
Photograph via snooOG

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Hormone problems

I really need some help with this because I feel like I’m going crazy. So my grandma and mom have hormonal issues (idk what and could never get that info from my mom) and I have the same symptoms as them which is: excessive amount of facial hair (no like seriously laser hair removal have told me they’ve never seen so much hair on a woman’s face) , and terrible mood swings on our periods. However, I also have acne and I’ve been on several acne medications and they have said it’s hormonal. Also my sex drive has gone from 100 to 10. I have gotten laser hair removal done 2 different times and about ten sessions each. I have gone on tretnoin for acne and the derm has told me my acne seems to be hormonal because the benzoyl paranoid the tret the azaleic acid nothing has worked.

So what did I do? Obviously go to my PCP and she says she’s going to check my hormones with the blood exam. She said it might be PCOS. I get blood work done but the only thing that came back was a vitamin D deficiency and it hasn’t helped with the excessive amount of hair in my face specifically (I have a lot of heart every where else but the face is most important to me) the acne nor the sex drive.

What should I do? Was a blood test enough? Any advise is appreciated!

14:20 UTC


black mini skirt ?

Where are you all finding good adorable super short mini skirts?

13:57 UTC


Girls, how do you feel about taking birth control pills to treat medical issues?

How's that supposed to help? I feel like surgery is a better option to end your issues, I'm talking about ovarian cysts, endometriosis and similar painful, evil tissues that create out of nowhere. I tried to take the pills but they just add more and more symptoms, not even talking about the risks of cancer you get if taken for a long time. Are we supposed to take them and just shut up?

13:56 UTC


I love this color but in shock how the shirt looks from behind... are the rolls looking too bad?

13:34 UTC


Dating stories

There was this guy I was dating who is M29 and I'm F25. Dude was looking for someone to get married to in the first date and I was the person who told to go with the flow.
3rd date, he asks me questions regarding health issues like diabetes and thyroid and asks my body count to which I replied. He said his was lesser than that and he needed to be so and so people to match up to mine. I felt a lot weirder and felt like I failed in life. I tried to control my tears but then I cried a bit since he wanted to move on. So I guess I'm done dating him or anyone in general. Don't want to increase my body count and weird the next person I'm into.
Since I knew what he was looking for, I did tell him initially that I was not looking for marriage or anything in general to not get his hopes up high. But then, I guess this is how life is!!

13:34 UTC


scaly skin in downstairs area

i have dark, dry, scaly lizard-like skin in the crease where my groin meets my thighs. any ideas what this is and how to treat it at home? im trying to do all that i can before going to the dermatologist :')

13:14 UTC


How to tell my friend she stinks?

My friend (20F) also happens to be my roommate, and our dorm is tiny. Every time she hugs me or asks me to sit near her bed with her, I feel bad for declining, so I just go along.

The thing is, she sweats a LOT and I smell it all the time. Her bed also smells because she never changes out of her outdoor clothes — she just plops on her bed right after class with all that outside grime and her own sweat reeking on the bed. I don’t think she realizes the extent of the odor either. It makes the entire room smell for a while too, so I have to open my window and try not to make it obvious whenever I enter the room.

She showers every day, so that’s definitely not the problem. I think she just sweats a lot and doesn’t change out of her clothes when she gets back from class, and she doesn’t wear any spray or perfume either. She uses spray deodorant but I don’t think it helps much, if at all.

How do I broach the situation to her? I know this can be a sensitive topic so I don’t want to hurt her feelings.

12:21 UTC


How to Have the ideal college experience

Hey, I’m 18 a freshman in college and I’m so positively bored.

I went into college thinking I would have the time of my life, seeing as people refer to it as the “best years of your life”, but my first semester is over and I have nothing to show for it.

The school I go to is super academically focused so there’s not a strong party culture here. People spend time doing work over having fun with friends. Worse than that people here are also super antisocial so it took me a while to make friends (which is mostly my bad because I didn’t really go to any of the orientation events).

