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The Microbiome Reddit

Microbiome - an "ecological community of commensal, symbiotic and pathogenic microorganisms" found in and on all multicellular organisms studied to date from plants to animals. A microbiota includes bacteria, archaea, protists, fungi and viruses. Microbiota have been found to be crucial for immunologic, hormonal and metabolic homeostasis of their host. The synonymous term microbiome describes either the collective genomes of the microorganisms that reside in an environmental niche or the microorganisms themselves.

The microbiome and host emerged during evolution as a synergistic unit from epigenetics and genomic characteristics, sometimes collectively referred to as a holobiont.

Wikipedia: microbiome

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Thoughts on protocol

I did a GI Map and Thorne's Gut test and I have quite a bit of bad bacteria that have been present for a while now (over a year). I'm considering a more aggressive protocol such as below, would love your thoughts on it.

Currently taking with no adverse effects:

Considering adding in:

I don't believe I felt any die off, maybe the runny stool for a few days was it but I found that the garlic extract and oregano oil I was taking was also contributing to it and it stopped as I decreased the garlic.

1 Comment
18:45 UTC


Results analysis

I just spent 30 minutes trying to dig up the website that helps analyze the raw Thorne gut health test data and presents some results. Can anyone please point me to it?

18:23 UTC


Having a damaged microbiome is embarrassing...

It's crazy to be in a place where you are suffering and in a desperate need of an FMT to get you out of it. Your suffering isn't even valid in the eyes of people who haven't been through it. Like damn man you've been depressed lately what happened? Uuuh I took antibiotics, they'll just laugh at you. I have to lie to them and tell them that I just have depression, when I know what the problem is. You look for an FMT and it's like a thousand dollars upwards for a session. Not alot of people have that kind of money and it's such an embarrassing procedure to go through. It's been 6 months and things have gotten better but I'm not the person I originally was, I keep looking out for infections like it's a zombie apocalypse. I wish we could just offer these procedures for free if we weren't such an egotistical and close minded society. Nothing more to say I'm just a little drunk and tired of it all.

16:00 UTC


Feeling depression after starting probiotic- is this normal?

Hello everyone. I have been dealing with gut issues for a while, and started taking a probiotic with a bifidobacterium lactis HN019 strain that I haven’t tried before. I immediately started having insomnia, agitation/anxiety, and slight depression. My appetite has increased like crazy. The thing is- nothing has helped my stomach before this and I absolutely hate to stop if this is not causing it. I know gut issues affect serotonin, but this only happened when I started this probiotic. If anyone has wisdom for me, I would definitely love to hear. Thank you.

14:56 UTC


FMT transplant after taking antibiotics almost 4 years of suffering

All my tests are normal other than me being high tsh levels pre diabetic hair loss stomach pain continue to this day almost 4 years since taking 3 weeks of augmentin antibiotics, doctors all tell me im fine but i realized theres more tests out there that doctors dont give like candida oats gi map microbiome tests ect, is the best choice for me to do a fmt transplant since probiotics arent helping me and make me feel worse? Im so scared i feel like im dying and doctors dont care ive aready treated the h pylori had an endoscopy colonoscopy ct scan everything is normal should i seek fmt transplant i heard that this can be done i think dealing with a severe case of candida that doesnt go away or some overgrowth of something because im not ok and no doctor seems to help :(

14:02 UTC


Best means of parasite detox

Apparently everyone is likely to have parasites

Im considering a detox as an attempt to ensure I do not have any

What would you recommend as the healthiest form of cleanse, most beneficial to the microbiome?

13:18 UTC


Probiotics f****ed me up pretty bad?!

Hello :) This year I started by journey to heal my gut and it has been going pretty well until recently. I had pretty bad anxiety (not necessarily from my gut) this year already and horrible food intolerances as well as gut issues (leaky gut and bad bacteria)

With a complete change in diet, breathing exercises and supplements (fulvic acid etc) I managed to get a lot better. My anxiety completely stopped and I was doing pretty good with food intolerances and digestion. I took a probiotic that was recommended by my doc for three weeks, which made me a bit more bloated but no negative side effects other than that. I decided to switch to another one that was promoted and appeared to be the best around. HUGE mistake, after only a few days I got the worst anxiety ever, shakiness, brain fog, rapid heartbeat, acne, insomnia abd constant flushing, panic mode after eating.

