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What is going on at my job?

I currently work at a small business, so to start things off we don't have an HR department. Our "HR" is the owner, and she is part of the problem. We have been slowing down a little so they are reducing our hours of operation, as well as cutting hours of the employees to "save money". However, the owner is now having her sister and friend work there so they don't have to schedule their actual staff. Her sister and friend are getting paid under the table. Should I report this somewhere? I just think it's pretty scummy to not schedule your actual employees because you allegedly don't have the funds to pay them, so you hire family members to take shifts that could go to said employees and pay them illegally.

16:51 UTC


Why do employers think it’s ok to fuck over people for family events like weddings and other big life events?

So I work in retail produce and my department manager is a jackass. Very entitled, arrogant, he’s passive aggressive and think he’s gods greatest gift to earth. 2 yrs ago I had my cousins wedding g on July 4th wedding was postponed so to covid. My cousins wife is Australian so they had 2 wedding one there and one here. My manager told me he couldn’t give it to me because 4th of July is a blackout date (found out latter we don’t do blackout dates and taking off is free game depending on senerioty and a few other factors like when a request was put in. I told him well in advance and was in another department prior for the original wedding. He made comments like “who has a 4th of July wedding?” And his favorite “I got a business to run here.” No you don’t you run a department in a store run by a corporation you bootlicking company kiss ass.

I ended up getting the dates off as it was out of town thanks to another department needing me those days who overrule him. Plus I had my cousin send me all the bills for myself and the hotel. I was also part of the wedding as a grooms man on the state side. Boy how fast opinions change then.

Fast forward to this weekend my brother is getting married. My girlfriend now works with me we took off yesterday and today 6 months in advance. We got the wedding off but two other girls who do cut fruit wanted off. 1 put in request already months ago. Other just put it in before he did the schedule. Because her daughter had a baby but was back today. We got two other people he could’ve used today but put my gf. She decided to work for money reasons despite my pleas to take off even for the logistics of the whole thing. He basically told her if I schedule you, you have to work.

I don’t get what gets these people off to deny their employees off for things like weddings etc even when given months notice with other issues at the store I’m quietly looking for new employment. I know final straw should’ve been when he first wouldn’t give me off for brother’s wedding but oh well. Live and learn

16:32 UTC


first written warning

I’m currently working in England for a company and I’ve made a mistake two years ago (didn’t know we weren’t supposed to and thought it was fine) and they have given me a first written warning. my mental health is now awful every time I’m in the office and when I’m home because i can’t stop thinking about this. This was supposed to be confidential but some colleagues did some internal searches and are assuming I’ve done something else (as they haven’t heard from me anymore and they had to be nosey)

I feel like I can’t do it anymore. I don’t trust this place now for how they’ve been treating me and my colleagues going against policy and finding information about me. I don’t feel safe. I feel exposed. I can’t eat and sleep anymore.

What should I do? I know you’ll probably say look for another job but I am and I keep getting rejected.

Thanks in advance!

16:28 UTC


New job issues

New job is short staffed. The people that have been there the longest are worked like mules. They work literally 12 hour shifts, for 11 days in a row at the worst. The best is 12-13 hour shifts 5-6 days a week. I was hired for full time, 8 hour shifts, 5 days a week. My boss came to me the other day and told me that I’m going to start training in a different area on some days and that he’s not going to have me come in earlier just yet. That’s the key word. just yet. so he’s trying to desensitize me to working like the other people that don’t say no. I have kids to raise. I’m Not trying to work 5 am to 5 pm everyday. Even if I didn’t, I don’t want to work like that. I’m just stressed out. Everyday, every fucking day, they are asking others to pick up extra shifts and if you say no, they don’t look out for you when you need days off. Also, before I was hired, I asked if I would be off on holidays, boss said yes but if you want to help out and get extra hours you can work at the main place. Guess what, I have to work holidays. Im tired of starting over. I’m not that young anymore.

