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Discussion of nootropics and cognitive enhancers.


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Cerebrolysin (Cycled Off)

Hey guys I’ve cycled off cerebrolyisn. It’s been a game changer. My only problem I’m still dealing with is insomnia. I was trying to feen off of quetiapine 50mg down to 25mg now.. but it’s not seeming to do the trick. I could sleep pretty well while taking cerberolysin. Anyone in a similar situation or have any suggestions? I’d prefer nootropics again: thanks.

14:23 UTC


Is Science.Bio Still Legit?

Hi there,

I would like to order PE22-28 from them but I have read many comments that state that the quality of their products is not good. What is your experience with this company? Does it still make sense to order from them?

13:26 UTC


Your favourite nootropics foods?

What are your favourite nootropic foods or “food” supplements?

04:51 UTC


If your post IS NOT a scientific study on nootropics, or a scientific discussion on the mechanism of action of nootropics, or a recounting of your person experience using nootropics, then it probably belongs in this thread

The purpose of /r/nootropics is to further the scientific discussion of cognitive enhancers. But in order to keep the subreddit from being flooded with requests for personal advice. The community decided to create a separate subreddit just for those kinds of posts. That is why rule #1 in this subreddit is to post to personal advice to /r/stackadvice. However, you can also post in this thread if you prefer, because that also fulfills the objective of making space for more generally interesting posts.

So in this thread you can:

  • Ask for opinions on possible stacks
  • Ask for non-professional advice
  • Post content that isn't entirely on topic, but may be of interest to nootropics users
04:01 UTC


phosphatidylserine and acetyl-L-carnitine for ages between 20 to 35

I saw a supplement bottle that boast improvement in mental and focus. I then did some research on the 2 ingredients and some sources mentioned that majority of individuals tested were older or declining cognition people and that results on younger people were less conclusive.

I'd like to know if anyone here takes these and are between the ages of 20 to 35 and have you guys experienced any improvements in your cognition, focus, learning and memory?

03:52 UTC


Phenylpiracetam is similar to?

I just purchased Phenylpiracetam and Noopept. Can anyone tell me what each one is similar to? Someone told me Phenylpiracetam is similar to Armodafinil or Modafinil which I have used before...

02:39 UTC


Anything that is not mainstream or pharmaceutical works here.

I’ve bought and tried few nootropics here from alpha gpc, lions mane to others. Everything is subpar. Caffeine/expresso gives me more energy and focus than anything suggested here and any real substance that helped with my adhd was…pharmaceutical medications (please go see licensed medical professionals)

It seems some of you are running on placebo. If you don’t believe me look at all the the posts where people just bought bags of supplements. Like wtf.

Oh, running for 30-40mins and good sleep does more for me than anything suggested here. Try that.

16:48 UTC


Longvida vs. Theracurmin for CNS injury (mechanism of action)

Would Longvida curcumin be more effective than Theracurmin for repair of the spinal cord after chronic injury (given its BBB penetrance)? Or is there another form that would be even better than either (like CuroWhite), theoretically? I’m having trouble reconciling all of the research, especially in light of the article about Dr. Bharat Aggarwal at MD Anderson Cancer Center whose study methods on curcumin were dubious. Mainly trying to understand their differing mechanisms of action better, and how strong the research is for either, overall, for CNS repair

1 Comment
15:15 UTC


Why do I get great sleep, feel relaxed and somewhat focused upon taking some Paracetamol?

So I had a fever yesterday. Took Paracetamol 500mg three times throughout the day. Noticed all the good things in the morning upon waking up which are still there. Why?

13:08 UTC


Anyone have experience with Cosmicnootropic?

Just wanted to see how reputable the vendor is and what everyone's xp was. Thanks

11:28 UTC


Dosing Niacin Throughout the Day

Anyone find benifits to this or try it?

I find that if I take 100 mg every 2-3 hours I maintain a pretty heightened state of alertness (nose gets tingly and skin feels slightly warm, which I actually enjoy).

I spent a few months dosing 500 - 1000 mg per day at night before bed to get used to the flush so I don’t turn into a sunburn victim at work.

15:50 UTC


Phenylpiracetam Mini Stroke Symptoms

This was about a year ago. I was taking a higher dosage 300mg of Phenylpiracetam, once or twice a week. I read on reddit that a higher dosage was beneficial. It seemed to be the case with me. I could focus great at work and felt focused during meetings. However I started getting blurry vision. It was very stubble at first but got worse. I thought it was just from focusing so hard at work, it would start about at the end of the day and go away after I woke up.
Anyway i was talking to my boss one morning and couldn't get words out. The left side of my lip was numb and i had a really bad headache. I had really blurry vision. They suggested I go to the hospital. The hospital said my brain looked fine and didn't see anything but i probably had a mini stroke. I quit taking the Phenylpiracetam and my symptoms slowly got better. I tried it a few months later and i got the same blurry vision. So I'm pretty sure that's what caused it. I would like to try cerebrolysin but i'm worried i might get the same side effects. Does anyone know if this could happen or there is a reason this would happen?

I'm a 28 male by the way.

11:18 UTC


Mail forwarder for science.bio to europe?

Do any of you from Europe still buy from science.bio using some mail forwarder? Which one do you use? Some that I looked up do not accept delivering chemicals of any kind.

Would appreciate some suggestions. I want to buy bromantane if that's of any relevance.

