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Television premiere calendar is U.S. based. Updated by u/NicholasCajun

Date Platform Name Description
Jul 17 Syfy The Ark Season 2
Jul 17 Netflix The Green Glove Gang Season 2
Jul 17 Hulu UnPrisoned Season 2
Jul 18 Netflix Cobra Kai Season 6
Jul 18 Max Kite Man: Hell Yeah! Series Premiere
Jul 18 Netflix Master of the House Thai Premiere
Jul 18 Peacock Those About to Die Series Premiere
Jul 19 Apple TV+ Lady in the Lake Miniseries Premiere
Jul 21 AMC Snowpiercer Season 4
Jul 22 The CW 61st Street Season 2
Jul 24 HBO Charlie Hustile & The Matter of Pete Rose Docuseries Premiere
Jul 24 Apple TV+ Time Bandits Series Premiere
Jul 25 Netflix The Decameron Series Premiere
Jul 25 Netflix Tokyo Swindlers Japanese Premiere
Jul 26 Netflix Elite Season 8
Jul 26 NBC Olympic Games Opening Ceremony Special Event
Jul 26 Netflix Pulang Araw Filipino Premiere
Jul 29 Hulu Futurama Season 12


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Contemporary TV show recommendations?

The Boys S4? The Bear S3?? The Halo TV show??? Another The Walking Dead garbage season?! These are all shit. Can someone give me any good recommendations pls?

16:31 UTC


Agatha All Along Trailer

After watching this trailer, I am the only one who wants 5 seasons of Kathryn Hahn in a procedural crime drama? Don't get me wrong, I'll watch Agatha All Along and I'll probably enjoy it, but they really hooked me with those first 30 seconds, that's the show I want to binge.

15:39 UTC


13 episodes is the perfect amount for a fully serialized show.

13 for fully serialized, 22 for semi serialized and episodic, 6-8 for miniseries.

That is the perfect amount of episodes for each type of show. Most of these shows that get 6-8 episodes are either forced to stretch a movie into multiple episodes or forced to cram 20 episodes into 6-8 episodes. There’s never enough time to have a breather episode or a chill episode where the stakes are low and we are just exploring the world or the characters. It’s always about plot plot plot.

Don’t get me wrong, 6-8 episode seasons can absolutely work well but ONLY when it’s meant to have that many the vast majority of shows are forced to have that many. It’s why shows often feel hollow and unexplored. 13 should really be the minimum for serialized shows that are meant to last for multiple seasons.

Like what do you mean there’s only 42 episodes of stranger things in 10 years? I know it’s an extreme example but a lot of shows are like this now. It’s exhausting not having any new comfort shows with 20 episodes and 8 seasons.

Streaming has completely ruined the television landscape and people now want extremely long movies cut up into episodes instead of a real tv show.

15:36 UTC


Alone is one of the most intense “Reality Competition” Shows I’ve ever watched

I spent some time relaxing over the weekend and decided to finally sit through this show "Alone".

When I heard about the concept, it reminded me immediately of "Survivor" and this show I use to watch called "Solitary" where 9 people are placed in individual pods and are put in endurance contests in hopes to win $50,000.

This show is pretty much if these two had a child that went on to compete in the Olympics.

The concept is just 10 survivalists placed in an uninhabitable area of the world, and told to simply survive until they're the last person remaining. And if they do, they can win $500,000-$1,000,000

I'm not sure exactly how they set their shots and what type of, if any, manipulation is done, but it is really fascinating to see these people try to outlast nature and simply survive.

In the first episode alone, a person has to wind up leaving because they are stalked by black bears in the middle of the night right next to his makeshift tent. It is unbelievable how dangerous this show is.

15:35 UTC


Do you think the monster of the week format could come back

I don't know... I kind of miss it. When it done right and combined with long story arc, it can be really incredible. Some of the greatest shows used this format like Buffy The Vampire Slayer, The X-Files, Veronica Mars...

I'm actually working on a project with this kind of format.

What do you think ?

15:06 UTC


How faithful to the novel is the "The Name of the Rose" miniseries from 2019?

It's been years since I've watched the movie adaption with Sean Connery. I understand that it more or less removed everything but the criminal/mystery plot from the novel.

Now I have watched the miniseries, and am wondering if all of the content that is in the series but not in the movie - the whole Anna, daughter of Dolcino arc for example - is faithful to the novel.

