
Photograph via snooOG

News & views related to nanotechnology. Latest industry developments, abstract theory, and grey goo horror stories.

The Nanotech Reddit

Nanotechnology (sometimes shortened to "nanotech") - the manipulation of matter on an atomic and molecular scale. The earliest, widespread description of nanotechnology referred to the particular technological goal of precisely manipulating atoms and molecules for fabrication of macroscale products, also now referred to as molecular nanotechnology. A more generalized description of nanotechnology was subsequently established by the National Nanotechnology Initiative, which defines nanotechnology as the manipulation of matter with at least one dimension sized from 1 to 100 nanometers. This definition reflects the fact that quantum mechanical effects are important at this quantum-realm scale, and so the definition shifted from a particular technological goal to a research category inclusive of all types of research and technologies that deal with the special properties of matter that occur below the given size threshold. It is therefore common to see the plural form "nanotechnologies" as well as "nanoscale technologies" to refer to the broad range of research and applications whose common trait is size.

Nanotechnology as defined by size is naturally very broad, including fields of science as diverse as surface science, organic chemistry, molecular biology, semiconductor physics, microfabrication, etc. The associated research and applications are equally diverse, ranging from extensions of conventional device physics to completely new approaches based upon molecular self-assembly, from developing new materials with dimensions on the nanoscale to direct control of matter on the atomic scale.

Scientists currently debate the future implications of nanotechnology. Nanotechnology may be able to create many new materials and devices with a vast range of applications, such as in medicine, electronics, biomaterials and energy production. On the other hand, nanotechnology raises many of the same issues as any new technology, including concerns about the toxicity and environmental impact of nanomaterials, and their potential effects on global economics, as well as speculation about various doomsday scenarios. These concerns have led to a debate among advocacy groups and governments on whether special regulation of nanotechnology is warranted.

Wikipedia: nanotech

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How will medical biomaintenance nanobots indefinitely extend the Hayflick Limit so that we become clinically immortal?

How will nanobots make immortality possible and delay the Hayflick Limit for our body cells indefinitely?

What year will such nanobots be likely to arrive?

20:04 UTC


Need your help with understanding something nano-ey.

I am very ignorant in talking about this subject, so I apologise for any misunderstandings with what I am saying. The baseline is I need help with the pathway to getting into doing what I want which involves nanotechnology.

For context: I am a 3rd year biotech at an Aussie uni.

So firstly, I have an idea of making bio-'nano-bots' that is basically a drug delivery system that contains other nanoparticles (e.g. lipid nanoparticles, have no idea if they are the best nanoparticle drug delivery) hypothetical therapeutic longevity treatment that treats markers of ageing (e.g. methylation clocks, cellular senescence) and these nano-bots can detect in the body when an area needs to be treated next and so can be deployed when triggered. These nano-bots also need 'refills' of the nanoparticles that contain the treatment so there needs to be a way to achieve that also. Any help and advice in my pathway in terms of education, resources or any groups that are working on similar or identical things would be very appreciated and I would be very grateful for!!

03:05 UTC


Tools for 3D Design of Molecular Systems and Nanomachines?

Hey r/nanotech ,

I'm curious about the current state of 3D design for molecular systems and nanomachines. I understand that computational simulations and design at this scale are incredibly complex, but I'm wondering if any of you are already working on building these systems.

Specifically, I'd like to know:

  1. What software tools or platforms are you using for 3D design of molecular systems or nanomachines?
  2. If you're actively working on building these systems, what specific problems or challenges are you facing?
  3. How do you handle the computational complexity of simulating these systems?
  4. Are there any open-source tools or resources you'd recommend for someone looking to get into this field?
  5. What breakthroughs do you think are needed to make significant progress in designing and building functional nanomachines?

I'm really interested in hearing about your experiences and insights. Thanks in advance for sharing!

1 Comment
01:22 UTC


Cadnano help

Hi so I’m working with cadnano to make my origami structure but I’m running into something weird. The boxes behind my scaffold seems to be highlighted some colour for some reason. I don’t know if that’s potentially a problem and I’ve tried searching this up but I can’t seem to find anything. So would any one know what this means?

1 Comment
23:01 UTC


Scanning Tunneling Microscope Imaging Not Working. Any Ideas?

Hello everyone! I am currently trying to get the Innova AFM by Bruker to get images in STM mode and it's not working! Going through their manual I put all the same parameters and even used a Bruker tip and their HOPG sample but cannot for the life of me get the same results! I am trying to get a 4nm x 4nm of nanoparticles but can't see the particles at all. Its just looking very "noisy". Tried changing out tips and I used the provided cover. I've tried going from 2 micrometers to as low as 1nm x 1nm. No luck! Any ideas or tips?

1 Comment
16:06 UTC


Science News Monthly Highlights: May 2024

14:50 UTC


Request for Industry Interviews and Surveying (Open for ALL)


My name is Seif Khaled, I'm a Mechanical Engineering student from Dubai, at Amity University Dubai.

My colleagues and I are preparing a short documentary about the "Applications of nanotechnologies in material science".

If you're in the industry, and willing to answer a few questions, I'd be delighted to conduct a quick virtual interview (Via Zoom or Google Meets) to get your professional insight on the matter.

