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Thoughts on the Broly movie poster about Goku and Vegeta SSGSS hair look a lot like the one from goods frieza ark ssj and Android saga Vegeta

You know I loved the new Broly movie (the old Broly sucked horribly hate 90's Broly backstory) and noticed something familiar about Goku and Vegeta SSGSS hair on the promo poster Looks a lot like Z's old ssj hair remember how old ssj was gold and floofy hair but the poster had Goku and Vegeta SSGSS hair looking like Z's ssj but with a few minor tweaks like the color (obviously) the spike overlooking Goku's iconic spikey bangs and aura and not being able to sense their energy as Killed and #17 both state and immense strength and durability love the movie love the manga also some of Z's filler is kinda enjoyable like super Kaioken idc if Boujack unbound is non canon it still has the most memorable and menacing Gohan also Krillen's name in the manga is spelled weird Kurulrin (idk how to spell it) thanks for your time R. I. P. Akira. Toriyama you will be missed p. S. We still want and need Db super season 2

00:36 UTC


When Cell absorbed 18 and then transformed and Krillin attacked him, did Perfect Cell try to block Krillin's attacks? (Manga)

I don't know if I can post manga panels here, but right after Cell absorbed 18 and became his perfect form, Krillin began to attack him and then Cell kicked him and knocked him out in one attack

However when Krillin was throwing rapid punches and kicks it looked like Cell was blocking his attacks with his arm before he decided to kick Krillin, whereas in the anime Cell just stood there and took no damage then kicked Krillin.

Was I not interpreting that scene correctly? I will post the excerpt in the comments

00:28 UTC


My OC in Dragon Ball style.

What you think?!

23:35 UTC


Can You Make A New Version Of Cell

Step 1 Amalgamation:

You Can Gather Cells From Anyone: Goku, Gohan, Goten, Bardock, Vegeta, Trunks, Raditz, Nappa, Broly, Paragus, Yamcha, Tien, Krillin, Pikkon, Tapion, Frieza, Cooler, King Cold, Dabura, Janemba, Bojack, Kogu, Bido, Zangya, Bujin, Ginyu, Jeice, Burtur, Recoome, Guldo, Salza, Doore, Neiz, Omega Shenron, Oceanus Shenron, Nuova Shenron, Eis Shenron, Naturon Shenron, Haze Shenron, Rage Shenron: Or A Combination Of Those.

Step 2 Assimilation:

This New Version Of Cell Can Take A Piece Of 3 Different Cell Types: Piccolo Could Fuse With Nail, Lord Slug And Kami. Majuub Could Fuse With Majin Buu And Android 21. General Rilldo Could Fuse With Dr. Myuu And Baby. So Its A Combinaiton Of Those, Of Course All Three Cells Can Regenerate.

Step 3 Absorption:

This New Version Of Cell Can Absorb 2 Super Androids, Super 13 Can Absorb Androids 14 And 15, Super 17 Can Absorb Androids 16 And 18, So If This New Cell Can Absorb Both To Reach His Perfect Form In A Much More Powerful Way.


His Name Will Be Aparoid, Finally An Original Name, If You Got Fan Art I Like To Know What He Looks Like Then Put It On Google Images.

1 Comment
23:23 UTC


what was happening behind the scenes with Super?

1 Comment
21:03 UTC


Vegeta ultra ego by me

1 Comment
22:30 UTC


This Joke potentially foreshadows/leads into Frieza’s plan in the next arc. (See the little text below)

Frieza’s entire motivation on Namek was becoming immortal via the dragon balls yet when he actually gets a set of them he wants to be taller instead and doesn’t even rush to do it, he does explain himself in the broly film as being in hell for so long it showed him that being alive forever is a hell upon itself. But being alive is much better than your literal personal hell thats common sense. I think this change in motive is instead because Frieza wishes to become the next God of destruction as Beerus is millions of years old which i can only presume is not natural for his race and such a lifespan is granted by his title. This is why Frieza is training so insanely hard and in such a small time frame as he wants to be strong enough to be a candidate either by right or by force the latter is more likely. But if thats the case then Beerus will view Frieza as a direct threat and eliminate him on the spot. This is why frieza is training so hard in his btec time chamber as it’s not in the normal dimension and allows him to benefit from the time dilation present in the chamber in relative secrecy. I honestly think he might even succeed in overthrowing Beerus before inevitably losing somehow to the saiyans.

