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Better Call Saul


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Was Gus really going to let Walt go after his contract was up considering that he and Jesse knew about his operation?

I am divided on this. One idea is that Gus would honor his agreement with Walt and Jesse and let them go after paying them. The other idea is that both Gus and Mike are practical, and would've saw both of them as loose ends.

03:10 UTC


Rewatching after a long time

Wow! I watched the series here and there but was busy raising my kids so never got too into it. I knew it was good, just wasn't a priority. Just rewatced the entire series. It's an absolute masterpiece. Everything from the acting, directing, writing. Everything deliberate and meaningful in advancing the plot. The Fly was the only clunker in there and I understood it was budgeting/timing thing so i get it. And its even funny some of the time. When walt shoots Mike and he goes "sorry I just realized that I could have gotten the list from Lydia" i laughed my butt off.would Jr really be that convinced that walt killed Hank though?? Idk maybe after the lies he didn't know what to think. It's wild to see the similarities in Hank and Walt too. They both couldn't let it go and it cost them. I guess Walt dying was the only way to end it. The boys family got closure. I guess he indirectly caused that. The other criminals probably would have killed walt and or family or jesse and wouldn't the Dea/Hank killed those guys given the chance? Well one did kill Hank. Idk walts not excused but he was a dead man anyway.

01:45 UTC


My wife keeps saying "Walt wouldn't hurt a kid!"

We are on season 4 episode 12 end times and she fully believes Walt. She 100% believes Gus poison Brock and she has said five times in a row "walt would never hurt a kid" And keep in mind my wife is a certified genius and she's figure out most plans. She knew the drink Gus gave eladio was poison from the get-go. But she truly believes Walt would never hurt Brock. Can't wait till face off.

00:30 UTC


What name would you give to a Gus Fring spin-off?

Not saying I would want one to happen, but if a Gus Fring spin-off were to come out focused on his time in Chile, what would you name it? My best guesses are "Santiago" or "Los Pollos Hermanos", but those feel too generic honestly.

20:41 UTC


For someone watching for the first time, do you watch El Camino before or after better call saul?

I know it released in the middle of better call Saul but I imagine since it's a prequel it will be better to just watch El Camino right after breaking bad since it's a direct continuation. Is this a correct assumption?

15:03 UTC


If you were the farmers the Salamanca twins left the Mercedes with, what would you do with the car?

Initially I thought those people would just sell it or keep it for themselves.

But how would you know they aren't coming back for it and wanted you to hold it?

So I think I'd just keep it there and never drive it and maintain it as best I could 🤣

However, now I've got thieves to consider! What if it's stolen?? I'm fucked.

Maybe have to build a garage for it?

These are tough times

10:25 UTC


Someone explain

How is it that Gus built a super lab so that he could stray away from the cartels meth and build his own meth empire. However, in season 3 after he met with Juan Bolsa, hector and the twins he told them clearly he was working with Walter in manufacturing his own meth as he “always does business with local manufacturers”. Am i missing something because doesn’t that mean he’s straying away from the cartels meth and going against them??

I think I’m not seeing things clearly and I could be really wrong (don’t berate me in the comments) can someone just explain so I can wrap my head around this potential plot hole.

Thanks 🙏

08:47 UTC


Why do people say Gail deserved what happened to him

I get he was in drugs and he should of EXPECTED stuff like that to happen but ignorance shouldn’t mean he deserved it he’s a kind dude who didn’t understand what he was doing

05:14 UTC


How much money does Jesse have in the end of El Camino?

This question was asked a few years ago but the answers were all varied so i'm wondering if anyone knows?

04:10 UTC


Why did Walter go in the sink?

I rewatching and in episode 3 of season 3, after Skyler ignores Walter when she's locked herself in the bedroom taking care of Holly, Walter asks to come in to use the bathroom. After being denied, Walter then takes a piss in the kitchen sink. It seems like he walks past the guest bathroom, even reaching his hand out and contemplating, but then just bee-lines it to a sink that he's going to use later... that Jr. is going to use later... that food is going to be around. I guess maybe he did it out of spite after smelling the cigarette smoke, but Walter Jr. didn't need to catch a piss stray.

22:45 UTC


Gus Frings lab being financially viable

Gus Fring in breaking bad says to make his lab financially viable he needs 200 pounds of meth a week. Jesse calculated that to be over 96 million dollars or so give or take in 3 months. He also mentions to Gale he has so much overhead he can’t afford the lab to not work for a single week. Is it really that expensive, I mean, he owns the laundry, he owns the lab, the equipment and he does have a steady supply of resources to make it. He does employ several people. He also owns a restaurant chain, is the lab actually that expensive or is he simply saying all this because he just wants to earn as much as possible

22:28 UTC



I’m in later half of season 4 when Walt goes to Jesse’s house and tells him that he must kill Gus. Why do you think Gus did not bug Jesse’s house? After all Mike bugged Walt’s house almost right away? With his Meticulousness, it very surprising…

21:47 UTC


An idea for Breaking Bad spinoff..

Skylar White is co-owner of a car wash with an unconventional management style. Although she does the bookkeeping herself and is absent from her office half the time, all her day-to-day solutions seem to prioritize saving time versus saving money. Recurring characters include Bogdan, the car wash’s previous owner, and Marie, the quirky klepto- sister, who both for one reason or another prefer to show up when Skylar isn’t around. Hilarity ensues when they discover her mainly public scrutiny-avoiding fixes. Will this fledgling small business ever turn a profit?

The title of the show is, “The Front”.

20:14 UTC


Which episodes need forced subs?

Does anyone know which episodes of BB and BCS have foreign languages spoken so I can make sure i don’t miss any while downloading subtitles?

