
Photograph via snooOG

Computer Vision is the scientific subfield of AI concerned with developing algorithms to extract meaningful information from raw images, videos, and sensor data. This community is home to the academics and engineers both advancing and applying this interdisciplinary field, with backgrounds in computer science, machine learning, robotics, mathematics, and more.

We welcome everyone from published researchers to beginners!

Content which benefits the community (news, technical articles, and discussions) is valued over content which benefits only the individual (technical questions, help buying/selling, rants, etc.).

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Getting my annotations in OBB format

Hey, I’m trying to train a yolov8 model where the bounding boxes are tilted/rotated, when I train the model the bounding boxes are always straight and they don’t adjust to the the pin’s orientation. When I looked it up, i was told to use OBB format of annotations, How do i get that format saved from CVAT?, if i cant get them directly how should i go about this and convert into the correct format?

06:09 UTC


OCR inference interpretation via LLM or NLP models.

Hi. I'm stuck with the problem of interpreting (or filtering, whatever) OCR results of some tags. Thing is - they have over 300 patterns, yet (almost always) have the same info containing in them. I need to filter them into a simple json like
"# in line":
"some other stuff":
It is impossible to create an algorithm that will sort the inference due to bags dissimilarity. On some tags 1 line may include 3 things I need for the resulting json, on others these same lines are separated in different parts of said tag. OCR handles it's job quite well and I'd like to ask - is there a reason to look into NLP or LLMs for filtering OCR inference? GPT 4o, surprisingly, did a fine job (like, 90-95% accuracy, suits me well), although my prompt was almost like an essay long. Another problem is these tags include personal info => I need to run the interpreter locally. (No legal issues though, it's a giant logistics corp and the product is for it's workers)

1 Comment
05:44 UTC


Yolov8 losses

Firstly I am fairly new to computer vision and YOLO too, so sorry If this question seems stupid. Basically I used roboflow to create a yolov8 dataset and trained a yolov8l model on it using the CLI. I did 100 epochs and after it was finished, the box_loss cls_loss were all well under 1. I then modified my CLI command to train a further 50 epochs of the exact same dataset but started from the best.pt that was just made from the previous run. I would of thought that the box_loss and cls_loss would start off from where they finished in the last train but they seemed to reset back to around 1.5 and then slowly went down again. Is this normal? As I said i am fairly new so any help would be very much appreciated.

22:33 UTC


Detecting Wiring Issues


Below is a transistor with 3 terminals. Each terminal must take only one color and no two wires with two different colors can be connected to the same terminal. So below is correct connection as each color has it's own terminal. I tried to use YOLO the small and nano version by training it on one class only which is the one below as correct setup of wires, but it was not reliable and keep making a lot of false positives and also false negatives. Any suggestion please?


14:20 UTC


Synthetic Image Dataset for Detecting Indian Road Signs in Challenging Conditions


Here I showcase a few angles and corresponding labels generated for a sample of the dataset.

Next, I am going to add rain to the scene to increase the challenge for computer vision perception models.

I am using Unity Perception 1.0 and will write some custom C# scripts along the way.

If you are interested in generating a custom dataset for your computer vision projects, kindly let me know.

18:35 UTC


Problem installing gluoncv

Hello i am trying to install gluoncv using the guide

but when i run the

pip install torch==1.6.0+cpu torchvision==0.7.0+cpu -f https://download.pytorch.org/whl/torch_stable.htmlpip install torch==1.6.0+cpu torchvision==0.7.0+cpu -f https://download.pytorch.org/whl/torch_stable.html

i get these errors

ERROR: No matching distribution found for torch==1.6.0+cpu
ERROR: No matching distribution found for torchvision==0.7.0+cpu

I tried

pip install torch==2.3.0 torchvision==0.18.0 torchaudio==2.3.0 -f https://download.pytorch.org/whl/torch_stable.html
And it worked