1 Comment
16:18 UTC


my job makes me miserable

i need to rant somewhere to take some tension off? im writing this on the clock lmao

i work almost 40 hours a week/12 hr shifts at a warehouse earning a mediocre wage. even the hardworking immigrants in my personal life think this is overkill. when my coworkers complain to me about the way this job is they say we are very underpaid and they're also the same coworkers who are ready to drop their shit and leave if one of our superiors wants to start a problem.

i stay here because i am disabled and mentally ill and the management is sympathetic towards this which is the one thing im grateful for. so if my performance is lacking and i need to leave early even if i have no sick time left i wont be given an issue, but these same people are the same people who play favorites and theres a supervisor who is a total fucking sexist weirdo and everyone sees that she plays favorites with the cute and handsome guys here. not gonna lie i get left alone even when my numbers are mediocre as hell and im taking breaks when im not supposed to and i think thats partly due to some members of management thinking im cute and pretty. im clearly one of the other supervisor's favorites and he tried to talk shit to me about a coworker who can't focus on his work and made an inappropriate comment about him having a neurodevelopmental disability.

aside from the way they speak about others and TO them, the management just fucking sucks at their job. they make the trainers do so much for them. they complain about the workload and thats why they need "their help" but like if you can't handle the workload then dont be a fucking supervisor? when YOU slack off its fine but when the people actually doing the productive work slack off its not okay and we're all lazy?

i also have a lot of toxic coworkers. there is so much drama that i cant even begin to cover but theres a lot of two-faced, manipulative people here and there are also creeps. i was creeped on by an actual predator (everyone knows about this teenage girl he got pregnant) and theres these other old guys that chase me around.

i have my friends and talking to them helps me throughout the day but doing the same thing over and over again during a 12 hour shift will numb your fucking brain

1 Comment
15:55 UTC


I applied for a job in my area specifically for my area and then they said they weren't hiring.

I saw two job offers in my area and in a nearby town. They offered training, so I decided to try it. Went to their job fair two towns over, had a good experience aside from the roads. Fix your roads please😭 I lost 3 psi in my tires..

They had some issues with the hiring website, but eventually I got cleared. I spent money for a background check, I spent money for drug testing, scrubs, etc. And then I get to the job site.

I was supposed to meet 3 people that day. I met only one person and they didn't even know I was hired in. I named off all the names who assured me I was in and she didn't know any of them.

They were supposed to show me how to get to the training website or let me shadow. But, I had to find all of that myself through reddit from people who also had issues finding the training area. Additionally, I couldn't get into my account to complete financial documents and if I didn't get it done that day, I would be terminated. I should have gotten my schedule, but I didn't meet the person who was supposed to give that to me.

It was all me trying to get all these people to coordinate and give me information. Finally, the first person I met looked into it and found both places were put on the job list mistakenly. They had no openings nor hours. But they were going to put me somewhere 30-40 minutes away. Lol, no thanks. 2 months wasted.

I wish there was a chance I could get my money back from this process, but I know I have no case. Why the hell do companies do this? I already feel terrible because I can't get a job in my area, and now these people can'r coordinate and mislead me. I feel hopeless after this process, damn.

15:13 UTC


[FL] Unpaid bonus that the paystub was already issued and taxes withheld. Also unsure if my employment was actually terminated on the date I gave for my notice before I quit, therefore I think I am still in the system as an active employee.

Hey guys. I worked at Taco Bell Franchise and I am very aware of the fact that , to combat bad turnover rates for the upper management, whenever someone quit, they would still be active in the system for a very long while.

I gave my notice and my last day was July 2nd. I was issued a bonus that covers the pay period 06/26/2024 - 07/09/2024.

I am very aware that this is one week after my last date, BUT, it is on my Paycor, which gives me a paystub and the check was already issued and everyone that works there already has it, but my ex-manager did not leave it at the store.

How should I go about this? I am almost 100% sure that I am still not terminated on the system, so I would like to have proof that I am not eligible for this bonus (that is already issued and mailed and everyone has it and they kept mine), and I would love to see the proof that my termination was done on the 2nd of July, since that was the last day I gave on my notice.

Should I contact the Department of Labor directly? Should I contact the company's HR and tell them to mail me the bonus to my residence and ask for proof of employment termination?

Thank you guys in advance!

