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ajlie | priceless | flutterjerk | flutterroll | |
twipride | celestiamad | twicrazy | spikemeh | |
lunateehee | lunawait | paperbagderpy | abmeh | |
ajhappy | ppfear | twibeam | scootaderp | |
raritydaww | scootacheer | swagintosh | pinkieawe | |
ajsup | flutterwhoa | rdcry | silverspoon | |
ohcomeon | ppcute | abbored | rarityreally | |
raritypaper | sbbook | scootaplease | applegasp | |
twiright | celestiawut | grannysmith | rarishock | |
shiningarmor | chrysalis | cadance | applederp |
flutterfear | ppboring | rarityyell | fluttershy | |
ajcower | ajsly | eeyup | rdsmile | |
fluttersrs | raritydress | takealetter | rdwut | |
ppshrug | spikenervous | noooo | dj | |
fluttershh | flutteryay | squintyjack | spikepushy | |
ajugh | raritywut | dumbfabric | raritywhy | |
trixiesmug | flutterwink | rarityannoyed | soawesome | |
ajwut | twisquint | raritywhine | rdcool | |
abwut | manspike | cockatrice | facehoof | |
rarityjudge | rarityprimp | twirage | ppseesyou |
rdsitting | rdhappy | rdannoyed | trixiesad | |
twismug | twismile | twistare | changeling | |
ohhi | party | hahaha | rdscared | |
flutterblush | gross | derpyhappy | twidaw | |
ajfrown | hmmm | joy | whattheflut | |
raritysad | fabulous | derp | cadancesmile | |
louder | lunasad | derpyshock | shiningpride | |
pinkamina | loveme | lunagasp | fluttercry | |
scootaloo | celestia | angel | sneakybelle | |
allmybits | zecora | photofinish | ppreally |
fillytgap | rdhuh | snails | twisad | |
lyra | bonbon | spitfire | lunamad | |
cutealoo | happyluna | sotrue | discordsad | |
wahaha | sbstare | berry | maud | |
huhhuh | absmile | dealwithit | pinkiepout | |
nmm | whooves | rdsalute | twisecret | |
octavia | colgate | cheerilee | sunsetshimmer | |
ajconfused | abhuh | lily | sunsetsneaky | |
twiponder | spikewtf | awwyeah | scootablue | |
gilda | discentia | macintears | spikehappy |
pinkiesad | starlightrage | ajdoubt | flutterhay | |
diamondtiara | bulkbiceps | spikewhoa | sbwtf | |
sombra | scootaeww | wasntme | nightmaregrin | |
sbshocked | discordgrump | twipbbt | spikeapproves | |
guard | troubleshoes | flimflam | flutternice | |
abstern | rdsnrk | cocosmile | ppdont | |
apathia | thcalm | skeptiloo | ajgrump | |
ajcry | ooh | limestonegrin | sgpopcorn | |
rarityeww | raritytired | raritygrump | raritysquee | |
flutterkay | notangry | goodjob | gummystare |
karma | sbfocus | lunagrump | twisheepish | |
discentiajudge | sgsneaky | sgeesh | skystarfine | |
twisnide | trixieww | twieek | ajeesh | |
pinkie | flutterplz | tempest | pinkiesugar | |
cococold | emberwtf | tempestsmile | flutternope | |
quibble | sunsetwhyme | squeestar | twishame | |
rdthis | abteehee | appleroll | pinkiesmoosh | |
flutterbrow | squintyglam | spikeholdup | starlightspittle | |
celestiahurt | rdsup | tempestgaze | sunburstnervous | |
sgconcern | celestiahappy | squeekiepie | spikewoke |
abgrump | gallus | cozyglow | smolderscowl | |
celestiawink | sandbaruhh | shiningsmug | pinkiesmug | |
celestiasquint | silverbored | rarischeme | peekaloo | |
sunsetgrump | ocellus | twipudding | flutterball | |
sunspicious | smolder | scootaglance | tirek | |
twicoffee | smolderwelp | crazyglow | winxie | |
twiomg | silverstream | starlightsly | spikescowl | |
yak | ajpuzzle | rdeyy | starlightno | |
starlightisee | pinkieeager | galluswtf | smolderrage | |
yona | trixiecheer | twifret | lunaloom |
.Latest comics: Classics Reimagined – The Odyssey, The Storm of Zephyr Heights #2
trans awakening post followed by a trans awareness post, love yall <3
What would their dynamic look like? (Since you guys really liked the dad one I did)
Both with the target audience and with fannish people online.
Youtube Kids seems to always recommend G4 clips, never G5. All merch I see for MLP still involves G4 as well. I'm wondering if G5 isn't doing so well compared to previous gens.
I saw an MLP animation on TikTok a while ago that involved Spitfire grabbing Applejack and crashing her into a realistic mountain and then flying off. The animation was like purposefully bad and the voices sounded like text to speech I don’t remember much else about it but I remember thinking it was hilarious. No matter what I do I cannot seem to find it again and this is my last resort please tell me what the video is or who made it because I really want to find it again.
By: It's written in the lower right
Starlight Glimmer (pre reform)
Discord (pre reform)
Nightmare Moon
Grogar (the real one)
Cozy Glow
They won't hurt you immediately but if they think you're lame they'll ditch you or try to manipulate you. Take your pick. Who would you get along with the best?
I'd personally be cool with flying kites with Starlight. She might be persistent about removing my cutie mark though. Another good choice for me would be Tirek, he seems like a cool guy to hang with and like he's got stories to tell from being alive so long. If I feel like doing some arson possibly Daybreaker 😂
Was watching an episode on YouTube (For Whom the Sweetie Belle Toils) and saw this at the end of the episode 😭😭 the animation errors were so funny in the early seasons 💀 did anyone else also notice this in this episode?
I'm a miniature artist, and I made the mane six ponies out of clay and painted them, I was wondering what the copy right would be on them if I wanted to sell them? They're exact replicas complete with cutie marks, so it's very obvious what they are. I think they're just adorable, I absolutely love tiny things like that and I'm hoping to make more tiny toys like Lps and I'd love if I could sell them but sadly I think I could get sued?? Please help me out you guys 🥲
So I have 3 and a half chapters of my MLP story done and I would like some feedback. The thing is, they're all written in Google docs and I don't know how to share it here. Do I post the link to the doc or do I copy-paste it?
I was making a Google Doc to have all of the official comics and booka in one place for future viewing, and I found this Sweetie Belle board book on Goodreads. It links to book selling websites, but none of them have the book. If you type in the name of the book, only Goodreads shows up. I tried reverse image searching the picture, and it's only from Goodreads. Does anyone know if this book actually exists?
The amount of patience Fluttershy has with him will never cease to amaze me.
Does anyone know this ponies name? I thought it was Toola Roola at first glance but this one is a unicorn and has a different cutie mark.
How do you think bright Mac and pear butter died and what do you think actually happened to them?
Not sure what tag to use, but I want to make this guy look special! Anyone got any coloring or cutie mark ideas?