However when i tried to run the following script

from gluoncv.data import 

# typically we use 2007+2012 trainval splits for training data
 = (splits=[(2007, 'trainval'), (2012, 'trainval')])
# and use 2007 test as validation data
 = (splits=[(2007, 'test')])

print('Training images:', len())
print('Validation images:', len())from gluoncv.data import VOCDetection

# typically we use 2007+2012 trainval splits for training data
train_dataset = VOCDetection(splits=[(2007, 'trainval'), (2012, 'trainval')])
# and use 2007 test as validation data
val_dataset = VOCDetection(splits=[(2007, 'test')])

print('Training images:', len(train_dataset))
print('Validation images:', len(val_dataset))VOCDetectiontrain_datasetVOCDetectionval_datasetVOCDetectiontrain_datasetval_dataset

I got this error

AttributeError: module 'numpy' has no attribute 'bool'.
`np.bool` was a deprecated alias for the builtin `bool`. To avoid this error in existing code, use `bool` by itself. Doing this will not modify any behavior and is safe. If you specifically wanted the numpy sca
lar type, use `np.bool_` here.
The aliases was originally deprecated in NumPy 1.20; for more details and guidance see the original release note at:
   https://numpy.org/devdocs/release/1.20.0-notes.html#deprecations. Did you mean: 'bool_'?

Thank you for the help !

1 Comment
16:51 UTC


Help with a specific Business use case - AI Camera detecting Digital advertisements

Hi everyone,

Hope you're all doing well!

I'm currently working as an Intern in IT division, at an MNC based in Morocco, and we have a challenging issue that I believe this community can help crack.

Problem Statement:

We have digital billboards spread across multiple locations in Morocco, owned by various agencies. These billboards display digital advertisements for our brands and other brands that pay the agencies. Here's the catch:

Whenever these digital billboards are off, we don't know about it**.** Yet, we continue paying the agencies, assuming that our ads are running as scheduled.

To tackle this, we enlisted a vendor who installed 4G-sim card powered IP cameras to get live streams of these billboards. We use an app called Ubox, which is free, to access these feeds. However, monitoring these streams requires significant manpower, which is not sustainable.

The Challenge:

  1. Automating Monitoring: We need to eliminate the need for constant human monitoring. The goal is to deploy an AI model using computer vision to automatically detect and analyze the advertisements. This AI should be capable of:
    • Determining when the billboards are on or off.
    • Identifying & record the advertisements running, both ours or our competitors.
    • Providing comprehensive analysis, including on/off times, ad strategies, and more.
  2. Technical Constraints:
    • We cannot access the camera live feed independently of the Ubox mobile application.
    • We have not found a vendor who can deploy a computer vision solution tailored to our needs.

Because of this, we even had someone quote us like $100k for this solution, but I couldn't understand why it's costing so much. There's recurring cost also, in addition to it.

Seeking Your Expertise:

Experienced professionals in computer vision, please help me on how can we automate the monitoring of these billboards effectively? Are there any innovative approaches or tools that could bypass the limitations of the Ubox app? Additionally, if you know of any vendors or have experience with similar solutions, your recommendations would be greatly appreciated.

Additional details:

Camera models used: Lorex S10-4G, HD Crossfire S10-4G, Asuno S10-4G.

Mobile app used for Streaming: Ubox (Free version available in Playstore)

Looking forward to your thoughts and suggestions guys.


15:53 UTC


Detection of text on image

Hello everyone,

I'm currently working on a project where I aim to detect text on images of sauce bags. The goal is to determine whether the label on the bag is correctly printed and readable or if it's misprinted and unreadable to the human eye.

Right now, I'm using PaddleOCR, which provides text output, but I'm looking to broaden my approach. I'm seeking feedback on other models or methods that could help determine the readability of the text. Ideally, I want a network that can simply output "accept" or "reject" based on the readability of the label. While I understand this might be a challenging goal, I'd love to hear any ideas or suggestions you might have.

Thanks in advance for your help!


