Smith & Wesson Firearms.
Pictures, announcements, questions, accessories and tech.
Smith & Wesson related news, photos, reviews, questions, accessories and tech.
We are officially a S&W family now. My wife picked up the bodyguard 2.0 as her new CC today. Can't wait to get it out on the range. It is incredible to me how small the 2.0 is.
When on earth can I find a 5” optics ready M&P 2.0?? A year ago they were everywhere and now I can’t even find a single 5” non optics ready M&P…. Half tempted to just go with a carry comp at this point
More or less what the title says. Looking for recs on an owb holster. Does a standard 2.0 holster typically work? Also looking at slapping a holosun 507 comp on there and possibly a TLR-1, though the latter isn't a sure thing.
If you are not a fan of the wide rear sight from factory, XS Sights have got a fix for you. I must have an "easier" slide as it took about 4 minutes with a brass punch and hammer to do front and rear. Now off to the range to make sure they are straight.
I’m adding a tungsten guiderod to my 5 inch M2.0 and was wondering if changing the recoil spring from the stock 16 pound to a 14 pound spring if I could still run blazer ammo 115g and 124g without a problem. Has anyone ran this set up? From my understanding the lighter spring will make it feel like there is “less” recoil? Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Anyone running Honey Badger ammo? I picked up a box for my Smith PPK but haven't made it to the range yet.
So much material to remove. Swipe, fit, swipe, fit my ass.
So I was able to rent the Carry Comp Compact yesterday & WOW!!! I currently EDC a Shadow Systems MR920P, which I absolutely LOVE. It's absolutely 1 of the smoothest shooting guns I've ever shot/owned. Til yesterday. HO-LY CRAP!!! I was BEYOND impressed!!! This is all part of research for a gun that'll be my wife's EDC & double as my IWB-carry travel gun. And the choices will be between the Carry Comp Compact, Xmacro Comp (just need the conversion kit since I have a base model 365), & the Canik MC9 Prime when it comes out. But having shot the XMacro Comp before, I know FOR A FACT that the Carry Comp Compact is smoother. Of course, it remains to he seen what the wife thinks as far as how they all shoot & how heavy/thick/thin they are for HER to carry daily. But I will be lobbying HARD for the M&P. Smith NAILED it with this one!!! If this is the route we go, I plan to get an Eleven 71 509T plate & 509T optic for it, & I already have a homeless TLR-7X for it. This thing is a flat-out BEAST!
Can’t seem to find anything. Does smith and Wesson sell the magwell that comes on the competitor?
Update: Yes, the mag is inserted and empty. Still doesn't lock back.
Just picked up the new Bodyguard 2.0.
The slide does not lock back without manually pushing up the slide lock. Have not tried firing it yet to see if it works then, but, I doubt it, and, I'm not inclined to fire a brand new gun that's not working correctly out of the box. Anyone else have this issue?
Also, those 12 round mags take 11 rounds and only 11 rounds. Is that 12 round count supposed to mean '11 plus 1'? Yes, used a loader. 3 friends (one a rugby player) also tried. No go.
Love the feel of it but, I'm having serious doubts about the built.
Gen was cleaned and oiled just to make sure... same results as above.
*And a side note: Kinda new here and, a little disappointed by the response. Looks like you're downvoting the question and I've gotten some snarky shit from a few of you. * If this isn't a question friendly place no worries. I'll go somewhere else.
I live in NJ and was just approved for my first handgun permit. I am between getting a Glock 19 and an M&P 2.0 compact 4’. I want to shoot both as rentals at a range near me, however, I have yet to find a range that offers the version with the new flat faced trigger. Instead, any range that carries the 2.0 compact has the older “hinge” styled trigger. Would it be beneficial to try the hinged trigger to get a feel of whether or not I like it better than the Glock? Or would it not be an accurate representation of what the flat faced trigger would feel like?
I bought a Calculated Kinetics DOGTAG optic plate so that the LCI doesn't keep getting my EPS lense dirty every time I shoot. It works, but the plate is thick and I no longer get any co-witness with my standard height tritium iron sights. I had lower 1/3rd CO witness with the stock C.O.R.E. plate.
Does anyone make an optic plate for the M&P 2.0 that will block gas and residue, and is about the same thickness as the included C.O.R.E. plastic optic plates? Need K cut for the EPS.
Would love to get a co witness again but don't want to shell out $150+ for a set of tritium optic height sights.
For reference I have standard height XS Sights R3D Night Sights, or a very similar product. The 2.0 is the latest version with the flat trigger.
I’ve got a choice between two very gently used like new full size pistols and I’m really torn between which to go with. It will be used for HD and USPSA competition. I’ve been shooting for a while but this will be my first full size pistol.
M&P9 2.0 Core Performance Center 5” with Vortex Defender XL, $800
M&P 2.0 Performance Center Metal Competitor, $750 (might be able to haggle a little bit but will still need to spend the cash on an optic).
Both seem solid, the core seems like a no frills work horse but the competitor is the new hotness. What do yall think?
Add-ons/changes: ° Holosun SCS Optic ° Dawson Precision co-witness height iron sights ° Surefire X300 UA weapon light ° Overwatch Precision 2.0 TAC Trigger System ° Floyd's Custom Magwell ° Floyd's +6 round mag extension ° Sanded down grips for less abrasive feel in hand ° Installed non-extended mag release
1981 686 and some silver below spot
Full size Carry comp. Bodyguard 2.0
I wish they would list them for sale on their website but as usual their amazing customer service sent me with just a simple email. I feel bad asking for more but being stuck in a 10 round state this is a game changer.