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Prolonged periods don’t know what to do anymore

Hi guys so I’m a 24 year old female that has struggled with my periods and nothing I seem to take helps me.. back story so I started having these issues around 18-19 where I would get 2 periods in one month, then it kept getting worse I would bleed for a month and then stop for like a week and just bleed another month. Of course I went to many Obgyn’s and all they would tell me is that I was “obese” which I get weight could have a lot to do with this but i have my mom who is in shape and the weight she’s “supposed to be” for her height and I personally don’t think that’s ALL the problem. I got admitted to the hospital in 2020 because my hemoglobin was at 5 and had to get a blood transfusion and a couple of weeks after I had a procedure done where I was put to sleep and the doctor put a camera inside me to see if he could find anything, he found polyps and took them out and a few weeks after that I had “normal periods” but of course that didn’t last long , not even 3 months later and I have the same problems again so I stopped going to Obgyn’s and tried doing natural remedies, herbs and all that and found some pills that helped a lot to regulate my periods but a little bit after that I actually got pregnant and fast forward to almost 3 years later and not even the pills that helped regulate my periods the first time are helping me I currently have been bleeding for two months straight and can’t seem to find anything to stop it and I went to the doctors and once again they brush me off and just try to give me birth control when I have tried them and the past and they just make my periods worse

1 Comment
21:47 UTC



Hi , I made an alt account for this because I find it embarrassing. If we are allowed to talk about masturbation here I have a question if not would someone point me in the right direction for info. I’m just looking for any tips or tricks to have an orgasm. Without getting to my exact age I’m not old enough to go buy adult toys. So far I tried pillow jumping and a shower head but it won’t reach all the way so it’s not that strong.

1 Comment
22:51 UTC


I just want to complain, TY.

My gynaecologist emailed me at 4.38AM this morning and asked to see me today around noon. In under 15 minutes of getting there, I was informed of a surgery I need to undergo in the next few weeks and was having an unmedicated endometrial biopsy while desperately trying to process the information dump that had happened right before that.

Had I been given any notice about the procedure, I would've known that I had the option of asking for medication for it. I've spent a lot of my life thinking of women's medical care to be dehumanizing but today's experience was a gut punch.

23:47 UTC


Dark vaginal blood and really sweet smell?

Hi all, (21f) my period ended over a week ago but starting yesterday i started bleeding again, heavy and it’s a dark red color. the smell of the blood isn’t metallic and it’s almost like this potent weird sweet smell. i generally take very good care of my body and the only person i’ve slept with in the last three months is my boyfriend and this is the first time this has happened. I do have a Copper IUD if that helps draw any different conclusions. any help would be appreciated :)

23:25 UTC


every time i hear “see a doctor” it makes me feel so helpless

every time i google a symptom or post about it or talk about it, i always get "you need to see a doctor".

problem is, i've almost never gotten help for any of the symptoms i am constantly coping with day to day.

recently was struggling with appetite and googled about it. read "if you've had a sudden drop in appetite, then see your doctor". that triggered my frustration and helplessness right now. because say i go into the doctor's office and tell them yeah, i've suddenly lost my appetite. tell me what the fuck they're going to do? run a blood panel? tell me it's "just stress"?

my period is going to land on a 12 hour work event. and i will deal with severe cramping and flu like symptoms. and i will be leading it. i dont know how im going to handle it. the last one, i almost collapsed from exhaustion. i've been telling doctors about this pain for years, no dice. my family is convinced that "everyone gets cramps, she just isn't strong enough to handle it" and they just roll their eyes when i get anxiety attacks before my period rolls around.

my life is just sitting at home all day. i don't have hobbies, friends, or a full time job. i haven't fulfilled any of my goals post college and i am 27. i've had to sacrifice all of these things, because life is so painful and exhausting. or rather, it feels like my body and brain have forced me to.

i can't respond to my friends. i couldn't study for the career path i wanted in all attempts. i flunked some major interviews, which would have led to some awesome careers, bc i can't bring myself to prepare. i've lost many jobs ive actually wanted to keep. i brought this up in therapy for years, ive gotten everything from "maybe you just don't care" to ranting about incels. after the straight up misogyny i decided to just fucking rage quit it.

im so angry and tired. nobody seems to believe me, not even my family. everyone just kinda treats me like i am pathetic (including several therapists)

23:11 UTC


Cervicitis: Leep or STI?

I am left a little confused by my doctor. (Sent them a follow up message but probably won't get a response til Monday) I had a LEEP done 7 months ago. My follow-up pap was last month in early December. I had my colposcopy the other day late January. In the results they mentioned acute cervicitis and recommended STI testing.

My question is did they notice any signs during the two procedures? Or is this something that developed in the last month?

They ordered antibiotics for me but I can't get an appointment for STI testing for a few days. I'm assuming I don't want to take the antibiotics before getting tested?

Could I have gotten this from the procedures? The thing is I'm in a monogamous relationship with my husband (2 years). So I'm a little confused.. I'm ready for some relief but I don't want to take antibiotics too soon either.

1 Comment
22:41 UTC



i just got a uti for the second time and idk how ?? but my labia gets super swollen when i get a uti does anyone know why this happens ??

22:20 UTC



Read online that doxypep is not recommended for straight women but I got prescribed the dose after a risky encounter anyway? Why would they prescribe it to me if it doesn’t work. Any other straight women taken it?

22:19 UTC


Vaginalissues after 11 lb baby

I had an 11 lb baby naturally 15 months ago (GD was why he was so big).

