
Photograph via snooOG

This sub is dedicated to discussion of robotic process automation, rpa tools and the field in general.

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What is RPA exactly?

  • Robotic process automation is an emerging form of business process automation technology based on the notion of software robots or artificial intelligence workers. This sub is dedicated to discussion of robotic process automation, rpa tools and the field in general.

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Data table giving rows count but getting Datatable null error while writing to excel in Openrpa.

I am getting the number of rows count by using dt.rows.count.tostring by but while writing it to excel im getting the error as datatable null.

Another thing i noticed is when im using get table/get element on a static page, im getting the values that were in the previous run and not the current one, as if the variable values from the last run didn’t clear up.

I am new to openrpa or any RPA tool in general, and im facing the above issue at work.

Please help asap.

1 Comment
02:32 UTC


Unable to pick elements from ERP

As the title suggests. We can see the elements but are unable to pick it from one screen. From another screen, we were able to pick.

10:49 UTC


Are there any packages currently available on OpenRPA to read non-opened emails and download attachments from the Gmail inbox?

I know there are packages in UiPath and other proprietary software.

Being an academic researcher, I would like to use only open-source software.

13:06 UTC


Beginner to RPA

Hey guys, I’m a beginner to RPA. I wish to start a career doing RPA for companies. How do I start? What do I learn? Any tips?

On a side note, is RPA incorporating AI or ChatGPT into workflows?

02:30 UTC


Any chance we can create a group for Open Source RPA Tools - PH?

Hi Peeps!


Any chance we can create a group for FREE Open Source RPA Tools - PH? This is to promote collaboration for upskilling those interested in process automation ...

02:48 UTC


Bank Feed workaround (accounting in Southern Africa)

Hi all,

If this is in the wrong place, please excuse.


(1) RPA?

(2) If RPA, what's a recommended tool?


Just moved for a contract to South Africa and work as a contract in accounts. To my dismay, as part of the rework of the client's system, it turns out bank feeds are just not a thing here (at least not in Botswana). We're transitioning to Xero and the approach to catch on the histories has just been pull the relevant report (.csv if possible else transform PDF statements in Powerquery).

For histories this is fine but for the day-to-day it's going to be onerous.

Bank feeds for reference is some kind of direct connection to your bank accounts where typically you see the transactions mirrored one day in arrears and it forms the back bone of the a lot of the medium sized companies i've worked with.

Here they don't exist - so online bank account security etc aside - would RPA be the best route to go down?

Happy to take any and all opinions.

I've used power automate desktop a decent bit a year or two ago and am pretty comfortable with it after an hour of playing around but in this case we'll need:

(0) the ability to navigate to two websites and login (one takes your right through whereas for the other you need to wait for a one-time password to come through via email (it'll need to pick that up in MS Outlook as paste it in)

(1) have an understanding of dates e.g. pull the transactions dated yesterday (not only as a variable but also to be able to scrape an account history and filter for yesterday's transaction only and search for different date formats e.g. 27-Jun, 27 Jun, 27/06/24, 27 Jun 2024 etc.

(2) For to specific accounts for the company in question (they're labeled so shouldn't bee too bad)

(3) hold the scraped transaction information (not sure if it's better to scrape off the webpage or download a .csv (requires minimal clicks) and feed that information into an Excel PowerQuery transformation so it's in the current upload format for Xero (Xero only seems to take .csv files).

(4) Navigate to Xero and upload the relevant file for each bank account setup in Xero (not sure if it's best to do this one by one of extract all information, transform all then load all).

The main gaps in my knowledge are: performing powerquery with rpa, pulling email information with rpa.

Thanks for listening to my TED Talk.

Thanks for any feedback. Any and all is appreciated at this point.


Update notes:
(1) the import statement sections in Xero look to be static links which will make navigation easier (e.g. save the link for each bank account and just make sure I'm logged in before starting (not necessary but seems like a decent control to have).

07:58 UTC


Best resources for learning RPA

Which are your recommendations of learning resources in RPA technologies? 

17:35 UTC


Freelance RPA Work

I'm looking to do some extra freelance process improvement/RPA/automation work on the side and I am sure there are plenty of you that do this here. Are there any particular sites that are worth doing it through, or any that are better than others you might recommend? Or otherwise if you do it as an entirely solo venture, how do you go about getting your services availability out there?

05:32 UTC


Upskilling into automation ...

Hi IT Peeps in Philippines,

I am into both backend (via API) and frontend automation (RPA), helping companies automate their business data workflows ...I am here checking the current trends in IT Support, how much automation is being used in the IT Support domain, as I am exploring the possibility to help IT peeps through free automation training. career coaching for those interested. I intend to first do a virtual informal meetup with those interested to plan out the details on how more people in IT be into automation, as part of their upskilling, adding value and be more attractive to the hiring companies.