14:19 UTC


How Jon Stewart Stays Hopeful In Uncertain Times | The Daily Show

13:59 UTC


Im on season 2 episode 9 of The O.C and so far it's an AMAZING start

Although the season so far hasn't managed to reach the heights of season 1, I don't know, there's a certain freshness to this season. For example, unlike season 1, I feel that the episodes end less with cliffhangers. Like, there's a lot going on during the episode, but at the end, it's peaceful and calm (Oh, and this season is so funny. Where season 1 was dramatic and stressful on virtually every front, season 2 is light and peaceful). I love Ryan this season. He seems more invested in the Cohen family, his friendship with Seth is at its peak and I know I'm probably going to get hate for this but .... I like him with Lindsay. He seems less stressed with her than he was with Marissa during...the whole of season 1. Ah, and strangely enough, The O.C. is the only teen series where I'm interested in the parents' stories. Usually, I find it boring and unnecessary to the story, but in this series it's different. I'm interested in the parents AND the kids.

13:35 UTC


Arcane: Season 2 | Official Clip | November on Netflix

12:06 UTC


What’s your favourite series finale?

Hey everyone I’m a big sucker for a good tear jerking and intense finale. My two favourites are Sopranos and Bojack (the final two episodes if that counts). What are yours?

07:45 UTC


The Bear Season 3

Sorry I'm a bit late to this party.

That was NOT a season - it was Season 3 Part 1. Hardly any resolution, hardly any plot and so so much filler. The Carmy / Claire storyline hardly moved, the Carmy / Richie storyline hardly moved, Marcus got next to nothing and, barring the great episodes with Tina and Sugar, it may as well have not existed. Not to mention ending without even telling us about the review.

Also, why did the Fak stuff go on for so long?? It was unfunny and dragged out for way too long.

Hoping Season 4 salvages it because Season 1 and 2 are some of the best TV I've ever seen.

07:40 UTC


Cartographers for Social Equality - The West Wing

07:29 UTC


Can you tell me the name of a series that you feel reflects your life?

Can you tell me the name of a series that you feel reflects your life? This could be a movie that mirrors your experiences, challenges, or roles in life, whether it relates to personal struggles, financial issues, or even the transition from hero to villain or any supporting role.

07:23 UTC


What actors were absolutely perfect for their character/role?

So I’m just finishing up Halt and Catch Fire and this is my first real Lee Pace exposure and I can’t help but think like damn this guy nailed the role. I know he’s in Foundation and I’ve been wanting to watch that but idk if when I get around to doing it, I’ll be able to picture him as anyone but Joe Macmillan. Maybe I’m just naive here, but I think he’s overlooked as an actor and I really enjoyed watching him throughout this series.

What other actors absolutely nailed the role they were cast in? The other obvious one that comes to mind for me is Walton Goggins as Boyd Crowder or Cillian Murphy as Thomas Shelby.

Curious to your opinions

04:10 UTC


Finally watching Northern Exposure, and really loving it

Growing up in the mid-late 90s, I remember Northern Exposure reruns playing on tv but I never ended up watching it. I recall it being fairly popular back in the day but I feel like it pretty much completely dropped off the pop culture radar.

Lately I’ve been in the mood for a low stakes comedy with a cozy vibe and a lot of people recommended Northern Exposure specifically for that. So I decided to finally give it a shot.

It really is a wonderful little show. It’s funny, charming and can be surprisingly emotional at times. The ensemble cast really makes it, and it’s just a great time spending time with the eccentric characters. The recommendations were right on the money when it comes to the tone and vibes - this is the definition of a chill, cozy show where nothing big ever really happens but it’s a comfort to just ease into the world of Cicely for about an hour at a time and enjoy the atmosphere and charm.

It’s honestly slowly becoming one of my favourite show. I haven’t really found anything else that scratches this specific itch, other than maybe Schitts Creek with the whole “big city folks have to make their way in a small town” fish out of water angle.

02:18 UTC


Most Unskippable Tv Show Theme Songs

American Dad- Been years rewatching this and I've never been able to skip this mf intro

Game Of Thrones

Ben 10



The Office

The Sopranos



True Detective

Bojack Horseman outro too

Arrested Development

Which ones have left out? Tell me.

00:55 UTC


Riverdale has to be the worst show to have ever been on television.

So a couple weeks ago I had a bad case of pneumonia. I was half dead in the sofa and my wife was looking for some show to stream. She picked Riverdale. I’m older so after the first few minutes, I figured out it was based on Archie Comics. Season one Archie is a freshman in highschool and is banging the music teacher. I thought, okay this obviously isn’t subject matter that was ever in the comics. The fact that the show downplayed statutory rape was kinda messed up.

At first I couldn’t figure out if the storyline was that weird/bad or it was my fever. I had a 101-102 fever for 4 days, I was having actual fever dreams and borderline hallucinating. I went to the ER finally and got pumped full of antibiotics and from that point I was getting better.

Recovering on the couch I was still watching that show with my wife off and on while on my phone. With the fever gone and a clear mind, I was absolutely shocked at how long that show was on. All these great shows that got cancelled after one or two seasons but somehow Riverdale was on for 7 seasons.

