Prebiotics. Welcome.
Or are there other foods that are better?
Do pre or pro biotics reduce brain fog? I have noticed the days after the take them I have much more clarity than I usually have. But they cause me localised itching and they are frequent. Can this mean I have some allergy with them? And do they really reduce brain fog
My place doesn't have any good quality GOS supplements. However, I do have access to a good quality beta-galactosidase enzyme which is used for making lactose free milk. Since beta-galactosidase can also be used for trans-galactosylation, resulting in the formation of galacto-oligosaccharides if enough galactose and lactose are present, i was thinking what if i mixed some regular milk with some lactose free milk (or just used regular milk) and then added some beta-galactosidase. Could this potentially create a significant amount of GOS in, say, two hours? I don't want to go beyond that time period since it creates a risk for bacterial contamination/spoilage. I don't need the GOS isolated from the milk, i can have it with the rest of the milk.
I think being on this subreddit, most people are aware of the beneficial effects of beta-linked GOS, which is found in milk, and can be made using enzymes and galactose sugar. However, I was more interested in the alpha-linked variety, since they are found in legumes, beans, whole wheat flour, onions, peas and chickpeas and can be easy to get from dietary sources. Unfortunately, upon trying to research the prebiotic effects of alpha-linked GOS, the results from the available literature are quite conflicting.
The evidence for alpha-linked GOS being effective as a prebiotic:
This study shows that alpha-linked GOS conferred multiple ameliorating effects on health of mice, and in particular, significantly increased Bifidobacterium activity and decreased the Clostridium leptum activity in the gut. It also states:
"Our previous work also indicated that α-GOS linked with α-(1→6)-galactosidic linkage had better immunomodulatory effect than other linkage types"
I couldn't find more details about the "other linkage types" of GOS that they investigated and whether they specifically tested alpha-GOS against beta-GOS because that "previous work" is behind a paywall.
This study states:
"Compared with β-GOS, the α-GOS supplement was more effective in improving preventive efficacy, promoting colonic epithelial barrier integrity, and alleviating inflammation cytokines."
Even better than beta-GOS? Sounds too good to be true. Anyway, it goes on:
"Gut microbiota analysis showed that α-GOS treatment reshaped the dysfunctional gut microbiota."
"These results suggested that the enzymatic-synthesized α-GOS is a promising therapeutic agent in UC prevention and adjuvant treatment by maintaining intestinal homeostasis."
In this study, "commercially available non-fructosylated α-GOS from peas and β-galactooligosaccharides (β-GOS) derived from lactose were fermented using fecal slurries from children aged 11 to 24 months old during 6 and 24 h." Further, it states:
"Non-fructosylated α-GOS, composed mainly of manninotriose and verbascotetraose and small amounts of melibiose, were fully metabolized and presented remarkable bifidogenic activity, similar to that obtained with β-GOS. Furthermore, non-fructosylated α-GOS selectively caused an increase on the population of Bifidobacterium longum subsp. longum and Bifidobacterium catenulatum/pseudo-catenulatum."
Side note: I'm not sure here what non-fructosylated alpha-GOS means. I'm not an expert in this subject. I don't know if all the kinds of GOS found in plant foods such as beans, legumes, beans etc are really non-fructosylated GOS. It seems like peas might have them since they used the GOS available in peas, but again, they might have processed the GOS to remove the fructose in it, I'm not sure. If anyone is aware, I would be glad to know more on this.
Now, the evidence against alpha-GOS being effective as a prebiotic:
This study states:
Does anyone know any vegan GOS product? I found this https://www.amazon.com/Health-Aid-GOSPrebio/dp/B07CJLYR82 but it is expensive for how much I need to take and a pain to get to me as I am not in the States.
Thank you!
PS. I also found a Chinese wholesaler but I really do not need 25 kilos of it. Who knows, if I get more desperate: https://www.sdblcycn.com/galacto-oligosaccharide-70-powder/62819518.html
Where can i get cheap GOS? or softdrinks with GOS in them? Would love to get some answers!