EDIT: I am still an ACTIVE Employee. I just went through my Paycor app/website and it states that I am ACTIVE. So that way I can confirm for a fact that they never terminated me and therefore I should be eligible for the bonus, right?

I will try to contact DOL tomorrow through the phone, but I can't seem to find the correct number.

15:00 UTC


How do I handle this level of disappointment in a workplace?

For the last five years, I have worked at a government job I have mostly really enjoyed. A few weeks ago there was a conflict with another department where I expressed support for a person that I thought was being treated unfairly for racist reasons. People thought that made the organization look bad and called my boss, who sat me down to talk. He understood my reasons and values but stressed that I could not make others in the organization look bad. Management is now allegedly distrustful of me as an employee, and I am now in turn hugely disappointed in them.

I am now on leave from the job in question, doing a PhD that I could use in other fields. I can extend my leave for a long time if I want to, and go back to my old workplace after my PhD. I am trying to process what I am even thinking, Nevermind how other peoples’ minds seem to be working. On the one hand, a permanent position with a government organization is valuable for financial security and other benefits. On the other hand, can I stay at a workplace whose values and priorities are so incompatible with my own? In the end I can only answer that myself but I would love to hear similar stories. Also, well aware a sub like this will not be representative of the wider population.

14:15 UTC


Workplace wont but industrial can opener even when others get hurt.

This is a fairly new fast food restaurant that I work in. They opened earlier this year and I've been there since day 1. They buy dollarama can opener's for us to use on these thick cans. We've been going through like 5 or 6 of them a month. The issue is they grow dull quickly and won't open the can all the way so we have to use like a metal spatula or a knife, some people use their hands, to pry open the can. Someone already cut themselves because of this. We've complained to management and it hasn't made a difference. But what has really ticked me off was that a couple nights ago a couple of us were taking turns using the shitty opener but it just wouldn't open the can all the way. So a coworker grabbed a knife and started to pry it open but the recoil caused her to slice her finger on the can and a chunk of her finger is now missing. There was so much blood. We called 911 and she was still profusely bleeding when the paramedics came. What added to it was the first aid kit was EMPTY. I ran to the dollar store cause they didn't even have gauze or even band-aids. I was so angry because this could have been avoided. I texted management about the issue again and sent them pictures of industrial can openers that can be mounted on a table. They have the audacity to say they already considered them but they are a "safety issue"???? What can I do to finally get them to listen?

Edit: what really pisses me off is how cheap they are being. They are skimping on proper and safe equipment when they can definitely afford investing in a can opener. We go through like 27 thick big cans a day. At this point they have spent the same amount on the shitty dollar store ones that they could have spent on a proper one.

Edit 2: I have already refused to even touch the can opener and let others know they are allowed to refuse unsafe work.

Another messed up thing is because we have to keep going over the same parts with the an opener until it opens because of this METAL SHAVINGS get into the cans...

13:16 UTC


Previous employer withheld payment says he paid through a prior “bonus” instead

I was a dishwasher at a small family run restaurant where I live. I worked there for almost a year and got another job and worked both full-time. I got promoted at my second job and quit the dishwashing job. My husband filled in on days, I couldn’t get to the dishwashing job, because even though I quit, they had trouble filling the spot. They treated me like shit, were abusive and entirely not capable of running a restaurant, but it is what it is. I helped until they found a replacement. I ended up walking out on my second job because we got a new GM and she was a horrible bitch and between jobs I worked as a dishwasher again at the first place. I only worked one day, but it was for five hours and I get paid $15 an hour. Well payday Comes around and they don’t pay me. Because my husband had been filling in they added $100 bonus on my very last paycheck there not knowing I was going to come back. They now have withheld my payment from the last five hours I worked there stating that the bonus that they gave me prior to even knowing I was going to work again , Makes us even.

12:52 UTC


Found this gem on EmKay

12:41 UTC



In light of very recent events in the US, it's urgent that the working class are protected by the recognised unions.

All must act to survive, UNIONISE ASAP!

