You know it, you love it, the 6.5 Grendel. Post pictures of builds, share your thoughts, news, and more!
This is a subreddit for everything related to the 6.5mm Grendel cartridge. Share your builds, your thoughts and experiences, news, and more!
Has anyone found it necessary to change or work up a new load when suppressing an AR style rifle?
Just a heads up that CH-4D is doing a run of 25 6.5 Grendel trim dies for the RT1500
If you’re trimming a ton of 6.5 Grendel like I am and want to semi automate it please call them to place a back order.
I was told they only have a few left for preorder
Just thought I’d mention it here in case anyone else needs one
I’m new to this Sub but, I was thinking about buying a Grendel Hunter upper and suppressing it. Do certain barrel lengths make it easier for the gun to cycle or is it just a matter of tuning the gas block?
Nothing super imaginative here. I have a bunch of lower parts collected and more on the way, but still not 100% sure about the buffer system. I have most of the bits to assemble with a standard carbine length receiver extension, spring and weight together with adjustable stock, but I wonder if building it out with a rifle length system and fixed A2 stock would suit the character of the thing more? I'm also kinda regretting cheating out on buffer spring and not getting the G$ Super 42 which I think has worked well on my 556 builds.
Long story short, my funnels suck about as much as a funnel possibly can.
I have a whole set of Saterns that work great for every caliber but 6.5. Mine gets stuck on the case and if you’re not careful when lifting it will pull the case right out of the tray.
Iv tried honing it which made it marginally better, but it’s still happening.
I also have the Hornady one size fits all funnel as well, but for some reason it just won’t seat tight enough to not spill for my 6.5 stuff.
I would really like to avoid buying a slew of funnels if I don’t need to and am curious what y’all have had success with.
So, my understanding is that the weakest part of the 6.5 grendel AR build is the bolt, because the bolt side walls are thinner to accommodate the larger 6.5 grendel bolt head. My question is this, why not add that material that is removed from the inside of the bolt face to the outside of the bolt face. Then, enlarge the inside of the barrel extension to accommodate without sacrificing the outside diameter. Looking at an AR-15 barrel extension, it seems like the additional material removed to accommodate a very slightly larger bolt head would be neglegible and wouldn't compromise the chamber the way removing material from the bolt head compromises the bolt does.
Basically, the difference between the 5.56 and 6.5 Grendel faces is .242. add that much material to the outside lugs and bolt body, but only extending say 1-2 centimeters down the body. This means the bolt body will basically have a "step" as it goes toward the bolt face. The interior cavity of the front end of the bolt carrier can be widened by that .242 amount to accept the step of the bolt, again without compromising the bolt carrier I believe (it's thick enough that losing that amount of material would still be a smaller percentage of the whole as compared to the percentage a 6.5 bolt already loses compared to 5.56). Then just enlarge the barrel extension cavity/chamber to accept the new lug/outside bolt face dimensions.
Granted, it means your Bolt Carrier would also be a required part for replacement when converting, and it would also mean potentially needing a new magazine follower/feed lip redesign to accommodate the thicker bolt.
This assembly would still fit the AR-15 platform as your not changing the outside diameter of internal parts, it conforms to the existing parts replacement you already have to accomplish (Bolt, Barrel, Magazine) but with the add on of changing Bolt Carrier and maybe magazine, but you end up with components that are more robust.
Thoughts, ideas, criticism, hit me with it.
Joe Bob Outfitters just sent out an email. Looks like two 6.5G options and .300blk, all 12.5”
Where are you guys running your bipods? In front of the gas block, behind the gas block? I seem to have decent clearance so I'm not sure my hand guard would contact the gas block if I moved it back a few slots
I'm looking to but a bolt action grendel for my kids to deer hunt with and myself to coyote hunt with. Right now I'm looking at the Ruger American gen 2 vs the Howa mini EXCL. I've got plenty of experience with the rugers, but never handled a Howa mini. Any reviews on either gun would be appreciated.
I’m looking to build an ar Grendel to hunt with. East coast hunting mix of private land with box stands, and public land setting up on creeks. Any recommendations? I’m thinking an 18 inch just to keep things handy, but am willing to go 16 or 20. Any advise would be great! I’ve been using a Springfield 03 for the past decade so I’d prefer to keep things lighter, but I’m not adverse to a heavier build if it makes sense. Longest shot would be 200yds. Thank you!
I need some recommendations on scopes for my 18inch Grendel build.Budget is $1500 max.Will primarily be used for long range target shooting and possibly some hunting aswell
Hello Reddit,
I just ordered a Rexus 6.5 Grendel BCG and now in looking to get a 16" barrel to pair with it. Any input would be appreciated, thanks.
Has anyone tested 108gr scenars and 123gr scenars in a 28” or 30” bolt gun? Curious on speeds and powder selection. Thanks!
Planning on building my own 6.5G for hunting. Like from the frame up, any recommendations for parts, looks and brands, etc.?
How’s the new generation Ruger stack up against a Howa? Specifically a barreled action Howa from Brownells. I personally own a Howa 1500 so I am familiar with the action, but don’t tinker or haven’t modified mine.