
Photograph via snooOG

A place for the discussion of automation, additive manufacturing, robotics, AI, and all the other tools we've created to enable a global paradise free of menial labor. All can share in our achievements in a world where food is produced, water is purified, and housing is constructed by machines.

Welcome to /r/Automate!

A place for the discussion of automation, additive manufacturing, robotics, AI, and all the other tools we've created to enable a global paradise free of menial labor. All can share in our achievements in a world where food is produced, water is purified, and housing is constructed by machines.

Once, a long time ago, a shovel was a marvel of modern technology. Today, a shovel is $3.99 at the hardware store. Who says the same won't happen with robotics ?

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Can I automate replies to DMs on TikTok, similar to how it's done on Instagram

Can I automate replies to DMs on TikTok, similar to how it's done on Instagram

23:51 UTC


Showcase of my Windows tool for automation and scheduling of user actions

Hey !
I present to you Scheduled PC Tasks
version 1.2 is up ^^

Schedule automated simulations of actions you would perform on your PC.

Those actions simulations are available :

  • Keys sequence
  • Move Cursor
  • Paste text
  • Open files, folders, executables, url
  • Run Windows system specific command (shut down, reboot, kill processes, create files...)
  • Wait

And other features like data management, scheduled tasks at system startup...

Need your feedback :)



17:21 UTC


Automating simple task in browser - what tool?

Hello everyone,

I am trying to automate a rather simple but repetitive task. The idea is that:

  • I click in a certain place on a website and paste a formula I already keep
  • Then I click on another element on the page, which allows me to upload a file, on file choose screen I click one that is 000.smth (always same name and extension), press open.
  • I click on second element which allows me to upload a second file. This time, it needs to go just a file BELOW 000, delete it, and then choose the next one to be uploaded.
  • Press Enter
  • wait 5-10 seconds
  • rinse and repeat until there are no more files left in a folder.

I thought this should be a very easy task but I have a big trouble of finding a tool that could allow me to do it without much of the tech-knowledge. I just want to record my clicks and that's it.

I have tried Power Automate but I am either too stupid or this program is extremely unfriendly and buggy. Sometimes it doesn't register my clicks. After some struggles with it, I have finally set up two automation flows that I have been using for the past few weeks. But today it logged me out automatically, and after login in I can't find my flows. I am just frustrated at this garbage.

Any suggestions? As I said, I don't need anything fancy. Just to follow the steps I have mentioned.

00:17 UTC


FANUC - Systems Variables

I wrote background logic that saves motor temperature and torque in registers. at the moment I am using:
MOR_GRP[1].$Temperature and MOR_GRP[1].$Torque. To my understanding the temp is % of allowed max and the other one I am having trouble understanding the numbers. Does anyone know what those numbers mean and the units?

I am trying to do predictive maintenance on the joints. So anyone can think of other variables to save or look for? Maybe for current or OVC or something?

Thanks a lot. It's a high visibility project as I am also created messages from the PLC to read those registers and historize the data and then alert based on some treshholds that I will need to figure out later.

20:09 UTC


would love your thoughts on my side-hustle project !

Hey Reddit! šŸ‘‹ been working on a tool that makes AI easy and helpful for everyday work. Iā€™ve built SuperFlow to fit lots of different needs, so anyone can use it! After testing it with friends and fellow redditors, Iā€™ve made some tweaks based on what they saidā€”and now i'm ready to show you.

Check it out at https://supergrowthai.com/superflow ! šŸŒ

It's a tool which helps make AI work more predictable and takes the guesswork out of it, so you can get things done faster. No coding needed! yeah! Itā€™s made for people who want to bring AI into their work without the hassle.I havenā€™t connected the API yet , but it shows how it works. The landing page is up, and iā€™d love your feedback. Do you get what SuperFlow can do?

Also, i'd love to knowā€”what kind of things could you see yourself using SuperFlow for, either in your own life or at work? Any thoughts or ideas would mean a lot as I get closer to launch.

Ps: it took me a week to come up with this idea & another 2 weeks to build it , seriously looking for some good feedbacks šŸ™

22:28 UTC


Bank statement pdf to .csv converter. I know it exists but I don't want to pay monthly/yearly for a tool I'll have to use forever. Other options?

