
Photograph via snooOG

This sub is dedicated to discussion and questions about Programmable Logic Controllers (PLCs): "an industrial digital computer that has been ruggedized and adapted for the control of manufacturing processes, such as assembly lines, robotic devices, or any activity that requires high reliability, ease of programming, and process fault diagnosis."


This sub is dedicated to discussion and questions about Programmable Logic Controllers (PLCs): "an industrial digital computer that has been ruggedized and adapted for the control of manufacturing processes, such as assembly lines, robotic devices, or any activity that requires high reliability, ease of programming, and process fault diagnosis."

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  • News and articles about PLCs
  • Questions about PLCs
  • Homework help; but make it clear it's homework
  • PLC internship, employment and education questions

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  3. If asking a question, ask the actual question, fully yet concisely, right in the title
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Need help in deciding whether to spend my time learning TIA portal or Ignition.

I do not have HMI/SCADA experience which I wanted to cover. I am in search for employment so I wanted to add these skills to my resume.

21:02 UTC


How to Select an Fiber Optic Photoelectric Sensor with Matching Specifications


Hi everyone,

This sensor shown below HPX-A18 broke down and I am searching for a replacement. Unfortunately to find the same one is very difficult and if possible probably it will be a used one. I want to find a similar product and replace it. Here is the image which shows if it's normally open or normally closed.That is one of my questions is it normally open or closed? The voltage spec is clear as well. The connection is basically by soldering cabels. I managed to find some more information but not sure if it's the same one.



I am not sure if it's the same because mine is HPX-A18 and here there is no mention of 18 only 1. But it looks almost the same.
So please let me know which parameters and what type of replacement model should I be looking for.

Any help would be highly appreciated.

18:57 UTC


Best SIM card / cellular service provider for remote site access.

I do a lot of water/wastewater control/telemetry/SCADA.

I’d like to start supporting cellular as a connectivity option, but I’m unsure where to seek the SIM card and cellular service.

My two general applications are:

  1. Always connected sites that cyclically communicate maybe a dozen or two signals via modbus tcp, dnp3, or MQTT. Here, security would be accomplished via firewall and encrypted vpn tunnel between each site, either internal to the gateway/modem device or via separate firewall (Cisco, sonic wall, fortigate, etc)

  2. Intermittent / occasional access for remote support of plc programming of main central units. Security accomplished by the built in security features of the gateway (secomea is what I currently use, but I’ve only done broadband connections so far)

For those that do this sort of thing, is it best to purchase a normal cell phone plan at a local AT&T/verizon/T-Mobile retail store? Are there any vendors out there that have a more tailored product with special data rate plans or other features more aligned with industrial control traffic?

Finally, is there a different type of cell plan I should look at for the two different use cases I listed above?

Thank you!

16:45 UTC


Kepware and Ethernet/IP without PLC

I am not particularly well versed in Ethernet/IP, but I am looking on a IO interface with Ethernet/IP that I want to connect directly to kepware without a PLC, but I am in doubt if that is actually possible. Can someone confirm/deny if it is possible?

16:27 UTC


Siemens S7-1200 1214DC/DC/DC makes terrible data log on web server

PLC is programmed in TIA PORTAL V13. PLC need to log counter values every second (i use system clock 1HZ). On the same clock 1HZ counter increment value. In the csv file PLC sometime write the values as if they have not changed (but he change timestamp DTL format). Sometimes has a 2 second jump (writes values after 2 seconds). What can be a bug? Thanks!

15:47 UTC


Tia portal v15.1

I’ve run into a project with an issue I’ve never seen before. Have any of you ever experienced in Tia portal v15.1 that whenever you try and make an edit to the program(while logged in) it just crashes? Nothing abnormal shows in the log files. I’ve already been in contact with Siemens about this issue and they have no clue.

It’s not the install of the v15.1 program. I have three other v15.1 projects that open and run just fine.

It’s not a pc driver either. This issue is persistent with all computers we test on.

So it’s got to be something about the project. Or some security feature I’m pissing off right?

14:42 UTC


M580 hot standby NOC module stop

Hi all,

I’ve got an M580 hot standby setup with 2 NOC0321 cards and an NRP module. When we’re testing the hot standby setup, the NOC cards on PLC B go into fault when PLC B becomes standby after PLC A comes back online.

We’ve flashed new firmware, adjusted the configuration of the rack, tested with the Ethernet links unplugged. Not really sure on what else to do apart from create a new Hot standby project from scratch and test it with no project specific logic.

