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Downloads seem slow based on speedtest results? This comes up way too often, so: most speed tests measure in Megabits per second (Mbps) and most other programs (Steam, Origin, browsers, torrent clients) list download speed in Megabytes per second (MBps). Divide your speedtest Mbps result by 8 to get your expected download speed in MBps.

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Could Crowdstrike situation happen on MacOS or other non-windows OS?

Not a very tech-savvy person, I see a lot of people blame Windows/Microsoft for what happened with crowdstrike. But I don't really understand why, is it not Crowdstrike's fault? How could this have been prevented? Why it can or can't happen on MacOS or other OS? Can someone explain?

10:51 UTC


Switch mode PSU shuts down when two devices are connected but is fine with one. The PSU is overrated (5A for a 3A and a 1.5A PSU replacement) and I doubt they were running at full load. Both devices are connected via HDMI so possibly sharing a common ground.

I have tried disconnecting the hdmi cable and this makes no difference. I've measured the current when running separately and have 0.3A + 0.35A so it's definitely not overloaded, I've also tried adding one load later. For some reason they don't like being powered from the same supply. Anyone have any ideas or solutions please? Keen to save space hence the combined power attempts.

09:24 UTC


Calendar Sync by Wi-Fi connection only (no internet)


I really like the Google calendar. Unfortunately I work on a container vessel with very bad internet connection. Therefore, I cannot sync the calendar between my phone and laptop.

Another program I use is called Anytype, which can sync new data using only Wi-Fi connection (without internet connection) between my phone and laptop. Is there a calendar app, that can do the same?

Thank you very much in advance!

Kind regards!

07:48 UTC


The fan work like im running a big activity Once i open task mangement i dont see any thing and the fan stop !! I can control it if i kept my task mangment on , once i cancel it ! The fan start work again !! Like there is something work sneeking behind

07:10 UTC


What damage can be done by clinking a link on a text?

All of my household (4 phones) got a text at the same time that said "Public Safety Alert"

We all clicked it, because we're all anxious about the state of the world right now. .___.

When we clicked it, it took us all to our home screen.

What damage can be done by just clinking a link?

t.e2ma.net was what the link was. That's not the whole url, just part of it.

CLICKING a link, not clinking. lmao

1 Comment
04:38 UTC


Am I going crazy or are all search engines trash now?

I feel like Google (or DuckDuckGo, or Bing) doesn't even bother to answer my questions anymore. It's like it skims through the words I've typed, picks out a few that sound kind of fun, and returns information that's in the same ballpark as my topic but not actually relevant to what I'm asking.

This is so weird and no one seems to be talking about that (Google gets some heat but it's mostly due to AI, plus nobody is mentioning search problems with other engines), I am actually starting to doubt my sanity. If you guys tell me the algorithms haven't changed over the past months and it's really just me, I'm checking myself for brain damage.

1 Comment
02:51 UTC


Is there a way to connect a Landline phone number to Online SMS?

Hi, I'm just asking. Is there a way to connect a Landline phone number to Online SMS?

01:33 UTC


My windows security always blank what should i do ? And how i can know i have virus i note that the fan working on my pc every while thats new !

01:04 UTC


Adding cell phone to current plan. What can they see?

I'm adding a cell phone to my current plan to give to a family member who currently can't afford one.

I ordered the phone and it arrived today. They're officially on the plan now. Upon activating the phone, what sort of access will they have to my data and my plan? Such as, will they have access to apps, passwords, galleries that I currently have on my phone? I have credit cards saved in my phone. Will they get to see any of that? I don't really understand how "the cloud" works, I'm in my 50s lol.

I'd assume they can't see anything that I do on my phone? But I just wanted to make sure bc I got a new laptop the other day and logged in with my Google account and suddenly all of my gallery on my phone was accessible from the laptop. I want to make sure nothing gets transferred from my phone to their new one. Thanks for any input.

1 Comment
23:39 UTC


How does Apple manage to fit so much inside an Apple Watch?

To my knowledge (and please, please correct me if I’m wrong), there’s a wifi receiver, a Bluetooth receiver, heart rate sensor, and I guess a motion sensor too for cadence/footsteps/sleep tracking? And oh yeah, a touchscreen with a touch sensor AND a battery big enough to keep it going for 24-48 hours.

How do they make it all fit? I understand for a phone, they have a lot more space to work with, but a small little watch case? Are there any videos anyone can recommend me that explain this?

