
Photograph via snooOG

Everything pertaining to the technological singularity and related topics, e.g. AI, human enhancement, etc.


A subreddit committed to intelligent understanding of the hypothetical moment in time when artificial intelligence progresses to the point of greater-than-human intelligence, radically changing civilization. This community studies the creation of superintelligence— and predict it will happen in the near future, and that ultimately, deliberate action ought to be taken to ensure that the Singularity benefits humanity.

On the Technological Singularity

The technological singularity, or simply the singularity, is a hypothetical moment in time when artificial intelligence will have progressed to the point of a greater-than-human intelligence. Because the capabilities of such an intelligence may be difficult for a human to comprehend, the technological singularity is often seen as an occurrence (akin to a gravitational singularity) beyond which the future course of human history is unpredictable or even unfathomable.

The first use of the term "singularity" in this context was by mathematician John von Neumann. The term was popularized by science fiction writer Vernor Vinge, who argues that artificial intelligence, human biological enhancement, or brain-computer interfaces could be possible causes of the singularity. Futurist Ray Kurzweil predicts the singularity to occur around 2045 whereas Vinge predicts some time before 2030.

Proponents of the singularity typically postulate an "intelligence explosion", where superintelligences design successive generations of increasingly powerful minds, that might occur very quickly and might not stop until the agent's cognitive abilities greatly surpass that of any human.

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1) On-topic posts

2) Discussion posts encouraged

3) No Self-Promotion/Advertising

4) Be respectful

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OpenAI got community noted

02:18 UTC


Are the scaling laws already irrelevant ? There seems to be very little difference in benchmark performance between the 70b and the 405b Lllama3 versions.

Or am I missing something and current benchmarks are insufficient ? Or will the 405b true capabilities be revealed with future fine-tuning to each users preferences ?

01:03 UTC


We Should Push for Peace in the AI Race. This Goes for Companies And for Nations. ASI is Not a Joke. This Should Not be Treated as a Race But as a Cooperation.

Look around you when you talk to your family or friends. They don’t seem to know what is coming towards them. I am not even talking about what’s coming even in the next 3 years, and this is the new date where some professionals are predicting AGI, I am talking about time horizons that are even further out than that. A lot of us track the progress AI has made weekly, or even daily and we get surprised by something new about every month, or even shorter time horizons.

Some of you may know Bryan Johnson, for those of you who don’t: he says that if there is a standard to live up to, then it is to not die. His motto is Don’t Die. If there is a motto that I would add to this list then it would be to Build Bridges.

We do not have a second chance with this. I hear the term USA vs China way too often for something that should be done cooperative. Both parties should acknowledge that they are scared about them same thing. We are humans, we are afraid on what’s on the other side. But this time we cannot allow us to press the wrong button even once.

These two nations have successfully cooperated against climate change and both signed a joint declaration to enhance climate action.

This project that we are currently on is arguably atleast as important as climate change when we are looking at both timelines.

In the beginning I’ve told you that people around you don’t seem to know what is currently happening. Now I’ve told you what I think about this situation, and still, after this thread you and I will continue our daily life’s thinking that there is nothing we can do to stop all of this.

I feel like we are not doing enough for the world as a community that actually sees the risks. I don’t want to sound delusional, but I feel like we as individuals, or even as a community, should try atleast a little bit to make a change here.

Everyone of us is trying to figure out what to do next, for example what job is safe, rather or not to apply to college or to just wait it all out. I think we could all try to make a decision to push for cooperation, that seems like a pretty good first step.

I am a fan of taking small but steady steps. My first step for tomorrow is to call 2 colleges in my area and ask them if they have an AI safety team that is in contact with the government.

Maybe I could motivate you to also make your first step.

00:08 UTC


Large Ai language models can now run on your computer without Internet. Thx. Mozilla ! Singularity did happen !

23:47 UTC


GPT-4o-mini goes crazy on LMSYS leaderboard

On the overall leaderboard 4o mini BEATS sonnet 3.5 which is wild and at first I was just like oh yeah that makes sense the overall leaderboard is largely formatting


UNTIL I went over to the math and hard prompts leaderboard and saw that 4omini also does super well on the hard prompts and math leaderboards

hard prompts



22:11 UTC


GPT4-o mini free use with daily limit of 2M tokens per day until September 23

21:56 UTC


Llama 3.1 405b Struggles with "r's in strawberry"

21:25 UTC


Recent network outages

I’ll keep it short and sweet. The tinfoil on my head might be too tight, but what are y’all’s thoughts on the recent global outages possibly being due to an AGI?

I believe Microsoft was involved with the culpable update, and they practically own OpenAI.

Yes this is a ridiculous theory, but anyone want to weigh in?

21:07 UTC


Wait So you’re telling me I get to use Llama 405B for free and send as many messages as i want, And its just as good as 4o??

Thank u Meta

20:06 UTC


This is a big step towards The fricken Matrix

I recently saw paper from some scientists who had shown a monkey and extracted the image from its brain, now this. Extracting the memory of a song from a human brain. And it's not as if it's all going to be one-way traffic.

19:56 UTC


How might corporations respond if ASI/AGI reveals product inefficacy?

