
Photograph via snooOG

From the creators of Warhawk comes a bold new 3rd Person shooter that adds real-time strategy to the battlefield - airdrop buildings to aid the fight anywhere, anytime! Walls, turrets, and support structures provide interesting defensive and offensive opportunities for the field engineers; for the gear-heads there are several buildings that spawn unique vehicles: A razorback buggy with mounted machine gun, a hover-speeder that can hop walls, a land-roving tank, and, of course, the hawk that can transform from assault mode to flight mode.

All of this combines for often frantic combat that takes real-time strategy to a whole new level of intensity by putting you right in the field.

Want to join the Starhawk Reddit clans? We have two choices for you and you can read about them here.

Read and post in the recruitment thread and join the fun!

More questions about the game? Check out this user-created Starhawk wiki

Flamewars/flamebait will result in temporary bans and continued abuse will result in permabans.

Flair text must be your PSN username or leave it blank. Adding [ClanName][PSN name] is acceptable and encouraged.

Please keep discussion related to Starhawk.

Spam filter is aggressive, message us if it gets caught.


318 Subscribers


What's the Starhawk discord?

01:17 UTC


Starhawk Soundtrack is now officially on Spotify

The Warhawk Soundtrack is also available

1 Comment
09:40 UTC


(Dev) Starhawk Cut Tournaments

Greetings all, I've been quiet lately and rather busy with other games among real life endeavors, but I would like to showcase a cut feature from Starhawk that never mind it to the final game... That being TOURNAMENTS!
In the dev build it is functional via the SVO web server surprisingly! It's like they just cut it right before release!
Matchmaking is still being worked on. I have to provide more information when I get retail with 2 players in a match!




00:41 UTC


Boys I slowed down The "Come and get it" theme, one of my most favorite video game soundtracks of all time

04:50 UTC


Helldivers 2 uses the same 3rd person/ airdrop assets reminiscent of starhawk. And it’s co-op

04:29 UTC


How can we play online on ps3? Is there a guide?

18:47 UTC


Starhawk Public Beta 1.3 MatchMaking Service now operational!

I apologize for the lengthy absence, mainly dealing with family issues as of late... but fear not as I have kept working on Starhawk behind the scenes as well as spread across other games that use the network protocol.Now that this is done I can soon release a modified eboot that will work for this to go online properly, in the near future we aim to make this Public Beta and Retail OFW ready, although some in-game checks need server side edits for this to be achieved, but one step at a time.

The main focus was getting matchmaking working, it was not a easy process at all as I needed to look at debug symbols and a bit of overnight hours into IDA Pro. But the final product is players finally able to matchmake in Starhawk. NOTE this was tested on 2 PS3s.

For those enthusiasts who WANT to get back into the action as a Rifter or Outcast this will be your opportunity to help me stress test, feature test, bug fix, and much more. I will post more in the near future in the PSORG discord (Not posting for subreddit rules safety!)

Matchmaking showcase: https://youtu.be/PNkIX3bLSEY



04:12 UTC


Does the single-player campaign reuse the multiplayer maps, or does it have its own levels?

Thinking of trying out the single player for the first time, but I’m pretty averse to games whose “campaign” is just the multiplayer mode with bots. I know the campaign is supposed to be pretty short, but I figured I’d still ask here before starting just in case.

18:35 UTC


First FLOKI airdrop

00:46 UTC


Starhawk Online Public Beta 1.3 (PSN 1.05) is in Online under PSORG!

Hello all Rifters and Outcast...

I hear you still wanting to seek the rift energy from the frontier...

Soon look no further as we have the Starhawk Online Public Beta 1.3 in a online state!

Check out the twitter for more information: https://twitter.com/PSORGRevival/status/1637293236946452481


03:27 UTC


It’s not starhawk but it’s a it’s nicer cousin

Y’all gotta play Chorus! It’s free and one of this space shooters.

1 Comment
04:26 UTC


Starhawk Facebook Group!

Hey everyone! Starhawk is my favorite game ever and I am determined to bring a group of people back online! Join my Facebook group! ✊ https://www.facebook.com/groups/1250353892364562/?ref=share

06:26 UTC


Hey guys I just bought some assets to rebuild Starhawk

Setting up a kickstarter now, jk fuck jumpsuit for making that discord

20:42 UTC


had a dream last night about starhawk

thinking about creating a discord for updates

16:10 UTC


Starhawk - RPCS3 [PS3 Emulator] - Core i7 4790 | RX-570 4GB

23:28 UTC


Do something *pokes with a stick*

lol pandering

18:56 UTC


Follow the discord for more updates on Starhawk Multiplayer Progress!

13:16 UTC


Any news on if mp is made playable?

Anywhere I can go or do to support? Would love to play with my brothers again on LAN but it’s not supported for some reason

1 Comment
20:56 UTC


Starhawk Dev Note: E3 2011 Menu discovered!

I managed to somehow trigger this sorta "hidden" E3 2011 Expo Main Menu alternative demo mode that exists within the dev build I am using to revive the game, who would have thought Lightbox used the same Lan release dev build for E3 2011, AND IGN GDC Conference?!?!

Working actively still on the Multiplayer, but thought I'd share this!
Observe contacts a local hardcoded ip/dns over DIS interestingly.

Hidden Demo Mode - E3 2011 Expo Main Menu

05:16 UTC


Starhawk Revival: Who Missed the Ticker and News?! I DID!