12:23 UTC


Personality is valued over Work Ethic

Working hard gets you nowhere. It doesn't matter if you work through lunch everyday, show up early & stay late, or produce the highest quality results. Your reward is just resentment from your coworkers and higher expectations from your boss.

Managers always play favorites, and they will prefer the loudmouth brown-noser who is constantly in their office chatting with them (even if they barely accomplish the minimum amount of work). And this has been the case in EVERY single workplace. An average amount of work is acceptable, so long as the employee is is affable and friends with management or well-liked in the office

12:18 UTC


Stepson has been told “if you haven’t got a valid excuse, you have to come in to work if we call you”.

My stepson works for a family meal type pub chain that covers all of the U.K., in the kitchen. He is paid minimum wage, with no “on call” type benefit. Told him “no” is a complete sentence.

11:58 UTC


Robots Turning Anti-Work

Can't really blame them.


Source : Joeseppi/YouTube

11:52 UTC


Visa sponsorship hell

Shared this one on Devrant as well. Be careful out there, not all companies are as nice as they seem.

A few months ago, I started a tech job in London and immigrated here for that job. I was glad this company wanted to sponsor a visa, as that was a requirement for me to live here.

Unfortunately, after only a few months in, I learned that the company I joined wasn't quite as nice as I thought it would be. Bullying seemed to be part of the culture. On occasion, I saw coworkers crying. One of my close coworkers was dangerously close to burnout and then "left with mutual agreement". The environment felt like a high school cafeteria. People were drinking heavily early in the afternoon and people were leaving almost at the speed of a revolving door.

I recognized very early on that this was not a healthy environment for me, but as I just signed a rental agreement for a year, and spent a large amount to move here, I was kind of trapped.

Very early on, I was told that the two people before me in the same role were let go right before their probation ended. That scared me off, for reaching out to management or HR. I didn't have the financial needs to lose my job, and due to visa restrictions, therefore would have to leave the country.

When my probation was about to end, and I learned that my performance was good, I decided to provide feedback to my manager. I only mentioned a few things, but still enough. The manager seemed receptive, but it did not seem like he was actually willing to approach the problem itself.

Sometime later, I spoke to HR, explaining some of the issues, and explained my intent to resign. The rep pretended to care, but it did not seem sincere. At the same time, I reached an agreement with my landlord, so I believed I had enough money to safely move out of the country.

A few days after I resigned, the HR rep told me that I owed the company a large amount of money. A part of it was in the contract, which I accounted for. Another part, she was claiming, but was not properly defined in the contract. It said something, but it was confusing. I got a checked later with a legal advisor, and from what I understood, the company would never be able to make me pay that extra amount. This simply because of the contract being so vague.

I told the rep multiple times in the initial meeting about the flaws in the contract, but she ignored everything I said. I then made a counteroffer trying to get her to back off. She then put that in writing, but manipulated my words and kept out all the arguments I made about contract flaws, and my departure being the company's fault.

I didn't receive a reply to my counteroffer for days. It was stressing me out as this could mean I would run out of money soon. Only a few days passed before I got a medical emergency at work just because of the stress all of this caused me.

I saw a doctor and immediately got 2 weeks of sick leave. When I contacted the company again, I was able to terminate my contract, without returning to the office. However, they still didn't want to waive the extra amount of money.

The HR rep pointed out in written communication to my lawyer, something in the trend of "if something wasn't clear in the contract, he should've just asked for details". In that same correspondence, it also stated that they were offering 'as a favor to me' to reduce the extra amount to only a third of it.

Since I never actually wanted to go to court anyway, I decided to settle with that. Now I'm packing to move out of the country, without a job and soon to be completely broke. If I would've stayed where I were and never moved to London, and never worked a day for the past 7 months, I would've had more money on my savings account than I have at this point in time.

I hope I at least learned something from this. I don't think I will move somewhere with a company-sponsored visa again anywhere soon...

For anyone else looking for a job and considering relocation, proceed with caution. Thoroughly read Glassdoor, especially 1-star reviews. If the company has 20+ positions open, it would never hurt to ask them why that is the case. Don't make the same mistake I made...

10:49 UTC


The dilemma of being anti work?

