FLCL (2001) is an OVA anime series written by Yōji Enokido, directed by Kazuya Tsurumaki and animated by Gainax. FLCL Progressive and Alternative are sequels to the original, staffed with a new team of creators with various episodes done by various people and studios, and both funded by Toonami. The kicking soundtrack in all three is powered by Japanese rock band The Pillows. All seasons can be watched on Adult Swim's website.
FLCL (2001) is an OVA anime series written by Yōji Enokido, directed by Kazuya Tsurumaki and animated by Gainax. FLCL Progressive and Alternative are sequels to the original, staffed with a new team of creators with various episodes done by various people and studios, and both funded by Toonami. The kicking soundtrack in all three is powered by Japanese rock band The Pillows. All seasons can be watched on Adult Swim's website.
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Credit to /u/foreverfallingnow for the canti fan art
Who else had The Pillows top their Spotify Wrapped / Apple Music Replay for yet another year?
someone posted a recreation of this signature frame so it got me thinking about it again. What do you guys think it's about? Out of all of fooly cooly, this is maybe the one moment I still don't really understand. id love to hear your thoughts on why she raises the gun to the sun, or why she says "it's nice"
I have a friend who grew up with this show who showed me this recently. I liked it while watching it with him! He explained some stuff while watching.
However I have a bit of brain fog, am quite forgetful, and am generally slow. I know that there is something going on that I’m not picking up on or connecting, (I understand Naota w/ Haruko & Mamimi have QUITE the odd relationship with him, but I fail quite a bit understanding Mamimi & Canti, and honestly… I do not understand/remember a lot of after episode like, 3-4 of the first 6 episodes.) and so I’m doing a rewatch. I know it’s mostly about coming to terms with growing up, and the scary things that come with it, and as someone who kind of had ‘growing up’ pushed on me a little too early, I think I could really connect with the media.
But I am confused by things, is there any specific relationships or aspects of the show I could be thinking about on a deeper level? All the stuff with Atomsk and Canti and Haruko, and Naota’s part in it confuse me a little. And I want to understand, so if anyone wants to give me specific things to think about as I watch, or things to keep in mind, that’d be great!
(Also I saw the ‘never knows best’ scene and it impacted my friend deeply I think. I also know a lot of y’all LOOOVE the phrase, and get it tattooed, so I wanna know what y’all see in the phrase!! :D)
There was 3 albums of FLCL music on The pillows page As i know first one gone and reason is unknown (at least to me) 2 and 3 where still there with full compilation (3rd one was with full tracks that used in FLCL) I tried different locations in world but still no albums So, anyone know what's happening?
Hi, this is probably stupid/ a long shot but there was this flcl edit on Instagram that I can’t find anymore and was wondering if anyone has it? It had the song black sheep - Brie Larson version in the background and kinda switched scenes with the drum beat. The cover of the reel was Haruko playing baseball with the blimp in the background. It’s not the one that’s on YouTube tho. Ik it’s probably gone but doesn’t hurt to try, thanks.
Alternative adds some pretty cool lore to Medical Mechanica that I really enjoy. I watched Alternative first and loved it, then watched FLCL and loved it, then went back to Alternative and found it to be a slog in comparison with the original. But, something stood out...
FLCL Original describes MM's Ironing Apocalypse as "smoothing out the wrinkles so you can't think", but shows the irons glassing whole planets. The result of destroying all infrastructure would logically be the death of 99% of the population, not just dumbing the inhabitants into submission. I was okay looking at this in symbolic terms and enjoying the fun imagery Naota sees inside Canti for what it was, but Alternative married the symbolism and in-story mechanics really well:
In Alternative, the irons targeted places with too much thought/personal expression. First, the pins land there: at their school, on top of the girls' dolled-up bottle rocket, etc. Then, when the Ironing begins, these places are steamrolled along with anything in the irons' way, but...nothing else. The planet as a whole isn't destroyed, simply the places where free thought is thriving.
All in all, sure Alternative is much slower and animated in a more basic style, but this was a genius little detail and I want give the creators full props. The ironing maintains its symbolic threat to sentient life, but is no longer an apocalyptic threat. What an awesome little addition!
Manga reference. Only a couple left. No restocks. ❤️❤️
I think what's beautiful about Naota giving up Atomsk's power in the final episode is that he resists three temptations that we see all the "adults" in his life falling prey to:
Like his father jumping at Haruko, he could've just taken Haruko now he had all the power. But he wants true love, and true love isn't taken, it's mutually given. So, he lets her go.
Like Amarao, he could've given in to his anger at being manipulated and hurt Haruko. Instead, he chooses to forgive. That's more of a controversial one, but I personally love that Naota sides with "turn the other cheek" rather than "eye for an eye".
Finally, like Haruko herself, he could've given her what she wanted in return for his desire; her "love". But he knows that also isn't real: out of love, you don't give a kid candy every time they ask or demand it, it's just not good for them. Especially when, in this case, Haruko getting Atomsk's power would mean disaster for others as well. So, despite knowing she might hate him, he lets Atomsk go.
The "I love you" and the kiss are a beautiful message to Haruko: this, what I'm doing right now, is true love. The real Fooly Cooly. Naota challenges every messed-up concept of love that Haruko had before meeting him, leaving her to decide what to do with that. What an absolutely incredible finale.
I finished the original 2000 FLCL show and when I looked at crunchyroll, I discovered 2 other seasons. After I searched more, I discovered a few movies and (I think) another season and before I continue watching FLCL, I just need to know how to watch it in order—and how to watch it for free
I made a post a while back when I finished Progressive, so I figured I mightaswell update whenever I finish the rest of it.
Honestly, I quite enjoyed Alternitive at first. It had it's own distinct style, yet still in a way where it's still clearly FLCL. It felt like a kinda neat addition to the series.
Then I got to episode three and it kinda just landed into comfortable mediocrity. The ending was kinda neat and five had some solid moments, but that's about it. Beyond the first two episodes of Alternitive, it's kinda just a show that exists for me. Doesn't reach the same lows as Progressive, but that's not really much of a compliment.
6/10 I guess? Idk. Are Grunge and Shoegaze any good?
Was such a unique experience. I never caught them here in the US when they went on a brief tour after FLCL Progressive released, but I saw they were playing in Shibuya during my 2-week trip to Japan.
Silent sentinels rise from the tide, bones of steel, nourished, refined. Like Canti, a lord forged from the mind, bound to the earth for the ones who cry. Painted for the hymn of adults— swinging a bat for freedom of lies.
Hope people like yet more posts from first-time watchers, because here comes another!
This show is incredible, what a wild ride! It reminds me a lot of Trigun: zany main hero accompanied by exasperated supporting main characters, fighting crazy enemies and saving the world. And, like Trigun, it also dares to end its one-season run on a tragic, melancholy note. Something about that really makes it stick in your mind, makes you keep thinking about it, y'know? Wonder why that is. Maybe just because humans like things to be resolved, complete.
That said, wouldn't change a thing. On subsequent watchthroughs, there really are just more things to recognize and realize. What a shame this isn't recognized by more people! Still, I'm sure happy I stumbled upon this and got to experience it. Another has been added to the fold of fans. :)
Some people recommended flcl to me after I watched dandadan and I looked around but can't find what the watch order is
Hi guys, Last month I finished Canti, and I wanted to draw him the hard way, How poorly done, but it looks great.