I just started working for a small firm in the legal field. This area of law involves a lot of financial discovery which takes the form of thousands upon thousands of pages/pdfs of statements that we subpoena from banks, and then have to analyze to figure out income, follow large transfers, track purchases, use to determine overall net worth, etc. I actually feel like I'm in the stone age sitting and manually transferring data from the pdf statements to an excel spreadsheets. I know there are websites that convert pdf to .csv, but everything I'm seeing requires membership pricing, limits the number of documents you can upload, and uses the internet. This is a tool that I will need for the rest of my hopefully long career, and I want an application I can use that I own outright. I've contacted a programmer I know to help build something for me, but I was wondering if there's anything already out there so I don't have to pay someone to reinvent the wheel. I have a number that I would pay to get my hands on something like this-- please reach out if you've created an application like this, have any suggestions about where to look or who to contact, or think its something you could build with ease.

UPDATED: just learned about Adobe Acrobat's AI Assistant...does the analysis for me! Any reason why I shouldn't use it?

18:25 UTC


Email Parsing Automation?

Iā€™m looking to automate a process to manage and parse a large volume of emails (ranging from hundreds to thousands daily) that are similar but not in a standard template. The goal is to identify and pull out key data points from each email, categorize them, and build a prioritized worklist based on the extracted data. Ideally, Iā€™d like this solution to also push the parsed data into a central data warehouse and link it to an existing ID associated with each emailā€™s topic.

Given the volume, I need a solution that can handle high throughput efficiently. Has anyone tackled something similar, and what tools or methods worked best for you? Any advice on platforms or techniques to handle the data parsing, priority-setting, and integration with a data warehouse would be much appreciated! Thanks!

16:05 UTC


[Zapier] Replies in a Slack thread to Google Sheet

I saw in Zap community that Slack replies to Gsheet isn't possible at the moment.

Does anyone have a workaround for this? We want every reply in a thread from Slack be saved per row in Gsheet.

Thank you!

08:36 UTC


Anyone here using USnap.ai for automating tasks?

Iā€™ve been playing around with it, but Iā€™m not sure how great it is for setting up more complex automations, like linking different AI models or automating content creation.

For those whoā€™ve tried, does it really save time, or is it better for just simple stuff? Curious if anyoneā€™s got some tips or creative ways to use USnap for automation!

11:37 UTC


Do you know any logo generator app?

I'm not a pro. I just want to create a cool logo for our small business. Maybe you know any logo creator or app in phone or desktop?

06:40 UTC


Hate sending personalized attachment one by one, I created this

Frustrated of sending personalized attachment like letters to hundreds of recipients one by one, I created MailMergeAi to automate the entire boring process. Now I can do other exciting tasks to stay awake!

1 Comment
05:18 UTC


Questions about using AI to automatically apply for jobs

I'm a recent (2024) grad and have been struggling to find a job in software.Ā 

Recently I came across a GitHub repo for a python script that uses AI to assist in the job application process.


I was wondering if others have had experience using this bot or ones like it.Ā  Was it useful?Ā  Would you use it again?

21:29 UTC


Need help for building my own RAG Agent

Hey everyone, Iā€™m trying to find ways to build my own RAG Agent which takes data from JSON files which are automatically created when document is uploaded to a certain folder. What I did so far: Iā€™ve created a venv, ollama is installed and models are downloaded, FAISS is installed, webhook server is configured, inference script is created. This automation for transcribing pdf and other files to JSON data Iā€™m doing it by using make com. How can I now make the agent work? How can I put some data in it. I am new into automation/programming w/o any experience.

12:05 UTC


Fully automated ecommerce fulfillment center

1 Comment
11:53 UTC


Best way to learn Power Automate

I recently got access to power automate in my job so I am looking for udemy courses or something

What courses or ways of learning do you recommend?

05:17 UTC


What AI-powered automation that you have incorporated into your life/work?

Not sure if it counts, but I have 'automated/delegated' a lot of uninteresting (mundane code) coding works to AI, specifically Claude -- through IDE with AI integration (VS Code/Cursor) and directly in Claude chat app. It is a game changer and can't imagine not being able to use AI in coding workflow now.

Would love to hear how others here leverage AI?

1 Comment
15:22 UTC


I have a two-step process for taking notes on transcripts that I'd like to share

I am currently using Whisper to create a transcript for llesson audio. I'm also creating notes from college textbooks, ensuring that each chapter corresponds to the same topic. This integration allows me to feed the text from the textbooks into ChatGPT. My goal is to incorporate textbook material into my lecture notes using this AI platform effectively. I aim to avoid relying on manual processes, such as reviewing, fixing, or rephrasing,

Step1:Use a "rag" as a query to pull relevant sections from the textbook using text trascription as input

step2 Paraphrasing trascription : Use a pre-trained GPT model (e.g., GPT-3.5-turbo, GPT-4) to paraphrase the lecture transcript, with the retrieved textbook sections

I'm looking for some recommendations on what others might use or some feedback on my prompt. Thank you!

