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Storing clothes in corn?

Have any of you done this? Hunting buddy of mine keeps his hunting clothes in a air tight bin with corn and peanuts. Also stores his fishing gear in coffee beans. Says it's cheap and easy attractant. I'm kind of skeptical. Thoughts?

07:14 UTC


Silly question

Hey silly question. Before I ask I want to say this is only my second year hunting. I started in 2022/23 season (unfortunately missed 23/24 season) so I am completely new to this. But has anyone or does anyone ever bring a handheld device like a nintendo switch or something similar out hunting with them? Just something to do in your down time while sitting in the stand? Thought about it the other day and figured I’d ask. Another question I wanted to ask is if anyone brings like coffee or monster (or any energy drinks) out with them? I just been bringing Gatorade with but I wouldn’t mind a good energy boost throughout the day.

06:49 UTC


question about preserving

Can an animal head shot, preserved, and mounted on display last in good condition for 130 years? What is the expiration limit on these things, and how does the preservation work?

06:31 UTC


Advice for a good .357 Magnum Bear Cartridge?

I have a lever action rifle that I would like to hunt black bear with. Any advice is appreciated!

06:08 UTC


Best semi auto beginner shotgun

So l was looking at the cz 1012 and beretta a300 ultimate(both 12 gauge) I wanted to know what's better for my buck and overall. Will be doing all types of hunting/shooting. I'm also open to other things but just pretty budget friendly tops probably 1400, also hear about the French affinity but never held it before, any recommendations/ knowledge on these guns?

06:08 UTC


So, how has your hunting grounds faired post Helene?

After 4 straight days of chainsawing everything; trees off the road, off my house, my parents house, my uncles house, both grandparents houses and that of neighbors.

All I can say is everyone I know has been extremely lucky all things considered. The tree that crashed through my uncles house missed my kid cousin by 5ft. The tree that went through my grandparents was off by 10'. Everyone I know has had close calls but all has made it through without major injury.

Today my dad and I finally had the downtime to check our hunting plot. Again we have lucked out as all 5 stands are still standing. Plenty of trees to had to be cut out off paths but they've been taken care of.

Now we're burning off those trees, getting drunk and looking back at the storm we underestimated. Shits still crazy here, most are still without power but I feel truly blessed with how lucky we faired.

05:44 UTC


Last years bull (MT)

05:43 UTC


Shot a Skunk

About a half hour ago I was able to shoot a skunk in my back yard that sprayed my dog last week and caused havoc in my chicken coop. My issue is I shot the skunk in the belly area from about 15 feet away with a 177 pellet gun. I definitely hit it because the skunk flinched and tried biting at its belly but then immediately got back up and stumbled away during reload and I wasn’t able to locate it. Will the skunk die? I feel kind of bad because it wasn’t a clean kill and I have for any animal to suffer.. but at the same time the family has been smelling its stink on my dog and chickens for 8 days so I think it had to be done to protect my animals. I’m just confused in if it will even die at all because it wasn’t able to run away seeming unfazed. And if it doesn’t die do you think it would come back? I’d say I shot it 3-5 inches behind the front left leg in the side of the body. Any info helps

05:21 UTC


Urban Archey

Urban Archey doe management. Developments (if you can get in and the state allows it) are huge opportunities to take a young kid hunting where there are ample deer and limited walking. I've found homeowners in semi-urban areas are more likely to say "OK" than farms. And, it's like trick-or-treating; you can knock on 20 doors in no time.

1 Comment
03:54 UTC


Scope for astigmatism and myopia

Hello, I recently got my dad into hunting. He recently got a rifle for this season, the issue is that he has astigmatism and myopia, so every time he looks through a scope he struggles with being able to see the reticle. They look fuzzy to him! Does anybody know of a scope, or an accessory that could help him out with that!?

Thank you for your time!!

1 Comment
03:44 UTC


Saddle or stand for first time hunter (bow hunting)?

I'm brand new to hunting and will be using my compound bow this season. Should I get a saddle or a climbing stand? I will be hunting public if that makes a difference. I think a saddle looks a lot better for bow hunting personally but it seems there may be more of a learning curve to it.

