
Photograph via snooOG

/r/cosmology - a community for questions, discussions, and articles about cosmology.

Welcome to r/cosmology, the subreddit for questions, discussions, and articles about cosmology. Cosmology is the study of the early universe and the universe on the largest scales. Things galactic size and smaller generally belong elsewhere.

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Common questions:

  1. The universe is not expanding faster than light. Expansion has units of inverse time.

  2. The evidence for dark matter is overwhelming and reaches far beyond rotation curves.

Anything not related to cosmology will be removed.


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Favoritism and exceptions for certain students

I go to beauty school let’s not say which one because it probably won’t be too hard to figure out considering it’s the worst one you can go to. Preferences I went because my friend was going and they ended up, dropping her because of her attendance rate while they have kept other students at that same attendance rate. All they do is argue with the teachers and bring products that are not according to the SDS sheets, granted we don’t have great products for the locks and re-twist and re-twist but if they were to have a reaction in the entire school would be sued. Even the Director knows about this pretty much all they do is argue with the teachers all the time and get away with it and say profanity, and then they have their students who want do whatever they want today have a shadow that they’ve known about for a few weeks but I had previously approved but then dropped it because originally it was after school and I wouldn’t get hours for it now I’m scared because it’s during the day and I got it approved yesterday and not 48 hours in advance if they’re gonna deny me the hours, which is probably what’s going to happen. One of their students came in they would easily make that exception and wouldn’t have to worry an ounce to sleep over it. However if One of their favorite students came in they would easily make that exception and wouldn’t have to worry an ounce to sleep over it. that includes the Director. they teach us basically nothing and I’ve been shadowing this woman even after school because she’s taught me more in the first job shadow than I’ve learned in multiple months at this school. regardless of whether or not, I get the hours for today I’m going in and they can cry me a river. I’m so over this place. I can’t wait to get my license and never return to that horrible place for the rest of my life.

11:38 UTC


Basic cosmology questions weekly thread

Ask your cosmology related questions in this thread.

Please read the sidebar and remember to follow reddiquette.

09:00 UTC


Writer Opportunity for YouTube Channel related to Space and Cosmology

Hi everyone,

We are looking for a writer for our YouTube channel relating to universe, planets, solar system, and space. Our goal is to make educational impact using our videos. Anyone who is interested in joining our mission?
Basically, the content is similar to PBS Spacetime with a touch of humor in the mix.

We plan to initially produce 1 script per month and then transition to 2 scripts per month.

In terms of payment structure: If you get hired for the role, the rate per script of 8-11 pages (3500-4500 words) is at 800 USD.

If you are interested, feel free to reach out! Let's work together in creating awareness and educational impact!

05:53 UTC


What would you consider to be the most significant findings by the James Webb Telescope so far?

15:52 UTC


is the universe infinite or finite?are there some lower bounds on its estimates size?

17:07 UTC


cobaya confusion

Hello everyone. I need some help on how to use cobaya to produce the contour plots based on data, like planck for example. I read the docs and am just confused honestly. It seems like I should be able to set the likelihoods to one of the planck data sets they mention in the read the docs, but when I tried it didn't work. I am using google colab if that makes a difference.

Ideally, could someone tell me how to adjust the example notebook they give in the read the docs to use actual data instead of set covariances? I'm doing this just for learning purposes this isn't like a homework or anything.

1 Comment
15:34 UTC


where we will go after star formation ends?

19:52 UTC


Could the other end of a black hole be a sun ?

So, I’m sitting here discussing science topics with an 8 year old …. Atmosphere, atoms, molecules, how and why do things exist, you know, all the questions kids think about on a summer day.

He got really interested in black holes, “why do they exist? What happens to the light? Do they suck up everything in the universe?” ……. Then he said something that seemed more interesting that the other questions ….. “what if black holes are the toilet of the universe? They suck up everything and on the other side they output all that energy as a sun?”

I said, “I don’t know, let’s ask a group of smart people” …. So I’m asking …

15:08 UTC


Is the singularity of a black hole dimensionless?

I know this sounds dumb, but I've heard some cosmologist say that the singularity has no dimensions. Is that statement true?

13:10 UTC


But what mechanism does Hawking radiation reduce the mass of a black hole? (I see how mass is expelled, but have never heard how it is taken/reduced from the black hole.)

10:35 UTC


Easy way to check enveloping structures of a structure?

Since reading articles online of Astronomy Magazine, I came into the habit of saving astronomical photographs and embedding them in the precise folder I wanted them to be. (This was a main driver to switch from Windows to Mac, as the former does not allow for file paths like /Users/Jos/Pictures/Universe/Spacetime/Space/Observable Universe/Pisces-Cetus Supercluster Complex/Laniakea/Virgo-Hydra-Centaurus Supercluster/Virgo Supercluster/Local Sheet/Local Galactic Group/Milky Way Subgroup/Milky Way Galaxy/Orion-Cygnus Arm/Local Bubble/Local Interstellar Cloud/Solar system/Heliosphere/Inner Solar System/3. Terra, for reasons that are still unclear to me, as this seems like a bare necessity for any person owning a computer..? But maybe that's just me :p)

That aside, I often have trouble determining whether, for example, the Exclamation Point Galaxy resides in the Shapley Supercluster. (ChatGPT is of no help, don't go there (yet) with this type of question!)

So, bottom line: does anyone know of a database/search enige/LLM/website that would quickly answer any question of the form "To which grander structure does this particular, smaller, structure, belong?"

I know about atlasoftheuniverse, of course, but that's a bit outdated, tedious, certainly non-exhaustive, and yeah, tedious in the sense that you don't want to skim/scan an image with a hundreds of abbreviations to see whether yours is in there..

