls under third degree murder:

-Unintentional killings that occur during the commission of another felony. In such cases, the accused did not have the intention to cause death but was engaged in a dangerous or illegal act that ultimately resulted in someone's demise

-The defendant(s) acted in recklessness or extreme negligence




Similar to third degree murder but not the same: The defendant(s) participated in the unlawful killing of a cell without malice which there are two types:

Primary Voluntary Manslaughter: Primary Voluntary manslaughter involves the intentional killing of a cell in which the offender did not have prior intent to kill. The defendant may have the intention of causing serious injury short of death.

Secondary Involuntary Manslaughter: Secondary Involuntary manslaughter involves an unlawful but unintentional killing of another cell.

12:41 UTC


This is the Paladin Type 7 (P/VII). It is loaded via stripper clip and can hold up to 5 bullets at a time. A bayonet can be attached to the front of the rifle. It was produced by Argo industries in 1905 and seized production in 1924. It is used by an unnamed french and japanese inspired nation

12:23 UTC



A world with every video game combined into one world.

In-order to balance it, the gods or whatever decided to turn the unethical parts of the world into a build-up of glitch in an area that no life has access to.

The glitch slowly started moving and forming, some of it turning into Glitch Disks, and the others?

Errakils, sapient creatures and embodiments of censored glitch that came to life from remnant(FNAF).

Their genders can be any gender that's in any video game.

Anyway, after making way cooler forms for themselves, they set off, enraged of what happened to them.

One of my OCs is an Errakil, meet Glitchiana:

Female Errakil

Anyway, the Errakils brutally slaughter any stickfigure they find because they blame THEM for their pain.

I forgot to mention: Stickfigures!

So they're litterally the only thing in that world that didn't come from video games.

(Stickfigures that came from video games got the glitch treatment and became either non-sentient glitch disks, or vengeful errakils)

Anyway, there's a list on what video game NPCs are sapient and which ones aren't, i'll probably make it later, though.

In this world, "Fights" and "Battles" are seperated.

Fights are clashes that are just hand-to-hand combat, while Battles are just Pokemon Battles, except with any collectable Creature from Monster-Catching-Games.

By the way, mobs(creatures that are hostile and not catchable through a Pokeball or Spinner) exist, like the Wither(Minecraft) or Ghoul(Roblox: Zombie Attack).

Any suggestions or questions?

11:33 UTC


Atrakhmar, City of a Hundred Clans

1 Comment
11:30 UTC


Gods and Geopolitics

One of the inspirations I have for my Worldbuilding is the Templin Institute's Dawn of Victory setting.

The main pillar of Dawn of Victory is a Multipolar Cold War that takes place in space. With differing ideologies vying for power and dominance. After some observations, I've noticed how ideologies are kinda similar to Religions.

Which beg the following questions:

  1. How do Active, Living, Sapient God's affect the Geopolitical dynamics of a world?
  2. What makes their religions so attractive to mobilize as an Ideology of a Nation?
  3. What makes said ideologies of nations driven by religion of said Active, Living, Sapient Gods drive Conflict towards one another?
11:26 UTC


Too Many Ideas too Little Time

I need some advice here. I have so many ideas and prompts and story hooks that I can't seem to be able to make anything. I have like 4 different world ideas that I would love to create. But I know that I don't have time to make it all, and I also get overwhelmed with the amount of stuff that is in my head. I would love to flesh out all of these worlds and ideas, but I end up fleshing out nothing because there is so much that I want to do. How do I get my creativity to run wild? How do I make all of the things that I want to make? How do I find the time and energy to do all of this?

P.S. Is it weird to think I have to do one thing? Like I have an idea for a Super Hero World and a Fantasy World. Is it weird to think in my head that I can't do both and I have to pick one?

11:15 UTC


Human-ending catastrophe that lasts centuries?

Hello! I'm building something and I need help with it. The thing is I need a complete human collapse (that sounds bad) for a reason that lasts centuries before reverting.