03:01 UTC



i am a 17 year old male excited to start off my journey in hunting as i have been around guns my whole life and i have friends who hunt and i just finished my hunters safety class online and now i have to do a in-person field day. Now i tried searching for classes near but all of them are in the UP (i live in oakland county.) I was just wondering if anyone here in michigan knows if there are any Field Days in oakland county or close to oakland county or if all of them are up north. thanks

02:48 UTC


New hunter…any words of wisdom?

So this will be my first season hunting. My dad wasn’t into hunting so I never learned from anyone. I’ve watched alot of videos and read a lot, so I think I’m ok, but I’d like to hear any advice, tips, tricks, etc from some seasoned hunters.

02:23 UTC


How could I get started goose hunting?

I'm in MN and I have experience hunting. I go deer, squirrel, rabbit, and dove hunting. I have a 12 gauge and access to corn soybean and alfalfa fields. Thanks for any advice!

01:41 UTC


In honor of Halloween coming up


I don’t know exactly how to put this story into words, so I’m just going to start writing and see where it goes.

First off, I would like to say that I am a Christian and I believe that when a person dies, they go to either heaven or hell depending on if they are saved or not. The reason I say this is because this story is going to cover a topic that contradicts the way I believe, but it’s something that I do not have an explanation for, no matter how hard I’ve looked for one.

I grew up hunting and exploring the mountains of East Tennessee with my father and two younger brothers. Some of my earliest memories are of my father and I walking through the woods before daylight to one of our hunting spots, traversing the steep and wild terrain of the North Cumberland Mountains. To us, the hunt wasn’t about killing the biggest buck, or having the flashiest hunting gear. It was about spending quality time with each other in the same country our ancestors had hunted many years ago.

One of my dad’s rules was that we would always hunt within a couple hundred yards of each other up until I was about twelve years old. Those mountains are rugged and anything could happen, plus there wasn’t a lick of phone signal within twenty miles of where we were. If something were to happen, you are on your own. My dad always taught us how to move through the woods, so by the time I was twelve, I was already a pretty capable woodsman. As time went on, my middle brother and I began to break off from hunting with our dad, and struck out on our own.

One particular evening, my brother and I decided that we wanted to go hunting the following day. We decided that we would go to a spot that we were very familiar with, because we would have to leave that evening to make it to one of our friends’ house for a bonfire. The morning of the hunt, we woke up around five in the morning and loaded the truck with our rifles, ammunition, and what little bit of hunting gear we were bringing. It was the month of December and it was frigid cold that morning.

We arrived at the top of the mountain in the truck around six-thirty in the morning, where we would get a quick game plan together before entering the woods. We decided that my brother would enter the woods on the south west side of the road, and walk about a mile and a half along the spine of the ridge, where he would then drop off of the mountain on the south side, and walk about 100 yards to his spot. I was going to enter the woods on the north east side of the road, and travel about a mile along the spine of the ridge, and then drop off of the north side into a deep holler, and then travel in the same direction for another mile or so until I came to a stand of small pine trees where I would sit and watch a stream that meandered down the holler and out of sight.

During the walk to my hunting spot, I noticed how quiet the woods were this early in the morning. There’s nothing more peaceful, in my opinion, than being alone in the mountains while everything is still, and the wilderness is asleep. The only sounds I could hear were my own footsteps and the occasional deep breath I would take while traversing the steep and rugged terrain.

I made it to the stand of small pines before day break, and raked the leaves away to bare ground where I planned to sit, so that I wouldn’t spook any animals when, and if I were to move. I leaned my rifle against a tree to my left, got settled in, and watched the sun rise above the crest of the mountain, and listened as the woods slowly came to life. It was a beautiful sight.

After about an hour of watching the birds and squirrels play in the warm rays of sunshine poking through the trees, I noticed a red fox trotting down the ridge in a straight line toward me. I figured that once the fox spotted me, it would turn and high tail it the other way, but to my surprise, it walked right up to about 6 feet away from me and stopped. It began to stand up on its hind legs and then drop back down on all fours over and over again, in a slow and methodical way. I was taken back by this because foxes usually avoid humans at all costs. After about a minute of this strange fox encounter, it turned and trotted down the stream in front of me until it disappeared. I was shocked by what I had just witnessed, but I wasn’t the least bit scared. I thought that maybe it had never seen a human before and was curious as to what kind of creature I was.

