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Genetics, genes, and genomes

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Did something happen in Azures Portugal with record keeping between 1920-2000?

I've been digging at my dad's side for about a week now with 0 progress. I have names of grandparents, their kids names, birth dates for all the kids, their immigration from Portugal to Canada, and I can't find anything. I feel like I'm going stir crazy, it's almost like they don't exist on ancestry, and every other service is behind a pay wall that I feel would provide the same info. Is there something that happened with Azures? I imagine being an island has some how played into how hard it is to keep records, but I'm unsure. Any help would be nice.

17:50 UTC


How can only one of two identical twins have "rare genetic condition"?

I thought "identical" means they have the same DNA

12:15 UTC


Changing phenotype of living organism

Is it possible to change the phenotype of an adult mouse (e.g., eye/hair colour) by injecting it with genetically edited cells, or can changing the phenotype of an organism only be accomplished during early embryonic stages ?

00:41 UTC


Methylation Test - 10x pricey, any other solid options

600.00 seems a bit steep but appears to be very comprehensive. I am looking for a test to tell me about vitamin deficiencies and what to supplement.


21:55 UTC


My dad is O positive and my mother is A positive, but I turned out to be AB positive. Am I their biological child?

I don't think my mom is the type to cheat on my dad though.

16:33 UTC


Will be starting my Master's thesis in plant genetics

Hey everyone I am going to start I'm going to start my second year of my master's program and I wish to do a thesis in the chair in the department of genetics especially focusing on plant genetics I was wondering people in this subreddit can help me find a topic or where can I start looking for one I would like to do something which is very unique I always wanted to do a thesis which is related to CRISPR Cas9 but I've heard that it is pretty saturated at this point so I want to listen to some suggestions

13:35 UTC


How are Boxes conserved in the DNA?

Like what's the biochemical mechanism of it? And how do they not get affected by mutations? Every textbook lists them as being highly conserved - what sort of conservation is being talked about here?

04:57 UTC


Identical twins getting married

So I saw some video about "weird facts" and it was a story about two sets of identical twins, getting married to each other, and each couple having a baby at the same time. So, according to the video, the children, though technically cousins, were also genetically brothers. Which seems to make sense to me, since identical twins are genetically identical. Is this true, or is there some misunderstanding?

04:55 UTC


How Does CRISPR Work? With Feng Zhang

1 Comment
15:56 UTC


Does underdevelopment because of external factors (famine,...) affect the subject's gametes (DNA)?

Just a thought about genetics, that formed when reading about effects of malnourishment on children, then also about premature births. Does this kind of complications, that in most trivial case cause a person to be shorter in any way affect their offspring? (given that all ancestors were otherwise [genticaly?] healthy).

Based on fact that enviroment affects expresion of genes in living creatures.

15:44 UTC


DRD4 Mutation Effects

When I look up my DRD4 gene in my 23andme raw data, this is the first in the sequence.

Marker: rs587776842 Position: 637537 Genotype: CCGCCGACCTCCT / CCGCCGACCTCCT

When I click the marker, it shows it is a Indel variation type and that it is a frame shift variant.

What do you think the impact of this could be?

05:28 UTC


Is my mom actually an identical twin?

This is my mom’s twin sister’s result. My mom and aunt were always told they were fraternal because my mom didn’t have the same congenital defect as my aunt, though they’ve always looked very similar (to the point that people who knew one in passing would approach the other in public). Is it likely/possible that I could get this result from a fraternal aunt, or is this only possible if they’re identical?

01:53 UTC


Global MAPS through Baylor Genetics

Anybody ever done this test through Baylor? My geneticist says it's pretty uncommon, wanted to hear what people thought about it.

22:12 UTC


Methionine Metabolism

Hi folks, any insight on how and why the methionine, cysteine, SAM, and taurine metabolism subpathway gets thrown off? Methionine (methionine sulfone) in particular?

1 Comment
21:57 UTC


I was found to have Mosaic Tetraploidy

Title :)

There isn't a lot about Mosaic Tetraploidy on the internet, so I (F22) wanted to ask what are your thoughts about this condition. I found out about having it more than a month ago, and until today, I have no idea if I should be worried or not. My doctor said he also wasn't sure since there aren't lots of studies about my case.

So I was hoping you could let me know everything that you know/can share about mosaic tetraploidy. Thanks!