Excited to see what you come up with! Thanks in advance!

PS: prompting this general question is the arrival of the batches of images from JWST and Euclid, specifically, I'm trying to place Abell 2744 and Abell 2390 a.t.m., so I'd also be very happy to know in which larger structure they reside, if known. (Now they're just in 'Observable Universe', but I think we should be able to pinpoint that more exactly.) I so far seem to have established/made plausible that the Exclamation Point Galaxy/UGC 9618/Arp302/VV 340 is a member of the Shapley Supercluster, to go full-circle. Hope that's true, at least.

1 Comment
07:42 UTC



Where can I learn about the latest developments in cosmology, preferably for free

01:33 UTC


Help visualizing the big bang

Hello everyone!

I am trying to wrap my head around the big bang and I am a bit confused. A lot of visualizations of the big bang show either a point floating in black space that explodes like a bomb, they show a balloon with galaxies on it, or a "timeline" with a cup-shaped expanding grid that is pinched off at the end (like the one on the wikipedia page for "Big Bang" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Big\_Bang) .

I understand with things like the early universe, visualizations can only go so far... like its not like we could see it, since there wouldn't be any space for you to sit and watch, and it wouldn't be see-through anyway. But I'm wondering how people that understand it very well imagine it.

I'm sort of imagining it as a totally impenetrable expanse that extends forever in all directions, which from the point of view of a hypothetical viewer then starts to dissipate into an unthinkably thick and hot fog (with baryonic acoustic waves rumbling through it?) that separates until it becomes an actual gas and pieces of matter that condense into things like stars. The stars and galaxies float away from each other as the space between them expands. Does that sound closer to what probably happened?

One thing I don't quite understand is that if the universe was "infinitely dense," but still infinitely large, does that mean the hot dense stuff would extend in all directions forever? Or would everything be on top of itself? (Or is the idea of the "singularity" actually not very realistic?) If it would extend in all directions, does that mean there is an infinite amount of matter in the universe?

Anyway, thank you very much for reading my question. Hope you all have a pleasant weekend.

17:21 UTC


Podcast suggestions on the mysteries and theories of universe?

I’m deeply curious about the origins of the universe, the cause of the Big Bang, theories such as cyclical universe or multiverse, string theory, quantum fluctuations, etc.

13:09 UTC


how much universe will be visible in the distant future of hundreds of billions to quadrillions of years from now and when will star formation end and stars die completely? pls tell me

07:28 UTC


Where do particles come from? - Sixty Symbols

20:26 UTC


If a black hole's singularity were to magically vanish, would the rest of the black hole disappear instantly too?

06:07 UTC


Basic cosmology questions weekly thread

Ask your cosmology related questions in this thread.

Please read the sidebar and remember to follow reddiquette.

09:00 UTC


Is learning math to understand cosmology like learning a foreign language to read a book?

Well, here is a bit of my path and how I got to Mathematics: I have a degree in English literature and I have studied languages and literature my whole life. It is my passion and although I don’t work with that, I spend most of my time reading and studying. I have learned English, therefore I can appreciate Steinbeck’s and Eliots books. Then I learned Spanish to appreciate Gabo, then French, a bit of Chinese too. My pathway usually leads me to new languages a new pieces of literature. Recently, however, I stumbled on some books on Cosmology and Astrophysics. I am reading authors like Stephen Hawking, Neil deGrasse, Sagan and I need to be honest, I fell in love with the subject. I rly wanna go further, but to go further, I need the math!

In my life, I am very familiar with learning languages to understand and read beautiful literature in a foreign (which was once an alien) language. Can I learn math to read the Cosmos and fully appreciate what authors like Sagan are saying? Is it similar to learning German to read Goethe? I think I need a challenge, but I was never any close to math, always had mediocre grades and it never caught my attention. So I am a bit afraid to go on and need a second opinion. If you guys say it is ridiculous, I will prolly try German.

00:27 UTC


how many galaxies are there in observable universe?

how many galaxies are there in observable universe? are there some estimates for it?

15:02 UTC


Why is quantized inertia (QI) not a hotter topic in cosmology?

After following Mike McCullouch for a while (https://physicsfromtheedge.blogspot.com/) it seems astonishing that his theory isn’t talked about more. His theory is testable, and seems to (among other things) correctly predict the rotational speed of galaxies, as well as the orbit of Proxima Centauri (recently published in https://academic.oup.com/mnrasl/article/532/1/L67/7682393).

The theory eliminates the need for dark matter, which has in his opinion held back science for decades (due to its tweakability/unfalsifiability).

So, is he the next Einstein, or have I fallen into the wrong rabbit hole?

21:07 UTC


Has anyone read Black Holes and Time Warps by Kip Thorne? Worth checking out in 2024 or is it dated?

On the hunt for some astronomy/cosmology books and this one seems to be pretty highly rated. I know Kip Thorne is a respected figure in this field so I’m wondering if this is still a relevant read? It’s pretty old so I don’t want to get into it if recent research has rendered it a bit outdated.

02:42 UTC


Cycles of stars

Does the life cycle of typical stars comport well with the structure of heavy elements?

01:05 UTC


Are the numbers of detected galaxies by space telescopes unexpected? Is this significant to physics?

Hi. Rube here with some rube questions.

First is that I keep reading that the space telescopes keep finding an unexpected number of galaxies in their imaging sessions or that they are more massive than expected. If this is true then does it throw off the physics that is thought to have governed the early universe to produce the expected amount of matter (vs antimatter, I guess). Also, does this mean that there would be less dark matter required for everything to work if there is actually more visible matter? ... or are the numbers just so large that the discovery of these massive amounts of galaxies just isn't putting a dent in it? Thanks for your time.

18:03 UTC

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