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Characters with humor like Basil Fawlty?

Basil fawlty has excellent banter humor with people in fawlty towers, is there any other characters like him?

23:14 UTC


How would you rank these (british) reality tv shows?

Big Brother, Love Island, The Apprentice, I'm a Celeb, Britain's Got Talent, X Factor, Married At First Sight, First Dates

for me, it'd be BB, Love Island, First Dates, The Apprentice, I'm a celeb, Married at first sight, X Factor and then finally BGT.

Just thought it would be an interesting question to ask :) ofc if you've not seen em just miss it out the ranking

22:40 UTC


New tricks

Currently on a binge watch of New Tricks really enjoy this series anyone else like this show

17:40 UTC


The sitcom isn’t endangered. We can all find something to laugh at – even Mrs Brown’s Boys | Michael Hogan

13:28 UTC


The Responder Season 1 ending was weak as piss

SPOILER Can someone explain to me how a wanky piece of paper that Chris gave Dr Gallagher suddenly excuses him from returning the drugs? How did he suddenly just convince a drug addict to hand over what could amount to millions in sales or a life times supply of "chocolate"? Would you give up a life times supply of cocaine that could make you rich? And that wanky piece of paper when the heavies gave it to that monster of a body guard only for him to come out and knods in agreement?! Like WTF ? Who ever was behind that door would have had them shot. Yeah it just didn't make sense.

08:20 UTC


B.B.C. panel show

Harry and Paul's Story of the Twos.

16:01 UTC


Anyone else grow up with Grange Hill?

10:18 UTC


Does anyone else remember these prank shows?

Does anyone remember either The Pranker or I am Spzticus? Both aired during the early 2010s and I don’t think I’ve heard anyone speak about them since they’ve aired. The Pranker starred comedian Ross Lee and I am Spzticus involved individuals with various disabilities pranking the general public. I think The Pranker aired on BBC3 and I am Sp*zticus aired on Channel 4 I believe.

00:23 UTC


Looking for the weirdest of the weird, creepy and grotesque British tv shows (preferably comedy)

For example, series like - Jam , the League of Gentlemen, Psychoville, monkey dust , brass eye

I’ve seen all these and I want moreeeeee

Edit: I should say you know those series which make you feel a bit queazy and have a really off/surreal/ bleak feel to them (jam lol)

Edit 2: I feel like Julia Davis is the queen of the genre I’m looking for lol

Thank u so much for the suggestions I’ve made a trakt list for them :)

22:18 UTC


Shows similar to life on mars

I'm 16 and finished life on mars and ashes to ashes a month ago, and would like to watch something that will give the same/a similar reaction when it ends. It does not have to have a twist at the end, but if it does, please do not let me know.

21:55 UTC


If Channel 4 was going to do another version of the Top 100 Greatest Kids Shows?

What would your top 100 choices and picks be?

20:24 UTC


Doctor Who?

How are people in the UK taking to the new Doctor Who? I myself feel that the writing was incredibly bad. Like the writers wrote down all their ideas and said, "Yep! Let's do it all!" I've only become a fan since lockdown but since then I've really grown to love the inclusivity, the morals, and the messages that have come from DW. Not only that but my wife and I have enjoyed the adventure, it's a fun roller coaster to watch. We watched so hard to catch up on the seasons so we could enjoy the new season this year and we did it just in time, unfortunately we got something that seems more like a fever dream of someone that only knows what they've been told about the doctor. I try not to hate anything but I am truly disappointed in this years season to the point I have checked out of a majority of its episodes. I am seeing things that DW or companion would never do on purpose when it comes to innocent's or loss of life and it happens on more than one occasion. Which brings me to my actual question, how do the locals feel about their beloved DW this year? Am I the only one feeling this way?

14:51 UTC


Popmaster TV anyone else a fan?

It’s on more4 and there seems to be some episodes with easy questions and some asking name the bass player of this one hit wonder from 1953.

Still fun though. Even if they seem to cast one smug know it all per episode who seemed to have spent years researching obscure songs. (Yes Portuguese man I’m talking about you) The champions contest start next Monday at 9pm if you’re interested.

Personally I find getting the name the video in one frame round the most satisfying.

07:39 UTC


About Prime Suspect....

Today I bought The Complete Prime Suspect boxed set from a charity shop. Really enjoying the first episode from 1991 ,but as it is going on for ages, like a long feature film, I am curios if anyone remembers when it first aired was it as one long episode, or staggered over a few days? Just idle curiosity but would love to know. Thanks.

18:03 UTC



I’ve a memory of Frank talking about “The Stone Roses” at spike island saying something along the lines of they had the chance to rule the world but they fucked it all up? Anyone remember what episode or what the actual quote was?

17:09 UTC


A TV show similar to Scrapheap Challenge, circa 1999-2005

I distinctly remember a show similar to Scrapheap Challenge where two rival teams were given identical vehicles and told to turn them into various racing cars. I can't for the life of me remember what is was called, and can't find any trace online.

In the episode I remember seeing they were given MK3 Transit vans and had to turn them into rally cars, then race them against each other. I think the race was like a WRC "Super Special Stage" where two off-road lanes intertwine. The losing team's vehicle got crushed in front of them (I think... Destroyed at least). Every episode started with a destructive drag race with banger cars, and I have a feeling the winner got to take home a brand new car (Vauxhall Omega in this particular episode... But I could be confusing that bit with a different program.

