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Self-taught communities

Hello, guys, are there any communities/groups for people who are still learning? (preferably WebDev)

I think would be great to meet online friends who also learn how to code/ build small projects. I’m in the UK btw.

P.S if anybody is interested u can send me a DM.

1 Comment
17:52 UTC


Confused about node.js syntax. "<%%> and >%%<

<% if (jsonData) { %>
<script id="jsonData">var jsonData=<%- JSON.stringify(jsonData) %>;</script>
<% } %>

so in this example, why does it do <% and then {%>? Shouldnt it be like this---> <% {} %>? Why do you cut off the first bracket with a closing tag "%>"?

1 Comment
17:49 UTC


Best Path Forward for Learning Rusty Stacks Creating a Mobile App with Admin Panel

Ps: I don't want to use ChatGPT to do the work for me..

I could use some advice on the best approach for a new project I'm working on. A year ago, I completed a full-stack coding bootcamp, where I learned html,css,js along React and Node.js. However, since joining my current job, I've mainly been working with Python and FastAPI as a backend dev, so I haven't had much experience with JavaScript, React Native, or Firebase since almost 10 months ago.

I'm now tasked with creating a simple mobile app with an admin panel, and I'm excited to dive into these technologies again. However, I'm a bit rusty and not sure about the best way to approach this. The app is expected to have around 6 screens, while the admin panel will have about 5 screens (taking out transition and modals)

I was thinking maybe do a quick project before starting, but then the project is already relatively simple. Thought about doing some JS exercises. watching youtube tutorials?

Do you have any suggestions on the best path forward? Should I go through a comprehensive tutorial or focus on specific areas? Any recommendations on resources or advice on how to tackle this project would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you!

17:15 UTC


How does web programming work under the hood?

I'm finishing up my "systems year" at my university, where we went through our notoriously difficult classes: computer architecture and operating systems.

I enjoyed learning in these classes (not floating point) because it revealed why and what exactly is happening when a computer is executing code. I felt as if everything I wrote beforehand was abstracted nonsense and I definitely became a better programmer/coder/whatever because of it,.

My question is where exactly does this tie in with web programming? My OS professor did mention that compiling and executing a file wasn't the only way to run code, there are also things like the Python interpreter that is running on your system that interprets .py files and executes it through an intermediary. Is this what happens on the web? Is javascript analogous to python, and the browser analogous to the interpreter? Then is the browser executing code..? Obviously JS can't be executing "native" code, but from what I see, it seems like a java situation.. java (aafik) has a compile step, and then an interpreter step (JVM runs the code).

I think I learn the best when I learn from the foundation up. For example, our electrical/computer engineering degree has our students learning about circuits/transistors/the physics behind them first, then goes on to higher and higher levels of abstraction later in the degree. For us CS students, it's the opposite where we learn the high level languages first and then learn the low level languages and how they work later. I guess i'm having trouble piecing together the pieces of the puzzle to get from low level machine code to high level...whatever kind of javascript code executes.

17:18 UTC


Functional Programming Tutors?

Hey all, I’m learning functional programming and its not really clicking with me. I am learning SML/Standard ML and given its an older and not as popular language how do I go about finding people who know it well? Not sure if this is the place to ask but is anyone here proficient in it?

17:10 UTC


What should I learn next in Spring Framework? Is Open Source good for learning?

I am a final year student and I have a basic grasp of Spring (including dependency injection, annotations, and basic CRUD operations) and have implemented these in projects, I'm looking to expand my knowledge further. What should I learn next in Spring?

I'm also interested in exploring open-source projects to deepen my understanding of Spring, is this a good way to understand how spring is used. Could you please suggest any good open-source projects where I can delve into various applications of Spring beyond just backend web development? Any recommendations would be greatly appreciated.

1 Comment
16:58 UTC


Making a game overlay

Hey guys I am fairly new to programming and have a pretty basic understanding of c++. I am trying to make a basic overlay for games I am playing. This overlay would screenshot the specific screen coordinates of where it shows my currently playing spotify song, then relaying that screenshot to the overlay. This would have to work in full screen games/programs. I haven’t started to write it yet and frankly do not know where to start. Anything helps thanks in advance.

1 Comment
16:50 UTC


Purpose of CS books?

Always have been kind of strange to me, why would someone go to conventional academic books to learn coding in the era of AI, YouTube, Google?

I understand some just enjoy the more traditional feeling of learning via this method but it seems unbelievably obtuse and cumbersome considering the other options.

16:49 UTC


How to stretch an image without distorting or zooming in?

I’m creating a website for a friend and am trying to use one of the pictures they gave me to put under the navbar and if I use cover it zooms in way too much and if I use contain with no repeats it shows the entire image but only in a small spot under the navbar and I can’t get it to stretch. I’m just gonna assume the image needs to be resized? If so what is the ideal size?

1 Comment
16:47 UTC



To people who bought the book, was the book useful?

