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    A subreddit devoted to the field of Future(s) Studies and evidence-based speculation about the development of humanity, technology, and civilization.

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    On Futurology

    If history studies our past and social sciences study our present, what is the study of our future? Future(s) Studies (colloquially called "future(s)" by many of the field's practitioners) is an interdisciplinary field that seeks to hypothesize the possible, probable, preferable, or alternative future(s).

    One of the fundamental assumptions in future(s) studies is that the future is plural rather than singular, that is, that it consists of alternative future(s) of varying degrees of likelihood but that it is impossible in principle to say with certainty which one will occur.

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    How will future anti-aging treatments be distributed?

    Right now we have uber expensive spas in resorts that supposedly do something, what exactly I don't know. I've read some cool articles about stem cells and nanotechnology. I don't think it'll necessarily be rolling out to regular Drs. offices in the next 20 years, or you'll be able to walk into an AT&T store and buy nanobots like an iPhone, but I'm trying to be optimistic that a lot of this stuff will eventually get more mainstream.

    00:39 UTC


    Secret Advanced Technology, a question. (No conspiracy theories)

    No conspiracy theories please. What I’m wondering is what kind of tech is currently out there, in your opinion, that is either being developed or hoarded in secret? And by that I mean not yet being marketed or deployed. My guess is there isn’t anything like immortality biotech, as big wig politicians and billionaires die all the time, for example. I’m pretty sure that there is no real AI as companies like Google and Apple can’t even get their voice assistants to function reliably.

    If I were to guess, one is the main things being developed is advanced propulsion tech. It would certainly explain the “UFO” sightings and the lack of aliens running around. I wouldn’t be shocked to learn that the various militaries of the world have and or are making breakthroughs with aeronautical tech, including those that operate under reduced gravity loads.

    Cheers all.

    22:27 UTC


    Any positive technology predictions for the next 10 years?

    Personally I think medical will keep getting better and consumer technology will keep getting more advanced

    20:01 UTC


    Would the power to control our dreams lead to the end of humanity?

    If at some point in the future, we had the power to control our dreams, would the world die out? I know some people won’t get addicted, but I feel like the majority of humans would. Why go on dates when you can seduce Margot Robbie? Why go to work when you can instantly be in Italy sampling different wines? Even if the dreams had to be limited to experiences you’ve already had, I think a lot of people would just go back and live in times they think they were happier. The power to control our dreams seems awesome, and maybe it’s still 100 years away (if ever possible), but I think that technology might do more harm than good.

    18:26 UTC


    How are energy companies dealing with pipeline leakages or solar panel issues

    How are they detecting these anomalies?

    13:03 UTC


    Do you think humanity will ever travel to other star systems? Assuming we don't blow ourselves up.


    09:34 UTC


    Where to live if climate change worsens by mid 21st Century?

    Where might be the 'best' places to live in the world if global climate change significantly worsens over the next 25 years?

    Things to consider IMO:

    • Temperature and heatwaves: Mild to moderate temperature regions may become more habitable; extreme heat areas could become uninhabitable.

    -Water Availabiliy:: access to fresh water and strong water managemnt is crucial.

    -sea Level rise: coastal cities are at risk; inland or higher elevatIon areas are safey

    -agricultural viability: regions with resilient agriculture are viTal for food secuirty.

    -PotentIal Collapse of AMOC: Could alter climate patterns, causing severe winters and disrupted weather in Europe and north America.

    -political and economIc stability: Stable governments and strong economis can better handle climate stress.

    Based on those facts, scandinavia/Alaska might be a good choice? But AMOC collapse might be a problem...

    08:32 UTC


    A future without plastic

    Now that we know for sure that plastic recycling is one of the major causes of microplastics being everywhere (https://quillette.com/2024/06/17/recycling-plastic-is-a-dangerous-waste-of-time-microplastics-health/, I don't agree with it 100%, but still), we really have to put an effort on 1: finding plastic substitutes; 2: process existing plastic in other ways.

    1: for instance: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E-cnoSAaUa8

    2: better ways to capture and transform harmful gases when incinerating plastic, more R&D on enzymes that can eat plastic, etc.

    PS: I took a hard blow when I came to know about plastic recycling being such an important source of microplastics, because I'm all for recycling and taking care of the planet and our health. It just sucks...

    07:44 UTC


    Microplastics solution in the future

    I don't know if this is the right sub or what, I'm a Reddit noob y'all. But I'm reading these reports on Microplastics in the human body, heart (which doesn't sound good) and in our genitals, everywhere.

    So that gets me thinking, as this is probably not a good sign I'm guessing, will there be any technology that could solve this in the future, are we working on that already? It seems urgent.

    19:38 UTC


    Developing New Conceptualizations for Depression Research: The Future of Depression

    Are you or someone you know 14-21 years old, experiencing sad or irritable moods, and considering antidepressant medication? We’re currently recruiting adolescents (14-21yo) who are planning to start antidepressants prescribed by their providers for our 18-month paid study on mood and brain development!  

    Please share this post with anyone who might be interested! Thank you for helping us advance this important research! 

    Here’s what participation involves... 


    • Zoom interview and questionnaires every three months  
    • Two MRI brain scans (these are the only in-person visits)  
    • Compensation up to $1200! Plus reimbursement for all parking and transportation  
    • Bonus: Receive personalized pictures of your brain! 


    Interested? Fill out our interest form here or email us at uclacandylab@g.ucla.edu for more information! 

    17:47 UTC


    What are you predictions for the second quarter of the 21st century

    The first quarter of the century is ending this year a lot has changed already

    Edit: Any positive predictions?

    01:52 UTC

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