The Golden Age of Anime is a collection of videos, wallpapers, artwork, cosplay and other goodies featuring Japanese animation of the late 20th Century (1970-2000). This is a visual media resource for all fans of retro anime, vintage anime, classic anime, old anime, old school anime, etc.
Welcome to the Golden Age of Anime. This is a media collection of videos, wallpapers, Twitter header images, artwork, cosplay and other goodies for everyone who enjoys the Japanese animation of the late 20th Century (1970-2000). The purpose of this subreddit is to be a visual resource for all anime fans and to assist in discussions of Japanese animation within the Reddit universe and throughout the Internet.
Please check the comments for the relevant information of each post in this subreddit. If you are looking for a specific type or time-period content, please click on the categories below.
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