Workaholics is a television sitcom that premiered on Comedy Central on April 6, 2011. The series is predominantly written by its stars Blake Anderson, Adam DeVine, and Anders Holm who play three recent college graduates, roommates, and co-workers at Telamericorp, a telemarketing company, living in Rancho Cucamonga, California. Television veteran Kevin Etten is the series' showrunner. It is a slacker comedy with an ironic title.
Resources | |
Comedy Central | Much Music |
Wikipedia | |
IMDB | Hulu |
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Anders | Maribeth Monroe (Alice) |
Adam | Jillian Bell |
Blake | Erik Griffin (Montez) |
Kyle | Waymond Lee |
Animation | |
Adventure Time | Archer |
Aqua Teen Hunger Force | Bob's Burgers |
Futurama | King of the Hill |
South Park | The Life & Times of Tim |
The Simpsons |
…bisexual tweakers, these are my best friends.
Who needs a job when you could eat Doritos and watch Brazzers all day ?
I get To Friend a Predator being removed... But anyone know why Checkpoint Gnarly is also removed from season 1? Can see it's still on Hulu in the US...
Someone posted on the episode discussion thread 7 years ago YouTube links to the episode in question but they have long since been deleted does anyone know specifically which contestant Blake was impersonating?