I'm anti-work through and through, however I feel like I still have no choice but to work hard, embrace the stress and kiss the right behinds as I need to feed my family.. I can't see how I can adopt the "IDGAF attitude" as if I lose my job I'm screwed. I work with one guy who really DGAF but he is a single man with no children or wife so I can see why he is able to embarrace this mentality.

I dunno, I just feel royally screwed as work is affecting my personal life and even if I get another job I know it will be the same corporate BS.

I could look for a less stressful job but then the money would also be less so its a lose lose situation

08:28 UTC


My job makes employees pay for any sale if they accidentally run an American Express card.

I work fast food. It’s fast paced. There are thousands of cards with thousands of designs. We don’t accept American Express but if it’s accidentally run it goes thru and the employee must foot the entire bill whether it’s 2 or 80 dollars. We have to take the customers card and run it ourself. Once in a while one slips thru. It’s so dumb. Especially new people who aren’t familiar with the cards or which is which.

1 Comment
14:36 UTC


Fired based on another employees word and an “NDA violation”… I was a restaurant server.

Firstly I just have to point out how weird it is that they force every employee to sign an NDA just to work at their stupid restaurant. It’s not even a corporation, it’s just an extremely petty and insecure husband and wife.

On Wednesday when I came in, first thing that happened was the manager telling me not to come in early. For context, I live in Texas where we were just hit by a hurricane. I was without electricity for 4 days, it’s 100°+ outside, and I lost all of my food. I came in 9 mins early to escape the heat after showering and getting ready at a local gym. It got on my nerves to say the least.

I continued setting up for the day, until the owner asked to speak with me in another room. She immediately started the conversation with hostility, asking why I was talking shit about the restaurant online. I was confused because I didn’t know WTF she was talking about, and then she started quoting parts of my comment and said that it “makes them look bad”. I never added anyone from that job on Facebook either. In the comment, I was thanking someone for sending me a gift card to get some food. I mentioned that I worked down the street from them and that I just didn’t want to rack up a tab at my job because I’m poor and can’t afford the food at the moment. The owner immediately said that if she sees it again, that I “won’t be working there anymore”.. and “yeah the foods expensive, that’s how your bills are paid!” (Spoiler alert my bills are in fact not paid) and “if you have a PROBLEM, you have my number” like a 12 year old. Honorable mentions “why didn’t you post that you get free meal every shift?” Uhh idk, maybe because it wasn’t about you and I wasn’t at work! And “we take great care of our employees” really, do you? because ur manager griped at me for walking in 9 mins early during a power outage, and you’re speaking to me as if my Facebook comment ruined your life. she was extremely flippant and not interested in hearing anything I had to say. I tried explaining that the comment wasn’t about the restaurant, just about my financial troubles, and wasn’t intended to be negative. But she didn’t care and insisted that I was making them look bad and said that I “violated the nda by writing disparaging comments online.” This little “meeting” made me extremely upset. She was so fucking rude, and went on a power trip. I’m not the type of person that can put up with that.

In the server station, I vented about it and said that I thought she was really bitchy about it, and that I don’t like that she claimed that my bills are paid especially when the comment she’s complaining about literally says they are not paid. Well… one of those assholes immediately ran to the owners and told them that I “called her a bitch” and said “she needs to shut the fuck up” which I never said. But tbh even if I did it’s none of their goddamn business if I didn’t say it in front of them. I was just being honest. She WAS being a bitch about it, and their reaction to another employees hearsay means she KNOWS it too. Her husband immediately came up and fired me, while the tattle tale hid in the office. Did not review cameras when I employed them to (bc if he did he would’ve seen that the snitch was agreeing with everything I said. The snitch even has the owner BLOCKED on Facebook because she herself has been written up for her bf posts). He even went so far as to immediately trespass me as if I was a threat or something. The termination paper (which I refused to sign) also threatens me with a lawsuit if I “speak negatively of the restaurant or its staff”. That’s where the insecure part comes in, they can’t handle any sort of criticism. They also reply to every bad review online and argue with the reviewer. So cringey.