A few hours had passed and I hadn’t seen anything except the fox, and a few birds and squirrels, so I decided I would close my eyes for a few minutes and rest. I fell into a light slumber for about 15 minutes before I woke up to a strange sound, or should I say, a lack there of. The sudden silence of the woods had awoken me. There wasn’t a sound to be heard. Not the song of a bird, nor a whisper of wind. As I looked around, wondering what would cause this sudden silence, I couldn’t help but feel a sense of dreadfulness. I felt like I was being watched from every side of my being.

All of a sudden, as I scanned back down the stream at which I had been looking not one minute ago, I seen something that I thought had to be a trick of my eyes. There, on the bank of the stream, about 40 yards away from me, stood a woman. She was dressed in a long, almost translucent white dress. She had long gray hair, and what I could see of her hands and feet, were grayish-white in color. She was bare foot, and half bent down with her left hand in the stream.

I was frozen. I didn’t move an inch, and I’m not sure that I even took a breath. I sat there in that stand of pines as quiet as a mouse. I watched her for what seemed like an hour, but was more along the lines of five to ten minutes. Suddenly, she stood up, turned to her left, and stared directly at me. She had eyes as black as coal, and a long, thin face with sunken in cheeks. Her face gave no expression. After she stared at me for about two minutes, she turned and walked away from me down the stream until she turned to the right, and went behind a ridge line out of sight.

I sat still, afraid to move for another hour. I eventually worked up the courage to stand up and go investigate. “It was more than likely a woman that has been camping in the area”, I told myself, “ and I have nothing to be scared of.” I slowly made my way down to the stream where she had been, while being quiet, so that I wouldn’t alert her if she was still in the area. I made it to the spot at which she had been, and began to search the bank of the stream for footprints; as it was a soft, muddy slope where she had been standing. To my surprise, there wasn’t a trace. Not a single track or fingerprint in the mud. I followed the path she had taken when she had left, and once again, found no evidence of her existence.

I decided that it was in my best interest to make the trip back to the truck, for I hadn’t the slightest idea of what I had just seen. On the way back, I would tell myself that it was a trick of the mind, and that supernatural beings do not exist, but I just, could not for the life of me, shake the feeling of dread. I made it back to the truck, and sat for a while, waiting on my brother to make it back out.

As he loaded his rifle into the truck, I didn’t say much of anything. I didn’t know how, or if I even should say anything. We had a short conversation about the days hunt, and when he asked me, “did you see anything?” I replied, “nope, not a thing.” That was the majority of the conversation on the way to our friends’ house.

I didn’t say a word about that day for a few years, but I eventually told the story to a few family members, including my brother. It has now become a tradition to tell this story around the campfire at the annual Crowley family camping trip.

I still to this day am uncertain as to what exactly I saw, but one thing is for sure, it wasn’t natural. I have accepted the fact that the world isn’t black and white, and there are things that we just cannot explain. I believe some things are just better left alone, because honestly, I don’t want to know the truth.

1 Comment
01:06 UTC


I dont like to chase deer

00:49 UTC


To spook or not to spook?

If you have deer around you after shooting light do you usually just get down or wait them out? I find myself sitting around in the pitch dark waiting for the deer to leave meanwhile I have to get home and it’s not exactly fun haha. Curious how other people approach this.

23:39 UTC


Subsonic .22mag?

Just picked up some Hornady subsonic .22mags. 45gr going 1000fps. I have a .22wmr/.410 pack gun and I'm wondering how much picking off some squirrels or grouse on the stand would effect my hunt from those who have tried it before.

22:39 UTC


Grouse hunting

Is there anyway to call/attract grouse, can't find anything online

21:59 UTC


What am I doing wrong with lucky buck mineral because the deer are just walking right past it and not touching it

21:09 UTC

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