Any suggestions or people encountering this before?? Thanks

14:12 UTC


Has anyone had an SMC flex restore itself to factory settings?

I was called in on a service call to a 400hp soft start that had all its parameters restored to factory. The operators were absolutely abusing this piece of equipment by trying over and over to restart an overload situation and I think the control module faulted eventually. Has anyone experienced this before and what would be the cause?

14:07 UTC


Anyone familiar with Parker drives?

I have a parker AC890 drive that is showing application error (status light alternating between green and red) after a sitewide power blip.

Is anyone familiar with this?

12:48 UTC


asking about module misubishi Q64AD (wiring)

i have a problem with my module. I dont know how to wiring a potentiometer to Q64AD, although i had seen a diagram. Anybody can help me. Thanks so much...


10:24 UTC


GE FrontView Migration

Any former GE FrontView users that have done a conversion to a different platform? Which did you go with? What were your biggest challenges? What was the application of SCADA in your integration?

We are an electric utility looking to go to a more robust and feature-available SCADA system, that doesn’t require a backend developer to implement changes (as the software is a bit limiting in its basic format). Add to that, the system is basically obsolete, so the knowledge base is dwindling at an alarming rate.

Any and all advice welcome.

09:20 UTC


Industrial robotics free courses?

I'm an fresher, have some experience with plc's . And the next company I like to switch in the sector of robotics and automation/ industrial robotics. So for that any certification or online course available? , please let me know.

08:20 UTC


Free Opc server

Does anybody know of any free OPC server that can run on Windows and can connect to an Allen Bradley plc? I don't have a practical application, I'm just interested in the topic and a guide in the right direction would be very helpful.

05:55 UTC


Additional software tools to use with TwinCAT

I would love to hear of any of you have any additional software tools you like to use along side TwinCAT to develop/deploy/monitor Beckhoff PLCs.

Alternatively, are there any software tools you wish existed but don’t?

05:55 UTC


Factorytalk issue

I have an issue while trying to open the hmi anyone know, Why this window appear when I am opening the factorytalk view?

05:47 UTC


This is a longshot - Siemens STRUC SCO Openserver


I realize that most of you will have no idea what this system was, hence the long shot. I was attempting to restore a backup image of an old struc station from ~2004 to a VM and discovered the HDD image I took at that time had gotten corrupted. Someone with a SCO VM was trying to help me get this back up, but the Struc software will not install if the system does not have a P16/P32 Prommer attached (seemingly). If one of you old guys has a VM of the system or a backup of the station sitting around, It would be helpuful.

I've exhausted all my cold backups, HDDs, and all my engineering laptop VMs for another copy of this backup, but I don't have one.

00:34 UTC


Q: Learner Home Build Kits

Title says it all

Are there any home build kits for learning?

00:16 UTC


Question about DirectLogic 05 D0-05DD

I picked up a DirectLogic05 D0-05DD PLC with a D0-01MC module at a garage sale for a dollar. I am familiar with Arduino programming and automation, but I'm don't know anything about PLC. I was thinking that maybe I could use this to trigger stuff in my Halloween decorations when pressure pads, motion sensors, etc. go off. Is this possible? If so, where should I begin on learning how to program this?

Also, it is mounted on a rail with an earth terminal block. I'm guessing I don't need that for what I want, correct?

Thank you

00:15 UTC



Hi everyone,

I'm in a dillema, I work in Schneider Electric as Automation engineer focussed on Foxboro DCS and Modicon PLC , I worked in both platforms . Now I want to change job due to dull business and I'm in bench for 3 months in my current employment, Thus managed to get offers from ABB for DCS Role and in Honeywell for BMS Role.

Please help me to decide which one to choose. I'm open and my preference is to work in area which is more Instrumentation related and programming inclined

PS: I'm a graduate in Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering.

Edit: I'm referring Building Management Systems as BMS

19:51 UTC


Project Management vs Controls – Seeking Career Advice

I am looking for advice on a career decision and would appreciate any input. I (30YO) have 6.5 years of experience in control design with one of the largest automation integrators. In the last six months, I took a new role and I am working in a Project Management role with a different organization. I do not enjoy the current role very much and hence want to go back to the controls role (FSE) with my previous employer. Some of the details are as follows:

Current Job:

  • Project Management role (0.5 year in PM)
  • Base salary: $104,000
  • Rare overtime opportunities
  • Bare minimum benefits
  • Utility sector
  • 20-minute commute, and I can work 1-2 days from home
  • The work isn’t highly technical, and I don’t enjoy it due to heavy micromanagement

New Job Offer:

  • Controls role (my background is in controls before switching to PM)
  • $44/hour, around $10k less than what I currently earn
  • Great benefits, with plenty of OT opportunities
  • Occasional travel to a head office 2 hours away
  • I can work from home most of the time when not travelling to sites.