14:17 UTC


1st tier workshop paper or 2nd tier conference paper

Hi all, I was wondering what would be better on the resume between a workshop paper at cvpr/iccv/eccv and a conference paper at bmvc/wacv/3dv?

13:03 UTC


List of AI Cameras with On-Device Neural Networks

I try to get an overview of devices that have a camera sensor combined with a neural network. These devices promise high-speed image processing with minimal power consumption—ideal for real-time, on-device computer vision on edge devices.

I'm researching this topic for days now and could only find very little. To alleviate others from doing the same tedious internet research I thought of curating a GitHub repository (awesome-ai-cameras) focused on the topic.

Does anyone have an overview of the market and can share his insights?

How about making a reddit thread for discussing the topic / combining our research efforts.
Any thoughts or advice on these topics would be greatly appreciated. Also, if you have any resources or examples to share, I'd love to include them in the repository to help others.

(If mentioning the products is considered advertisement, let me know. I can remove them. Don't want to risk the thread being closed)



Here is a continuously updated list based on my findings and user replies:

12:07 UTC


Accuracy and other metrics doesn't give the full picture, especially about generalization

In my research on the robustness of neural networks, I developed a theory that explains how the choice of loss functions impacts the network's generalization and robustness capabilities. This theory revolves around the distribution of weights across input pixels and how these weights influence the network's ability to handle adversarial attacks and varied data.

Weight Distribution and Robustness:

Neural networks assign weights to pixels to make decisions. When a network assigns high weights to a specific set of pixels, it relies heavily on these pixels for its predictions. This high reliance makes the network susceptible to performance degradation if these key pixels are altered, as can happen during adversarial attacks or when encountering noisy data. Conversely, when weights are more evenly distributed across a broader region of pixels, the network becomes less sensitive to changes in any single pixel, thus improving robustness and generalization.

Trade-Off Between Accuracy and Generalization:

There is a trade-off between achieving high accuracy and ensuring robustness. High accuracy often comes from high weights on specific features, which improves performance on training data but may reduce the network's ability to generalize to unseen data. On the other hand, spreading the weights over a larger set of features (or pixels) can decrease the risk of overfitting and enhance the network's performance on diverse datasets.

Loss Functions and Their Impact:

Different loss functions encourage different weight distributions. For example**:**

1. Binary Cross-Entropy Loss:

- Wider Weight Distribution: Binary cross-entropy tends to distribute weights across a broader set of pixels. This distribution enhances the network's ability to generalize because it does not rely heavily on a small subset of features.

- Robustness: Networks trained with binary cross-entropy loss are generally more robust to adversarial attacks, as the altered pixels have a reduced impact on the overall prediction due to the more distributed weighting.

2. Dice Loss:

- Focused Weight Distribution: Dice loss is designed to maximize the overlap between predicted and true segmentations, leading to high weights on specific, highly informative pixels. This can improve the accuracy of segmentation tasks but may reduce the network's robustness.

- Accuracy: Networks trained with dice loss can achieve high accuracy on specific tasks like medical image segmentation where precise localization is critical.

Combining Loss Functions:

By combining binary cross-entropy and dice loss, we can create a composite loss function that leverages the strengths of both. This combined approach can:

- Broaden Weight Distribution: Encourage the network to consider a wider range of pixels, promoting better generalization.

- Enhance Accuracy and Robustness: Achieve high accuracy while maintaining robustness by balancing the focused segmentation of dice loss with the broader contextual learning of binary cross-entropy.

Pixel Attack Experiments:

In my experiments involving pixel attacks, where I deliberately altered certain pixels to test the network's resilience, networks trained with different loss functions showed varying degrees of robustness. Networks using binary cross-entropy maintained performance better under attack compared to those using dice loss. This provided empirical support for the theory that weight distribution plays a critical role in robustness.



The theory that robustness in neural networks is significantly influenced by the distribution of weights across input features provides a framework for improving both the generalization and robustness of AI systems. By carefully choosing and combining loss functions, we can design networks that are not only accurate but also resilient to adversarial conditions and diverse datasets.

