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The MERS Reddit

MERS or Middle East Respiratory Syndrome - a viral respiratory infection caused by the newly identified MERS-coronavirus (MERS-CoV). MERS-CoV is a betacoronavirus derived from bats. Camels have been shown to have antibodies to MERS-CoV, but the exact source of infection in camels has not been identified. A strain of MERS-CoV known as HCoV-EMC/2012 found in the first patient in London in 2012 was found to have a 100% match to Egyptian tomb bats.

MERS-CoV cases have been reported in several countries, including Saudi Arabia, Malaysia, Jordan, Qatar, Egypt, the United Arab Emirates, Tunisia, Kuwait, Oman, the Philippines, Indonesia, the United Kingdom, and the United States. Wikipedia: MERS

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What mask to wear?

I am travelling soon and going to stop at Incheon Airport overnight. What kind of mask should I wear? Should I go for the cheap kind or the heavy duty respirator?

1 Comment
04:07 UTC


As of 6/7/015, 87 people are infected and five are dead in South Korea

1 Comment
00:45 UTC

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