
Photograph via snooOG

for the love of fungi :: hunting, foraging, cultivation, images( mycoporn ), research, questions & general discussion

for the love of fungi

hunting, foraging, cultivation,

images ( mycoporn ), research,

questions & general discussion

if you have to ask, don't eat it !!!

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How to Make a Successful ID Request

/r/Mycology and Hallucinogenic Fungi

In short, posts and comments

explicitly concerning :

  • foraging with intent to locate,
  • cultivation or propagation,
  • buying, selling, bartering, etc
  • use or enjoyment

of fungi for psychotropic qualities

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Lemon tekking. Simple question.

Si I’m learning about lemon tekking. From what I’m reading it’s the acidic nature of fruit that creates this process. What I’m wondering is, I understand it would need to be consumed and that’s likely undesirable. We’re trying to mimic acid levels of our stomach through fruit. Why can’t we use a ph down and lower our ph even more closer to stomach acids. Theoretically this should work. Why do we use fruits besides the idea ph down would need consumed?

18:24 UTC


Potentially 6 different mushroom species growing on a dead tree -- please help identify

These photos were taken in southwest GA a few minutes ago. It has been very humid and raining intermittently over the past few days. I can't say for certain since I don't have much experience with mushroom ID'ing, but it looks like there might be as many as 6 different mushroom species growing on this dead tree.

Any species identifications would be greatly appreciated!



17:31 UTC


Could someone help ID which Suillus this is please?

Southern Ontario. Found under living spruce and some desidous tree.

Slippery jack or weeping Bolete I think?

17:22 UTC


What is this?

1 Comment
16:53 UTC


Found this at a clients house. What is it?

Hey im lawn care guy and I found this. Picture describes it. I should’ve taken more pictures, what is it?

1 Comment
16:19 UTC


So what’s this in my yard

1 Comment
16:05 UTC


What’s growing next to my Marigolds and Tomato?

1 Comment
15:44 UTC


Huitlacoche - is it supposed to be “sandy?”

Recently got to try fresh huitlacoche, I chopped it up and sautéed it in butter. I was surprised at the somewhat grainy/sandy texture that came from the small black spores, is this normal? I made sure they were properly ripe and rinsed it very well before cooking.

15:39 UTC


What's this?

I don't know anything about fungus, other than what it's basically doing in ecology. This image is a new one I found at the horse farm in a shaded shelter on an old tree stump surrounded by manure. It's white with flatish, beige caps, really soft, kinda tastes weird. The horses keep telling me I shouldn't have eaten as much as I did to experiment but what do they know, they left these things here all week for me to find so...

1 Comment
15:23 UTC


An earlier post made me wonder - what is this?

Found these years ago in TN, forty miles apart one day on a drive home from work. I thought it was wild when I saw the first one, how big and beautiful it was, and then when I got home, there was another! So I took a pic of them together.

This morning, I saw a post with a similar find but know that I know less than nothing about these little guys. Except for a fun fact I learned today from a completely unrelated subreddit (r/terraria lol) that mushrooms are closer in taxonomy to animals than plants!

All that to say - the work you all do is such a fascinating intersection of science, art, and downright magic. Thanks for letting us without the knowledge hang out and admire. :)

1 Comment
15:09 UTC

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