1 Comment
21:45 UTC


Dragon Ball Z shower thoughts

I just started rewatching the original dragon ball z movies 1-13 and the two specials. I’m finishing Tree of Might and Lord Slug is next and it just crossed my mind. The devastation caused by the tree of might and lord slugs terraforming can’t be undone right away because the Dragon Ball’s were just used earlier in the movie so they would have to wait a whole year to undo the damage. So is earth just left a barren wasteland or a baron frozen tundra for a year before they can restore the damage? I’m not just talking about the effects to the planet, but to the loss of life that occurred.

21:20 UTC


Shouldn’t Piccolo have left Gohan’s tail on?

during the saiyan saga preparing for the saiyans they need any advantage they can get. their top two barely beat one “weak” saiyan.

during training gohan goes ape just destroying mountains with ease, playing around almost. piccolo destroys the moon which i get. gohan had to be stopped. but why rip the tail out? it grows back later i know but did piccolo know that? might wanna leave the potential of the tail incase right?

20:46 UTC


Goku manga panel drawing, first in a while, what do you think?

20:22 UTC


Why did Perfect Cell never use the Kaioken?

Missed opportunity for him to use a kaioken level so high that it starts to break his body apart, only for his cells to automatically recover at the same rate.

Resulting in a free power boost and massive red aura.

20:14 UTC


Goku vs dai fanart by me

17:36 UTC


What's considered Canon now?

Some used to say anything that Toriyama had direct work in was considered Canon. What's considered Canon now? Nothing?

17:52 UTC


Fanart/ Tribute to Akira Toriyama by me

Made this a week after his passing. Hearing the news really hurt me since him and the story of dragon ball was my childhood. RIP to a legend 🙏

18:24 UTC


Drew Perfect Cell [OC]

I like Perfect Cell cell and his theme song [ ALX productions remix]

1 Comment
19:11 UTC


Goku Fanart by Me

19:16 UTC


Can Vegeta still go ultra ego?

Can Vegeta still go ultra ego. I have yet to read the granolah arc. But I read a panel that said that Vegeta apologizes to beerus stating that he is not the man he once was. And in the most recent manga where Vegeta spars with gohan, he’s in his blue form. So my question is if he can still transform into ultra ego

17:24 UTC


Just finished watching Dragon Ball

This series rocked. It was so fun to watch how Goku grew up from a mere child and become a god-like martial artist towards the end of the series. Watching him train with gods (Korin, Kami, Popo) and kick some super villain ass, he refused to back down even when faced with incredible odds. Goku is such an inspiring character, and I can't wait to get into DBZ next! Or should I watch DBZ Kai instead?

15:32 UTC


Goku's personality/development

Ever since I played the 23rd World Tournament DLC in Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot back when it first dropped, I finally realized (late asf) that Goku never really grew up mentally. While his marital arts knowledge and skills are beyond impressive--ultimately he's still just a kid.

I know some fans (and Vegeta especially) consider him to be an idiot (Especially in Super), but that's Goku literally being Goku: a kid...and it's always been like that. You can hear it whenever he talks and it definitely stood out to me when he & Chi-Chi were looking for a spot to live in the post game of the 23rd Tournament DLC (that's when I realized it).

Goku is just a kid in a grown man's body. And despite his lack of knowledge for the world around him outside of just fighting, he's still everyone's favorite lovable Saiyan.

14:37 UTC


My new DBZ tattoo sleeve done at Studio Thirty3

Recently finished up my black and grey DBZ sleeve and wanted to share!

14:43 UTC


my fantasy novel inspired by toriyama

i started working on this project when i was 11, now i'm 18 and i think it's time to finally show to everyone the definitive version of "Knightjar", a psychological fantasy novel heavily inspired by Dragon Quest, Chrono Trigger and Dragon Ball.

so yeah, toriyama sensei helped me understand what i wanted to do with this project, thanks to his works that left a huge impression on me.

that's why after a scrapped dragon ball af manga i wanted to work on, here i am to announce that chapter 1 of my first book will come out on ao3 and wattpad soon!

that thing above is just a promo illustration, official cover will come out soon.

14:06 UTC


Did Goku's head trauma as a baby impair his intelligence or just change his personality

I have always wondered this, was there ever a confirmed answer?? Is goku supposed to be stupid because of the head trauma? Or did it just turned him from a violent savage into a more happy care free saiyan who still loved to fight? I know a lot of gokus "lack of intelligence" is from his naivety but there are some pretty dumb moments as well.

13:55 UTC


Do you like the drawings from the first period of Dragon Ball?

In the early days of Dragon Ball, I think author drew some of his favorite pictures. For example, the vehicle that Bulma is riding. What do you think, guys?

