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DBZ x Digimon by me

1 Comment
03:35 UTC


Cell meruem(oc)

01:25 UTC


What if Goku had an adopted brother that was a different race?

I'm curious about this what if scenario. At first, it started with Frieza's race.

Then, as I thought more on it. I was curious about how different races would also be interesting. Chaotic but interesting.

For context, we'll use the Planet Vegeta era. Give them some time to bond with Goku's former family before being sent to earth.

Here's a list of races I thought would make some sense.

The ones with question marks are unsure if it'll work out.

Saiyan? (Giving the saiyan culture history, I'm not sure if adoption would be optional.)

Frieza race.




Hera clan?



Let me know what you think of this.

Basically, we'll say either Bardock or Gine adopt them and hide them away from King Vegeta, along with Frieza and his men.

Give me a picture on how each one would fair so far.

19:43 UTC


Is transformation necessary to become more powerful?

Was thinking about vegeta, as you do, and how he never achieved ssj3. Goku said its a big waste of energy. Vegeta managed to skip some steps and go straight to blue from ssj2 it seems unless I missed something.

So I was thinking could a saiyan in ssj2 just keep training, getting stronger and more efficient, without transforming and surpass the power level of the next stage or is there some sort of cap? When beerus pimp slapped bulma he went ssj2 and actually hit him so clearly that version is more powerful than the cell/buu saga ssj2.

I just think the original ssj look is the best and I'd love someone to remain in that form while still having a competitive power level. You could make an argument for broly but his ssj is something completely different.

22:48 UTC


Is SSJ3 a grade?

I was looking at the Super Saiyan grade forms, and I know that there are 5 grades (Grade 1 - initial SSJ form, Grade 2 - SSJ Second Grade aka Ascended Saiyan, Grade 3 - SSJ Third Grade aka Ultra SSJ, Grade 4 - Mastered SSJ, and Grade 5 - SSJ2, which was initially referred to as SSJ Fifth Grade).

So I then looked as SSJ3, which isn't referred to as Grade 6, so my question is if SSJ3 is also a SSJ grade, or is it separate like stuff like DBS Broly's form or SSJ Rage?

20:16 UTC


SSJ3 Vegeta by me

1 Comment
19:57 UTC


About Dragonball Multiverse (2450+)

For those who read Dragonball Multiverse: I just wanted to share that, to me, XXI is the Varga that we see in the cover.

The black smoke that comes out of the old guy, seems to have a beak.

I also suspect that the whole tournament has been created by the Varga, to help XXI to complete his plan. Varga might turns out to be evil as well.

What do you think about?

19:25 UTC


Can anyone explain the father son kamehameha

It’s my favorite scene in all of Dbz. But I never understand what exactly was happening. Is it symbolic. Is it gokus spirit helping gohan

18:10 UTC


I was wondering what episodes could I skip

I’m watching the Saiyan Saga right now, and oh my god there is so much filler. I just want to know what filler I should skip, and which I should watch

Ok guys I watch the filler

14:59 UTC


ssj pan fanart by me :3

13:03 UTC


If deaths were permanent.

So yeah, imagine the earth dragon balls could grant any wish except reviving people due to a limitation imposed by King Yemma or something. You can have everyone who died die or circumvent their deaths in some way, do whatever!

Krillin: Doesn’t die to Tambourine, is left comatose instead.

Chaozu: Is incapacitated while fighting King Piccolo with Roshi, but Tenshinhan saves him in time.

Roshi: Dies using the Mafuba against King Piccolo.

Goku: Is about to die after fighting Raditz, but God takes him to King Yemma’s palace before he fully passes away.

Yamcha: Dies exploded by a Saibaman.

Chaozu: Dies sacrificing himself.

Tenshinhan: Faints, but doesn’t die after using his one handed kikoho.

Piccolo: Dies protecting Gohan.

Mr. Popo reveals the namekian dragon balls can revive namekians ONLY. The crew goes to Namek to revive Piccolo and logically God.

Vegeta: Is believed to have died fighting Freeza, Goku buries him, but he miraculously recovers when Dende is using the dragon balls.

Dende: Dies to Freeza, but is revived by Porunga’s wish to revive Piccolo (it was to revive the namekians or whatever loophole that allows him to be revived).

Krillin: Dies exploded by Freeza.