I only took it for 5 days and stopped 11 days ago. However I still feel absolute shit. By now I am really really worried that I fucked myself up big time. I even had to stay home from work because my anxiety and histamine reactions were so bad. can anyone help me, what can I do to go back to normal? :((((

10:43 UTC


Probiotics you use may be a reason for your inflammations

I have had LPR for two years. After much research, I realized that candida could be the cause of my problems. I tested myself and it turned out to be true.

Since candida and similar problems usually indicate an imbalance of good and bad bacteria in the gut, I decided to use probiotics. I started using Lactobacillus Acidophilus 8 billion. I know that besides that there is a lot that needs to be done in terms of candida treatment, and I'm doing that, I'm on a diet (no gluten, no dairy, little amounts of vegetables, etc.), but I still had frequent inflammations and constipations.

Sometimes if I took a probiotic before eating I would feel acid reflux in my stomach. This made me wonder if there was something wrong with the probiotic I was taking. I did some research and based on other people's experiences I realized that maybe stomach is not always ready for probiotics.

I decided to stop taking probiotics for some period to see if there is any improvement. I haven't taken a probiotic for three days and in those three days I didn't feel inflammation in my stomach, I didn't feel acid reflux, I didn't feel flatulence, I didn't feel brain fog, food is easier in my stomach, I can eat more.

So I wanted to share with you this conclusion that I have drawn, which is that it is not always a good idea to introduce probiotics right at the beginning. My theory is that you first need to create an environment that will tolerate those probiotics. I think this is all leaky gut related and I think that we should first make progress regarding the leaky gut, heal the stomach a little and then slowly introduce small doses of probiotics and increase it more and more.

That's what I plan to do in a month or two, using l-glutamine, digestive enzymes, butyrate, and similar. What do you think about it? Do you agree with me? Do you have a similar experience?

P.S. I'm not saying it's bad to use probiotics, just that maybe it's not always the right time to do it!

08:34 UTC


Prescribed Amoxicillin - recommendations?

Hey all,

I’m having a persistent throat infection and was prescribed amoxicillin: I’d love some guides on what can I do prior to taking, during and post taking to help protect my microbiomes and renew it post antibiotics.

Thanks! 🙏

06:25 UTC


Gluten allergy

I also can’t eat certain foods like watermelon and peaches. They give me small rashes on the chest. For some reason they appear different in size and shape depending on the food. I developed all of these allergies in adult years however as a kid I was allergic to shellfish. Why am I getting allergies at a later age????

1 Comment
06:08 UTC


Emotional Blunting from Probiotic?

Hello, I have been experiencing emotional blunting, numb to sensations, no happy, no sad, no scared, no arousal, no sensation, no adrenaline, numbness, and also no erection/no libido no sensation down there. Brain fog, and no clear mind or thoughts and no energy and fatigue. Sometimes I even feel like I am drunk too. I saw another disorder that people get called PSSD that mimics what I am experiencing, however, I never have taken an SSRI. No history with depression.

I think I started to notice this 3 weeks ago when I was taking Jarrow’s S Boulardii probiotic. It seemed to really help my stools and everything that I have been going through with my digestive system. I stopped a little over 2 weeks ago because I started to feel this way, but haven’t had any lift from the emotional blunting symptoms. Has anyone experienced anything like this??! I am so confused and desperate for answers.

03:24 UTC


Stool sample questions!!!! Help Please!!

03:22 UTC


The human gut microbiome in health and disease: time for a new chapter?