Original Paper: https://arxiv.org/abs/2110.08322

My idea would be to create a metric such that we can calculate how the distribution of weight impacts generalization. I don't have enough mathematical background, maybe someone else can do it.

11:49 UTC


Computer Vision related problem?

So, a new intern is hired in our team and my manager has asked me to find a task for him to test on.


Can you come up with a computer vision related problem statement for a new intern, suitable for a weeks timeline.

I cannot think what task will be suitable to test a new intern.


09:39 UTC


Get bounding boxes for the predicted image by model

What’s the simplest and most straightforward code to get bounding boxes from a prediction.

I have a best.pt and now i want to use those weights to predict and get the image with the predicted bounding boxes

09:08 UTC


What is the Class Detection Limit of Object Detection Models? Can They Recognize Over 1,000 or 10,000 Classes?

I'm new to computer vision and just started working with YOLO. I have some questions: what is the limit for the number of classes a model can detect? How many classes can a model actually recognize? Additionally, how much data is required to train a model for detecting a large number of classes? If we want to detect 10,000 classes, what would be the best approach? Should we build one large model or multiple specialized models?

07:10 UTC


Custom object detection with input box

Hi All! I have a usecase where I'd need to implement object counting of custom objects which can vary significantly. I was looking out for a solution where I would first take an image, draw a bounding box on one of the objects and then it would later detect all the similar objects and then give me the final count. It would be great if you guys could suggest the best approach that I can take for this. Thanks in advance!

06:26 UTC


What books can help with the more theoretical aspects of CV?

I don't mean the algorithms itself, I mean the things like the concept of acceleration and other physics/mathematical related aspects.

I feel like to truly start doing research, I need to understand what is the behind the algorithms itself, so any help?

22:10 UTC


seeking the best CV developers for our project....

Object detection expertise, with full stack preferred. For an automated specific object detection, tracking, and interface to interact with platform in real time. Feeds will be multimodal - video, thermal/IR/bathy/SAR and LiDAR. Detection needs to be real time, near real time, and ability to interact with feed in real time.

20:33 UTC


Parallel image processing for face detection and recognition

i’m building a service with fastapi, which accepts post requests consisting of zip file.[one request contain one zip file] and those[concurrent] zip files consists of images. now, i have to process the the zipfiles, extract faces from each image, [face detection is done using YuNet ] and all the faces of an image is stored in a seperate respective folder. now i’ll maintain a unique face folder, and apply recognition techniques and store the unique faces in unique_faces_folder. i have the flow with me, but when i get concurrent requests how can i handle them? i also used celery tasks for multi processing but when i load test the service using k6, having 10 requests [users] at a time for 10 min there are 88% failed requests. i have also used workers to be 5 in my case for fastapi application. so is there any solution for this? i woulbe able to process atleast 50 requests per second.
yes i know it depends on no.of images and zip file,
what i have is, zip file of 10 images, each image containing 15-16 faces.
i’ve used concurrent.futures for multi processing of single zip file. [ and i’m using only cpu]

Any suggestions on this flow are highly appreciated.

17:14 UTC


Trying to display YOLOv8 bounding boxes on top of 60 FPS camera feed

I’ve been using the following code to display a camera feed with bonding boxes created with a YOLOv8 model using the cv2 library but the live feed is only able to display about 15-20 FPS.

def run_camera():
    while True:
        # Capture frame-by-frame
        ret, frame = cap.read()
        if not ret:
            print("Error: Could not read frame from webcam.")