15:32 UTC


Mutation Load

Hey, I've been doing some research into mutational accumulation (or genetic/mutation load) and I see alot of papers that expand on this issue and state it as a fact and that due to it populations go extinct quickly, but is there any explanation for why life still persists on earth? I admit, much of what they say goes over my head but surely there is an accepted, simple-ish answer?

15:27 UTC


Why do certain ethnicities have higher rates of diseases?

I’ve been researching autoimmune disorders lately, as I have Hashimoto’s disease. I thought it was interesting that it mentioned 5% of people classified as white have this condition, while people of color have higher rates of Grave’s disease.

I’m curious though, does that depend on region? A white person from Australia vs a white person from South Africa has different climates and cultures. Autoimmune disorders are one of those things there isn’t concrete evidence to suggest a cause, only that a lot of these conditions have genetic predispositions.

My ancestry is entirely European, with most of it classified in England. I’ve heard a lot of cousin marriages happened years back in those regions, and was wondering if that could possibly introduce autoimmune disorders into the gene pool.

Is there any new research on why certain ethnicities are prone to different diseases in general? Also I’m curious to know what my chances of passing down this disease to future offspring would be, my mom has this condition and I got diagnosed when I was 16. Maybe it’s one of those things I’d have to get a geneticist to tell me, but American healthcare is expensive.

12:29 UTC


If CRISPR is used to KO a gene, is it crazy to think enhancers in introns might be affected as well? somehow?

If CRISPR is used to KO a gene, is it crazy to think enhancers in introns might be affected as well? somehow? I'm interested in exploring potential epigenetic changes due to compensatory effects, chromatin looping etc.

08:04 UTC


How effective are stem cell therapy or gene therapy in cases of autoimmune illnesses? Are there any adverse effects?

07:02 UTC


Do the children of cousin marriage have an increased risk of having children with genetic defects?

My partner's parents are first cousins. That's not his fault and he's always struggled with it. He is pretty healthy but has a few genetic "issues". He's never had a genetic panel, but beside Von Willebrand's Type 2 (from his dad), and food allergies that run in his family, he is very very healthy. My parents were absolutely not even remotely related. I had a carrier screening and was not a carrier for anything they screened for and because of that we were told my partner does not need to be screened. We are expecting a baby. Is our baby at an increased risk from baseline due to their paternal grandparents being first cousins?

Edit to add: his parents are certainly the only people in his lineage to have ever married each other. Also, we are not related even a little bit. Not even distantly. We are not even the same ethnicity. I certainly understand the genetic risk with cousin marriage and took college level genetics. But that was a while ago and I'm just a stressed out pregnant lady who isn't sure about the effects of that one decision on future generations.

05:08 UTC


I want to know why

I was born with pale blonde hair and bright blue eyes, but weirdly they started to change at 4, and now I have brown hair. And in the summer it’s lightens a bit, and my eyes changed to an aqua green.

Are there anyways to revert this?

04:22 UTC


What is the difference between DNA repair by base excision and DNA repair by nucleotide excision?

01:37 UTC


CRISPR Explained: Fixing DNA Mistakes

21:45 UTC


Can plants be modified to produce a more estrogenic harvest/seed?

Can plants be modified to produce a more estrogenic harvest/seed?

For example - can you modify a banana tree to produce a more estrogenic banana than the natural banana put on earth by the creator.

21:39 UTC


Trisomy 17

Does anyone here know anything about trisomy 17? I just found out the baby we lost had trisomy 17. Is this likely to be just a one off random error? I've had 5 other losses before this one (none tested) so concerned it might not be so random. Is there anyway they can tell when the error occured - if it happened in the egg/sperm during meiosis, or if it happened after fertilisation? Any insights much appreciated

17:47 UTC


What Does it Mean to have Allelic Homozygosity on Chromosome 2?

Hi, I was looking at my chromosome microarray results and it said I have a 27 mb region of allelic homozygosity on chromosome 2. What does that mean because I’m confused and I’m not sure if I should look into it further with a genetic counselor? Thanks!

04:13 UTC


What are the effects of cousin marriage in a population over centuries?

If you had a population where cousin marriage was common, like a fifth to half of marriages being cousin marriages, and that was kept up over centuries, what would be the likely effects over centuries?

03:57 UTC

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