Ito po ay kusang loob kong pagtulong, my way of paying it forward to the industry I have been into for years now ;)

Massive thanks ;)

1 Comment
13:37 UTC


Help needed: python selenium script not running with Windows Task Scheduler

Hello everyone,

I am developing an application in Python using Selenium that performs data entry on a website. This needs to run every 30 minutes, and I am trying to deploy it on a Windows server. When I run it from the IDE or the command prompt, it works fine: the browser opens, and all processes are completed correctly. However, with Windows Task Scheduler, it doesn't seem to work. Any ideas why?

I also have a Linux machine that I could use for this task, but I started with Windows because I have many other processes scheduled on it that work fine (such as automatically sending emails).

Can you tell me what the best practices are for scheduling this "scraping" task?

Thank you.

05:39 UTC


How can I find customer for giving Rpa Consulting?

Hey guys, I founded my own rpa consulting company. How can I find an Rpa customer?

12:56 UTC


Should I learn backend development as a backup/Plan B?

Hi everyone, this is my first question on Reddit.

Currently, I'm living in Japan as an expat and have been working as an RPA developer at a mid-sized company for several months. At work, I use UiPath and I'm also learning Power Automate for Desktop (PAD), as we may have PAD-related projects in the future.

I didn't have any real programming experience before this (my previous job involved networking/technical support, and I studied a bit of Pascal, some C, and Python for fun). I've found that RPA isn't too difficult; I still have a lot to learn and I often search for answers online, but overall it's manageable.

Even though I'm called a "developer," I realize I lack knowledge in areas like SQL, databases, APIs, and programming in general. Therefore, I'm considering studying a backend engineering course to deepen my understanding and acquire additional skills, just in case. I don't want to rely solely on RPA.

Do you think it's worth it? I've heard that knowledge related to backend development is very useful, even if you're not doing web development. Is that true?

Thank you all in advance for your replies.

13:46 UTC


I’m currently a full stack dev, but I really love automating tasks and developing bots (did too much on my free time during college). Would I enjoy RPA? Looking to switch

Don’t know much about RPA and as with most positions in CS the responsibilities seems to vary wildly between different companies. What would be your input?

16:57 UTC


Career path?

Heyy! I’m from Australia and just graduating my masters in business information systems in November. Wanted to ask a very important question, is RPA the right choice for me to go ahead. I do have an interest in automation but don’t really know anything about it.

Guidance is helpful!

01:54 UTC


Pain points with RPA solutions today?

Hey folks,

I’m an entrepreneur building a tool for RPA power users. I’d love to hear about your biggest pain points with RPA. What really bugs you? Managing bots, complex workflows, integration issues, or something else?

Your feedback would be super helpful. Thanks a lot!

Please feel free to DM if you would like to collaborate!

20:51 UTC


How do you setup automation structure and straregy?

I have been lone developer within my department 70 people for 2 years and deployed few projects. Have been assigned opportunity to be the face of automation in identifying IA oppotunities and lead the development using self or resources outside of the dept I want to set a structure to doing this but dont know where to start. It will be a good pitch for career growth into a leadership role.

Can someone please guide me in the right direction on how to set expectations, governance and create my space where it doesn't currently exist. I plan to put a proposal to the management of my vision. Thank you!

03:59 UTC



It’s been one month I am trying to achieve the following. I run an extension on chrome which automates a task using the GUI of the chrome tab. I would like to run this same extension in 5 different virtual machines, but when I close the Remote Desktop connection. The extension simply stops. I already changed the IDLE settings in my virtual machine through gpedit.msc, I inspected the extension, selenium cannot interact with the extension, and even if I use selenium to load the extension it opens as a separate independent window so it does not work. What would you recommend please ?

00:27 UTC


Does uipath have any competitive advantage over power automate?

Recently power automate just had AI flows enter private preview where you can just explain on to your computer what you want to do and it creates the flows. I know uipath has investment with h.ai but they are a couple months behind. Will the future of rpa just be dominated by Microsoft? Are there any tasks that you can only automate with uipath but not power automate?

07:01 UTC


Work like management and Document automation project experience.

Hi. I have an interview next week and want to know where can I learn WLM and DA in automation anywhere using community version. Most positions I apply for require project experience on these topics and Deloitte didn’t give me exposure to this.

08:21 UTC


Becoming an RPA BA should I take BA course first

So I’m looking to get into RPA originally I was going to go the developer route but I’m really interested in the Business Analyst role it’s something I think may be good at naturally.