1 Comment
16:45 UTC


Fear of failure

Hello, how do I deal with the fear of failure ? It just makes me overthink so much that maybe I'm gonna put the work for nothing, that maybe I am not smart enough and in the end I'm not gonna be able to get a job. I just stay overthinking instead of actually coding. If I am doing a course I am going into it with the fear that I am not smart enough. How do I stop overthinking and just put in the work ?

16:21 UTC


How to avoid a change in one place breaking something else?

Hello, ever since I started programming I've struggled with something - oftentimes, when I make a change in one place in the code, it will break something somewhere else.

I am guessing that solutions would mostly be writing decoupled code and tests, but I was wondering if anyone has some more specific, actionable advice to avoid side effects when updating code?

Thank you very much!

16:03 UTC


Looking for a flexible, online Coding Bootcamp

Hi all - I've searched the sub but have a bit of a more narrow request than most of the posts here. I have a very strong quantitative background and have worked in finance most of my life - I'm interested in learning programming A) just for the sake of developing new skills, and B) to build some of the technical abilities I would likely need if I were to start my own project / business within the next couple of years.

I am an investment banker and don't have any interest in recruiting for big tech dev jobs, etc., so don't really need any of the networking benefits so many of these bootcamps espouse. I'm just looking for a flexible, rigorous, online coding academy that can teach me some foundational skills, with cost being no concern. Does anyone here know of anything approximating what I'm looking for? I would be fine either joining a live 'cohort', or doing the training asynchronous, I just really want to find a program / bootcamp to follow to keep me honest and to ensure I'm learning the right skills.

Thank you -

1 Comment
15:53 UTC


As a beginner, should I do python web development without JS?

I want to study robotics in Germany. In such a case, I'll of course need to strengthen my python skills. While studying, I'll also need to earn some money, which I am hoping to do through freelancing in programming. I am almost done learning CSS and I know python without any specialisation in any library. What should I do now? Should I learn JS after CSS, even though I only need to learn web development for some money during my student years, or should I learn further web development through python, which will strengthen my command in the language and also provide me with a way to earn some money? I am very unsure of the latter option, but also confused as to how I'll be able to maintain my fluency in both the languages at the same time. Please advice me (I am currently in grade 11th, studying Physics, Chemistry, Maths and German at an Indian school, so the academic pressure is high as well.)

15:40 UTC


Loops with switch

Hello guys im doing a very smal project for my school where i need to program a calculator in java. I wanted to use the switch statement to select the kind of equation u want to calculate but after i receive my answer, i don't know how to go back to the question of what kind of equation to use. Do you guys have solutions? (I'm still new to programming)

15:19 UTC



Hi, I have a Mac M1 and I want to read the book Advanced programming in the UNIX environment. Can I do the exercises there on a Mac computer?

15:08 UTC


Is this how I fail fizzbuzz?

I'm working my way through online C++ training, and came across fizzbuzz. I did it 3 different ways, including with *if else* and both *for* and *while* loops, and then a cheeky version with nested ternaries. I know this is "frowned upon" to nest them, but I can't help but love how concise it is, and is it really that shameful to use this with so few conditions? Here's my ternary version for reference. Any other recommendations for the surrounding code are appreciated!

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

int Number {0};

void FizzBuzz() {


Number % 15 == 0 ? cout << "Fizzbuzz":

Number % 5 == 0 ? cout << "Buzz":

Number % 3 == 0 ? cout << "Fizz":

cout << Number << endl;


int main() {

int i {0};

for (i = 0; i < 100; ++i) {




14:36 UTC


How do I code this

I want to code something that will search a file for a certain character that given by the user. Her is my current code but I don't know how to do it and this code doesn't even run.

import Isaac
def search(filename, keyword):
count = 0
with open(Isaac, Isaac) as file:
for line in file:
if keyword in line:
count = count+1
filename = "Isaac.py"
keyword = "Isaac"
input("Give a character or word: ")
search(filename, keyword)

Also here is a link to the replit I am programming this on


14:30 UTC


Im learning my first programming language C++ ( i need tips)

Soo first of all why im using c++, its because im learning it at school and have no choice. SOOO i want some tips and maybe like a roadmap how should i learn how do i progress. What do i know from c++ ? so have build um calculator but in terminal and some similar projects'. and i have question, can you build like umm a app, or a software with c++

13:59 UTC


I want to make an web to work with the object detection

the system will be like that the first page you will be able to open the camera after you open it object detection will be working and detection object/items then add it to the second page which is shopping cart then you will have 2 buttons named (cash, card payment) if you pay by card you will be scanning a qr code if you pay cash the receipt be printed

I have the code and object detection model which I found them online I have no clue how to manage and create a website like that or to connect my edge impulse model to the code it seems like nothing working can someone please help me with this it’s urgent

1 Comment
13:25 UTC


Question about Python

Submitted a final project for class and I used a “name” = “__main” function to define a main menu for a text based game.

Professor took points off because she “would’ve liked me to define a new variable called main_menu()” instead of just using the main function.

So my question is: in a real job does it really matter 😅😂

13:14 UTC


How to create a deep learning model to predict demand in taxis?

I have a processed data set containing the time, date and location for pickups and drop off for taxi journeys . however i am unsure what to do next? I want to use a deep learning model, but what exactly do i predict?

