Photograph via snooOG

A community to discuss Ragnarok Odyssey for the Playstation Vita System.

This is a place to post awesome screen caps, Ranarok memes, questions, and just meet more players of this great game! My psn is UEdwards feel free to add me and we can play anytime. To be honest this will probably always be a pretty small reddit due to the small amount of people with this game but hey it's better than nothing! I hope you like it and I hope we can eventually create a great place where everyone can meet new friends and learn some interesting things about this game!


49 Subscribers


Ragnarok Odyssey Ace - RPCS3 [PS3 Emulator] - Core i7 4790 | RX-570 4GB

18:34 UTC


Today is Ragnarok Odyssey's 9th anniversary for #PSVita American version has only English voices and Asian version has only Japanese voices

12:52 UTC


Looking for people to party with in Ragnarok Odyssey ace

RuheBlut is my psn name if anyone wants to add me I'm more than willing to play it whenever just hit me up.

1 Comment
07:57 UTC


Anybody want to party up?

this game seems to have been dead for a while, I was excited about it when I first picked it up considering we didn't get PSO2. Looking to play regularly-ish with a few people. Add me up- Salvagetech

07:29 UTC


Introduction Post! :D

I desperatly want to make this a really popular sub so I'm going to go a head and introduce myself! My name on here and on Psn is UEdwards that's also my steam and Xbox live user so if you wanna add me feel free. I recently hit rank 10 on RO and it's pretty great I like helping people now that I'm that far but at the same time I really need help getting better cards. A lot of the rank 10's are hitting in the 800-1800's with crits and stuff and I'm no where near that even though my weapon is refined like 9 times and is pretty strong. Anyhow if I can get some of those really good cards then I'd love to help anyone who needs it or just play along for the fun of it! Any that's pretty much me so yea!

14:04 UTC


It's been a while but....

So I know it's been a pretty good while since this was a really good active sub but I'm working my hardest to make it look prettier and have some of the other great features that we've come to know and love from other subs! Also the only way to make this a good strong community is if people start posting so go a head and invite your friends!

04:19 UTC


Few days into the game

Hey Folks,

Looking for people to join up with online. Do you need PSN IDs to add players? Think my main character just hit rank 3. I've been switching between assassin and swordmaster.

17:38 UTC

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