
Photograph via snooOG

This is a subreddit dedicated to both the good and bad of junk food and snacks from around the world in all its sugary, salty, fried, and fizzy incarnations.

This is a subreddit dedicated to both the good and bad of junk food and snacks from around the world in all its sugary, salty, fried, and fizzy incarnations.

What is your favorite junk food or snack food?

Twinkies, potato chips, tortilla chips, peanuts, mixed nuts, cashews, macadamia nuts, crisps, chocolate bars, Cracker Jacks, french fries, onion rings, popcorn, pork rinds, pretzels, trail mix, candy, beef jerky, energy bars, Cheez Whiz, string cheese, cheese puffs, nachos, crackers, gummy bears, marshmallows, licorice, cookies, doughnuts, cupcakes, churros, dried fruit, sodas, soft drinks, root beers, ginger ale, lemonade, tea, energy drinks, buñuelos, samosas, donuts, funnel cake, loukoumades, sopaipilla, fritters, gum, ice cream, frozen yogurt, etc.

Related reddits:

Posting rules:

  • Basic sub rule: Be civil
  • This sub is for news and reviews of junk food and snacks only (no fast food, no healthy food, no gluten-free food)
  • No editorialized titles, memes, image macros, blogspam, self-promotion, spam, or reposts.
  • No insults, profanity, incivility, trolling, or bigotry. Nothing that is rude, vulgar or offensive.
  • No videos.
  • No recipes. Nothing homemade.
  • No streaming, podcasts, or animated GIFs.
  • No satire or parody, nor AI-generated content.
  • No Youtube
  • No Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, personal blogs, or other social media posts.
  • No fast food. Just junk food and commercial snacks.
  • > No websites or articles with hard paywalls or that require registration or subscriptions, unless an archive link or https://12ft.io link is included as a comment.
  • No polls, surveys, or petitions. No class projects or assignments.
  • No URL shorteners or archive links
  • No just image posts
  • No slideshows or multi-page articles.
  • Only or mostly posting one website is considered self-promotion and is banned from this sub.
  • No ALL CAPS words or text, no bold text, and no #Headline text formatting! This is like SHOUTING and is considered rude. No ALL CAPS TITLES, even if the original headline was in all capital letters. No emoji. 😟
  • Additional posts on the same topic with no new info may be deleted.
  • Don't modify article titles except to add a location in brackets unless the title is excessively misleading, vague, or clickbait-ish. Don't rely upon reddit's "use suggested title" feature.

Junk Food blogs

Blogs/websites with some junk food news/reviews

Industry Websites


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