12:55 UTC


Best Practices to send for Empty Values of a JSON API?

What do you choose? Getting lots of conflicting answers.

  1. Null
  2. Undefined (Omitted from JSON)
  3. Empty of that type?
    1. String = ""
    2. Number = 0
    3. Boolean = false
    4. Array = []
    5. Object = {}

CMS JSON API to be consumed by JS Framework Frontend

12:50 UTC


How do I get hands-on "work experience" on Typescript and Nest.js if my current work only uses Node.js and Express?

I am a software engineer, specifically more proficient in the JS syntax. My work mostly revolves around using Express to create backend services for the frontend team. Recently, I've tried to research other jobs online with similar job description, but a lot of them require working knowledge on TS or Nest instead of the usual MERN stack.

I have tried to attend courses online on both, but I often feel that they're not products that are shipped for production use, and as such feel less qualified than others who have shipped actual products using TS and Nest. How can I earn similar "work experience" in shipping actual products using TS and Nest? And is there any way not to be too involved in the FE work?

12:13 UTC



I have recently started studying Java from Hyperskill, If anyone can guide me and be my mentor or if anyone wants to study with me ( Only if you are really passionate about it, because of the time constraints ) Do let me know.

11:34 UTC


Abbreviated wheels in Python?

I want to create a Python script that is generating abbreviated wheels by giving as input n, k and t.


input: n=4, k=3, t=2

desired output:

1, 2, 3
1, 2, 4
1, 3, 4

I have the following Python script that is supposing to do this but it seems that the output is not as expected:

from itertools import combinations

def generate_lottery_wheels(n, k, t):
    Generate lottery abbreviated wheels.
    n (int): Total number of lottery numbers.
    k (int): Size of the lottery ticket.
    t (int): Guarantee that the ticket has 't' winning numbers.
    list of tuples: List of all possible combinations.
    # Generate all possible combinations of n numbers taken k at a time
    all_combinations = list(combinations(range(1, n+1), k))
    # Filter combinations to only include those with at least 't' winning numbers
    abbreviated_wheels = [combo for combo in all_combinations if sum(combo) >= t]
    return abbreviated_wheels

# Example usage:
n = int(input("Enter the total number of lottery numbers (n): "))
k = int(input("Enter the size of the lottery ticket (k): "))
t = int(input("Enter the guarantee that the ticket has 't' winning numbers: "))

wheels = generate_lottery_wheels(n, k, t)
print(f"Generated {len(wheels)} lottery wheels:")
for wheel in wheels:

And this is the output:

Enter the total number of lottery numbers (n): 4
Enter the size of the lottery ticket (k): 3
Enter the guarantee that the ticket has 't' winning numbers: 2
Generated 4 lottery wheels:
(1, 2, 3)
(1, 2, 4)
(1, 3, 4)
(2, 3, 4)

[Program finished]

As you can see the output is not so abbreviated.

How to do this in Python?

I tried to do it by logic but it seems that something is missing.

Thank you in advance!

11:33 UTC


Feeling fear of loosing my job over mistake

Made a mistake that went to production Hi guys, I am Jr developer and it's my first project. It's been 3 months only, So there was requirement from client to change generation rule of one of the file. As I wasn't having access to required tools my senior made the changes with help of his senior. As there were 3 fields in total for creating condition, they messed it. I tested only four test combinations. I reviewed them in code review. Also QA missed it and also two dependent apk's QA also missed this condition. Before release I asked senior about this he said ignore it now. Also as we are working on same part so we are pushing correct condition now. I am not sure about what is impact gonna be and I am fearing that I will lose my job.

10:53 UTC


Worth it books abt computer hardware or architecture?

Hi, just looking for books that are still relevant on computer hardware or architecture.

I also saw this very old reddit article discussing But How Do It Know? by J Clark Scott, is that too old to still be relevant or should I give it a read and anything else?

10:32 UTC


404 Not Found Error when deploying flask web app to Vercel


So, I was trying to learn how to build and deploy a really simple Hello World Flask web app to Vercel but after the deployment is done, I just get this -



I've tried:

  1. Changing the Node.js version to 18.x (got this from one of the previously stack overflow answers)

  2. writing this in the vercel.json file -

    { "rewrites": [ { "source": "/(.*)", "destination": "/" } ], "version": 2, "builds": [ {"src": "./app.py", "use": "@vercel/python", "config":{"runtime":"python3.9"}} ] }

Please help me with this. I've tried searching online but none of the searches yielded any results for me. Or if you know other better ways to deploy a flask app preferably free then please let me know. Thank you

10:28 UTC


Sources for ETL learning

Hey gang, so I've recently been moved into a data team where they want me to work on ETLs using python and scala through data bricks. The issue is that I've no knowledge in python, scala or ETLs. Whilst I've enrolled in a few python and scala courses I'm not seeing anything for ETLs. I'm really just looking for fundamentals on how an ETL should be approached, what needs to be considered etc. Does anyone have any sources on this? Thanks in advance.

1 Comment
10:20 UTC

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