Can someone recommend me different brands like megaprebiotic with FOS, GOS, XOS ingredients in ? I can't find Megaprebiotic in my country. (Europe)
Rich Maurer experimented with Human Milk Oligosaccharides or HMOs, a prebiotic found in human breastmilk, while tracking his microbiome using 16s RNA testing. Rich was able to see a significant increase in his and family members’ gram positive bacteria, Bifidobacteria and Akkermansia muciniphila, and concurrent improvements in their health, including improvements to IBS-D, asthma and acne, lower LDL cholesterol and triglycerides, and reduced hemoglobin A1C from prediabetic to optimal on The Perfect Stool Podcast with host Lindsey Parsons, EdD: https://link.chtbl.com/theperfectstool-Reddit
The effects of DFO on immune stimulation gut microbe modulation and the correlation of gut microbiota and nutrients were investigated in a human trial. This clinical study was a randomized, double-blinded, placebo-controlled trial. The participants were 107 healthy adults, divided into 3 groups that received DFO in drinking waterdoses of 4 and 8 g/day, compared to the placebo group for 4 consecutive weeks. DFO consumption at 4 g/day increased IgA level (11.31 mg/dL or 10.95% from baseline) and 8 g/day outstandingly promoted the growth of Bifidobacterium spp. (8.41%) and Faecalibacterium (1.99%) and decreased harmful bacteria, especially, Escherichia coli (8.44%)
DFO = Dragon Fruit Oligosaccharides
I currently take Puritan's pride psyllium husk and Jarrow Formula for XOS. Anyone have alternative brands for those? I'm also looking for an inulin supplement
I started taking them last Monday and I'm still gassy and bloated. I drink about 100oz of water a day. How long will it take for these symptoms.
Also what prebiotics to take to help with testosterone and adhd, as I’m assuming this round of antibiotics is gonna make both worse
My main issues are slow gut transit, bloating, and sulfur smelling stool. Which prebiotic would be best for treating these symptoms?
Patients receiving the HAMSAB treatment showed a clinically relevant reduction in 24-hour systolic blood pressure independent of age, sex and body mass index without any adverse effects.
HAMSAB increased levels of acetate and butyrate, shifted the microbial ecosystem and expanded the prevalence of SCFA producers. In summary, a prebiotic intervention with HAMSAB could represent a promising option to deliver SCFAs and lower blood pressure in patients with essential hypertension.
Any thoughts?
Hi, I am currently taking Fibersol-2 and it works really well! Will I see see any benefits of adding Inulin to my routine?
Would you be interested in a proprietary blend of prebiotics, selected using a data-driven approach, to alleviate gastrointestinal symptoms, support immune health and promote well-being?
I am currently completing an MBA capstone project with a company that is looking to expand its product portfolio.
Any feedback would be much appreciated, link to the concept product: https://lnkd.in/ghCxFudA
So many questions go unanswered. Are there any people in this group that actually definitively know things or is it comprised mostly of people like myself who have read a ton of stuff online about prebiotics but can never seem to get a straight answer about anything.
Sorry, I’m frustrated and venting. Thought this community would be more helpful than it had been.
I'm just learning about resistant starch. Any thoughts on if potato starch powder or green banana powder are better? Are they different? Should I be trying both? Any brand recommendations?
Do certain foods make you feel bad? Are you experiencing gastrointestinal upset? Are you interested in improving your gut health? Was there a time you would have sold your right arm for a solution? Is there a gut health product you cannot live without? Are there any barriers keeping you from adopting new products?
I am currently completing an MBA capstone project with a company that is looking to expand its product portfolio. I am seeking insights and would like to hear from you - the good, the bad, and the ugly.Â
Has anyone tried this supplement? 5 g of GOS. Almost double Bimuno and I’ve seen multiple research studies say 5 g is the optimal dose for most people. Would love to hear from anyone who’s taken it.
UPDATE: we’ll, it’s back to Bimuno for me. I gave it a full 30 days. The extra 15 bucks is worth it to me since I find Bimuno more effective on my anxiety.
Also, I’m disabled and have limited use of one hand. With Prenutra, you must squeeze the packet from top to bottom into your drink using both hands or you won’t get A LOT of what’s in there. Much easier with the powder.
Hello, I am about to come off a long-term fast and about to start a keto/OMAD protocol. I am looking for guidance in fiber supplementation. My current plans are:
My thoughts are that the resistant starch can be very beneficial but needs some soluble fiber to survive long enough in the GI tract. Flax provides some soluble fiber, and helps cover some sins with respect to omega 3/6 ratios.