Other than that I haven’t had any motivation to go anywhere as well. I’m super extroverted, but for some reason I’ve lost all energy to do anything other than rot in my bed while my roommate goes out and has fun every night.

I thought I would be having so much fun in college. Going to parties, making new friends, getting into relationships because these are things that I haven’t been able to experience in high school being that I come from a very strict African family. (I feel like I should also mention that I’m black at a pwi). I feel like maybe I’m not attractive because I haven’t been able to get anyone’s attention since I got here and the friends I’ve made have.

I’m not doing well academically because my classes have been super difficult and all of the academic validation that I sought in high school completely fizzled.

So I’m just asking if there’s a way for me to bounce back and still have the college experience I really want at a school as academically focused as this. I really want to have fun but I feel like I’m just gliding through life.

1 Comment
12:16 UTC


How do I get over the fear of getting my vagina waxed

Hi for context I am a 16yo female and want to get my parts waxy but I am terrified that my waxer will judge me and what if it smells and I just can’t smell it bc I’m used to it like I shower every other day and wash my place everyday but I’m still scratching it may smell I turn 17 this September and feel like at 17 I should be mature enough to be able to do a full wax but the emence anxiety it gives me makes me want to vomit and cry all at once

11:30 UTC


Mom's cat is getting euthanized

Hello ladies, I'm (M18) and my mom's cat just got euthanized. He was 14 with liver failure, urinal issues,start of dementia, started to hide. tldr it was the best decision. How do I help mom cope with her loss? Answer me as if it was my mom who's asking...

10:44 UTC


ladies! what assumptions do you make about me/my style/personalitu when you see this picture?

i have been on a spree where I want to improve my looks. couple of hours ago, I posted some bummy pictures of myself and looked for advice on how to improve, here. Looking for more insight!

09:35 UTC


How do I surrender to god and build a relationship with him?

I'm a 22F who has never been in a relationship. I've been longing for a romantic relationship and it just hasn't happened yet. As a result, I've been stressing over my love life and I get really anxious I won't ever find someone who is a good match for me.

I know 22 is really young, but this desire and the loneliness is really weighing on me. Life will go on: I'll continue to go to therapy, make friends, find hobbies, and live my life. But I know these things won't just make the desire go away. I'm just trying to prepare for my single season post college. It's scary to me: the envy, shame, embarrassment, and lack of clarity that comes with my single season. So I need something to help me get through it. Maybe that's god, I don't really know.

I've tried shooting my shot, manifestation rituals, dating apps (briefly because they're not for me), I've cried over it, prayed for it even, and... nothing. As a last resort, I've been thinking about establishing a relationship with god. Along with my loneliness, I'm also really struggling mentally and emotionally during my last semester of college. I figure I don't know what else to do so I guess I'll try to give it to god and let him help me through this period of my life.

I've been told to let go of control and surrender, but how do I even do that? How am I supposed to trust god will deliver this thing when he hasn't before? And if your answer to that question is "faith", well how do I have that (LOL)? I mean, where do I even start when it comes to establishing a relationship with god?

04:43 UTC


Question: is it normal to have a “moustache” as a woman?

I’ve noticed that I have some hair in the upper lip area. It’s not it’s faint and barely noticeable but there. Is that normal/common?

04:11 UTC


My sister told me she is lesbian/bi today, we were raised in a household where we were taught it's wrong & growing up we were influenced by it, sister feels like she's letting down our passed away father & broke up with her girlfriend because she thinks it felt wrong. Any advice?

My post is basically for some advice or help? I want to say, as a child I deep down was uncomfortable with alot of things, I'm from a very old fashion family... Alot of judgment towards women where as men can get away with alot. Also alot of homophobia, and growing up in that environment had its effects on me in ways. For instance I did used to kind of see lesbians as 'weird' idk how to explain it, like I didn't know what to think. I feel most of it was due to my upbringing. 🥺

But in my teen years I started to really step more into myself (thank goodness) deep down, I was always okay with these things, I honestly think most of my past thoughts or behaviour was due to the 'conditioning' I used to also suffer so much guilt for basic things because of religion and my upbringing, I felt dirty and ashamed. I've grown past most of this in the past few years, I think at around 16 or 17 I stopped viewing myself as a Catholic, I just believe in the spirit world and that we are all spirits, I don't know the rest and that's OK. No more scary devil waiting to punish us if we don't obey.... I remember as a child I'd be scared me or my loved ones could go to hell 😓 I'm so glad I got out of all of this.