So anyways I just wanted to vent about it. I’m honestly not sure how other people tolerate working for people like that? I guess if you’re bffs with your managers, it’s fine. But I don’t play the ass-kissing restaurant politics game. I thought serving would be a decent thing for awhile, but I’m thinking of leaving the industry for good because I cannot see eye to eye with restaurant management and their arrogant power trips.

06:56 UTC


I'd much rather do 3 12h shift with no break than 5 8h shift with breaks

I work in a pizzaria and I've done some 12 hours shift without taking breaks and they were honestly not that bad so why the fuck would ruin my whole week working 8h but staying at work more cause I'm forced to take an unpaid break when I could just work 12 hours straight for only 3 days and get almost as much money but twice the days off for personal stuff? Like I can take a little 5 minutes to eat when there's no customers but not a whole 30 fucking minutes

01:54 UTC


Manager lied on writeup and now Higher up is Switching story

Essentially my coworker and I work in retail and were threatened by a customer over a $1.63 fee he was given on his paint and when he asked for a manager he waited 15 minutes and lost it.

When a manger finally arrived and helped the customer when he was walking away told us to "Come outside and I'll fuck you up" and kept circling back saying it. When I told a manager about it he completely ignored it and asked why I wasn't in my dept fixing stuff up (I was covering my coworkers dept while he used the bathroom). I asked the manager if we can get back to the point that we were just threatened and then we can get back to that.

He then told me that I am only a witness and that it only happened to my coworker and told me if u don't go and fix up my dept right now that It would basically be insubordination. So I walked away and told a higher up that I would be leaving early and told my immediate manager that I was leaving and told her the story and when I was clocking out the same manager that told me that I have to fix up my dept came around the corner and started arguing asking what was going on and that he doesn't understand so I said I'm not going to argue and that I was done and clocked out.

I waited around the store before leaving just in case the customer was still around outside and told my mom what happened on the phone but as I was on the phone the same customer was staring me down so I went to the backroom and waited 30mins before walking home.

About 3 days later I was written up for lack of respect towards the individual (by the manager who argued with me and my immediate manager) towards the rude manager so I recorded the write up discussion and opened a case about it with higher ups and 2 days later I explained my side of the story and they said that now it was due to me swearing to the manager (I didn't) so I argued that I did no such thing and that this wasn't said during my original write up and that I have proof of it cause of my recording.

Now they are trying to argue the legality of me recording without their approval however my state is a 1 party consent state (the asset protection manager said it was a 2 party) and that they have to check with the company to see if me recording was allowed and have since taken away the writeup however said that it will be put back up and I will be reprimanded for such.

I'm wondering what my next step should be

06:07 UTC


I’m expected to get my shift covered whenever I need to call in, but no one has covered my shift tomorrow.

Title. Just venting/talking, really.

I’ve posted on here and in other subreddits about my clusterfuck of a job, and one of the things that drives me most crazy is that we are expected to find coverage for our shifts if we ever need to call out (not including time off scheduled in advance). So far I’ve only called out twice, and it hasn’t been a big deal, but I asked for a cover tomorrow and everyone said no.

But frankly, fuck that! I mean come on, I’m expected to stay later than my shift is scheduled for and paid barely over my state’s min wage - the least my bosses can do is get a damn shift covered themselves. I’m afraid that simply stating that I’m calling out will get me reprimanded or even fired, but honestly, I could survive in the short-term without it.

I guess I feel kind of bad because I’m not even calling out for “serious” reasons but like shit, it’s one fucking day, and this job isn’t curing cancer or anything, so who cares??

Because of the type of job I do, not showing up when I’m scheduled could seriously screw over my coworkers, but like, man…

05:44 UTC


I got fired yesterday, and I keep repeating the conversation in my mind.

This is my first time getting fired.

I’m not the person to get in trouble or create problems and I never have been. I have BPD and it causes me to have suicidal thoughts which have been very strong.

The worst part is I know I deserved it. I was leaving early, sleeping late. The decision was attendance (not being on camera and being away from my computer, leaving the office early) and taking too long on a project when we had no data (I was expected to be a magician idk).