11:51 UTC


If you need to fill data into a Google doc then you can see this automation.

Many people need to fill data into a Google doc.

So, to save time and effort you can automate it. It is simple. First, you need to create a template in Google docs. You can use Zapier for this or something you can look for to your need.

The trigger:

  1. New form submission (e.g., from Google Forms)
  2. New entry in a Google Sheet.
  3. New record in a CRM (like HubSpot or Salesforce)

You can explore other triggers also.

The action: Create document from template ( it's a Google doc action ) Select your template.

In your template add placeholder variables like {{Name}} and others. This field will be replaced with dynamic data. Map the field with data from the trigger.

11:27 UTC


Found a great site for hcaptcha auto solving

Pretty simple to use api and have good rates, idk what else to say lol go try it

(non ref)



#noCaptchaAi #CaptchaSolver #Captcha Ai #bypassCaptcha

09:42 UTC


RAG APIs Didnā€™t Suck as Much as I Thought

08:29 UTC


Add variable data to a pdf from excel file

Iā€™m building a tool that allows users to upload a pdf file then a csv where the headers can be placed on the pdf file and filled with the content from the rows. The website isnā€™t fully done but the functionality is done. Would love if anyone is interested to try it out and give feedback


To use the variable data piece https://pdfmatic.com/upload

1 Comment
23:04 UTC


Fine-Tune GPT-4o Vision Models for Image Classification

GPT-4o models have proven powerful at handling multimodal tasks (text + images).Ā 

However, forĀ highly domain-specific data, such as detecting surface defects in manufacturing or monitoring quality control in retail,Ā general-purpose modelsĀ might not deliver optimal performance.Ā 

Fine-tuning GPT-4o models to your specific visual dataset allows you toĀ achieve higher accuracyĀ for tasks like defect detection, visual inspections, and beyond.

The linked article provides a step by step guide and plug and play code for you to fine tune GPT-4o with your data for image classification.

What use case do you have for fine tuning GPT-4o?

22:45 UTC


Effortlessly create engaging captions for your videos

šŸŽ‰ Hey Creators! šŸŽ‰

Ever wanted to create video captions like your favorite influencers? Now you can, and in just a few clicks! With Crowned Captions, you can easily elevate your videos and keep your audience engaged.

Right now, we're in BETA, and we want you to be part of it! Use code BETA10 to snag 10% off your one-time paymentā€”it's less than the cost of ordering a pizza! šŸ•Ā 

Donā€™t miss out on this chance to streamline your captioning process and create stunning videos just like the pros.

Join us today and start captivating your audience!

22:24 UTC


The best way to automate blog posts that I have seen

1 Comment
19:37 UTC


I built an AI agent that shops e-comm stores to curate the best products for you

16:47 UTC


Other Options for MS Excel --> PDF Automation: What else besides Excel & VBA?

I do lots of vba automations but would love to use another language like Python instead. However, shipping a MS Excel app with Python is still super clunky, if possible at all.

As a case study:

I have a client that does lab testing and sends results to their clients. They use Excel as their database. One workbook for client data, a second workbook for test results. They want to automate creating the PDF report that combines info from the two workbooks. They need the ability to manually edit content or formatting, before being emailed to the client.

How can this be done without relying on VBA?

How to create the smoothest workflow?
Is this a use case for an "agent" or set of agents?

16:13 UTC


Web scrapper for LinkedIn

I'm about to lose my job and need a tool to scrape LinkedIn posts made by recruiters from job consultancies for specific roles they're hiring for. Ideally, it should provide me with 20 to 30 quality job leads per day. If you know of any good tools for this, please recommend them.

22:00 UTC


Built a social media scraper using Crawl4AIā€”grabs public data at scale without getting blocked.

So, we just built a scraper using Crawl4AI that pulls data from LinkedIn, Instagram, and Twitter without getting blocked. It scrapes public profiles, follower counts, and engagement statsā€”all under the radar. We used proxy rotation and timed delays to avoid bans. Instagramā€™s tough, but with some tweaks, we made it work.

The best part? Real-time data on thousands of profiles with zero bans (so far). If youā€™re in marketing or competitive research, this is a game-changer.

21:26 UTC

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