06:31 UTC


Piracetam and sleep

Been doing piracetam for a while, 800mg daily. Since I started, strange shit happens to me every night.

Go to bed. Not able to fall asleep for some time. Feel sleepy. Started seeing some weird fever dreams. Eventually realise I'm sleeping. A strong convulsion passes through my body. Kinda relatable to when you falling down and then suddenly wake up, in my case it's not falling down or anything, just a dream.

And then I would fall asleep finally. Am I good?

20:41 UTC


Earth Harmony’s Methylene Blue

Has anyone tried Earth Harmony's Methylene Blue?

It is available at nutrimedium.com

19:37 UTC


SAD lamp, oddly energizing?

Just got a SAD 10,000 lux lamp, and I'm trying it out. Also on a pretty large personal stack (B vit, D, 1/2 dose alpha-gpc, Vit C, l-tyrosine, theanine, mag, PPC, zinc).

I've noticed that 1 hr or so after use, I start to feel very differently.

It's hard to pinpoint the feeling (possibly serotonin related), but I am trying it again today after 30 minutes and will report back.

I started using it since I'm studying to be a doctor and spend my time "mastering the blade" ie locked the fudge up studying lol.

I still haven't covered any psych/neuro material but from what I understand SAD lamps work by emitting bright light that activates retinal ganglion cells containing melanopsin, which then signal the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) in the hypothalamus to regulate circadian rhythms.

This suppresses melatonin production and normalizes cortisol levels, enhancing alertness and mood.

Additionally, light therapy increases serotonin and dopamine activity, which helps alleviate symptoms of depression by improving neurotransmitter function and reducing stress through better regulation of the hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis.

A study from 2022 on rats did find 4 weeks of 10,000 lux was associated with significant evidence of neurogenesis in the rat hippocampal dentate gyrus.. involved with spacial awareness, emotions, and memory formation.

That's as much research as I could find for now. There's more funding getting thrown at IR/red light therapy currently though.

18:33 UTC


Is Cosmicnootropic safe to ship to europe?

I was planning on buying semax and phenylpiracetam from them

(The country i want to ship it to is germany)

12:07 UTC


How many times a week is it advisable to have caffeine (filter coffee) without building tolerance or disturbing sleep or giving bad caffeine crash?

Normally I'm not a coffee drinker, but undeniable that caffeine + l theanine combo gives amazing focus for a few hours.

Question as above.

Edit: when you mean a cup of coffee, is it a regular cappuccino let's say with 65-75ish mg of coffee, or a flat white with double espresso shots making it 120-130ish mg?

10:12 UTC


Saffron supplement vs cooking with it

Used to have saffron all the time as a kid since my family made tahdiq almost daily. Lately anxiety and depression have been brutal. I’ve seen studies indicating that saffron helps. It seems like the supplement dosages are often fairly similar to what’s used in culinary dishes. Any good reason not to simply eat rice that’s been cooked with saffron?

18:38 UTC


7 years since stopped Nootropics stack…want to start again…what happened to all the suppliers?

forgive or delete if this isn’t allowed…

I’m guessing regulations and other mess caused some disruption since then as all of the online stores I’d order from seem to no longer carry much.

Is it still possible to reliably order Noopept, Adrafinil, Phenylpiracetam,in the US?

I am trying to recall all the online stores I’d ordered from and I know Nootropics Depot was one of them and they seem to only have herbal/natural supplements anymore.

17:55 UTC


Best time of day for lithium orotate

For those who have had benefits from lithium orotate, what’s the best time of day to take it?

Eg Morning when you wake up? Evening before bed?

17:34 UTC


Nordic Naturals Omega 3 Phospholipids

Is there any consensus on whether the dose of Nordic Naturals Omega 3 Phospholipids (krill oil) is sufficient to significantly raise BDNF in the CNS? I’ve read about how this form of DHA crosses the BBB way more effectively than the plain triglyceride form but cannot seem to figure out if the smaller DHA dose in their phospholipids product is sufficient, or even equates to more than is provided in the well-known/standard triglyceride product. It would be great if anyone could provide any resources or comment from their own knowledge. I’m taking this supplement specifically to raise BDNF in the CNS because of chronic cervical spinal cord damage from instability. Thank you.

17:30 UTC


Genius vs Thesis

I started taking the Genius Mushroom lions mane, cordyceps, and reishi supplement about two months ago and have noticed a positive change in my clarity and focus. Not life altering but definitely positive. I’ve been reading great things about the thesis products and that there’s a lot of areas in my life that these could also improve but they are quite a bit more expensive. I don’t mind paying the difference if it’s a superior product. Has anyone tried both?

1 Comment
16:16 UTC


Noopept Nasal Spray help

So I'm completely ignorant to creating it from scratch. I know there's a YT video breaking things down but I wanted to check with the general consensus on it before doing it.

I have raw noopept, a magnetic stirrer, Prop Glycol (food grade), Methyl Paraben (recommended in the YT clip), and I'll grab some distilled water.

My primary questions are: am I missing anything else that would be recommended? Is Prop Glycol and Methyl Paraben usable in conjunction with one another? I believe one to be a solvent and the other to be a preservative. Thanks for any and all input.

11:29 UTC


Mixing nootropics in coffee

What are some of your favorite coffee + nootropic combos, mixing into your coffee or along side it, I've tried maca root, ashwaganda, l-theanine

09:59 UTC

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