Anyway at times I guess I still feel or sense the conditioning inside me, I'm okay with lgbtq, I'm also very 'live and let live' and I actually love when people be their own unique selves.

My sister has had a friend (someone she met online, they didn't meet yet but became close) I've known of her for a few months now, I'd hear her saying ily to her and stuff but she told me they are friends and I believed her. I was also not upset if she was pretending due to being uncomfortable to open up. It's her own business and I want her to be happy ! She didn't tell me in a 'normal way' It was casual and unexpected, I was shocked but also OK with it and kind of expected or knew. Because I had my suspicions the past few months, they seemed very close and I thought it could be possible they're in a relationship but at the same time they could also just be close you know.?

I also had a dream of it the day after I saw her friends picture, her account popped up on my Instagram, and I thought she looks like a lesbian but I also felt guilty for that thought?? It wasn't a hateful thought. I know lesbians can look like anything but I also know alot have a specific style or look to them idk. The dream made me wonder lol because I sometimes have dreams that have meaning or come true no im not crazy lol 😂.

Anyway she told me so casually, like she asked did I think she is with her (she knows at times i thought it, but I said I'm OK with it it's her business or somethings like that) and today I said it's okay if she is I'm okay with it (so she knows I won't react badly etc the way other family members would) then she told me, I am confused with myself because I'm definitely okay with it all deep down but for a few minutes I had all different feelings 🥲 it's as if some of the conditioning was flaring up in little ways, I was OK with it and everything but I just know those other feelings are due to the conditioning :( I suffer with feeling rly guilty for a long time quite easily, so I'm worried I may suffer guilt over this 🫠🫠🥺 idk how to word it, but it's like for a moment I almost felt like what if she just thinks this and she isn't rly a lesbian and just thinks she's attracted to them (but I did say after she's exploring herself ect) and it's like I felt dread? A feeling of disappointment or something?? WHY ? It is really messing with my head :( because I'm OK with it seriously, I just KNOW it's all due to my upbringing. Any help would be much appreciated ♥ My ex had a sister who was a lesbian, I was okay with it, I know I'm not hateful towards them deep down... I do wish I didn't have to suffer with all of this, like he didn't have this most likely and wouldn't understand but I'm happy for people who are raised in more open understanding families. 🥲

Also, it's not just with this, other things in my life I feel the conditioning pop up...! I wish more people talked about this. It's not even just religion it's also due to my old fashioned family, I relate to alot of people from different cultures because of it.

02:41 UTC


Advice on how to destress at work when I can’t actually step away?

Looking for advice on little things I can do to keep myself maintained mentally when I’m at work. I’m a fast food manager and while it might not sound like much I’m constantly short staffed and doing up to 6 different positions literally completely alone up front. I’ve been in this line of work for a few years now (22 now) and it’s starting to catch up to me big time, yesterday I was in the hospital because I felt like I was literally dying and they told me it’s just sleep deprivation and stress. I had to leave work early tonight after my symptoms started again (numbness in face and limbs, which for me if a sign I’m gonna have a seizure ((I have trauma/stress related seizures)) tight chest, heart racing, blood pressure spike, dizziness) Everyone says I need to relax but outside of work I feel like I mostly do relax (as much as one with anxiety really can lol) I mostly just notice these symptoms get worse at work but I can’t afford to keep leaving work earlier and I know my supervisors are tired of finding coverage over it. How can I destress in these situations? Finding a new job/demoting myself is financially not an option.

02:41 UTC


How do you not get carried away by a crush?

I hadn’t really had a crush in ages, but I saw a really beautiful guy at work 🥰 and we finally got the chance to talk. He was so shy and sweet.

