A subreddit for news and discussion involving Massive Action Game (MAG) for the Playstation 3.
A place to remember and discuss the game MAG and your prior addiction to it. :)
Join in this Saturday, 8 Feb @ 8 PM EST.
Fortnite Server link: https://www.fortnite.com/@infliction/2229-1386-4869 or search Infliction
Please join the discord to coordinate groups. (Discord link below)
It will not load you into a game in progress, unless you join on a friend. So it's important for you to reach out through the discord, reddit, or through friends to get everyone sync'ed up.
Spread the word, we had a 3v3 and had a blast. Server can support 32v32 and does have proxy chat. Let's get some groups going and have some 2010 fun again.
I really miss it
Infliction made a playable Copper Hills Relay sabotage map on Fortnite. How many of y’all would be interested in scheduling a game night to populate the server? I’ve attached a quick video of the map. I believe this will be the closest we ever get to playing MAG again, so I’d love to see it get some attention.
So I’m working on my MAG collection just wondering if anyone knows of anyone selling their sealed copies. If you have a rare one I’m all ears. Anything non video game is definitely welcome
It's hard to believe that nearly 15 years have passed since MAG was released on January 26, 2010. Last year, I realized just how much I missed this game and how badly we need a remake. While we await progress on the preservation project, I want to share a personal project I've been working on over the past several months – a remake attempt of the Sabotage game mode.
This remake is built within Fortnite using a new tool called Unreal Engine for Fortnite (UEFN). For context, Fortnite is owned by Epic Games, who also own the Unreal Engine game engine. They've released this tool to allow anyone to create games using Fortnite assets.
I recently released the project and am currently looking for players to help identify bugs and suggest improvements. Please note that it is not an exact replica and only includes one map. At the very least, it can offer some nostalgia 😊
You can access it here (you will need to download Fortnite to play):
If you find any bugs or have suggestions for improvements, please leave a comment below. If there is enough interest, maybe we can try to organize a session with 64 players.
Just a heads up to anyone who may not know that Sony released the soundtracks for each PMC on Spotify to celebrate PlayStations 30th anniversary.
Enjoy 🤝
What do we think about it? It's probably the closest we've had to a MAG sequel on a console
Can't believe it's been 15 years.
See you all at Kennicott Mines.
Who's got the magic windex?
Hi Whatever the outcome of this project you will have at least revived hope with a lot of nostalgia. Nothing was the same after M.A.G. You will have at least tried.
If the guys from Zipper were ever proud of this game, may someone hear and help this project. And I hope that these efforts will be shared and not lost.
I wonder what is blocking, and what is missing to finally achieve the expected result?!
it's true that on paper, I remember reading somewhere, that technically the map did not run on only one server but on several running in parallel (1 master server???) as if the map was partitioned... without transition time when a player moved from one map area to another. If that was the case, it must have been expensive and technically difficult for the time I suppose (maybe that's what convinced zipper and sony to close and not make a second opus?), but I remember a game that was a blast!
Best regards
Been browsing, is there a playable version or possibly a future playable version of this? Followed the PSONE discord but unsure if there might be anything else out there! Thanks
Miss this game so damn much!
I think I tried Dust 514 back in the PS3 days, but it didn't really grab my interest.
Any MAG aficionados look into this new one, EVE Vanguard?
That name has gotten some use to title FP Shooters. MOH Vanguard in 2007, COD Vanguard in 2021, and now this. I fully expect Battlefield: Vanguard in 2026.
MAG was a dream game for support players, and I absolutely adored being a shotgun medic who healed and revived teammates. Most games cater to crack shot riflemen with otherworldly KDRs, but a good support player could really make a difference in MAG. It’s unfortunate that it didn’t have enough popularity to launch a perennial franchise because few games since have given supports bros a lane in which to shine.
Tonight I tuned into Season 4 Episode 1 of Slow Horses and that dang Jackson Lamb dropped into a mart and bought some Jaffa Cakes 😂
Anyone else playing the Delta Force Havoc mode? Getting a lot of MAG vibes. They just need clans and we are good to go.
Look how cool the start of the match was 0:53 https://youtu.be/XgOeTkiU9Qg?si=YQB4RnoLutHJQqO8
I'm looking for a game similar to MAG not in term of how many players but in term that I trully loved playing a Healer in mag they felt unique just running around the map injecting people to revive them. The exp system and RPG aspect of leveling skills and building a character like in mmorpg. Is there any other shooter feel like that? Grinding exp and really having skills and healers and no just a pure shooting exist?
I really miss this game, played it from being a squeaker. Not sure what names I ended up being. I know one of my valor accounts was xblack_lightning and my sver was BulletInYaBrain. I know my raven account had a similar name to sver.
Just wanted to say this game crafted a long term love for FPS games and i still think about it every once in a while. Literally woke up at 6am every day during summer as a kid just so I could hop on. Miss this game and absolutely destroying 3C and the flock with VL$ and ARx.
When I was a preteen I was lucky enough to play hundreds of hours of this game. What I was able to see was the beginning of my love affair with the Milsim genre. Not in the gameplay, but in the leadership. Those of you who lead platoons in MAG gave all us younger player such good example of how to lead people. You make a plan, you make it authoritative, you make people laugh and you thank them when they finish the job. To all those platoon leaders thank you all, you finished the job. Now it's the turn of the younger players you lead to help grow the next gen
Glad to be squad leading ever week on Squad on Riplomacy and SquadOps and joining operations in ARMA.
You may have known me as nitroz76 who main’d on SVER with BHD.
Kinda reminiscing about the old days. Even though how much shit we gave eachother or how the forums were a battleground, I miss it.
You can add me up as I have changed my name to YEET__KYNG#6075761
or my PSN is just YEET__KYNG (both usernames are with 2 _’s)
I’m usually on at 1am EST
This game was a technical marvel for the hardware it was running on and I'll die on that hill.
We didn't appreciate what we had 😭
Sorry, just watched a bunch of YT vids and am feeling really nostalgic.
I remember playing this game. Hard to believe it was so long ago!! I played for SVER and it was some really fun days. I would come home from school and play all evening nonstop. What a game to remember.
Lets say somebody is willing to pay tons of $ to get a private server up and maintenance it every week.
Chance you get sued for using the intelectual proprieties of a defunct compagnie are high ?
If its possible to host a server is it still possible to make the game run on it ?
Is there any scrypt for the game find able and download able ?
Any of you guys played Hell Let Loose yet? Seems like the newest "Mag substitute." None of the tactical shooters since Mag have really impacted me the same way, and this probably wont either, but im thinking about trying it out.