I don’t enjoy my current PM job as it’s not very technical, and I miss the technical aspect of my previous roles. However, this new offer is around $14k less in base salary, though it does have more OT and travel opportunities.

Is going back to a controls role worth it? What factors should I consider from a career growth and financial perspective?

Thanks for your insights!

19:15 UTC


Passing parameters between faceplates

Hello ;

In Siemens WinCC unified V19, I'm looking for a way to pass some parameters from a faceplate to a second faceplate created using a JavaScript code :

export function Bouton_1_OnTapped(item, x, y, modifiers, trigger) {
let po = Faceplate.OpenFaceplateInPopup("fpTrends_V_0_0_3", title, true, false);
po.Left = 100;
po.Top = 200;
po.Width = 800;
po.Height = 500
po.Visible = true;

In fact, the first faceplate contains a Tag (Name and value) passed from the main screen (a TCP/IP Holding Reg Modbus) and a button from which I call the second faceplate using JavaScript.

The second faceplate there is only a trend control that needs to have at least a Tag as Y source, that source have to be the Tag passed from the main screen via the first faceplate.

Unfortunately, I cannot use a PLCUDT because I'm using a third-party plc linked by a Modbus TCP.

Thank you.

1 Comment
16:50 UTC


Any German Amazon Automation Engineers?

Anyone on here working in Germany specifically as an automation engineer at a distribution center?

I’ve got an interview on Monday and I’m trying to see how different the environment is to the US. There’s not a lot online about the work environment or any of that stuff.

16:37 UTC


Mitsubishi QY80 card

Hello I’m new to PLCs, I can’t seem to get my output card to work. I have my common to 24vdc and my output wire for a green stack light in Y0. In my program I have once an input is made it sets Y0. The logic is working but the light isn’t coming on from the output

15:55 UTC

15:48 UTC


ThinManager- MultiMonitor Issues

Driving me nuts, please help. We have a thin client that is approved to work with ThinManager multi monitor with the custom video mode module. It has a hdmi and display port that work independently. UNO-2372G.

I need it to run 1 CLI file to both screens, that part I’ve got figured out how to over ride the display name in the settings and such.

The real issue I’m having is when the thinclient is loading firmware on that blue screen it freezes IF BOTH monitors are plugged in. If only 1 is plugged in it will load firmware, then load the modules and everything, then I get a message that the client was looking for 2 monitors, so I plug in the second monitor, SOMETIMES, like I’d say 1/5 times it works perfect, both monitors load I can use both monitors and jump from monitor to monitor it’s perfect. But if I simulate it losing power and turn it back on, firmware is frozen again, this time I repeat the same process but one monitor stays black and it looks like i can only see half of its shadow on client in ThinManager , literally like I can see the top half of the CLI file screen in shadow.

I’m as confused as could be. I’m using different log ins to make sure windows is happy, I’m using different display screen names to make sure ThinManager in happy, and it’s intermittently working. Any ideas at all?

Edits: grammar

15:35 UTC


Beckhoff EL1918 Restarting

I have a Beckhoff PLC EL1918 card that keeps turning getting an error :

(0x3410) All groups will enter the ERROR-state because the safe logic program has been restarted.

Wiki for the error here - https://infosys.beckhoff.com/english.php?content=../content/1033/ax8xxx_diags/11592123531.html&id=

We have swapped the EL1918 with one else where in the system but the issue is still present. We have attempted to scope the incoming voltage but due to its intermittent nature have not been able to capture any input voltage issues.

Generally the system is fine but this error is intermittent and causing safety trips. Does anyone know what this could be from?

15:13 UTC


Help choosing AB rack system

This is going to be long with a lot of information, and I apologize for the length.

Years ago, I was pretty up-to-date on the Allen-Bradley PLC IO lines. Trouble is, that line was the SLC line. ControlLogix and FlexIO were just barely starting to come out. Yeah, I'm old.