To be more precise, I want the project of birthing and re-establishing humanking to start centuries after the catastrophe (with technology that measures when to do it or predicts it, needing it to be measurable), but I need the catastrophe to be "soft" enough to not destroy the technology put in place for such birthing. No solar flares or things like that.

I was thinking something along the lines of a disease that only infects humans (naturally mutated or that is originated in a laboratory) and that we couldn't cure in time, having to wait until it has no hosts and "dies" (I read some virus can be viable to infect even after centuries). And maybe mixing that with famine problems (due to colony collapse disorder? aka bees die and plants have problems, so food chain changes dramatically) and tensions among humans leading to war (and some atomic bombs used, to make it even worse, though radiation wouldn't work for what I want, I think).

I just wanted some help to figure out if this configuration would work or get other good suggestions. I know similar settings that used sudden massive global temperature shifts (global freezing to be precise). That seems a bit unrealistic and I wanted a more realistic approach, if possible.

Thanks in advance!

11:11 UTC


what else would someone be capable of if they were able to (barely) survive a nuke?

The idea is that there are superhumans with ultra durable bodies and super fast healing factors, and im trying to figure out What other feats they would be capable of if they could survive and regenerate from nukes, as well as dish out attacks that are somewhat comparable.

How fast could they move without burning up in the atmosphere or having any stop or impact kill/incapacitate them, how long could they sit in the core of a star, stuff like that.

Ik there’s several levels of nukes that dwarf eachother but im clueless about just how much that would change the scale so if someone could help with answering this mess i would be greatfull.

11:08 UTC


Creature idea

So I have an idea of a creature called a shadow breather. Shadow breathers are basically a puddle of darkness that can latch on to people making them children of the stars but also giving them an alternate personality. They one of three breathers and are the heavily worshipped as bringers if peace.

10:54 UTC


Show me a map you made without a supercontinent

Im expecting a lot of "You leave me and my supercontinent alone" here lol

10:51 UTC


If US is Fallout and Australia is Mad Max, what is Europe and Asia?

10:50 UTC


What Odd Things Are Legal In Your World That Would Be Illegal In Ours?

What Odd Things Are Legal In Your World That Would Be Illegal In Ours?

For example, in my world, all of the population is capable of flying by their own power, and it starts early on, as a month old baby already has the thaumic pathways for flight.

Because of this, most children and teenagers have very good instics when it comes to aerodymamics, and can think in 3D easier than a trained non-flying professional

This makes it so that as long as you pass an strength requirement, children of any age can get a liscence

of course, when you have literal wings, driving isn't as cool, so most children pass from it

So, what about y'all?
And also, we all know about medieval times and age of consent laws, please give it up.

09:17 UTC


In a cold war-esque split of Turkey, where would the capital be?

So, i'm making a Alternate History scenario where Turkey is split up into west and east. The eastern part keeps the capital, Ankara/Angora, but the west gets the straits and four major cities; Istanbul/Constantinople, Bursa, Izmir and Antalya.

My question is, which of these would be the capital? I've ruled out Antalya, because it's smaller and out of the way, and Izmir seems kinda unlikely too. I'm considering Bursa and Istanbul specifically for their central location/historcal presence respectively.

What do you think?

(Btw i'm only posting here bc r/AlternateHistory doesn't allow questions)

09:16 UTC


How Ustable Is Magical/Hybrid Biology For Y'all?

How Ustable Is Magical/Hybrid Biology For Y'all?

One thing with hybrids or multiple monsters like chimeras is that i wonder, HOW long until it's too much?

Like for example, let's say a Unicorn and Dragon breed, that would make a Kirin

Or a Dragon and a Chiken breeding would make a Cockatrice

See the issue? Two things breeding shouldn't in general create a third definition.

Or even worse, Chimeras; like a Griffing and a Goat breeding would make a chimera

If multiple species can interbreed and create hybrids, both human and animal alike, what's the limit? for how long before the thing is too varied for it's own good?

