Subreddit Community for Persona 5 and other P5/Persona products!
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Persona 5 is a role-playing game by ATLUS in which players live out a year in the life of a high school boy who gains the ability to summon facets of his psyche, known as Personas.
✮ Persona Reddit Community ✮
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Persona 5 is an awesome game
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To get help for Okumura/5th Palace Boss: !OkumuraGuide
hiya!! I'm heading to Tokyo in a couple of months and wanted to know the best places that are either super good value or that sell official pre-owned merch!! fairly central shops would be awesome, thank you <3
I couldn't think of a more useless character and literally have a persona for nothing
Both are listed at the same price. What is the difference between them both?
so, im doing his confident 7 and the game said this was a important answer, is this related to some ending or something like that?
Took a little time and a lot of ceslestial alarms since Mementos runs were not in my plan, but totally worth it. Had to take a photo as I am posting from phone.
Turned me and the Phantom Thieves into a crime scene
It would be nice to be able to bench Joker and give his spot to another partymember. From a practical sense you loose your wild card user but you dont have a partymember whos KO means game over. Probably not worth the trade of given how powerful Joker is but it would simply be a fun option to have and mess around with. I am usually not one for challange runs but a "No Joker" run sounds fun. Even that aside the option to give the normal Persona users more time to shine would be neat. Not that they dont shine alrady. I apriciate them a lot and I myself certantly could not do a "Joker only" challange run but still.
I mean honestly where do I even start, I’m sitting in my bed balling my eyes out to this absolute masterpiece, I genuinely can’t describe, I cried at the end of base game p5, and I cried at the end of p5a, I mean I think the antagonist are some of if not the most well written in all of fiction. I love the story and the characters, and the music is peak. I’m sure I haven’t just said something you haven’t heard but I need to say this somewhere cause holy shit, the game is a borderline perfect game for me. 11/10 game.
Third Semester>The Answer>Golden Content
So, i love P5 & P5R but i have had a random idea in my mind. What if instead of an insta defeat when joker goes down, where's like a 10% chance a Backup leader jumps in & lets joker heal till maybe half health? Now, some people may think its stupid & that it takes away the charm of JRPG's but to me it sounds like a good idea! Heck I've put so much thought into this, I've been thinking of making a persona oc just to fit that concept.
Bro it ain’t that deep
Can y'all think of any challenges to make this game actually difficult I've gotten the plat on both base and 5r and have almost 100%'ed the thieves den (only need to fight the secret bosses) and I just want the game to have an actual challenge cause it is WAY too easy
Some examples of very clear cut persona design to persona user are for example, Ann with Carmen, being a fiery personality as well as an empowered lady who fights against abusive guys is clearly depicted in her persona, seeing as she's a badass flaminco inspired dancer literraly stepping on Simps as stepping stools, using her fiery abilities against enemies
The question then becomes, do the elements of personas matter as character traits to the person who wields them?
For example, yusuke could be said to be cold, collected, analytical and passive, hence his persona is of the cold element
Ryuji is very explosive and sporadic leading to his physical and electric element
But a more pressing concern is what determines their theme
Ryuji has captain kidd, because in the context of the story he's the gutsy free spirited character, Ann has Carmen because she's a fiery empowered lady who fairs for herself, Haru has Milady because she's a very poshy and wealthy and kept to a higher standard of etiquette
But then the themes for some don't make sense, like ryuji, nothing in the game from what I remember points at him liking pirates, or being a fan of ships, and yet his persona is a pirate captain, Yusuke makes sense since he is a Japanese culture nerd, Ann doesn't because, far as I know she doesn't dance Spanish dances
So what makes the appearance of a persona, is it things the user likes, a character that has a similar personality to them, an expression of their nature via imagery? Like ryujis pirate captain coz, boats go fast ig and he likes track?
If this has already been discussed and the answers are available I'd like to know em but else I'd like to see your thoughts on the matter
Points of interest:
-What determines an element of a persona. And if they have a meaning
-What determines the appearance and theme of the persona
-What does the design and form of the persona say about who the person tied to them
-How does personality, desires and hopes reflect on the persona?
can I get all female confidents go max level with just getting the romantic route with one? I have just finished the second palace so I dont know if i can actually do that
Hey so I’m doing Futaba’s Palace and I got to a point where there’s a pedestal and it said I needed to put one of the Anubis statue’s stones in it, so I retraced my steps and finally found one, only to come back and not be able to put the stone in the slot like before. What the hell is up with this Palace? Never run into snags like this before
Spoilers ahead for story moment from Mid yo last of campaign
So there was that moment when Futaba took Akech's phone on pretense that she too want one like that. At that moment, even I didn't think that she'd be hacking the phone, which late in the game even the MC agrees was due to her quirky nature
I'm not surprised easily in the game but this one was just one of my favorite moments in the game
Simply ignoring everybody and not going out of your way to progress social links at all