1 Comment
18:36 UTC


Just noticed that the website Hank is buying rocks from is not a website but a locally hosted HTML document


you can see the URL bar at the top, it's locally hosted on the C drive of the computer he's using. I thought they would have created a dedicated website like they did for savewalterwhite

15:30 UTC


Season 5 WW was so sloppy, just to further the plot.

  1. He would have destroyed the book from Gale as soon as he'd been shot. To think that he would leave it in his own house after he knew Hank had seen a reference to WW written down is ludicrous.

  2. When Hank was about to get shot he would never have admitted that the money was buried in the location they were all at. He's not some sheltered civilian at this point. It would be obvious they would kill Hank and take the money. They also would have killed WW for sure and never given him a barrel, this was more poor writing. They had Jesse now to be an indentured cook. Would be dangerous to leave WW alive.

WW would have said. 'I'll give you 5 million tomorrow. Just let us both go.' After Hank was safe he would have either sent the money or taken them out.

  1. WW would never have even offered money for Hank, he would have said. 'This is our inside man on the DEA. How do you think I've been getting away with all of this? If he dies the operation is over and the other DEA agents who have turned will assassinate us all.'

  2. He would have realised that he could have gotten the men's names in jail off Lydia. Mike was only killed to have a big death at that point. Also, no way in hell Mike would let Walt bring his go bag and not Saul or Jesse.

  3. He would have noticed the dirt was different surrounding the money barrel. Hank's line that WW would have been too worked up just doesn't wash. We have constantly seen WW in precarious situations and he was able to think logically and keep his cool in those situations. Also how would Jesse have found the buried money in the first place? Even WW needed the GPS coordinates written down.

I'm sure there are other instances, this is just off the top of my head. I understand there needs to be some suspension of disbelief when watching a show and the plot does need to be driven forward. But a character should still stay true to themselves and you can't change an evil mastermind into a fool just because you need to wrap things up.

13:56 UTC


I build the Breaking Bad RV Lab by BlueBrixx!

07:56 UTC


On rewatch Saul honestly deserved a bigger cut.

I'm operating under the assumption that Saul is a pretty successful small businessman, bringing in multi six figures in annual income, a millionaire in assets. For a man that is already well off he is taking an extreme risk as the series goes on, an inevitable co-conspirator if Walt's cover is ever exposed(which is what happens), not to mention the threat of violence. For just 5%, roughly a 150k portion of the 3 million he is facilitating Walt's money laundering, constantly getting him and Jessie's ass out of the fire, and giving the services of his employees in major felony, in some case capital crimes. If he had some kind of legal seperation it might be different, but if he's basically accepting the same risk as walt and jessie he should honestly be getting something that's near an equal partner.

06:45 UTC


Thoughts about Hank's personality

I just finished the 4th season of the show and recalling the past episodes wherein Hank was hospitalized, he was so cruel to Marie and I just felt awful for Marie. 🤷

Hank depicts a strong character and a good uncle to Walt Jr. and I don't know how to think of about him. Well yeah, considering he's in the hospital and it's depressing but he firmly portray entitlement in the family.

06:27 UTC


Mike’s phonecall to Inspector Dave Clark


Starting at 2:18, Mike is on the phone posing as a USPS worker with an Inspector Clark. The reason for this call was to ascertain whether or not the cops had gotten hold of Gus’s laptop. My question is, how was Mike able to verify that with this phonecall? Mike’s talking about meter fraud, and he asks “you folks have it over there, could you tell me that at least?”. How did this conversation pertain to Gus, and how did Mike get the info he needed? I never understood the context of this phonecall.

05:23 UTC


Rewatch review: Skyler's awesome

On this rewatch, Skyler's story is taking center stage for me and holy shit, she's awesome.

Most of us are with Walt on the first watch through and we marvel at his ambition and ingenuity, overlooking his many flaws.

But Skyler is AMAZING. She masterminds the acquisition of the car wash front, the gambling lie, the bookkeeping coverup, and handles the Beneke loose end - all while Saul and Walt yap in her ear about laser tag, Dannys, and providing for the family (LOL, stfu Walt).

With the limited knowledge she had of Walt's actions, she sets him up with a credible front so he could operate until he was ready to walk away.

She is a fool to do so but she does it out of fear - Walt terrorizes her and won't leave their family alone. She's in an abusive relationship.


Much of the vitriol unfairly directed toward Skyler stems from the traditional gender roles that play out in her marriage, hence all the bitching about her being a bad mother (smoking) and a bad wife (cheating). Walt uses the idea of "a man provides" to justify his ruthless ambition and expects her to stay home, raise the kids, and support her husband. To the very end, they fulfill these roles with Walt scaring G&E into ensuring his family's financial security and Skyler tasked with holding her family together in the aftermath.

Remove these roles from the equation and you have two people responsible for providing their family with financial, emotional, and physical security. Walt fulfills the first at the expense of the second and third, and it's really just a side effect of his unchecked ambition. Skyler, despite the terrible circumstances, uses her resources (intelligence, connections, storytelling abilities) to fulfill all three.

21:36 UTC


Why did hank throw Tucos grill in the river?

I mightve missed something, but is there a reason hank discarded tucos grill in the river considering its memorabilia of him taking down one of the biggest drug lords in the area? i thought he would take pride in having that.

00:12 UTC


It’s a shame that breaking bad never had a clip show, here’s to hoping they make one still!

Nothing is better than a good ol fashioned clip show. They can do one of all of Jesse’s antics, then Saul comes in through the window and then they go over his. And maybe even Mike makes an appearance! Also at one point Walt can say to Jesse “well we had some good times right?” To which Jesse replies “ya I guss’”. Then you hear “did somebody say Gus!” And out cums Gus Fring (jacked version), and then everybody goes “GUS!”

I just know it would be an all timer

23:47 UTC

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