A community for Ren and Stimpy! The show revival is coming soon to Comedy Central.
Ren, a psychotic Chihuahua, and Stimpy, a dimwitted Manx cat, have a host of unusual adventures.
Welcome to the Ren and Stimpy subreddit!
The oath! Put your hand on the computer screen and repeat after me. I do hereby promise only to watch the Ren and Stimpy show. To make underleg noises during the good scenes. To wear unwashed Lederhosen every single day of the rest of my life! That's it, you're in our secret club! Alright Stimpy, they're OK. Show them the stuff.
Makes sure to eat lots of pigeon this year, and be sure to write your yakmas’s list
Someone had to post this!
It may just be me, I know it's a very obscure cartoon, but I can't shake off the major similar vibes it gives me. You think John k might have taken some inspiration from it?
I want to watch the commentary but I don't want to buy the collection for just for that. I don't even own a dvd player lol
In a local charity shop, money well donated
Hello fellow R&S enthusiasts! I need your help to get ahold of a short clip from the wrestling episode that I can’t find online.
In the clip, Killer Kadoogan has Ren’s head in a wrench. The ref checks it out, nods, and when he looks away KK twists Ren’s head around. Repeat several times.
For NFL fans, I want to use the clip to illustrate the ref not calling the facemask on Los Angeles at the end of the LA/MN game last night 😁
If anyone is able to connect me with a gif file or something, I would be willing to agree not to whiz on your electric fence.
I love them doing cartoon characters on hot ones, it would be everything to me if Ren got an episode. But alas, we live in a world where Ren and stimpy isn't mainstream 😞
Hi ,do u guys have any ideas for a re and stimpyish think, something stupid and shocking for a short? TNX U