        # Resize frame for YOLOv8 model
        resized_frame = cv2.resize(frame, (1280, 736))

        # Predict using YOLOv8
        results = model.predict(source=resized_frame)

        # Get the bounding boxes and annotated frame
        bboxes = results[0].boxes
        annotated_frame = results[0].plot()

        # Display the resulting frame with bounding boxes
        cv2.imshow('YOLOv8', annotated_frame)

    # Release the webcam and close all OpenCV windows

I think there could be a way to open a tkinter window that contains my live 60FPS webcam view and draw the boxes on top of it. I am wanting to use tkinter or another python gui program beacuse I need to put a UI underneath the live camera. Currently my program has a tkinter window to the left of the camera view but they are detached from each other. If the boxes are a little slow then that's alright, because the fast camera will at least give the illusion of the program being very responsive. Do you guys have any advice on how I could accomplish this?

16:48 UTC


SCALE: Compile unmodified CUDA code for AMD GPUs

15:42 UTC


How to extract images and labels from chestmnist dataset which is in .npz file

i want o extract train, val and test imgs in a folder and there corresponding labels in csv file.


15:36 UTC


Understanding Docker Storage Usage with Label Studio: Why is /var/lib/docker/overlay2 Over 129GB?

I'm posting this here because it's about the popular labeling tool, Label Studio. I need help understanding why Docker is consuming so much space. Specifically, the `/var/lib/docker/overlay2` directory is taking up more than 129GB, and I can't figure out why!

If you need more informations in order to help me figure out the problem please don't hesitate!


1 Comment
15:17 UTC


how do i fill an image after detecting edges

i have this code that works for most of my images, except for this:



i want to get rid of shadow, so i detect edges and next i must fill it white.

the code i am using is

image_path = 'image_padded.png'
image = cv2.imread(image_path, cv2.IMREAD_GRAYSCALE)

# Apply Sobel operator in X direction
sobelx = cv2.Sobel(image, cv2.CV_64F, 1, 0, ksize=5)

sobely = cv2.Sobel(image, cv2.CV_64F, 0, 1, ksize=5)

sobel_combined = cv2.magnitude(sobelx, sobely)

sobel_combined = np.uint8(255 * sobel_combined / np.max(sobel_combined))

_, mask = cv2.threshold(sobel_combined, 5, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY)

plt.imshow(sobel_combined, cmap='gray')
plt.title('Sobel Edge Image')

plt.imshow(mask, cmap='gray')
plt.title('Edge Mask')

cv2.imwrite('mask.png', mask)

i cannot play with threshold on this line

_, mask = cv2.threshold(sobel_combined, 5, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY)

because it ruins other images

how can i solve this?



if you could explain why is this happeing that would be nice. this error makes no sense

14:31 UTC


Ultralytics' New AGPL-3.0 License: Exploiting Open-Source for Profit

Hey everyone,

Do not buy Ultralytics License as there're better and free alternatives, buying their license is like buying goods from a thief.

I wanted to bring some attention to the recent changes Ultralytics has made to their licensing. If you're not aware, Ultralytics has adopted the AGPL-3.0 license for their YOLO models, which means any models you train using their framework now fall under this license. This includes models you train on your own datasets and the application that runs it.

Here's a GitHub thread discussing the details. According to Ultralytics, both the training code and the models produced by that code are covered by AGPL-3.0. This means if you use their framework to train a model, that model and your software application that uses the model must also be open-sourced under the same license. If you want to keep your model or applications private, you need to purchase an enterprise license.

Why This Matters

The AGPL-3.0 license is specifically designed to ensure that any software used over a network also has its source code available to the community. This means that if you use Ultralytics' models, you are required to make your modifications or any derivative works of the software public even if you use them in any network server or web application, you need to publicize and open-source your applications, This requirement can be quite restrictive and forces users into a position where they must either comply with open-source distribution or pay for a commercial license.

What Really Grinds My Gears

Ultralytics didn’t invent YOLO. The original YOLO was an open-source project by PJ Reddie, meant to be freely accessible and improve computer vision research. Now, Ultralytics is monetizing it in a way that locks down usage and demands licensing fees. They are effectively making money off the open-source community's hard work.

