
Photograph via snooOG

A place to discuss AMC’s Mad Men, a critically acclaimed psychological period-drama series that earned sixteen Emmys and five Golden Globes.

Episode discussion list

A place to discuss Mad Men, AMC's first foray into producing television.

The show is critically acclaimed and award-winning, earning nine Emmys and four Golden Globes. It is the first basic cable series to win the Emmy Award for Outstanding Drama Series, winning the award in 2008 and 2009.

So go get a bottle of scotch and a glass, and kick back in your favorite easy chair with your favorite brand of smokes. We'll be here after each episode.

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Wasn't Don Draper too old at 29 to start working in an advertising agency?

We watch many beginners in the course of the series. Most of them are in the early stages of their 20s. We know from Don that he didn't join Sterling Cooper until he was 29 at the earliest. So, much later.

By today's standards in advertising agencies, I think that's very late. How did Don feel about that?

14:29 UTC


Dialogue Question

Is it some sort of writing method when constructing dialogue between characters to have one ask a question and the other to never answer it, avoid it, or topic hop altogether? I know other shows do it, but Mad Men does it constantly. Not a critique, one of the best shows of all time. Just wondering if that’s a writing thing.

21:14 UTC


Mad Men returns on ROKU - AMC Showcase

Mad Men returns on Monday July 1 2024 at 12:30 AM AMC Showcase channel !

21:05 UTC


s6e6 For Immediate Release

  1. When Pete slips and falls down the stairs while talking to and being angry with Don, was that planned or did Vincent just slip and everyone just kept on going - either way a bit of humorous reality? Those shoes could be so slick!

  2. Why was Joan so upset with Don when Son fires Herb from Jaguar? I agree with Don, "300 pounds lighter!" The whole argument of "Honestly Don if I could've dealt with him then so could you!" And "Now wait? I did this all for morning??" Was ridiculous.

First, no one should've ever had to deal with him. Having him gone is the only thing that makes sense. Enduring him endlessly should've never been the plan. Use him and get him out.

Second, she's lost nothing. Her position is exactly the same as it was. She'll

Still make the same amount she was going to. They will still go public, just not in that particular way. She still has the shares she "bought" / exchanged for services rendered. How did she think she held some kind of high ground as long as Herb was around?

Joan mercurial nature know no bounds.

16:41 UTC


How do I tell my Client/Boss that napping in my office will actually help my creativity and his company.

Only half-joking here.

P.S. I've been working from home full-time for pretty much the last 4 years but recently had a kid so focus doesn't come quite like it did, so now in the office 2 days a week.

04:48 UTC


Don verse the Hippie - - Existential Thoughts

When Don tells off the hippie I always kinda sided with Don. He is afterall the cool one in that convo.

But it's kind of interesting. Cause the show is kinda about Don being materialistic and a womanizer to deal with his trauma.

But isn't the hippie's 'fuck capitalism' also a trauma response? Like somewhere the system rubbed him wrong (or traumatized him) and his response it to say 'fuck society'.

Trauma might not even have anything to do with it for the hippie. I suppose my question is: why does Don - and ultimately a lot of other people - attempt to heal his/their wounds with stuff while others reject the 'stuff' because they think the stuff is the problem?

Suppose it comes down to which way personal experience cuts a person. Just curious to hear feedback on the matter I guess.

02:51 UTC


In the beginning of a rewatch, I’m always stunned by how Peggy began as a character

Currently on my 5th series rewatch.

Peggy’s so meek and unassuming in the beginning. It’s painful watching Pete jerk her around, in spite of knowing what a strong backbone she’ll develop later on. Some part of me wants to skip ahead to season three, but catching so many small set ups that’ll pay off in the future makes me ride it out.

Do any of you feel similarly?

02:32 UTC


When Don runs to Rachel Menken...

When Don runs to Rachel Menken after Roger's heart attack, that's all manipulation, right? He is certainly upset and looking for comfort, but his little desperate emotional outburst feels like a routine so that she'll sleep with him. He's a good actor, using his real emotional state to get her to do what he wants, but it feels very dark and predatory.

23:59 UTC

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