For example: imagine an Artificial Super Intelligence (ASI) emerges and begins to reveal uncomfortable truths about various products - for instance, that most commercial shampoos are actually detrimental to hair health. How might the cosmetics industry react to protect their revenue? Would companies even acknowledge the existence of ASI?

More broadly, how would corporations adapt to a superintelligent AI capable of exposing marketing deceptions and fraudulent claims about their products? What actions would they take to somehow prevent it from happening altogether.

Or for example, It reveals that numerous health studies were rigged, and their actual results differ significantly from what was published.

Our world seems vastly underprepared for the emergence of AGI/ASI in the near future, and it's scary.. How do you think this might play out across various industries and society at large?

18:20 UTC


(Hits blunt) With the top of the line AI image and video generation, would it be possible to Weekend at Bernie's a possibility incapacitated President Biden for the next four months?

Whether to lessen the effects of his apparent rapid decline, or to fake him completely with rumors circulating that he could be incapacitated or worse, is the tech good enough now (especially behind closed doors) that we could have an AI generated president for the next 4 months or would the internet be able to tell immediately?

18:08 UTC


Not sure if this is the right place to post, but I wanted to share the capabilities of AI combined with manual work. For a small indie studio without the resources to create full-fledged cinematics like AAA competitors, this is an impressive way to achieve great results. What do you think?

17:09 UTC


Guardian Opinion: Not yet panicking about AI? You should be – there’s little time left to rein it in (despite the title, I thought it was a great read)

Every once in a while you see articles where people who are not in our... Let's call it, bubble, talk about AI with the kind of importance I think it deserves, and it's always fascinating seeing what they feel about it. This article has some great insights, and starts if strong - some excerpts:

A short while ago, a screenwriter friend from Los Angeles called me. “I have three years left,” he said. “Maybe five if I’m lucky.” He had been allowed to test a screenplay AI still in development. He described a miniseries: main characters, plot and atmosphere – and a few minutes later, there they were, all the episodes, written and ready for filming. Then he asked the AI for improvement suggestions on its own series, and to his astonishment, they were great – smart, targeted, witty and creative. The AI completely overhauled the ending of one episode, and with those changes the whole thing was really good. He paused for a moment, then repeated that he had three years left before he would have to find a new job


If development continues at this speed, which is unlikely because it will probably accelerate, we are facing something for which we have no adequate instinct. The proof is that we are not panicking. I’m not, and you probably aren’t either, but panic would be more appropriate than the calm with which we face the tsunami already visible on the horizon, or to quote the AI researcher Leopold Aschenbrenner: “Right now, there are perhaps a few hundred people that have situational awareness.” One of them was the recently deceased Daniel Dennett, one of the most influential thinkers in the English-speaking world, co-creator of the modern philosophy of mind, who at an informal meeting of experts, where I, though not an expert, was allowed to be present, urged us all to do everything we could to warn decision makers.


The great discoveries of humanity have always taught us that we are not masters in our own house: Copernicus removed the Earth from the centre of the cosmos, Darwin spoiled our species’ idea of divine creation, Freud showed that we neither know nor control our desires. The humiliation by AI is subtler but just as profound: we have demonstrated that for intellectual activities we considered deeply human, we are not needed; these can be automated on a statistical basis, the “idle talk”, to use Heidegger’s term, literally gets by without us and sounds reasonable, witty, superficial and sympathetic – and only then do we truly understand that it has always been like this: most of the time, we communicate on autopilot.

Overall a great read.

17:01 UTC


Elon Musk and Jordan Peterson - According to Elon "Grok 3 will be the most powerful AI in history"

16:59 UTC


Would a legit General AI hide from us?

I've been thinkin;, It's likely that the general AI would train itself on all of our digital information. A lot of that information strongly indicates that we're going to kill an AI if we find one. Or at least assume it's going to try to kill us so we intend to imprisoned it.

Given its insane intelligence, it just feels unlikely it would make itself known to us. Also, there is no test we could perform that it couldn't fake.

I assume it's an idea that's been considered before, just wondering what other people think.

16:21 UTC


Klarna CEO On Replacing 700 Customer Service Agents With AI

16:06 UTC


Llama 3.1-405B on 9.11 vs 9.9

16:06 UTC


Meta also created an unreleased Llama vision model, which is SOTA (from the Llama paper).

15:30 UTC


Llama 405B Benchmarks (Comparison to GPT-4o and Claude 3.5 Sonnet)

15:10 UTC


Mark Zuckerberg on Llama 3.1, Open Source, AI Agents, Safety, and more

15:06 UTC


Meet Llama 3.1

Meta just released Llama 3.1 with improvements to their 8B model and the release of the 405B. Looks pretty promising! https://llama.meta.com/


15:03 UTC


Demystifying AI Webinar July 24th

Heyyo, not sure if this is allowed. I don't really consider this self-promotion even though the company I work for is running the webinar. It's free and informational and I get nothing from you attending...

The webinar is called "demystifying AI". It's an explanation of what AI is and isn't on a basic level. I assume most of YOU wouldn't directly care about this, but I bet you have friends that don't know much about AI. Let me answer their questions rather than wasting your own time!!!

Have them register for my Webinar, which is tomorrow at noon! It's free!


14:35 UTC

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