It doesn’t help that I don’t go out much and have never had a boyfriend (I’m 26), but as soon as I start having a crush on a guy, I go straight to envisioning what a future would be like with them. It always ends up in disappointment.

The thing is, I don’t even know him…I’m new to this workplace, I don’t know if he’s available, if he would even be compatible with me, etc… Nevertheless, I can’t help but idealize and crush on him!

What are some things that you do to remind yourself not to get carried away when you have a crush?

Thanks 🤍

02:04 UTC


Friends said I behave like a man and that’s why no one likes me romantically

For context, my department held an event (farewell ceremony) few days ago, it was a afterwork event. I wore my company’s shirt (I wore it all day) to the event as I had no time to change it, plus it was comfortable enough for me. When I arrived there, I saw all of my colleagues dressing up, wearing makeups. When they say me, they laughed and asked why I didn’t change my clothes and such. I replied I had no time to do so. They said I behave like a man, have a man mentality and that’s why no man wants to have a relationship with me. I was hurt by that sentence.

Its true that sometimes I behave like a man, it is the way I was raised. When I was a kid, I followed my dad around, went fishing, went to the jungle to see the animals, basically I was his ‘son’ but he never treated me like a boy, I was a daddy’s girl, but now when my dad is gone, I did most of the “man tasks” in the house. Repairing, picking up or holding the heaviest thing for mom, driving for her, taking care of the cars, etc.

Have any of you are experiencing like me too? Is it true that men don’t like a woman behave like a man? 🥲 I am 27yo btw.

02:04 UTC


How to Support My Partners Dreams

I have been with my husband for 8 years. I am a ‘28F’ and my husband ‘28M’ is a working musician and is aspiring to be a studio producer. He’s very talented and he’s gotten many degrees and prestigious accomplishments in his field, but studio work is highly competitive and hard to break into. He is doing so much work for it everyday, but it’s tedious, thankless work that he doesn’t get a paycheck for currently. It’s hard not to worry that this passion and career goal won’t pan out, but then I become an unsupportive partner if I worry about that. How can I be supportive of his dreams while also feeling secure in our life goals aligning? I have faith in him but I also worry it won’t amount to anything if things don’t go as planned, which is a harsh duality to face. What are some ways to continue to be supportive?

1 Comment
01:37 UTC


i just had a brazilian wax and i’m on my period.

i used a baby wipe to clean up after i had a leakage, but i’m afraid it’s not enough and i might get a infection or ingrowns in the area there was blood. would it be safe to use cold water and gold dial antibacterial soap on the area or would the baby wipe be good enough? i’m terrified and prone to ingrowns and i’m afraid whatever i do will cause them. i have finipil and contemplating putting some on the area because it has antibacterial properties but don’t think it’ll do much if the area is still “dirty” per say. PLEASEEE help. i just had it done 6 hours ago.

00:41 UTC


How much facial hair is too much?

So, background: i'm 21 and of mediterranian descent but i'm super white (pale, light eyes, yada yada yada) although i do have brows on the thicker side and darker body hair, but i also have a bunch of chin hair that bothers me. Not the 3 or 4 hairs women on female spaces talk about but a lot more. I'm constantly plucking the new hairs that come out, and they're black and about as thick as an eyebrow hair. I don't suspect i have any hormonal problems (only symptoms would be this and acne) but i'm still hella worried. Should i get checked by a doctor or did i just get the worst of my genes?

00:32 UTC


Sorry if this is weird but , when did ur curves start coming in?

Heyy, so I know this isn’t something I should really be worried about, but I’m 15, and I’m just kinda worried I’m gonna stay boxy?

Right now, I wouldn’t say I’m boxy, but I wouldn’t say I’m super curvy either. I’m worried that I won’t have any, and I really don’t want that to be the case.

It’s more of a slight curve, and it makes me feel kind of unfeminine because a lot of other girls my age have a nice body. I have everything I want except I still have acne and no curves 😭

Pls share ur stories !!