Freeza: Dies by Goku’s “YOU FOOL!!!!”

Cooler takes Mecha Freeza’s place cuz that Trunks loss was embarrassing. Cooler and Cold die.

Goku: Dies to Cell’s explosion.

Vegeta: Dies exploding against Fat Buu. Maybe Babidi can put Buu together again later as Super Buu or something so the sacrifice can have a little impact.

Everyone: Dies to Super Buu or Kid Buu’s blasts.

King Yemma removes the restriction on the dragon balls during the final battle to prevent a collapse on heaven’s system. Whether everyone who has died throughout the series or only those who died to Buu are revived is up to you.

07:08 UTC


Did the creator know Goku was an alien/Saiyan when OGDB was published? Was there any hint?

I remember hearing kid Goku say that he has a tail and may not be human after all but that was it. Did I miss anything? Rewatching OGDB I tried but failed to find anything so either the creator hid the idea pretty well or he didn’t think of it at the time.

06:08 UTC


My favourite moment in the DBS manga

when goku used mui vs moro, made this a while back but thought id share

11:56 UTC


Mission 26 in battle of z

I'm playing battle of z on my vita and I'm constantly losing Because of my cpu teammates. Help.

10:34 UTC


Goku finds the 4 star Dragonball (cosplay by me)

Chimicosplays on IG

22:15 UTC


Anime or Manga?

I love the anime of course it’s what I started with but man I appreciate Toriyama art and paneling

23:08 UTC


Funimation dub accuracy question

First a little backstory for those interested: I’ve been a fan of Dragon Ball my whole life, I’ve seen the entirety of the Funimation dubs of DB, DBZ, DBZ Kai/The Final Chapters, DB GT, DBS, all of the movies, and currently making my way through Daima as the dub slowly releases. I generally prefer the funi dubs because that’s just what I’ve grown up my whole life between the games and anime. The voices of Christopher Sabat, Sean Schemmel, Stephanie Nadolny, Kyle Herbert and others are pretty irreplaceable to me. That being said I’m not opposed to subbed; I’ve still also seen just about everything that hasn’t been dubbed too like SDBH, and the other specials and OVA’s like Son Goku and Friends Return.

Anyways I recently started reading the manga for the first time ever and I’m loving it so far. I’ve heard before that the dubs aren’t entirely accurate to the manga, and upon reading it for the first time I’m actually surprised to find out that the Funi dub of OG DB is pretty accurate to to the manga mostly besides huge humor changes/censorship and obviously filler.

So my question is; why is the funi dub of DBZ so incredibly inaccurate comparatively to the funi dub of OG DB? With the funi dub of DBZ they made a ton of weird dialogue and character personality changes and replace the original soundtrack. With Kai I know they pretty much fixed the inaccuracies and weird creative decisions that they made with DBZ, but it doesn’t really make much sense to me that OG DB would seem to get more dub care than DBZ especially since OG DB is the older show? Similar to kai and everything after they even kept the original score in the funi dub of OG DB, unlike DBZ and even GT.

I know GT also got a similar treatment in the dub with funimation changing a lot compared to the japanese/sub version. But I’m just really confused why original Dragon Ball did not get treated the same way.

21:34 UTC


Updated my old set of Vegeta drawings with new forms

20:31 UTC


Theory about what's up with Daima

Just to be clear before I start, this is not a DAIMA hate post. I enjoy the show, and I think that the concepts that have been introduced, the lore that has been added, and the overall show itself is still very good. Hell, the animation alone makes it one of the greatest pieces of Dragonball content we've had in years in my book. However, I can't shake the feeling that Toriyama's unfortunate passing has been overall detrimental to this shows pacing and story. As we know, DAIMA is the last piece of Dragonball he ever worked on before his death, and it's likely that they didn't get far past the first draft of the show while he was still alive. I believe that in reverence to Toriyama and his legacy, the remaining writing team didn't want to edit the show more than they needed to in order to preserve his authentic final work. This has lead to many of the problems with pacing, and strange story decisions that have gone on in DAIMA. I am still greatly enjoying the show, and I can appreciate it for the classic Toriyama goofiness that so clearly shines through, but I can't help but feel it could have been even better with just a few easy tweaks. What do you all think?

20:38 UTC


Mini Tien by me

20:14 UTC

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