Now, I am working on building a test/training rack for my office and I am not as familiar with all the new options. Here are the requirements for the system:

  • Remote rack system - I will need (1) main rack and (2) remote racks
  • Processor equal to a Schneider M580 x040 or an Emmerson CPE 330
  • 24 VDC inputs
  • 24 VDC NEGATIVE (sink) outputs (negative switching is critical)
  • relay outputs
  • HART analog in
  • High speed counter
  • 4-20mA analog in
  • 4-20mA analog out
  • Modbus/TCP comm card (critical)

For the main rack, I am thinking the 1756 series. But for the remote IO, what are the better choices? 5094 Flex 5000 IO? 1756 ControlLogix? 5069 Compact IO? 1794 Flex IO?

Now, the layout. These are just the point counts, not the card counts. I need it to follow this layout because I am having to mirror 2 other PLCs that are set up just like this.

  • Main Rack
    • Processor
    • 16pt 24VDC Input
    • 32pt relay output
    • Modbus/TCP com card
  • Remote rack 1 (RIO_1)
    • 8pt HART analog in
    • 32pt 4-20mA analog in
    • 8pt high speed counter
  • Remote rack 2 (RIO_2)
    • 64pt 24VDC input
    • 32pt 24VDC sink output (negative switching)
    • 32pt 4-20mA analog output

My "druthers" is to have the main rack in a 1756 chassis, and one rack on the 1756 chassis as well. The remaining rack, I'd like to try something like the 5094 to explore the Flex IO options, but if the 1756 is the easiest, I'm ok with that.

I've used AB's integrated Architecture Builder to layout a system. I've got a 1756-L83E processor, but I am not sure if this is the best choice. I set RIO_1 using 5094 modules, but I couldn't find a HSC in that series. I "could" move the HSC to main rack, but I would prefer not to. And while I am on the HSC module, is 2pt the only option? Schneider's HSC is 8pt, and Emmerson's is 16pt. That may make it more difficult. If I have to use the 1756-HSC, I may have to put 2 cards in the main rack and only have 4pts.

Notes on the ModBus/TCP being critical. We use Schneider TeSys T motor controllers. This PLC will need to be able to talk to these as well as ABB ACS580s using an FBMT-21 Modbus/TCP comm module.

14:54 UTC


.NET developer to PLC programmer

Hey everyone hope everyone is having great week end ,I have experience working as software developer . NET developer around 3 years i want to switch to PLC programmer since it interests me a lot...where can I start anyone help do I need to join any classes in here and learn....will it be hard to switch from SDE to plc ?...i have knowledge on c#,.NET,SQL

14:12 UTC


Ignition HMI vs Standard HMI

I am currently working on a project for AB, and the customer wants an Ignition HMI. This is fine, and we do Ignition work, mostly for SCADA purposes and not for machine control. I am kind of lost on why this would be the route some people go. We usually use Weintek HMIs in place of AB HMIs, but we are more of a Siemens and Omron PLC house. I haven’t used an AB HMI in ages, and I am sure it still has its quirks, but I know Omron and Siemens. If you use their HMIs, the integration is so easy and quick. They also both have built-in web servers and VPNs. On top of that, Siemens’ new Unified HMIs have so much more to offer with multi-screen support, etc.

I am just not really seeing the benefit of going with an Ignition-style HMI, even from a cost-saving standpoint. By the time you buy a decent screen to host and cover all the server setup and maintenance costs, not to mention the traffic eater if you don’t have a dedicated network for it, the setup is so tedious and involved per the screen for its intended purpose. Don’t get me wrong, I love Ignition and building this stuff out, but from an integrator standpoint, time is money, and somebody is going to pay. So, can someone sell me on the idea of using Ignition HMIs over common HMIs?


  • First and foremost I am not against it I am a huge fan of Ignition!

  • I think some people are missing my point i am well on board with the SCADA side, and multi sub-system machines it makes sense, even though I can use a proprietary HMI and get some of the same features (mostly Siemens) I will not bock at the ignition solution in the standpoint. It is more the one off machines

  • the argument of not being locked down to something. I dont really get this argument I am a little old fashioned and it seems Company x PLC is designed to work great with Company X HMI. There are some caveats there but, I think with the arguments I have seen so far that it is boiling down to its better than an AB HMI.

  • The fact I can run it on a system next to nothing isn't a selling point to me. This is in an industrial environment and if I am putting this on the floor there is going to be backed hardware to go along with it.

13:54 UTC

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