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I was watching a Luke Stephen’s video yesterday about why PlayStation is pushing Horizion so much as a franchise. And whilst watching I was browsing through some reactions and a lot of people seem to feel the games are boring, bland and generally not interesting.
On my first playthrough of both games I felt they were good but not necessary mind blowing. But after my 2nd (real) playthrough of Zero Dawn remaster it seemed to click more. And I’m now deeeep into Forbidden west that game even clicked more for me. The world design is awesome, the different biomes, tribes, machines, world lore in modern day of the game and lore from the past. Even if you don’t like the game, I don’t understand how you can call it an AC clone or a lack of interesting lore or overall story. I just don’t seem to understand all the hate.
I feel like the game is really interesting if you’re involved in the world but if you’re not it might suck. I don’t know…
What are u guys it’s thoughts about the games and I’m I biased now for playing it right now and really enjoying it or is this game actually a really good game. Or maybe I’m wrong and it is a generic bloated open world game??
(I already posted this in the Horizon Reddit, but was curious to others opinions)
After 3 years, the aux cable for my pulse headset has given up on me. Does anyone know of a link to a suitable replacement aux? Just as I know regular ones don’t work with it!
So I'll explain, when I plugged in the ps5 pro, I had the imagine flickering, or the signal getting lost for a few seconds/minutes.
Sometimes it works for 1 hour without a problem, sometimes I can't even see the screen and I have to restart in no-fail mode, it's quite random...
I tried everything, different cable/port, reset the console etc..
I finally found that setting the 4k transfer to -1 worked, but I don't want to play at -1.
I should point out that I have an xbox and there's no problem, I've also played on my tv with another ps5 and no problem either.
Do you also have this kind of problem? Does it come from the HDMI port on the ps5 PRO or my tv?
Buy it before the scalpers do! Also, if you’re a scalper, ignore this post.
What new good games has come out on ps5 thats not anime or superhero? I’ve looked over the ps store and nothing looks enticing. Only games that look fun are games that came out on the ps4 like elden ring or whatever. Kinda regret buying ps5 and not waiting till ps6 or buying a xbox instead.
I got a Playstation email saying my 2FA was turned off and then I got $200+ in fraud charges. How the FUCK were they able to just turn off 2FA? Already submitted claims and all of that. Never using a card on Playstation EVER again.
Anyone know how to fix my issue? Trying to play Apple Music on my PS5. Any time I pick a song or album, it just doesn’t load up the song. It stays stuck at 0:00 and never plays. I’ve let it load for the longest but I don’t even get any sort of error screen or anything. It just doesn’t play the song. I’ve redownloaded, log offed, and everything but nothing is working.
Just got stick drift and found out there out of stock everywhere
Does anyone know where I can buy ps2 controllers (online) with good quality in europe or in Finland.
I recently got wifi about a week ago and all was working fine with no problems, today the internet was being real slow like alot of buffering on YouTube, so I decided to restart my ps5 and modem with no fix, then I reset my modem and it still won't work, i got a different error message earlier saying that my ISP might be blocking the connection or something but now this is showing up. What does this mean exactly?
Third party exclusives win by a landslide for me! Games like FFVIIR, FFXVI, SH2 and Stellar Blade were infinitely better than anything PlayStation Studios had to offer this generation so far https://x.com/rinothebouncer/status/1856332461405339764?s=46
I'm thinking of getting the Disk edition so I can play older games that aren't on the PS5 like PS4 games but I was wondering if I could download games like example Fortnite, On the Disk PS5 I'm a little new to wanting a PS5 since I've had a Nintendo switch my entire life. So I was just asking.
Hi PSers, Initially I had a good experience with my Pulse Elites. I purchased them with the idea of predominately using them for wireless gaming but liked the fact that they had a wired back up.
As I’ve been using the headset over the past 30-60 days I’ve been getting random, full charge disconnects. I’ve been getting it so much I decided to try the wired connection.
When I use the 3 ring, audio 3.5mm cable connected to my controller (removing the ps link dongle) I get only left side channel sound (with the headset powered on) on my various controllers with various audio cables.
How rampant are these problems?
Have you had any luck with resolving these issues?
I’m contemplating pushing customer service for a refund as I’ve only had these with minimal use for 8 months.
I’m not really willing to do the song and dance of let’s replace controller under warranty and headset underneath warranty for weeks or months.
Love this controller takes me back to the ps2 days
Hello everyone. In November 2022, I bought a PS5 bundle disc version, including God of War Ragnarök, FIFA 23, The Last of Us, and two controllers, for €799. However, it started having overheating issues last month. I took it to Worten (Local retailer) for warranty service, and after 30 days, they couldn't find a solution, so I'm getting a refund since I made the purchase online (I've already spoken to them about it and will go there personally tomorrow).
Do you think it would be a better option to go for a PS5 Pro for better value and guaranteed improved performance for the coming years? Or should I choose the Slim and use the leftover amount to get a year of PS Plus and save the rest for future purchases (like GTA6)? I'm really undecided… Thanks in advance to anyone who took the time to read this and can help with suggestions!
so every time i look up how to view captures it tells me to go to library>captures but the only options i have are played and purchased in my library
I was recently gifted a PS5 and was looking to catch up with all the exclusives I've missed like ratchet and clank, Spider-Man 2, returnal, ghost of Tsushima etc.
How often do first party games go on sale? Is it like a Nintendo thing where the first party games are perpetually holding their value, or should I wait for a good sale for these?
If anybody was needing them before the scalpers got ahold of them.
Debating whether to buy it now or wait till the usual Black Friday sale.