So Im starting UIPATH rpa ba course and want to know should I take a BA course first?

My background is in tech sales but looking to get out of customer facing roles that’s why I’m considering RPA DEVELOPMENT OR BA but I’m leaning towards BA honestly. Any help with courses to take or if it’s a career worth transitioning to.

22:00 UTC


Should I start looking for a new job?

I've only been out of college for a year and have been working as a jr RPA "specialist" with the hopes to officially become a RPA developer later in my career but overheard my team lead complaining how our director doesn't want to have a "RPA Developer" role as "They're not developers, they don't develop" which seems like we are not valued.

The other red flag it other than my team lead all 3 of the "RPA specialists" have only been there for <1.5 years but they've have RPA in the business for 7+ years.

I work hybrid with good benefits, but the pay is definitely not great. ~50k/yr

Am I overreacting or are these normal situations? What's the normal starting pay?

23:42 UTC


Power automate Vs UI path for running on a VM unattended.

Hi all, so I have been working on this solution recently using power automate desktop. Basically I want to upload information onto a portal. Locally it works fine.

However, I want to run the flow on a VM so I can do other things while the flow runs. This was semi successful as it does works a bit but it will always get stuck and not press a button. It usually resolves itself when I rdp into it.

My question, is uipath better than PAD for desktop flows as I want to see if UIPath will run better unattended on a VM. Thanks

13:25 UTC


Why is so hard to find remote jobs as RPA engineer?


I am trying to find remote jobs, specifically US(as an EU citizen) and I am not able to find a single job since it’s remote but only within US.

How do you guys find remote jobs outside your country?


10:19 UTC


A free RPA or similar tool for an individual for marketing automation?

I do a lot of repetitive action in Linkedin, trying to get leads, messaging those leads, making them from cold leads to warm and essentially converting them into sales. So I do the same tasks everyday.

Which is the best RPA tool for that? I only need a free one. I'm a small business owner and not a corp.

11:23 UTC


Interview in 5 hours.

Hi all. I have an interview in 5 hours and just want to know why we one would use 1)automation anywhere over ui path. 2)abbyy flexicapture over iqbot 3) xml over json.

I tried google but it isn’t great at giving these answers.

06:38 UTC


Anyone here running or working in a company that tries to sell the same RPA workflow to different customers? (Automation as a service)

We have been building something that solves the problem for delivering automation as a service to enterprise customers at scale.

Even if you are not currently providing such offerings, happy to help those who are contemplating to venture into such territory.

Would love to chat if this is something that resonates with you.

22:52 UTC


Should I use RPA for this?

Hey everyone,

We need to manage and change business parameters across systems like Netsuite, Salesforce, and SAP in a secure and controlled way. Our plan is to create a central web panel where users with the right permissions can view and modify these parameters, with all changes needing approval and being fully audited.

Our Approach:

  • User Interface: Building a custom UI for the panel.
  • Approval Workflows: Handling approval processes for changes.
  • Secure Storage: Storing business parameters and admin credentials securely.
  • Monitoring and Auditing: Keeping track of changes and creating detailed logs.
  • Credential Management: Ensuring the panel is the only place with admin credentials, so no one can bypass it and change parameters directly in systems like SAP and Netsuite.


  • Integrate with our existing SSO (Azure AD).

  • Role-based access control.

  • Secure storage of admin credentials.

  • API/RPA capabilities.

  • Detailed audit logs.

If the target systems have APIs, we would use them, but if they don't, we plan to use RPA to log into those systems with admin credentials and modify the parameters through their UI.

Anyone done something similar or have tool recommendations for this kind of setup? Any tips or things to watch out for would be awesome!


18:30 UTC


Recommended tools for automation over Remote desktop

I have done a fair bit of automation with Selenium (for web) and Pywinauto (for Windows) but I fail to do it when a Remote desktop is involved. Anything sent over the Remote desktop is treated as an image; therefore, the inputs (Text boxes, drop downs, etc. are not recognizable without computer vision which works with text.

Do you have any recommendations on the best tools to do it? Ideally, open-source but even closed source would be OK.

The guest Operating system is Windows.
The host is Linux (preferred) but can be Windows as well.

06:57 UTC


RPA for Quickbooks Online

Hi All, Quickboks online does not allow API access to Projects yet, so I am looking for a RPA solution that can click through in a browser and create Projects etc in QBO. I have played around with UIpath a bit, but I am really not well versed in RPA at all. I use Make.com extensively for the QBO API.

Does anyone do RPA with QBO and if so which software are you using and do you have any tips for things like logging in, 2fa etc? I am a total newb when it comes to RPA. Thanks.

16:07 UTC

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