00:28 UTC


How can I stop leaking every period ?? (UK)

I need recommendations from my UK girlies on what to get to help with leakage during my period. I have very heavy periods (no underlying conditions, as far as I’m aware) for the first 2-4 days. I use tampons (heaviest possible ones), pads (also heavy), and in combination. But no matter what I do, I always leak. I don’t know if it’s the underwear I’m wearing or I’m missing something but I am really sick and tired of just moving and blood be everywhere! I know it isn’t always 100% possible but it shouldn’t be all the time. So please, any advice would be appreciated. I am trying to look into trying some period pants, but have no clue on what brands to look at etc.

Also… I have tried a menstrual cup once and did not like it

00:03 UTC


First Time Driver Looking for Car Advice

hi ladies! i hope this is a good spot to post this in. i’m getting my drivers license pretty soon. i am about to finish driving lessons and don’t have a car of my own yet. i’m curious as to what some of you have done in regards to purchasing your first car. i will be paying this off on my own as well as paying for insurance. i don’t want to go super out of my budget so i am looking for a subaru somewhere in the 100-200$ range for a monthly car payment. and i don’t want it to be brand spanking new just in case i do get into an accident i don’t want to end up paying off a huge loan every month with no car. i don’t know how cohesive this sounds all together but any advice you can give me would be much appreciated. i'm just a girl in the world 🥺

23:10 UTC


How do you learn to not let rude people affect your trip?

Hello everyone. I am a woman from the USA visiting Italy with my husband. So far I am finding the country amazing in terms of vibes, architecture, food, etc. And most of the people have been friendly and helpful as well. But I have had some experiences on the other hand that have left a bit of a bad taste in my mouth, and idk if I am overreacting or overthinking. Here are a couple of examples.:

  • I was trying to take a picture on the Rialto bridge in Venice (my husband was taking a quick picture of me) when this family came by and the dad and his kid literally came up right by me in my personal space. The mom and the other kid did the same a few seconds later on on my other side. They were getting so close that I felt uncomfortable and I walked away, which resulted in them taking my spot. It's like I was literally "squeezed" out in a way. The dad then asked my husband if he could take a family picture of them, and my husband obliged. I tried to stand close by (which probably wasn't a good move, but I was annoyed to just be "pushed away") in a feeble attempt to "take back my spot". The dad once again kind of pushed me out of the way for the picture (well not "pushed", but absolutely gave me no room to stand), and then they just said "Thank you" to my husband, walked off, and didn't even bother to ask us if we wanted a pic. All in all, it was like they didn't even see me.

  • My husband and I were walking back to our hotel from dinner (in Venice once again), and we slowed down for a bit while walking because I wanted to point something out to my husband. I think I might have annoyed a (young 20s) couple that was walking behind us, because all of a sudden I could hear them say something really loudly in Italian, as if they wanted us to hear, and a few seconds later the girl walked past me. The thing is as she walked past me she literally pushed me/shoved my arm with her shoulder hard as she walked by, with her boyfriend in tow. It seemed kind of vindictive because there wasn't *that* many people around, and she easily could have maneuvered in a way that didn't involve shoving me the way she did. Idk..it just seemed intentional. They then kept walking ahead and went a different direction from us. Then about 10 minutes later, the same couple crossed paths with us *again*, and this time the boyfriend pushed my husband the same way that the girl did to me as they were walking past. I thought maybe they were in a hurry with how fast they were walking, but we watched ahead as they walked and noticed they didn't push or shove anyone else, and even walked patiently behind other slow people. It's just odd that in a span of ten minutes we were pushed/shoved by the same couple.

There have been a few more incidents like this while here, but it's just odd and I don't know if I am doing something wrong or if there is some faux pas I am unintentionally committing. I would like to think that I don't "hold up" foot traffic, we're pretty situationally and spatially aware, etc. I've been to Times Square, Disneyland during summer, New Orleans during Mardi Gras, college parties in US college towns, etc., and I have never experienced things like this to the degree in the US that I've experienced this here. Is there a cultural component involved here that I need to be educated about? Am I doing something wrong? Am I just too brown or plain-looking to not be given some basic respect? Plain bad luck? Like my title says, it kind ruins my mood for a bit for quiet a while after and I don't want it to sour things. :(

The incident where the same couple pushed/shoved us ten min apart freaks me out a bit too. Were they following us? I can't imagine being so vindictive about people walking slow in front of you that you'd go out of your way to physically push them twice.