Pretty sure I got a little dumber after watching some of it. Riverdale has to be the worst show of all time. Not for just the terrible writing, but the fact there were so many episodes of that trash and it lasted 7 seasons.

00:46 UTC


Fun TV series mashups

so this idea came to me from another post.

Lost, but with the cast of Gilligan's Island

The Bear, but with the cast of Alice

White Lotus, but with the cast of Fantasy Island.

What ideas can you come up with?

23:37 UTC


Battle of 2 classics?

Miami vice or Starsky and Hutch? Now i know Miami Vice was major hit for its time but I never watched Starsky and Hutch, is it worth the try?

22:29 UTC


Ray Stevenson - He was one of my favorite actors and I still didn't appreciate his work enough. . .

Fell in love with him in ROME. His Punisher is THE definitive Punisher for me as a fan of Garth Ennis/Punisher/MAX. Loved him in Dexter. Made the most out of his tiny role as Volstagg. His inclusion in Ahsoka is what made me watch it. His cartoonish villainy in RRR was great. Delighted when I finally finished off Black Sails this year that he was in the final seasons. And now i'm finishing up Vikings and lo, and behold! My man!

RIP, good sir.

I wonder what roles stood out for y'all from this man's filmography?

22:10 UTC


What do you believe to be the greatest show of all time?

Please explain why if you are able. Either through passion, a historical lens, an evolutionary one.. It doesn’t really matter, I just want to know why this is the hill you’re standing on.

if anyone wants an extra question that they could answer, what show do you think will be next to become “one of the greats”?

22:05 UTC


Andor | Kino Loy’s Monologue

19:53 UTC


Ghost Hunters

Anyone else here watch this series? I just have it on in the background. Watched it as a kid and just kinda still continued with it now.

Also watch Kindred Spirits but these are really the only two shows like this I watch. Have tried Ghost Adventures and some others but found those shows to be too bro like. I realize all the shows kinda have that vibe, but GH and KS to me are less like that.

17:26 UTC


Some of the reasons why Season 5 is , for me, the superior season of Buffy and one of the greatest hour of television

Buffy The Vampire Slayer is without a doubt one of the greatest series of all time and my all time favorite alongside with The Sopranos, Breaking Bad, Angel and The Good PLace. Seasons 2,3 and 5 are up there as peak television but here's why I think Season 5 is superior :

Season 5 is a season that had already been programmed by the writers, that's obvious. The series had already begun throwing out parts that led up to Dawn's arrival in the season 3 finale and then in parts of season 4. The Slayer's responsibilities had already been explored in season 2 with the forbidden romance of Buffy and Angel, then her identity had been put to the test through the iconic rivalry of Buffy and Faith, who each represented the bad and good sides of a Slayer's power in season 3, and season 4 sees Buffy afraid that being the Slayer will end her alone and in darkness. The story of season 4 actually ends with the episode "Prmival", not "Restless". Restless, which for me is one of the greatest episodes of all time, was more of a springboard into the story of season 5, setting the scene for future character development and intrigue. Although some people find season 6 controversial, it is also the result of some of the events produced in Restless, from Willow's transformation to Xander's fear of growing up. Season 5 is a masterpiece crafted by the writers. Each episode serves up Buffy's ultimate sacrifice in the episode "The Gift". "Fool For Love" allows an exploration of the Slayer's death wish, while setting up certain elements of Spike and Buffy's relationship, "Checkpoint" makes Buffy realize the power she holds, "the Body" takes away one of Buffy's most precious bonds in this world, while she has to become a responsible adult, "Intervention" has her questioning her ability to love and reclaiming her concept of love and affection, and "The Gift" is just the culmination of all her events and probably one of the greatest finale of all time. Everything just takes place, and it's so WILD. Oh and I love the fact that the show run for two more seasons because season 6 is dark and depressing but realistic and harsh, with the Dark Wilow arc as a bonus and season 7 is good, not like ht eprevious season but give my favorite relationship of the whole thing (except Tara and Willow, no one touch my babies).

I just can't express my love for this season, it's too great for it's own good.

16:06 UTC


Krazy's Attack on Team Supacell - Supacell

15:54 UTC


'Episodes' is the best thing Matt Le Blanc has ever done

I know he hasn't done much outside of Friends, but I honestly think that Episodes is better than Friends

It has a very interesting combination of British and American humour, and Matt pulls off a very hilarious fictional version of himself. I revisited both Friends and Episodes recently, and I find that Episodes is much funnier and also more engaging.

14:51 UTC


What is the single funniest episode in sitcom history?

My vote goes to Boy Meets World season 5 episode 17 And Then There Was Shawn. As far as laughs per minute and the pop culture references, this episode was a trailblazer for the fast paced sitcoms of today.

14:39 UTC

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