Because in my world, i have beastpeople, and making genealogical trees is a PAIN to do, i have to check their species + mythological version to see if there's a hybrid, and if there isn't, i have to name it myself, i could make them incapable of interbreeding, but that would go against my lore.

08:48 UTC


A Solution to the Problem of Inherently Evil Creatures?

The fantasy genre has a long and well worn controversy about the existence of evil "races", most obviously noted by the evolution of orcs from Tolkien's creatures with a taste for man flesh - who not only love meat but have menus for it - to the greener gentler versions of the latest editions of RPGs.

My starting point was finding it necessary to define "Evil" in a game that detects and protects from evil.

The first trip was easy. I decided that evil was anything that was from outside of nature. That is I have seven Creator gods of the world and everything in and of the world was made by them and is inherently "Good."

But there are spirits from Beyond the world who enter the world and take over beings of the world through domination. This ranges from possession of the living to the existence of undead who are animated by spirits after the living soul leaves the body.

It's been working quite well for me up to a point. My players are on a lovecraftian adventure and I have them up against batrachian deep ones who I have indicated to them are aberrations in are inherently evil, even in their egg and tadpole form.

Now in my world gods of time, earth, air, fire and water all came together in the act of Creation. This allowed the gods of plants and animals to take these elements and combine them all together to create life.

It occurred to me that the "elder gods", these lovecraftian alien entities who took no part in The act of Creation (and whose attitudes toward it range from hatred to curiosity to apathy) where nonetheless inspired by it and combine their own elements to create their own world.

There are magical Gates which connect these two worlds. But anything From Beyond the world is by definition alien. It is outside of nature.

Rather than having earth air fire and water, their elements are more like ether and ectoplasm. The medium they live in is less dense than water but thicker than air. I'm thinking the deep ones have a collective consciousness perhaps controlled by more powerful beings. They're sort of like the Borg from Star Trek. They are merely units of a whole. Even the egg sacks will demonstrate the will of the elder gods and attack as a slime entity. The tadpoles will devour prey like piranhas.

I think the solves the problem for me of having an evil species so alien and generally with such ill intent that negotiation of any sort would be impossible, unless somehow one was able to communicate directly with one of the elder gods and make a deal with them, as a warlock for instance. This would then put that individual under the protection of that elder God which the deep ones would instantly understand.

I'm bound to find holes in this line of thinking at some point but for right now it seems pretty clean to me.

08:44 UTC


How Did Teleportation Used To Work in Your World and In What ways has it Changed?

How Did Teleportation Used To Work in Your World and In What ways has it Changed?

Is it disassembly-reassembly? Portals/Wormholes? Space Warping?

And What About Accidents?

Black hole creation? Telefragging? Missfiring? Matter fusion?

For example, in my world, unlike the Modern Teleportation Spell, commonly know as the "Blink Spell" the early versions of the teleportation spell are more along the lines of disassembly-reassembly. It feels like every molecule of your body being torn apart bit by bit in the span of a single second. The next second consisted of the exact same thing happening in reverse. The process is generally unpleasant, and mildly painful, and raised a lot of moral questions. It takes a while for your soul to realize the body has moved. The pain you feel is that delay, your soul thinks your body is dead for the briefest of moments. That is why people generally use the somewhat more convoluted point-to-point teleportation, the threat of death is preferable to the loss of identity.

Because of this, Modern Teleportation Spells have a LOT failsafes behind them In a normal teleport the matter around the target location is displaced which is why you hear a small popping sound, it's the air being pushed outward by the caster reemerging. This displacement effect tends to cause solid matter to violently explode. Because of this, most teleportation spells have built in safeties to prevent reemergence into a solid. This failsafe is commonly know as the "Fourth Field" Even if you did force the location inside something, say the wall of a house, the wall would explode outward and the caster would be OK. Well until the damaged wall collapsed on top of them. But normal teleport spells will seek out the closest available space that the caster can fit into.

So, what about y'all?

08:40 UTC

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