22:59 UTC


Repeating video player

Hi, if I wanted to have a monitor just display one thing for its whole life span, i.e. have a singular video playing on loop, similar to ads or menus in restaurants, what would I use? I was thinking a cheap raspberry pi or something but I’m open to better alternatives. Thanks! Sorry if this is the wrong subreddit

20:35 UTC


About secret folder

There is a progrem from ohsoft.net (secret folder) it used to hide folder If you know about it could you please answer me?

The thing is I had hidden some folders through "Secret Folder" program, and while these folders were hidden, I removed the hard drive, forgetting about that. My question is, are my folders gone forever or can I recover them if I put the hard drive in another laptop?

20:31 UTC


Certain songs disconnect my aux from my car stereo

Basically, when I connect my phone to my old car stereo via aux cable, certain songs from my playlist (always the same songs in the same parts) change the stereo from "Aux Input" to "FM Radio", so I have to press the button again to listen to my music.

I'm really curious as to why is this happening, could it be the bass frequency?

18:52 UTC


My ram is 16gb but Ipddr4. Will it affect my gaming performance if compared to Ipddr5. My laptop specifications i have provided below.

I have hp victus i5-13th gen H processor, rtx 4050, 16gb ram,1tb ssd.

1 Comment
18:16 UTC


Need good under $499 laptop recs that have chrome and that have Microsoft word please help me

this is for my early college classes

18:15 UTC


Someone is broadcasting an offensive Wi-Fi network name, directed straight at me and my apartment number.

I have had some noise complaints from my downstairs neighbor and they were completely unfounded, They made false domestic violence reports to the police 5 times but every time the police came there was no domestic disturbance going on because i was alone or sleeping or quietly reading. and I dont live with a woman beiing abused as they reported. I dont live with a woman at all. I think the police figured out they were harassing me and must have told them to stop reporting false claims because that stopped. Building security no longer knocks on my door as well, because they never heard any noise after being called a dozen times. I tried to suggest that they just call me or knock on my door instead of calling the police or building security, but they cut me off and proceeded to make fun of the way I was dressed. (Very mature behavior, I know.) I sensed homophobia, but i have thick skin and ignored it. Anyway I gave up trying to reason with them and I thought it was over because there were no more police or building security knocking. but now....

I am 99% sure that they are broadcasting a very offensive accusation aimed directly at me, using my apartment number in the name of their WiFi network. I wont repeat the offense but imagine something like "Apt234JunkiedrugdealerWiFi" or some other equally offensive and defamatory accusation. It has been broadcast for a week now and I am not sure what to do.

Is there a way to prove it is them? Is there an App for my iphone or mac that can help me? I tried Netspot but it only makes maps of my own network, not ones I cant log on to.

I have done some research. there is legal precedent to classify a Wifi network name as a broadcast and it is subject to libel laws.

I want to report them to the police, but I would like some evidence. What would you do?

18:07 UTC


Do know anyone how that made grommet band in circular loom weaving machine.I mean is that how create groove on it

17:03 UTC


Can a video from an android phone that has been permanently deleted 2 or 3 years ago retrievable ?

I had an old huawei phone but my mom disposed of it and didn't inform me. I'm worried if the permanently deleted photos that old would be suddenly leaked. Is it possible?

16:38 UTC


Internet Options For Reliable VPN Connection

So right now, I have T-mobile Internet with the 1-gb package. It's not on any LAN or cable lines, it just gets signal from satellites. One day a week, I work from home and I need to connect to VPN from my government laptop. Up until a couple weeks ago since last August, I've had no issues doing anything that I needed to do whether it was play games on my personal computer or connect to VPN and work on my gov laptop.

I talked to T-Mobiles geek team and they mentioned getting another router as a proxy. Whether I stick with my current service and get a proxy router or change services, I need to have the ability to configure ports on the router. That's my question to the Reddit community. What do you recommend between staying with T-mobile or going somewhere else for better Internet options?

14:49 UTC


How can I automatically create folders for Bin and cue files without having to create, drag snd drop?

14:20 UTC


compress files

Hi, im planning to transfer my backup photos from my external hard drive to my mac (because i need to reformat my hard drive since it’s ntfs). However, my files are too big to fit my mac’s storage.

Are compressing files going to decrease the quality of my photos if ever? And if so, can i restore it to its original quality?

Thanks! (im also opne to other methods on how to transfer my files)

1 Comment
12:16 UTC


What are some possible tech solutions for an accommodation business to reduce its carbon footprint?