If you're unable to interview, you may also help our study by completing the below survey (3 Questions only);

We're interested in evaluating practical industrial experience, more specifically, how using nanotechnologies can optimize the production chain, expenses, variables involved, equipment, processes, and environmental footprint.

Feel free to contact me with any information you can provide.

University: https://amityuniversity.ae/
My academic email: seifkhaledmf@amitydubai.ae
My contact number/WhatsApp: +971 (58) 123 6567

Thanks in advance,

  • Seif Khaled 
1 Comment
17:47 UTC


How to treat my feets fucked up by wireless nanotech adulterated in consumables. it hurts so bad and is scarred

Please suggest, Its way morr worse than this.

someone damages it daily during 11 pm IST to 5am IST

22:55 UTC


How to use spin coater for deposition of CdS and CdTe on ITO coated glass?

I am making a CdS/CdTe heterojunction photovoltaic, so CdS first and then CdTe. Has it been done before? If yes, can I get some references?
I have only seen papers using it for deposition of TiO2 and we aren't doing that. All the papers just ised CBD and only before that spin coating for TiO2. Also what binders to be used for it? Is PVA recommendable for it?

14:53 UTC

13:49 UTC


Science News Monthly Highlights: April 2024

15:34 UTC


What is the current state of nanotechnology to be applied to the human brain?

What is the current state of research for nanotechnology to be applied to the human brain?

19:34 UTC


How to deepen my interest for Nanotech as a highschooler? (+student internship)

I currently just finished a book called Nanotech for dummies in my local library. I got really interested in the field and all the possible implementations in the future. I was always difficult with terminologies and jargons, and I want to know more about how nanotech actually works, and the research out there. Are there any recommendations of resources and books out there (besides UnderstandingNano.com)?

I am also looking for researchers in SUTD, NTU, and NUS for student intern during the summer. But I am really lacking experience besides my knowledge for nanotech and some lab practical skills in international school. Are there any way I could appeal to these Nanotech/Nanomaterials researchers as a highschooler for a Summer Student Internship?

14:46 UTC


Protection contre les nanotechnologie

Bonjour, A avec le développement des nanotechnologies je voulais vous demander quels types de matériaux, d'aliments ou de produits ainsi que vêtements (combinaison) me permettraient de me protéger contre ces derniers, Merci d'avance.

Hello, With the development of nanotechnology, I was wondering what kind of bodyarmor, food or products could protect me from receiving harm coming from the nanotech, Thanks in advance.

14:46 UTC


Science News Monthly Highlights: March 2024

12:21 UTC


{requesting} Collaboration on Carbon Nanotube research (background: molecular neuroscience/religion; “theoretical”)

Looking for someone to collaborate with on the development of Carbon Nanotube (CNT) research.

My knowledge comes from early research/medical design, but the device improvements I have in mind are applicable across various industries.


Without revealing “too much”: electronic/biological “memory systems”.

(ie: a way to actually have “electronic memory” in a way that current systems can’t.

… so, you know… applicable to theoretical computing/quantum).

Prefer electronic correspondence for now; however, in person meetings can be arranged outside of United States jurisdiction.

Thanks, and have a pleasant day.


16:45 UTC


PhD and how I could go forward In career

Hello y'all, I am a post graduate in analytical chemistry. I did my master's thesis on the topic : biocompatiblity of nanocellulose'. How can I get into a much regulated and efficient space or a lab where I can go forth with research work in this field?

08:57 UTC


An energy hub in your bath tub: Loofahs offer a new way to greener energy

14:41 UTC


Some of the nano-precision actuators & stages we make, driven by ultrasonic piezo motors

07:48 UTC


I need help with my Nanotechnology VR multiplayer

Hello 😊 ,
My name is Mahran Abid, a final year master’s student in the DEDI program at the Higher Institute of Computer Science and Multimedia in Sfax. As part of my final year project, I am developing a Virtual Reality (VR) training application specifically tailored for nanotechnology.
This application aims to provide an immersive, interactive, and multiplayer training experience in the field of nanotechnology. In order to make this application as beneficial and user-friendly as possible, we have designed a survey to gather your valuable insights.
📄 We are interested in understanding your prior experience with VR and nanotechnology, your expectations from a VR training application in nanotechnology, and the specific features you would find most beneficial.
Your feedback will play a crucial role in shaping the features and functionalities of this application. Please note that all responses are anonymous and will be used exclusively for the development and improvement of this VR nanotechnology training application.
We greatly appreciate your time and valuable input. Thank you for helping us create a better VR training experience in the field of nanotechnology!
Looking forward to your responses.


07:12 UTC


Graphene at lower cost and higher quality.

I work for a company that sells graphene. Our process creates graphene directly from coal and not from graphite dependent on Chinese mines. That means our graphene is higher quality and far cheaper. Graphene adds 20% to 50% strength in most materials. If anyone has an interest, let me know.

22:58 UTC


For nanotech and drug delivery internship what skills should an undergrad student have on their resume? and where to apply?

I would like to find an internship this summer that focuses on nanotech and drug delivery but am at a loss on what my resume should look like. For example, what lab equipment do they prefer you have experience with.

18:49 UTC


Newest research and articles on Nanotech

Hi! Do anyone know where i can find the lates reasearch and articles on Nanotech? New to Nanotech and want to know more:)

20:28 UTC

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