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So I just started playing the game a couple days ago I’m enjoying it although it’s something I need to get used to. I ran into my first Horde yesterday and wtf I don’t think I’m equipped to handle this so early in the game. First thing how are you supposed to outrun them I kept running out of stamina my main questions are
Should I just stay away from night until I get stronger?
Are these things just wandering around indiscriminately and I just got unlucky?
I appreciate the videos I see of people taking down hordes more now cause you guys make it look extremely easy
Hi guys, I have an issue with during the final quest's cutscene. Once it starts, the whole pc restarts itself, doesn't matter if I skip the cutscene or not. Loading checkpoint doesn't help, same as steam local files verification.
Did anyone here solve this problem?
On my 4th or 5th game resetting hordes... just sold all my ears at Lost Lake, decided to take on the Sawmill horde.
Started in at 4.08pm, and the battle went into the night. At one point Deacon says "Is that all of them?" Heck no, they must've respawned or something because by the time I'd collected about 800 ears, things went really mad.
I always expect them to stop chasing me about 30m out of the long tunnel... not this time! Hundreds of them chased me beyond the train wreck, and I'm picking them off but running out of ammo (my bike is back at the tunnel), they chase me into Sherman's Camp where they merge with the horde there (and the infestation), and I've got nearly 999 ears.
Now it's 7.24am, and I'm currently in the blue dumpster next to the gas station. I'm still shaking, and the freakers are storming all over the place, and I'm out of ammo.
Clocked up hundreds of hours on Days Gone, and it still has the power to thrill, shock, scare and amaze me! #Awesome
(30 mins real time later) and the freakers are still swamping the dumpster. Gonna try making a run for it to Iron Mike's farm.
I know the game runs fantastic even with old dlss, but Im curious, I dont have the game installed yet, is the option available for the game?
Sony really gotta listen to us now for a sequel, if they are waiting for the responses based on remastered version I'm really gonna purchase when it comes out.
Forget all the redo remakes re-whatever. Can we just get a sequel to this amazing game there were so many hints dropped in this cut scene alone.
Where do you think a sequel could go for this epic story?
What should i do now? I know……go freak hunting!!!! Here’s to the best game ever made!
I don’t know how I missed this game. Just finished it (PC) and this is easily a top 5 game all time for me. Man what an experience. I want to go play it again on PS5 now. If not top 5, where does this rank for folks?
I wonder how long normally it took to beat these hordes for others?
So I made it to the militia base and started doing runs for weaver and Sarah. I made it to the scene where weaver is talking about how Sarah has a great ass and he tried to make a move only to have Sarah kick his ass.
It’s impressive that deacon didn’t just haul off and slug him during that scene. I know he’s in the middle of a military base and he has to keep his cover, but it’s still impressive.
If I move I fall into the abyss
The raid on the militia camp is the finest single player experience I have ever had down to the tense music. A .50 cal is an absolute must in this mission
It always caught my attention that when I'm in Hot Springs, a guard starts hitting one of the settlers with his gun, it's one of the times when I regret not being able to use guns in camps.
That's why whenever I see that, I get between the guard and the settler to make him stop and that's also the reason why never send the random survivors I rescued in the "Shit" to Hot Springs.
"Maybe this time, you'll get on the chopper with her"
Hey y’all, been playing this game after having beaten it the first time it dropped and I came across the death stranding gas tank part for my bike.
Is it any good or just a tank with a creepy design?
I had started this game just to kill time but fell in love with it as the story progressed. Granted the game takes its sweet time to get interesting but when it does, it sucks you in. You feel connected to the world, the characters. And the anxiety inducing world design - hats off to the team.
After spending nearly 80 hours in finishing the story and clearing hordes, I think its time to move on and give it a go again in future.
If only a sequel was in the works. It would have been a day one purchase for me.
Truly fantastic game, little annoyed it took me so long to start playing this as it really is amazing. Straight into my top 5 favourite games list.
Any idea based off my game type which game should be next? I've heard mad max is similar, also tempted to try god of war again. Quite a few good games coming this year
Deacon has powers? Can cross gates without opening :P
The chamult horde where the nero checkpoint is inside the university, I had cleared it all before the Napalm Molotov and once the game ended and the hordes showed up on the map it even showed up on the Chamult spot again. Although it was small but still took me alot of time as I was not prepared for it.
There was a ramp like structure on the other side to i flew my bike across but didnt think about how am i gonna get the bike back there 🤡🤡
( i was there to checkout a nero research site on an small island in the lake around wizard island)
I’ve completed 100% in all missions, hordes etc Killed a couple of hordes that weren’t on the map but never seen credits screen.