Hellllloooooooo! A reddit all about Jerry, George, Elaine and Kramer. Don't forget Uncle Leo!!
Hellllloooooooo! A reddit all about Jerry, George, Elaine and Kramer. Don't forget Uncle Leo!
Of course you can cheat, but I think we’ll all be comfortable within the confines of the honour 👆👉👈 system.
I’ll start.
What were the three characteristics Elaine asked / guessed to Jerry of Bizarro Superman?
Do you think it was the tennis ball that hit his head?
I've seen a few Seinfeld episodes before, but now I'm watching the entirety of it on Netflix. I have found that I really, really want to watch the show without the laughing/laugh tracks. Any chance that it's been done?
He already knew her name and yearbooks aren't going to have phone numbers. This still keeps me up at night.
I always pay attention to posters in the background, it's something I can't help, and I noticed a strange poster during "The Cigar Store Indian" episode while Elaine rides the subway. It says, "Pay less taxes without having to declare yourself a church."
I did some research and it turns out that it was an ad by Ikea. In 1992, Ikea ran ads in parts of New Jersey and parts of New York offering NJ customers a 3% discount on a 6% sales tax and a 5¼ percent discount on an 8¼ percent discount for NY customers. This pissed off city officials, who wanted to track down customers and force them to pay the full sales tax! Lol!
Relaxing this evening with the classics
Quickest edit I could do before both the idea and the lecture topic disappeared from my head