Twisted Metal is a series of vehicular combat video games published by Sony Computer Entertainment, and now a streaming series on Peacock. Keep it Twisted!
A subreddit dedicated to the car-combat series, Twisted Metal.
Here is the thread to post your PSN, and it also has the reddit clan information in it.
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Special credit to /u/Renirakovic for CSS wizardry
You probably wonder why I want a dead rap artist to be a guest in a vehicular combat game.
Juice WRLD liked to play Twisted Metal when he was alive, and his Death Race For Love album cover is similar to TM4's cover art.
There's a really awesome image of Sweet Tooth in Twisted Metal 4's graphic settings menu. It's basically an old school TV test pattern (that multicolor image when nothing is being aired on tube TVs) with Sweet Tooth's head in the center. I can't find it on my own nor do I have the game to do it! I would greatly appreciate the help!
Youll need to redownload the game. The link wil be in the video description in youtube. Check the update notes in the folder to see what has changed. . Leave feedback on any bugs found if you are able to
Vehichle Name: ???
Vehicle Type: ???
Driver: Shank
Driver's Bio: ???
Vehicle Special Weapon: ??? (Special Weapon Description Required)
License Plate: ???
Wish: ???
Anything you think I should add to it?
A funny clip I saw on Snapchat reminded me of TMSB intro.
Time for Sony to re-release TM3,4, Small Brawl, and Head on. Make these available on the psn so we arent stuck with 1,2, and black.
On the flip side unlike Medievil 2 I really hope the rumors of whatever might happen for Twisted Metal this year are NOT simply putting those missing games out for sale on the psn. I would much prefer some form of remake/remaster, or a new game of sorts.
Roundhouse It is a early 2000s pickup truck with a train wheel attachment, instead those train wheels are replaced with sawblades (image of what I'm talking about. I'd draw it if I was good at drawing you'll have to use your imagination here) This is based off twisted metal 2012 It will be slightly heavier and slightly slower than junkyard dog, and have slightly more health. It's special weapon are the 4 sawblades it has instead of train wheels, they spread out creating a zone that damages enemies for about 45 damage per second, the special ability lasting 5 seconds. When this ability is active the train wheels are sideways, spinning, and shooting sparks so people know it's active. It's secondary special ability is launching the 2 front saws foward and the 2 back ones backward, doing 45 damage and going through enemies (no homing) I thought the idea of a heavier close range brawler version of junkyard dog would be cool, using your weight to throw light enemies into walls then sawing them to bits.
Is this cool or dumb?
I only have a ps4