09:31 UTC


What is your favourite DBZ game? and Why? (Apart from Budokai Tenkaichi series e.g BT3)

Mine is probably Infinite World, everything about that game was so fun! I also liked Xenoverse 2 but i haven't played it in a long time so i can't remember it

12:39 UTC


DBZ vs movies - art quality

I understand standalone movies get higher budgets which means more attention to detail in the animation and environmental design etc.

I'm talking more about the sharpness of the lines and general clarity which is so blurry and lacklustre in DBZ compared to a movie like Path to Power. I find it hard to believe the drawing quality of DBZ is that bad, especially when compared to other animes from around that time.

Could the video clarity of DBZ match the movies if Toei properly re-scanned the animation cels?

09:56 UTC


Were Androids 19 & 20 originally THE Androids?

I don’t remember where I saw it but I remember seeing that Androids 19 and 20 were originally the androids Trunks was warning about. However most people didn’t like their designs so they were discarded and 17 and 18 were created. Is this true or was that the plan from the start?

08:47 UTC


I finally read the Dragon Ball Super manga and the Moro arc (the Galactic Patrol Prisoner Saga) is very good

I will start the post by saying that it had been many years (well more than a dozen years) since I interacted with Dragon Ball, but in the last few months I decided to reread the Dragon Ball manga, and the series was more fun and better than I remembered.

After this I became curious and decided to read the Super manga, since I never watched the anime or read the manga, for several reasons, one of them was people saying it was horrible. And I found the manga very fun and better than I expected. Here's my opinion about it:

  • About the art I have to say that at the beginning it was very bad, but as time went by it got better, in the "Tournament of Power" arc its art was already much better, but its art improves A LOT in Moro's arc, with great fights, choreography, scenarios and more.
  • As for the secondary characters, they have great highlights and fights, they are not ignored, Yamcha has a fight in the arc, his last fight before was against the Saibaman, in fact even Chiaotzu had a victory in a battle, I think this was In fact, his first victory in a fight!
  • Vegeta was the highlight of the arc, he had a great character development, him deciding that he should learn more and go to the Yardrat planet, him being respectful with his new master and interacting amicably with a member of the Galactic Patrol. In fact, Vegeta is the highlight of the entire Super Manga so far, unlike Goku in that many moments seem more childish and stupid than in the original series (although Goku's character starts to improve in Super from this arc onwards, seriously, he had some moments horrible in the previous arcs). In fact Vegeta becoming the co-protagonist was good for him, even Buu's arc was the first time he actually interacted with Goku, seriously, reread the original manga, Vegeta actually NEVER talked to Goku or interacted with him for real before the Buu arc! The Super manga continued with its great development of the Androids and Buu arcs. He has several great moments, like at the end of the TOP, he and Goku finally fighting together as a team to other moments in Moro and Granolah/Gas arc.
  • The arc for the first time in Super developed the Dragon Ball universe, from showing and exploring the Galactic Patrol, showing the influence and consequences of the Frieza Force on the universe, the alien planets, various references to various things mentioned in the original manga and others Akira Toriyama's works/series, it makes it seem like a cohesive and well thought out universe.
  • Merus is also a great character, with him wanting to help and protect people, him interacting with Goku, and until the end fighting against Moro, even if it kills him to save the others.
  • Moro is also a great villain, the best villain in Super, he knows he's evil and he doesn't care, he has fun with it, besides the fact that he's a magic user is very creative and unique in the series. And his appearance based on a goat and western demons is also very creative.
  • The Saga for the first time let Buu fight and be highlighted in the series, his fight at the beginning against Moro was very creative and fun, it was even funny Moro's confused faces with his various different absurd powers, seriously, he must have been thinking about what happened to Grand Supreme Kai while he was imprisoned, for him to have turned into a bizarre pink monster made of Goo.
  • I liked how useful Uub was at the end of the Saga for Goku to be able to defeat Moro, linking to the beginning of the arc, when Dende showed him to Goku and for Buu's fight against Moro, where they believe he wouldn't be able to defeat him because When the original Buu split into two, he no longer had the mystical power to defeat him.
  • And finally the Ultra Instinct is great, it must be Goku's best new power since the original Super Saiyan on Namek, I liked that for Goku to learn it he had to remember all his previous masters, the scene of Master Roshi fighting Jiren in "The Tournament of Power" was great. I also liked how it's not just an increase in strength, but rather it's a technique with a whole new explanation and depth, on how to deflect, or keep your mind calm and control your emotions. I also enjoyed his training and conversations with Merus.

And you, what did you think of this arc and Super?

22:50 UTC

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