23:04 UTC


I am concerned about my living conditions

I live alone and have done so for 5 years as a single woman.

What I am worried about is I recently noticed a blister pack of medication that I take went missing. I assumed I must have misplaced it somehow, but with much searching it appears gone. It was a blister pack of 4 pills of a common antidepressant. There has been a medical shortage of my medication so I have to take a different type now (slow release), as opposed to the dissolvable quick release.

I remember counting my medication because I knew I was getting low, and figured I needed to go to the pharmacy soon. The pharmacy told me I filled my prescription too early.

There are a number of concerning factors that make me reasonably paranoid.

  1. We used to have a superintendent who was an alcoholic. He'd gotten blackout drunk and said some pretty nasty things to me on night. He was incredibly off putting, and since he seemed to target me for his drunken derision, I figured he bad mouth me as much as possible to people who were his "friends" in the building. While in a drunken blackout he admitted to going into a neighbour's unit and stealing her medication. He thankfully left his position (I had complained to the landlord about his behaviour), but there seemed to be a concern that he would "act out" when he left his position.
  2. My neighbour is a crack head who thinks I am a government spy. I don't think she would break into my apartment but I think she knows a lot of people who would.
  3. We have a set of neighbours who are suspected of breaking in to neighbouring local businesses. I got literally jumped one day because I was walking my cat on a leash. The neighbour accused me of "destroying" her property with my animal's urine. She also tried to accuse me of breaking into her car. Her property, or the place she claims is hers (although it's not), is covered with trash and looks like total shit, and every other mouse and stray cat/dog already shits there. My animal is mostly an indoor cat and won't go the bathroom outside. The business adjoined to her had issues with break ins and suspect this neighbour or her associates are the culprit. Police were of no help; the crazy neighbour also tried to report me to the police for stealing. Everyone seems to accuse this neighbour of stealing.

I am concerned. We have a had a number safety issues including a man who got caught roaming our property at night while most of us were sleeping. I was concerned some crack heads tried to break into the trunk of my car. The issues have caused good neighbours to move.

Most of our neighbours are decent working people, it's just there's a few nut jobs. I would love to move but everything is well out of my price range. The good neighbours have been looking out for me because of the issues with our next door neighbour. The police tried to suggest it was a mutual argument, although my neighbour provoked the altercation by swinging a garden hoe at my head; I ended up grabbing the garden hoe to stop her from hitting me, and it ended in a fight that came to blows with me receiving the majority of it.

I carry mace now even though it's not legal here.

I am generally shy, and the way the building is makes me more shy and less likely to want to socialize because I don't want people's drama. I used to have an indoor cam but it broke, so I am getting another one this week.

19:48 UTC


Am I overreacting for being scared to walk home after my shifts?

I (23F) recently had a job offer in a restaurant close to my home. It's an 8 minute walk which is not a long walk. The only thing that concerns me is that I will be finishing at 2 am and some days even later than that. The route to my home from that restaurant is really dark at that time and there are not any other open stores/ restaurants, cars, buses or people walking on street that late. So now I'm having second thoughts about the job. I know it's only a few minutes walk but I have been followed and harassed at night in street before and it was super scary, so maybe now I'm overly cautious. Then again, other women might also feel this way since I noticed on my trial day that all the servers working there were men. Are my concerns reasonable or should I not worry about such a small walk to home?

(Sorry for any grammar mistakes, english is not my first language)

19:13 UTC


How do you manage to get things done on days when you feel awful about yourself and don't want to do anything?

18:44 UTC


Good vibrator suggestions to buy in London


Looking to buy my first vibrator, I think I am going to use it for clit majorly but will see.

Thanks in advance

18:08 UTC

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