We are looking for ways to improve how our business operates and become more eco friendly. Are there any tech solutions out there that do this without having to be custom built. They can relate to water/ electricity/ temperatue acs etc

1 Comment
11:53 UTC


how can i check what's slowing down my pc?

so basically since i bought my pc (full specs) sometime in september/october, the performance has been steadily dropping. I play d2 and my performance went from steadily around 110-120 fps on max settings and now, even though i have never changed settings related to graphics both in game and in general settings, the performance is now 90-100. Still not bad my any means but i dont think it decreasing at this rate is a good thing. my initial thought is that it might just be really dusty but ive cleaned it and the fans arent even that loud when playing, furthermore my temps never go above 85 for both cpu and gpu and i never do anything else whilst playing games i.e., thats the only thing thats open. Is there anything else i can use/do to check or find out whats causing this?

03:29 UTC


How to recover an instagram password when you have no access to the email or phone number anymore?

Long story short, dropped my iPhone XS 13 in a toilet at a stevie nicks gig, never wrote my passwords down, phone died forever.

Today I got a new phone only to discover the email address I used to create my instagram account was deleted, the phone number I used was an old one and I never wrote down my long ass technical password for the account.

Is there any way to recover my password?

20:38 UTC


How to recover an instagram password when you have no access to the email or phone number anymore?

Long story short, dropped my iPhone XS 13 in a toilet at a stevie nicks gig, never wrote my passwords down, phone died forever.

Today I got a new phone only to discover the email address I used to create my instagram account was deleted, the phone number I used was an old one and I never wrote down my long ass technical password for the account.

Is there any way to recover my password?

1 Comment
20:38 UTC



Hey all I recently got a projector to help with work stuff and updated it. Now there is no audio unless headphones are plugged in. For reasons this is not ideal. The projector i's from AIWA and is model: AWPL31B

I can't find any help online from the actual brand. Please help?!

1 Comment
14:32 UTC


Seeking AI Writing Communities

I'm exploring AI writing and looking for more communities like this one. Any recommendations would be greatly appreciated. Thank you all!

1 Comment
13:37 UTC


My computer keeps getting the BSOD with a new error every time and nothing I've done has worked. Help?

Some context before I explain my issues.

I bought my computer a little more than a year ago last summer from someone on Blocket (basically a swedish ebay). The listing said that there were no issues with the computer nor has there been any before. It was only like 2 or 3 years after it was built by the previous owner. A couple months went by and like the listing said, no issues. The computer worked fine with no noteworthy problems. I then decided to upgrade my RAM from two sticks of 8gb to four sticks of 8gb with the same RAM that was already in the computer (Corsair vengeance rgb pro 2x8gb 3200mhz I think). The upgrade worked with no issues for a while.

A couple of weeks later I got my first BSOD with the error code "IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL". I tried fixing it with the help from youtube tutorials but it didn't work. The error would appear about once every two days. Then I got another BSOD with another code which was something along the lines of "dpc_watchdog_timeout". Tried fixing it, didn't work.

Other BSOD's I've gotten but haven't managed to fix or figure out:

  • ntoskrnl.exe

(I have also gotten numerous stopcodes while using chrome that said something like "Status access vilation". )

These errors don't seem to be caused by the computer being overworked because it would even happen when I have no applications open. I'm hoping someone out there has heard of something like this before and could at least lead me into the right direction of fixing this issue. Like I said, no online tutorials have helped and I am about to lose my sanity. I want to suspect my newly installed RAM has to do with this but I would also want to keep my 32gb's of RAM if it makes sense. I have run many scans with CMD but they always come back as "no malware found" but the problem still persists.

1 Comment
11:30 UTC


Does anyone have a SurveyMonkey survey I can complete? Content irrelevant

Basically I need to see the completion of a survey where, when you give an answer, it automatically moves you to the next question, BUT you can scroll back if you want to review a previous question. Basically, I'm just trying to find an example of a survey mechanism where you don't have to click 'next' or an equivalent to move to the next step, but you also aren't prohibited from moving 'back'.

09:49 UTC


Is one of the PDF page turning black an issue on uploading to SNAPPT?

I am an international student who is applying for an off-campus apartment. The apartment requires my financial proof to be uploaded to SNAPPT. I am showing my I-20 as my proof. But when I upload it, the first page of the I-20 turns black.

The I-20 has been digitally signed by my university on the first page, so could that be causing an issue?

Everything goes black except for the adobe logo where the digital signature was applied.

What should I do regarding this? I am worried about loosing my application fees, is there any workaround or is the behaviour normal? I don't see any fraud detected or any such warning

04:58 UTC

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