Anything and everything to do with Revolvers
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Do not post the same picture(s) over and over again with different titles. Looking at you u/pec4pec4
If your username is u/danglingfupa and you buy a Taurus, you will be banned. If that is not your username, feel free.
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Just purchased my first big boy revolver (Only have a little .22LR) and was wondering about different companies making wood grips for the Model 29 classic. I’ve looked at Hogue but much rather support smaller business first, thank you guys.
So I purchased a .357 magnum revolver recently with a 4.8” barrel. I would like to one day take it deer hunting, and I was wondering if a hard cast bullet or a soft point bullet would be better for the task. I’m worried that with a soft point I’ll get less penetration and little deformation due to shorter barrel length(and less velocity).
Are pinned barrels better than the alternative?
I am getting the itch to buy a S&W revolver for carry and possibly range fun. The 638 style is really appealing to me. How snappy is this compared to an LCR in 38? So far that is the closest I have had the chance to fire, and it was just a bit too snappy for me to enjoy at the range.
Another question, are there any 638 style revolvers without the Hillay hole?
Ty for any input
Thoughts on reaming a 1959 production S&W I frame from .32 Long to .32 H&R Magnum ?
45 colt 250 xtp going 1300 out of a 4.5 inch barrel
Zastava M83 compatibility for holster and speed loader?
Similar to the Smith & Wesson Bodyguard 38, Ruger LCR/LCRX, or Taurus Poly Protector - do any manufacturers make a polymer framed revolver with a 3-in barrel that has at least a six shot capacity ?
Can either be 38, 357, or 32
I'm fairly sure it doesn't exist but I figured I would ask .
Thank you so much
Taking this bad boy for a night out.
I have a S&W 686 and a rossi .38 was looking into other calibers I was looking at these two
I'm curious what people would recommend for a 9mm revolver? I am mostly looking at one in that chambering for ammo compatibility reasons. I am also open to revolvers that can swap cylinders to other rounds like 357/38. My usage would mostly just be target shooting, maybe occasionally as a camping gun.
For context I grew up shooting revolvers in 22lr and 38, so I am not new to revolvers. I just don't currently own one rn.
Im looking to buy a revolver soon for concealed carry and also for just occasional plinking. I don't need anything ridiculous like a S&W 500 although I do drool over the new Pythons, but have no interest in dropping that sort of cash.
Looking for things in the $300-400 range that are more utility and function and less so collectible. I also would prefer the ammo to be fairly easy and reasonable cost.
Open to ideas on models to look for used also.
Note, this would be the gun I would be using for taking training classes and such.
Thoughts? This won't happen as an impulse buy.
In the market for another wheel gun and came across this caught my attention but I’m not sure if spending 2000$ is worth it