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ajlie | priceless | flutterjerk | flutterroll | |
twipride | celestiamad | twicrazy | spikemeh | |
lunateehee | lunawait | paperbagderpy | abmeh | |
ajhappy | ppfear | twibeam | scootaderp | |
raritydaww | scootacheer | swagintosh | pinkieawe | |
ajsup | flutterwhoa | rdcry | silverspoon | |
ohcomeon | ppcute | abbored | rarityreally | |
raritypaper | sbbook | scootaplease | applegasp | |
twiright | celestiawut | grannysmith | rarishock | |
shiningarmor | chrysalis | cadance | applederp |
flutterfear | ppboring | rarityyell | fluttershy | |
ajcower | ajsly | eeyup | rdsmile | |
fluttersrs | raritydress | takealetter | rdwut | |
ppshrug | spikenervous | noooo | dj | |
fluttershh | flutteryay | squintyjack | spikepushy | |
ajugh | raritywut | dumbfabric | raritywhy | |
trixiesmug | flutterwink | rarityannoyed | soawesome | |
ajwut | twisquint | raritywhine | rdcool | |
abwut | manspike | cockatrice | facehoof | |
rarityjudge | rarityprimp | twirage | ppseesyou |
rdsitting | rdhappy | rdannoyed | trixiesad | |
twismug | twismile | twistare | changeling | |
ohhi | party | hahaha | rdscared | |
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ajfrown | hmmm | joy | whattheflut | |
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louder | lunasad | derpyshock | shiningpride | |
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scootaloo | celestia | angel | sneakybelle | |
allmybits | zecora | photofinish | ppreally |
fillytgap | rdhuh | snails | twisad | |
lyra | bonbon | spitfire | lunamad | |
cutealoo | happyluna | sotrue | discordsad | |
wahaha | sbstare | berry | maud | |
huhhuh | absmile | dealwithit | pinkiepout | |
nmm | whooves | rdsalute | twisecret | |
octavia | colgate | cheerilee | sunsetshimmer | |
ajconfused | abhuh | lily | sunsetsneaky | |
twiponder | spikewtf | awwyeah | scootablue | |
gilda | discentia | macintears | spikehappy |
pinkiesad | starlightrage | ajdoubt | flutterhay | |
diamondtiara | bulkbiceps | spikewhoa | sbwtf | |
sombra | scootaeww | wasntme | nightmaregrin | |
sbshocked | discordgrump | twipbbt | spikeapproves | |
guard | troubleshoes | flimflam | flutternice | |
abstern | rdsnrk | cocosmile | ppdont | |
apathia | thcalm | skeptiloo | ajgrump | |
ajcry | ooh | limestonegrin | sgpopcorn | |
rarityeww | raritytired | raritygrump | raritysquee | |
flutterkay | notangry | goodjob | gummystare |
karma | sbfocus | lunagrump | twisheepish | |
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pinkie | flutterplz | tempest | pinkiesugar | |
cococold | emberwtf | tempestsmile | flutternope | |
quibble | sunsetwhyme | squeestar | twishame | |
rdthis | abteehee | appleroll | pinkiesmoosh | |
flutterbrow | squintyglam | spikeholdup | starlightspittle | |
celestiahurt | rdsup | tempestgaze | sunburstnervous | |
sgconcern | celestiahappy | squeekiepie | spikewoke |
abgrump | gallus | cozyglow | smolderscowl | |
celestiawink | sandbaruhh | shiningsmug | pinkiesmug | |
celestiasquint | silverbored | rarischeme | peekaloo | |
sunsetgrump | ocellus | twipudding | flutterball | |
sunspicious | smolder | scootaglance | tirek | |
twicoffee | smolderwelp | crazyglow | winxie | |
twiomg | silverstream | starlightsly | spikescowl | |
yak | ajpuzzle | rdeyy | starlightno | |
starlightisee | pinkieeager | galluswtf | smolderrage | |
yona | trixiecheer | twifret | lunaloom |
.Latest comics: My Litte Pony: Rise of Cadence
She was made the princess of the forest by her lil fuzzy friends (Angel suggested to give her the position) and shockingly, she took it! Though she didn’t want the title of princess so instead they changed it to guardian
They even gave her antlers instead of a horn
I’m watching some random episodes, and I’m currently watching Season 2 Episode 4, Luna Eclipsed. I’m considering cosplaying as Twilight dressed as Starswirl for a convention. Dress as one character dressing as another. The question is, would you all, if I decide to actually do it, like to see it? It wouldn’t be for a while, but it would be fun to make.
I feel like Starlight could've definitely become an alicorn in dis episode if she was given the opportunity to on her own save Stygian like she wanted to from the very beginning. She's already known to be insanely talented and powerful. Not to mention even Twilight, THE PRINCESS OF FRIENDSHIP, didn't think of saving him/didnt want to try until she saw Stygian was trapped. Her and Starlight both saved him, it might not have been possible without Starlights help.
Hey y'all this is my first time posting here on this subreddit, I just wanted to let you know that Twilight Sparkle is my favorite My Little Pony character, she's so cute & cuddly with her eyes, The rest are cute in their own ways, But I think Twilight Sparkle is the cutest of them all.
Season 9, Episode 4
I'm trying to put a lesson together for my kids and I want it to be as NOT boring as possible. lol We are currently struggling with communicating and interacting in kind and healthy ways. I wanted to talk about the golden rule and also about healthy ways to have disagreements. Are there any episodes/clips that could teach these things? I'm having a hard time searching one up and it's just been too long since I've watched the episodes through to remember specific ones, although I feel like there must be some!
Thanks in advance for the tips!
Just found a male alicorn.
The strongest pony. Well, sometimes we argue who is stronger, the big, handsome stud Big Mac or the powerful, barbaric Rockhoof.
But the truth is that this filly is the strongest pony or could be in the future. Just look at her! Since she was little she can already lift this at the end of the series, there must already be a gigantic strength, I feel sorry for her partner who makes her angry or her children who bother her.
I have been working on this Pinkie Pie figure for a little while and today i put it on the base and made som details on the base and it is coming together so nicely and im so proud! I love it so much! Im selling this one but i might have to add one in my own collection if im being honest!
I was rewatching the first four seasons it just Made me think about how strange that we don’t really get much princess Luna and princess twilight content which I think is kinda strange that twilight has developed close relationships with princess celestia and princess cadence but we don’t get that kind of development for princess twilight relationship with princess Luna
I don't know just trying to be funny.
Twilight: How to train your dragon and for celestia sake NOT THE MOVIE.
Fluttershy: How to train your lord of chaos.
Applejack: Snow white doesn't like apples? If so fuck Snow white
Rarity: why do male stallions wear the princess dress?
Pinkie pie: is it ok to throw a party if your friend fails a crazy flying stunt?
Rainbow dash: can a sonic Rainboom be done while on fire?
Well this certaintly is a fitting punishment for her. Working for another fashionista and being told her work is trashed!! 🤣🤣