Now I think about it more I'm sure I recall another episode where each team got an original Range Rover to adapt. Can't recall into what though.

Tried googling, but to no avail.

Edit Found the show! It was "Panic Mechanics" https://lostmediawiki.com/Panic_Mechanics_(lost_BBC_Two_game_show;_2002)

16:48 UTC


Help Find BBC? Iraq War Documentaries

I'm hoping the collective can help me identify a documentary series that the BBC (I think) aired sometime in the mid-to-late 2000's about the Iraq war.

I recall it having a few episodes, and it showed a lot of footage likely taken by embedded reporters; two scenes that stick in my mind are of Royal Marines using hovercraft in a wetland area and at one point the two craft end up shooting at each other mistaking themselves as enemy attackers on the riverbanks; and another of Warrior APC's on a road being attacked by people.

It's possible it was a Panorama series, but they tend to be one-off shows and I'm sure this was a series, each episode focusing on a different team, military branch or something.

Any help appreciated, I've been wondering what this series was for years now and would like to see if it's on YouTube or similar.

12:13 UTC


BBC comedy boss refuses to say he thinks Mrs Brown's Boys is funny ... what do you think?

The BBC Director of Comedy has refused to answer a seemingly simple question: Does he find Mrs Brown's Boys funny?

TV exec Jon Petrie awkwardly brushed off the question as some of the millions of UK TV licence payers demand Mrs Brown's Boys get the axe.

What do you think, is Mrs Brown's Boys funny? And would you keep the show going if you had all the power? Interesting one.


11:57 UTC


Summertime in suburbia: Help to find a drama

As I look out of my window and let myself think that Summer has finally made it, I dimly recalled a hot suburban murder mystery drama on (I think) ITV in the 90s? I think it was a one off too.

Set in a heat wave a suburb is traumatised by the discovery of a body of a teenage girl in the woods, and the drama centres around the family of the local police officer. SPOILER ALERT >!it turns out to be the police officer's young son who was sexually humiiliated by the victim and lashed out!<

Can anyone else remember this? I seem to recall very good languid, heatwave vibes from the setting.

10:29 UTC


This is the news!

18:13 UTC


Looking for tv play 2012 or earlier.

Saw this on tv approx 2012 so could well be an earlier repeat. It involved a mother and daughter. The daughter was gay and had a girlfriend who wore leathers and had a motorbike. I think the couple were getting married but it all fell through. There was a twist at the end where the mother put on a leather jacket and rode off with the daughter's girlfriend. I think the mother was a famous British actress. I think it was a one off play. Anyone remember it? It's bugging me who the mother was! Thanks.

1 Comment
17:38 UTC


Which one out of The league of Gentlemen, Psychoville or Inside No. 9 do you prefer?

This has been asked before but seeing as no9 has finished I thought I’d ask it on here today!

I’ve never actually seen psychoville but I’m planning on giving it a watch tonight as it sounds like a bit of me lol. Inside number 9 is of course brilliant, definitely in my top 10 favourite series ever, but For me, The league of gentlemen is my number 1 favourite series of all time and definitely made my sense of humour what it is. I think I quote it probably every day (I literally don’t think I’ve called a can of coke, a can of coke in a good few years - it’s exclusively an “I can I can’t” in my house lol)

Edit just to add I know these series aren’t necessarily comparable because they’re quite different !

Edit #2 just finished watching the first episode of psychoville- idk why I never watched this before considering LoG has been my favourite series a decade! I love the grotesque creepy stuff Reece and Steve does

15:54 UTC


1990s/2000s Tv show about bugs?

I'm wracking my brains to find what this show was called!

It was not drawn cartoon, but animated, or puppets?

I remember flying insects and possibly ants and spiders.

I vagely remember a practically gyrating catterpillar in a cucoon about to turn into a butterfly.

A praying mantis may have been the bad guy.

Does anybody have a clue? It could have been 1990s or early 2000s?

15:51 UTC


Help me find an 80s or maybe late 70s British Sci Fi TV show? They fall through water into a passage way to tube like rooms with kinda gooey looking white walls? It also had images of small round rocks falling into the water. Thames production, maybe made for kids?

Please help me find and 80s or late 70s British Sci Fi TV show? Takes place on earth, they fall through water into a passage way to tube like rooms with kinda gooey looking white walls? It also had images of small round rocks falling into the water like meditation. Thames production because is had the picture of the big stone home on the water at the end. Thanks!

05:59 UTC


Are there any shows similar to Wolf?

I've been trying to find a new show that I can get excited about and the most recent one I can think of was Wolf with Iwan Rheon. I'm not sure exactly what it was about it but it just had a fun, compulsive quality that I feel like I've been trying to find since. I'd be so grateful for any recommendations of anything similar that I can binge on my day off tomorrow

22:46 UTC


Queenie- episode 1

I love this show so far!lt makes me uncomfortable as a white woman, but I identify, and I've only watched half an episode so far!

It's funny and uncomfortable, is my verdict. But I'm not sure I'm brave enough to continue.

21:55 UTC


The Cops - Now on BBC4

I know this 90s cop show, starring John Henshaw among others, has been mentioned on here over the years.

Not seen it on TV in years but the first 4 episodes are showing tonight on BBC4 and a Quick Look on iPlayer shows all 3 series. It’s fantastic and well worth a watch for fans of the genre.

Apologies if this has been covered already.

21:41 UTC

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