And what's up with YOLOv10 suddenly falling under Ultralytics' license? It feels like another strategic move to tighten control and squeeze more money out of users. This abrupt change undermines the original open-source ethos of YOLO and instead focuses on exploiting users for profit.

Impact on Developers and Companies

  • Legal Risks: If you use their framework and do not comply with the AGPL-3.0 requirements, you could face legal repercussions. This could mean open-sourcing proprietary work or facing potential lawsuits.
  • Enterprise Licensing Fees: To avoid open-sourcing your work, you will need to pay for an enterprise license, which could be costly, especially for small companies and individual developers.
  • Alternative Solutions: Given these restrictions, it might be wise to explore alternative object detection models that do not impose such restrictive licensing. Tools like YOLO-NAS or others available on Papers with Code can be good starting points.

Call to Action

For anyone interested in seeing how Ultralytics is turning a community-driven project into a cash grab, check out the GitHub thread. It's a clear indication of how a beneficial tool is being twisted into a profit-driven scheme.

Let's spread the word and support tools that genuinely uphold open-source values and don't try to exploit users. There are plenty of alternatives out there that stay true to the open-source ethos.

An image editor does not own the images created with it.

P/S: For anyone that going to implement next yolo, please do not associate yourself with Ultralytics

13:35 UTC


Can language models help me fix such issues in CNN based vision models?

10:00 UTC


We've released the highly efficient 2D/3D whole-body pose estimation models RTMW/RTMW3D.

We've released the highly efficient 2D/3D whole-body pose estimation models RTMW/RTMW3D. RTMW has achieved a 70.2 mAP on COCO-Wholebody, and RTMW3D has reached an impressive 56 mm MPJPE on the H3WB dataset. For more details, check out our technical report and the code repository:


08:19 UTC


Are Transformers really outperforming CNNs across EVERY modality and task in computer vision?

For a while, it seemed like Transformers were poised to completely take over computer vision, outshining CNNs in every aspect. However, a groundbreaking CVPR 2024 paper reveals that the potential of large-kernel CNNs has been greatly underestimated.

➡️ Project Page: https://invictus717.github.io/UniRepLKNet/

The primary issue holding back CNN development was the coupling of three key factors in their architectures: receptive field, feature abstraction hierarchy, and representation capacity. This made it hard to tune and optimize each aspect independently.

UniRepLKNet uses large convolutional kernels to decouple the above three factors and proposes four design principles:

1️⃣ Use efficient structures like SE Blocks to increase depth.
2️⃣ Employ a Dilated Reparam Block to improve performance without added inference cost.
3️⃣ Adjust kernel sizes based on the task, using large kernels mainly in later layers.
4️⃣ Scale up depth with 3x3 convs instead of more large kernels once sufficient receptive field is achieved.

By adhering to these principles, UniRepLKNet has achieved remarkable results on major vision benchmarks like ImageNet, COCO, and ADE20K, significantly surpassing SOTA models in both accuracy and speed.


Even more amazingly, the same UniRepLKNet model, without modification, is suddenly competitive with specialized SOTA models on NLP, climate modeling, pointclouds, and more.

The breakthrough of UniRepLKNet suggests that large-kernel CNNs might be on par with Transformers in unified modeling capacities. As we move forward, CNNs and Transformers may evolve into complementary, intertwined paradigms that collectively drive unprecedented AI advancements.

**📖 Read: **What are Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs)?

07:04 UTC


research ideas suggestions


I posted earlier but didn't get a response. To be honest, I am very worried about this. I am a final-year Computer Science student with no publications and am trying to find research areas that are suitable for a beginner to publish quality work. I am also trying to come up with my final year project (FYP) idea. I know the idea must be mine, but I need some direction on what to target.

My interests for publication are in any area related to image processing, computer vision, deep learning, etc. However, for my FYP, I am trying to find an area where I can integrate machine learning (specifically deep learning) with cybersecurity.

Any direction or suggestions from you can help me think in a new way, so I would appreciate your efforts.


07:00 UTC

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