Whose Line Is It Anyway (WLIIA) is a short-form improvisational comedy television show that aired on Channel 4 in the UK and ABC in the United States. Featuring regular performers Drew Carey, Colin Mochrie, Ryan Stiles, Wayne Brady and guest stars including Greg Proops, Brad Sherwood, Chip Esten, and Jeff Davis.
Come join us as we post some of our favorite moments from a classic show. If you need help finding an episode, check out Whose Line Online
Feel free to post any of your favorite episodes or moments from Whose Line is it Anyway (US or UK version). Also feel free to post clips from other Improv shows featuring the Whose Line cast.
Here are some things to help you get started:
Here are Colin’s ending lines, just for clarity’s sake.
“He’s worn a thong for hours!”
“Ha, ha ha, hee hee!”
“It looked like someone had beat her!”
“I’ll rub Colin’s head!”
“Be a host on TV!”
“He put my stone back in my end!”
“I’ll redecorate, I’m gay!”
“I’ll rip out his heart!”
“Sitting on my ash!”
“My pants fall on the floor!”
“You can get poo from fuhd (food)!”
“I peed my pants!”
“And then we both will fart!”
“There’s blood in my stool!”
“She was a man!”
“Oops, I pooed!”
“Oh, grand!”
“She took her thong off in any weather!”
“She has gravel in her snot!”
“Joe had a nice bone!”
“I’ll comb it over, eh!”
I’m certain there is a hoedown where Colin pretends to have a heart attack and die! Can anyone find it for me please I’ve been searching for ages!!!!!
It was one of the women, and she said "Hi welcome to *Bleep* can I take you order?" and I remember the crowd going NUTS. Does anybody know what I'm talking about? AM I GOING MAD!?
I would like a poster of just Colin and ryan together, does anyone know where I can find one? Amazon doesn't have any
Colin just appeared in the latest episode of Hey Riddle Riddle, if you love improv this is the podcast for you.
This particular clip is a Doo Wop they did a few years ago that I can not seem to find anywhere. In it, the guys do a Doo Wop where I think they mention one direction and Wayne ends the song singing something about Zayne leaving the group, something like that. Not much to go on, I know. I just can’t seem to find that clip anywhere. If anyone can find it for me and post the link, I’d be eternally grateful! Thank you!
Also, there’s a Weird Newscasters one too from years years ago where Ryan goes down the evolutionary scale and he ends it by acting like Drew😋. If anyone can find for me those two clips, I’d be very thankful! Thank you!
Does anybody have the presale code for tomorrow when tickets go on sale? Signed up for the newsletter today but assuming it's too late to receive it
If renewed for Season 22 next year. (And based on taping report)
Season 20/21 (2023-2024)
Season 15 (2019-2020)
Season 13 (2017-2018)
Season 12 (2016-2017) Part 1
Season 12 (2016-2017) Part 2
Season 11(2015-2016) Part 1
Season 11(2015-2016) Part 2
Season 10 (2014)
Season 9 (2013)
I've finally managed to convince a friend to sit down and watch some wliia with me. What games would you show a friend to get them hooked? Drew or Aisha era. I'm thinking 4x01 let's make a date, this (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WkRvwiCA\_h8) party quirks, and the Maltese burger film noir. Not full episodes though, she's adhd and I'm not trying to strain her attention span lol
I was wondering what everyone’s favorite non-bit moments are?
For example, mine is Ryan’s reaction when Colin just finished dancing with Wayne during Greatest Hits segment about SciFi. When Colin returns, I love how after he tells Ryan that he should talk for a while (since he’s out of breath), Ryan bursts into laughter and can’t really keep going (he makes the gerbil joke and hints he should be more careful lol but nothing else). Ryan just stares at Colin and looks elated at what happened for a few seconds 😂
You can tell that Ryan couldn’t carry on since there’s a scene cut where I’m sure everyone rested for a while so that finally Colin could continue the bit.
Part 1 (Colin’s first dance) https://youtu.be/PynjnDBRiJA?si=XyFvtq4kM7jz4IZr
Part 2 (where Ryan looks elated and Colin’s second dance) https://youtu.be/x6Zgu6ByHgw?si=vfvcKgKpeu9z4CCp
Are there any non-bit moments (moments between jokes or games, reactions, banter, etc.) that you enjoy?
Just wondering if anyone knows why Ryan couldn't make it to the show last night? Dave Foley was a great replacement, I just wanna make sure nothing crazy happened to Ryan or anything.
Where do they get the props? Is there an entire industry making weird props for improv shows?? WHERE?!
I remember very specifically seeing a clip in a WLIIA compilation on YouTube. They had brought up a person who used ASL and Ryan asked her at the end "How do you sign 'I'm really, really sorry'?" Then it became a bit of a running gag for a few episodes.
I can't find the clip anymore, and was wondering if anyone knew of the video I'm talking about? Thanks!
Hi, everyone! Here in Australia, Whose Line isn't as popular but I really love it. A few months ago, there was a News Flash segment and they were showing horror movie-like media behind the guy doing it. Like, full on grave yards, zombies, serial killers, eyeballs coming out of the mouth. It was the funniest thing I had seen in a long time, but I've been trying to find the name of the episode or even just a video of that segment for MONTHS with no success. Can anyone help me?
Edit: it was the US version!
for a few reasons so I DVRd a couple of episodes off Makeful TV this am
As luck would have it this 👆 episode was on (S8 E5 with Chris De'Sean Lee) that produced this classic moment. The callbacks to this moment throughout the rest of the episode are hilarious 😅
Great way to say goodbye to the week.
Have a good one 🍻
One of the very recent episodes this season featured this lady and all the guys looked younger so I thought it was suspicious and looked it up. How on earth are they going to use footage filmed 8 years ago and call this a new season? And allegedly this is the last season too? Some finale for like 30+ years of work. What have they been doing? Are things really that bad behind the scenes they have to dig this far back in the archives?
I have looked all over YouTube, google, and asked AI maybe you all can help... I remember a episode when Aisha Taylor asked the audience for a girls name, someone yells out "Lana" and Aisha said no.... am I going more crazy or does anyone else remember this and if yes do you remember the episode
“It’s not the orange hair guy, is it?”