1 Comment
02:17 UTC


How to Reduce Bacteroidetes

I have too many bacteroidetes, about 2X the upper limit on my GI map (including a fusobacterium overgrowth), my firmicutes are within the normal range, but my firmicutes to bacteroidetes ratio is .03, which means I need to balance this out. I've had bad chronic diarrhea for about 8 months that I think may be due to this.

I have a colonoscopy soon and I read that the prep process might help reduce the overall bacteria. I'm thinking this might be my chance to fix the ratio.

Does anyone actually know what foods I should eat as to not have my gut end up in the same place it is now? I tried asking chatGPT and it just keeps contradicting itself with fiber recommendations.

Any help is appreciated.

1 Comment
00:37 UTC


Music and the microbiome - thoughts?

21:53 UTC


Gut Bacteria Form Communities To Outsmart Medications, New Study Finds

https://scitechdaily.com/?p=417197 (https://scitechdaily.com/?p=417197)

"EMBL researchers found that bacteria in gut microbiomes can protect each other from drugs, but this protection fails at higher concentrations. The study could lead to tailored prescriptions to reduce side effects by considering microbial interactions."

19:07 UTC


To anyone feeling discouraged on this gut health journey – I get it. I’ve been there.

I’ve struggled with dysbiosis, eczema, bloating, brain fog, depression, acne, anxiety and possibly every single digestive issue you can think of. I know firsthand how frustrating, overwhelming, painful and isolating it can be. After reading many of the posts on this subreddit, I wanted to share a few insights that have helped me along the way.

First and foremost, you are your own healer. If you rely solely on external sources for a miracle cure, you’re likely to be disappointed. The real change happens when you become passionate about healing yourself. And I don’t mean in an obsessive or unhealthy way, but in the same way you’d pour energy into something you deeply care about. Channel that energy toward your health.

Second, remember that this is a marathon, not a sprint. There is no magic pill. Anything that seems like a quick fix will either be temporary or bring other issues later on. You have to take on the role of your body’s own mad scientist. Experiment. Discover what works for you, because everyone’s journey is unique. Take it one day at a time and give yourself grace on the hard days – because there will be hard days, and that’s okay.

I don’t claim to have all the answers, but here are a few things that helped me through the tough times (and not everything is food-related):

  • Create a healing environment. Make your home clean, peaceful, and comforting. When the world feels chaotic, your home should be your safe space.
  • Move daily, even if it’s just 10 minutes. If you can get into nature, even better! Time in nature has been shown to positively impact the gut microbiome.
  • Establish a morning and nighttime routine. Start and end your day with habits that make you feel good.
  • Minimize processed foods. Many of them are filled with ingredients that can be harmful to your gut.
  • Find a balance with food. Don’t deprive yourself, but also don’t overindulge. If you enjoy dessert, find a recipe with simple, clean ingredients.
  • You can’t supplement your way out of a bad diet. While supplements can support your journey, they won’t fix the root problem if your diet is still harming your gut / health. Focus on eating whole, nutrient-dense foods first. It’s also important to get your bloodwork done to identify any deficiencies. Use supplements temporarily to help balance your levels, but don’t rely on them long-term. Let food be the foundation of your health.
  • Prioritize sleep. Sleep is a critical time for your body to repair and restore, including supporting the balance of your gut microbiome / overall health. Aim for a dark, cool environment to promote deep, restful sleep, which is essential for optimal healing. Adequate sleep allows your body to carry out important regenerative processes that directly impact your gut health, so make it a non-negotiable part of your routine.
  • Build a supportive community. Surround yourself with people who prioritize health. Whether it’s through fitness groups, health forums, or just making new health-conscious friends, support makes all the difference.

Lastly, don’t lose hope. Healing isn’t linear, and it’s certainly not always easy, but every step forward – no matter how small – brings you closer to feeling better. Celebrate those small victories, trust your body’s ability to heal, and know that brighter & healthier days are ahead. You’ve got this! :-)

17:47 UTC


Painfully Redefining My Gut Microbiome

15:10 UTC


Antifungal oral medication

About to take a course of anti-fungal medicine. What can i do go protect my gut before/during/after?

15:01 UTC

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