The subreddit for all you budding creators to share your wonderful LittleBigPlanet levels, ideas and news with like-minded Redditors.
This is the place for all you budding creators to share your wonderful LittleBigPlanet levels, ideas and news with like-minded Redditors.
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Be civil. There will always be disagreements, but be mature about it and don't be disrespectful of someone if they have opposing views. Have discussions, not arguments.
Don't spam or spread misinformation. Excessive self-advertisement, repeated posts on the same topic, or creating misleading information (such as unfounded sequel rumors) will be removed.
Be specific with your questions. Making a thread about a question that is too vague and/or has already been answered may be subject to removal. This includes anything answered in the FAQ, which should be consulted first.
Stay on topic. Posts should always be relevant to LittleBigPlanet in one way or another.
No discussion of gamesharing, modding, or anything that breaks the PlayStation and/or LBP ToS, no exceptions. Any threads regarding it will be immediately removed.
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Alot of people wont be able to appreciate this but i made an hoard skin in lbpk please no hate its been a dream of mine to play as the hoard
There's a particular Sackboy plush I've been looking for for a couple of months. I own it already but I've owned it since I was a young child and I'm 17 now, but I've been looking for a copy because the one I have is beat up and I want him to have a friend. He was in a 3 shirt pack and has the same gold flowery print that the pirate hat one has but without the hook.
Is there a way to play lbp online levels through like an emulator on PC?
Hello, I need three people for some trophies. I need help and also need 50 or more to help me to heart my profile and levels. Dm to send my username and ill friend you back and help you if you need help with trophies too !
found this goofy sackboy target plush on ebay and he's so silly but i have no idea if he's a bootleg or where he comes from
I mean, sure. But they probably couldn't get away with it nowadays.
Hi, LittleBigPlanet might be "dead", but Media Molecule isn't. And do you remember those layoffs? Yeah, they were close to getting closed then. So, we want to support them as MUCH as possible. Play their Dreams or any game that they own before its too late. Of course Im not forcing you, but if you own Dreams, we need to help them. I might sound like a person who works at MM, but Im not. I just really love them, and it would be sad to see them go.
Thank you.
I was curious if there was anything compatible to use controller wise for a PS5? If not what's the options.for PS3/4?
"Wooooow, this game isn't just bad, it's horrid. It looks like something a stupid 3 year old would play. This game is bad with a capital B! Graphics were awful and game play was trash. It's an attempt at a platformer and it failed. I mean, a sack kid as a main character? Really!? This game has no skill involved. It's stupid, lame and a waste of time!" What a horrible review "AHH the GrAphIC aRE bAd" Litterally some 8 year old that only plays on his PS5 Pro
I've recently seen restitched trailer on tiktok/YouTube and it has resparked the little big planet itch for me. But when I went back to lbp3 I sadly remember my save was corrupted and lost everything I made over the years and photos.
I was almost heart broken again at the remembering I lost a lot of hard work and memories. However I being old got back on my feet and played through the game again trying to collect materials and such like the good ol day.
Well I started building again on my moon and am impressed with how much better I've gotten at it. I'm thinking about making a platform level to try my skills at that but since I can't publish it makes me kind hesitate with that.
So I was curious if anyone else was still making creations on the game to this day?
is this a real image?? what made him so distraught
It's very catchy to me and i want to use it for school project's. let me know if you know the title
I was messing around with the kitchen floor tile material, used the corner editor and this happened
LBP1 released over 16 years ago at this point, so it’s safe to say that most of the people who played it are adults by now. It’s also safe to say that we’re most likely never getting another game, unfortunately. Since the servers are also shut down, Sony has basically left this franchise to die and there’s nothing we can really do about it.
This makes me worry that LBP will be talked about less and less every year, and what remaining life there is in the community will eventually fizzle and out and die as everyone gets older and older.
That’s really sad to think about because this game was really like no other, and it was such an important part of many people’s lives. Future generations really should get the privilege to grow up with a game like this.
The only hope is that somehow there will one day be another (actually popular) game that embodies everything LBP was about, but this is looking less and less likely by the day :(
I've been wanting to stream Little BigPlanet for a while now, but never knew what PC to buy or build. What are some specs that I need to be able to stream Little BigPlanet. I'm not trying to break the bank with a whole gaming PC I mainly just want it for playing Little BigPlanet and streaming. I'm just looking for some help if anyone can let me know I would greatly appreciate it. 🫶
I was scrolling through YouTube or tiktok the other day and stumbled on a little big planet like game called restitched and looking at the trailers looks very promising. Has anyone else seen this game trailers yet? And I hope it releases soon cause I get little big planet nostalgia vibes from seeing it.
What sticker works for the sticker sensor thing in the GOTY community level "stone" by o-tera? I can't find anything online :(