I've successfully restored the News and Ticker in the game Starhawk! This is reverse engineered using debug symbols in PowerPC64. I'm also working on the full multiplayer experience! This took a few months of solid work in IDA Pro to pull off! You try reading PowerPC64 and getting this working!
Tested on my DECR-1400a devkit

Possibly using one of the Starhawk Betas as a starting retail revival point. We'll see! Don't think I will post the Revival Discord for now! Lemme know what you guys think!

P.s. Moderator Section was enabled via command line parameters on boot.

Red text Ticker example.

Announcement News Header and Body.

21:38 UTC


Starhawk/Warhawk Server Restoration

Hi, you might remember me from Starhawk, I am Benca27! I’m currently doing a petition to show THALhammer from the PSONE Team that there is still interest in the game so that he may consider Developing working servers again! He already has got Warhawk up and running online and it has an active playerbase currently. Their website is here: https://www.psone.online/home | The petition here: https://www.change.org/p/bring-back-the-starhawk-multiplayer | PSONE Discord: https://discord.gg/cu44QQrnZd He recently did an AMA on Reddit : https://www.reddit.com/r/pcgaming/comments/m4bbhb/comment/gqtp9n4/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3 explaining how he got the Warhawk servers working again, and can possibly do it for Starhawk if there is enough support for it! If you could please sign and share that would mean a lot to our community to get together on the game again! Thank you!

03:15 UTC


Just remembering the good times.

Hi everyone! I was known as Chilldude1122 way back when.

For the longest time, Starhawk stood as a distant fond memory that I never really thought about. But for whatever reason it has recently been brought back to the forefront of my brain and I just can't stop thinking about how much I loved this game. I used to play this game all of the time and met so many of my PS3 gaming friends through it. I realised they're was probably a reddit community for Starhawk and so I'm happy there is as it's been nice reading everyones posts and comments reminiscing about the good times they had. It scratched the itch I began to develop to experience this game again. I think I'll break out the dusty PS3 and give the campaign another whirl. Should be nostalgic as hell. Fingers crossed we'll see a port/remake of this one day!

Edit: Just wanted to add my gamer tag in case anyone I ever played with is here.

04:26 UTC


Solid game, missed the train

I picked this up several years ago because I read it was one of the best games the PS3 had to offer, but never got a chance to load it up. Finally, I am trying to play/clear my remaining PS3 before I retire it and tried this today~

I gotta say the reviews weren't wrong; this is a masterpiece of a shooter. Solid ground combat, fantastic aerial combat, tight controls, functional building; it's got a great spread.

Too bad I missed playing this in its heyday, but I am still enjoying it now anyone, single player. And it will live on for a while longer on the PSNetwork - cool stuff.

To you all that think back on this fondly, I totally get it now.

04:20 UTC


Starhawk Player From 2012. PSN ID: afk-12. Clan: [BHD] Better Hide Or Die

I posted this previously awhile ago with the wrong clan tag in the title. So I wanted to post again with the correct title.

Doubt many people check this subreddit but I felt like posting just for the nostalgia. Loved this game. My PSN ID was afk-12. I was a member of a clan called [BHD] Better Hide Or Die. Think PLYMCO_PILGRIM was the leader. I have good memories of this game. I sold my PS3 and all of my games years ago. But I kept my Starhawk case and disc. Wont ever get rid of it.

23:32 UTC


It's no Starhawk... but anybody want to play Warhawk online? It works!

Hey, r/Starhawk. Got some fun news about Warhawk (and a plan hare-brained scheme for getting it remastered)...

1) Even though the servers were shut down last year… YOU CAN STILL PLAY ONLINE! The community created an app called Warhawk Reborn which allows you to easily play online again (some people may already know about this... but wanted to spread the word anyway, just in case).

2) We’re trying to get Warhawk remastered for the PS5. Here’s a good ol’ fashioned petition to push that agenda: https://www.change.org/PS5Warhawk

3) In addition to recruiting more people to join in on some nostalgic shoot-shoot-boom-boom, we’d like to get a couple tournaments going to up the Warhawk buzz. Hopefully with some neat prizes…

So yeah. If you feel like some nostalgic aerial combat and butt-clenching jeep runs, help make this dream a reality by signing, sharing, and (perhaps most importantly of all) joining for a round or two via Warhawk Reborn. And hey, maybe some buzz can be started about Starhawk too... a combined effort might have a synergistic effect here.

To anyone who participates, thank you! To anyone who joins in on the current matches, welcome. Whatever the outcome of this desperate attempt at creating some Warhawk noise, let’s have some fun with it.

More details if yer in the mood:

- Warhawk Reborn instructions: You just start the app on some device (android, pc, etc.) on the same network as the PS3. Then start up Warhawk and join via LAN mode. You might have to refresh the server list a couple times before all servers show up.

-Staying up to date: If you want to keep up to date on anything Warhawky-related, join the r/warhawk reddit group or NewGeneration Warkawk on facebook.

- Original post: Here’s the original reddit post about these foolish shenanigans.

-Is this feasible? Who knows. But, Warhawk is a classic, and there’s plenty of evidence of its longevity and potential for profit if remastered. We just have to make that apparent to the people who, reasonably so, want to be sure of success before pulling the trigger on something like a remastered PS5 Warhawk.

01:34 UTC


Server Engineering Question

I know the servers are down but is it possible for us to reverse engineer the server files or gain access to them. So that we could try and bring new life to this dead game? And if so what steps would we have to do to make this into a reality?

06:33 UTC

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