God of War is a third person action-adventure video game developed by Santa Monica Studio and published by Sony Interactive Entertainment. God of War won Game of the Year 2018.
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Titleeeee ;)
It’s on sale and there doesn’t seem to be a way to upgrade from the standard to get the exclusive items, and the digital deluxe edition is on sale currently so it seems like a good deal but I don’t wanna start over
I'm currently playing GOW 2018 and I haven't played any of the other ones yet. Kratos was telling aureus about a horse that wanted revenge and became a slave to the hunter who helped him. It felt like he was referring to himself, was he?
Just wondering if anyone uses, or finds useful the Storm of the Elk, runic summon in GoW2018? I've tried it a few times and maybe I'm missing the point, but I don't see it's use. It seems to just walk past enemy with little effect.
I was playing god of war in the dream and mimir asked Kratos if he can grow hair and he says “yes I am a god”, then later I was fighting something and after I died the game reloaded the fight and Kratos had a huge Afro, no one mentions it in the game going forward. Those are the only details I remember from the dream idk why…
Took 3 days of trying, couple hours at a time... Overall the fight went on for 11 minutes. Damn it's so satisfying when you finally get her and rip her wings off. She was the last fight left on my GmGoW playthrough... I had never even fought her before this. The first day of trying I couldn't even get her past 75% hp, I thought she was impossible.
I was using fully upgraded Valkyrie set with Gauntlet of Ages Talisman. I tried amulet of Kvasir, but trying to time the realm shifts was getting me hit way too often. I'm in the original game, not NG+ so I couldn't just break it down into an enchantment and socket it. I was also using an enchanment for health bursts on parry, and the axe pommel for health bursts on every axe hit. These really helped me keep my HP up.
I've never encountered such a fun challenge in a game before... This is honestly one of the best games I've ever played. The combat is just amazing and feels so good. Now I can finally start Ragnarok!
I think he learned a new God ability
Do you think when they remake it, It will retain the original fixed camera or the over the shoulder third person
Love this game.
Currently at the end of the game.. spoilers ahead if you haven't beat it.
Yup you guessed it, it's the Valkyrie Queen Gná....
I can get her health to about half and then sometimes 3 bars. :/
Any tips?
Edit: I beat her!! Thanks you guys :) persistence pays off.
Atreus: "When do we get the Platinum trophy father?"
Kratos: "When you earn it"
I completed both game some time after Ragnarok was released, and due to not being accustomed to gamepad (and playing on PS5 that I have borrowed) I didn’t quite finish everything that was in those game and didn’t try the hardest difficulty and challenges there were.
But as they both are on PC and I found myself craving for some third person action-adventure game I decided to check them both again. But only if the KBM control scheme is good. From what I remember it could translate very well for KBM, I was mostly frustrated with Kratos tank controls and slow turn speed, but with mouse I could flick to turn almost instantly. Maybe even have a finishing touch of FOV mod.
That is my question: are KBM controls good, or are they dark souls level of “the game is best played with a gamepad”?
I don't know why the enemies healthbar was purple but I beat it in like 30 minutes
This is the funniest thing I ve seen all day
I play ragnarock on PC, and I have a question to the pc gamers with nvidia cards
Am I seeing this right, or are they not going to add the rest of the drivers for ragnarok to run better. The only drivers they added were the rtx 5000 for ragnarok using multi framegen
Ya know, the dlss update that's been hyped up that ultra performance is very close to quality or native while maintaining performance