The brand was failing and I couldn’t say anything was getting better (to customers) because it wasn’t. I was always broke. Nobody ever trained me then wondered why I didn’t know things. I didn’t have a manager for a while so just did whatever after I finished the work (I don’t need 8 hours). When I did have a manager she micromanaged me with 4+ calls a day. She was never trained herself so I’d walk her through how I did everything. We lined up who does what and I had 18 more tasks since she didn’t know anything. Then she took credit for my work. I had reported a higher up for disrespecting me and nothing was ever done. I was overworked, and basically told “sorry this isn’t your job but we have a small team”. I was the first point of contact so everyone got to do whatever they wanted while I got the angry emails.

I hated the job. I had been telling them I was so unhappy since December. Asking for a new role.

I can’t stop beating myself up. I know there’s so many people on this earth but I feel like the only person this has happened to and I’m so dumb. I had so many dreams in college to be successful just to be here scrambling to find a job since I still have bills and rent.

05:12 UTC


What is the most insane job application question you have had

this includes the "personality quizs"

05:12 UTC


Fuck capitalism

I remember learning about the different economic ideologies in school. Thankfully I had a teacher who didn't try to sugarcoat them one way or the other. At an early age I realized unchecked capitalism would mean I would never be more than a number. A company would only ever view me as an asset no different than a grill frying those paddies for your McDouble.

I also realized that being born into poverty when the system's already been in place this long, the most I could realistically hope for would to be seen as a valuable asset. It's sort of like playing poker with $100, but another guy is bringing a few grand to the table. Sure, you can get a good hand. But your luck won't hold long enough to even the odds. Even if they have shit luck, they can afford to lose several hands on pure bluffs just to force you into folding. Accept at this point, I'm trying to hop into the world poker championship with $20 to my name.

My only hope was that we had a government. Social contract theory should dictate that goverment we elect should be there to protect us from shit like greedy corporations.

And now we have this Project 2025 bullshit? I'm doing 62 hours this week, just so I can afford rent. Project 2025 is coming after my overtime. It's going after public education, so no chance in younger kids learning how they're well and truly getting fucked. Sweeping bans on abortions now. Wasn't the entire argument to get rid of Roe vs Wade that the federal government shouldn't have a say?

We have states making dress codes law. States making it so if someone calls you racist you can sue them. The supreme court is saying it's okay for a football coach at a state funded public school to force kids to pray.

Republicans are threatening violent revolutions, and in the same breath call the left radicals.

And the general populace... is just so fucking stupid. I'm sorry. I can't keep not saying it. At this point so many conservatives are just acting like god damned idiots.

"I like Trump because they can't buy him!" Yeah no shit, he's the one doing the buying. It's not that they can't buy him, they don't need to buy him.

Fuck the democrats too. When republicans are in control, Americans get fucked. When democrats have the power, oop guess we get another government shut down until the babies on the right get their way anyways. Grow some fucking balls.

And at this point. Fuck gen x. I'm so sick of seeing videos like "oh you don't want a gen x president, we'll go scorched earth". Bitch please. You've had 25-40 years to make a difference. If your generation is so bad ass, how in the fuck have we let things get to this point? Do fucking better.

I'm giving up on this country. I'm done trying to convince people that it's not a good idea to elect a convicted con artist as your state representative. I'm done trying to convince people that gutting OSHA does NOT help the working class. I'm done trying to explain to people that the Trump administration raised their taxes. This is simple fucking shit confirmed in a couple minutes on google.

At this point, if you vote republican you're voting against the working class. You're voting against women. You're voting against children. You're voting against god damned America.

We're letting them take our country back to the shit our country was born to go against.

16:14 UTC


Does anyone ever look down on you for the jobs you choose?

Im 34 currently unemployed by choice. In the past Ive held some decent job titles but the work was very hard physically and mentally so i decided to take a break.

Now that im back on the job hunt Ive decided i would like something more laid back with less responsibility. Freinds and family have been asking where ive been applying and when i tell them they laugh and say things like thats not a real job or thats a kids job etc. It just sucks ill have to work a demanding job with an important title to get any respect and not feel like a loser

02:32 UTC

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