After he came out the doctor said the tearing was so minor he didn't want to put me through stitches like w my first two sons. So I thought great, and I wasn't in too much pain afterwards so I just felt we will see how it looks in a few weeks.

Fast forward to now, sex is not that great. The only positions we can do where I feel anything are on my side or from behind. I just feel so open down there. Not to mention,they did tell me I had hemroids after giving birth but I thought they'd disappear by now and I can kind of still see something hanging there when I use a mirror.

Husband keeps saying it seems normal to him but he's lying because I know it's not.

What can be done procedure wise to fix my problems? Can I go back and be closed up more? What can I do to remove the hemroids?

21:54 UTC


Bleeding during and after sex with IUD

Hi ladies! Im not sure if this could mean someone or not. I got my Mariana back in the summer of 2024. I had sex yesterday and in the middle of it my partner and I noticed I was bleeding. It wasn’t gushing and it wasn’t all over the bed. But it was a little on him. He gave me a rag and I still noticed it when I wiped myself. We waited about 10 minutes then continued engaging. There was no more bleeding. I did notice blood about an hour later when I used the bathroom. This is not the first time I’ve had intercourse with the IUD but this is the first time I bled during intercourse with the IUD. I wasn’t in any pain or discomfort during the intercourse neither did I feel any cramping until maybe 15 minutes before I used the bathroom. Today I have no bleeding or cramping or anything but still made an appointment with my obgyn. Any thoughts on what this may have been?

21:46 UTC


Cervical Cryosurgery

I did cryosurgery on January 22, 2025 .. I would say my experience was pretty much ok, slight discomfort but my doctor was telling me about her birthing experience so it made the time go by faster plus it was hilarious.

I’m almost two weeks post op & im so over the watery discharge, I’m going on vacation at the end of February & I hope that it ends before then .. have any of you ladies gone through it & how was your experience?

21:12 UTC


Seems like women suffer not only from childbirth but from having sex with men in general these days.

The amount of UTI and BV cases, ect. that have been posted just got to be something said for? Are these body chemistry incompatibility issues?

How women have survived since ancient times with men is a miracle lol do you think their diets back then were more healthier together? Or were they having this many unhealthy situations together too?

If saying this makes anyone mad, I apologize, that was never my intention. Just having a lady moment to ponder out loud. From my perspective there’s so much joy and bliss in celibacy. Even with toys, in lesbian relationships, I never had issues like women here have with men.

Any good advice for women that are facing such sexual health challenges? Perhaps drink more herbal teas to flush that stuff out faster? Love y’all!

Edit: & thank you for reading, your answers are much appreciated. Blessings!

20:02 UTC


Think I may have some sort of hormonal imbalance, not sure

Age 33 if this helps. Starting off by saying my prolactin and thyroid levels are normal. Gave birth 22 months ago, didn’t feel contractions ( with pitocin) until 7 cm, I now don’t get any period cramps. My periods feel like nothing still have pms), like I wouldn’t even know I was on my period if there wasn’t the blood, like you know how you get that body feeling or your vagina just feels different. It’s also lighter and shorter. When I did get my period back 4ish months postpartum I went on birth control and then had to have estrogen pills for a bit cause my period wasn’t stopping. Dr basically said my lining was really thin so my body didn’t know to stop bleeding? Stopped birth control in June 2024. I stopped breastfeeding at 6 months postpartum but I can still get breast milk ( I guess that’s what it is) if I try and express by hand. I had a some hormonal acne before pregnancy but it would go away with my cycle. Now it doesn’t, I get a flare up with my period but it just stays around. I get acne on my back, chest, and chin, like I’m a teenager again. I know the acne isn’t caused by my eating habits, or stress cause all that is actually so much better now than it was pre pregnancy. My skincare also hasn’t changed. It’s nice not having period symptoms but it also just feels so weird.

20:02 UTC


Can sex before a Pap smear cause abnormal results?

Hi! I recently got a Pap smear, this was my first one (I’m 25) and I got an abnormal result: ASCUS. They are running a second test for HPV, it hasn’t come back yet. But I am a very anxious person and this is really scaring me right now. I got STD/Vaginitis tested too and everything came back negative so I’m trying to figure out what’s wrong with me.

I did have sex the night before but we used a condom. It was pretty rough but nothing crazy but I read online sometimes sex can cause abnormal results?? I was wondering if that could be it?? I’m just really scared for high risk HPV or cancer. I feel like throwing up.

19:16 UTC


Sore Boobs

Hi! I’m a 30/F who came off of birth control a few years ago (maybe 2022?) after being on since probably 2013/2014. In the past year or so maybe 6 months I’ve noticed that my boobs are super tender leading up to my period, but like for longer than I remembered. It starts about halfway through my cycle and lasts through when I start my period (usually a 1.5-2 weeks). They don’t ache, but they hurt a lot when I press on the sides of them like around the edges closest to my arm. I can’t sleep on my sides because my arms pressing on them hurt. Today I realized that my right one is no longer sore but my left one is, and my period hasn’t start yet (but it should in the next few days). My left isn’t as sore as it has been but it’s sensitive in one spot.

I did fall off a horse a few days ago and landed on that left side and my arm on that side is sore so I’m wondering if maybe I just landed on it and hit the side of my boob? But is that really bad if only is feeling better and the other isn’t? And is the soreness getting worse as I get older and off of birth control concerning? Do people get that for that long before their period?

1 Comment
18:51 UTC


Firmness on upper left breast?

Hello 23F here, just wanted to know if anyone else has experienced a firm spot/patch on their upper left breast? It seems to be on the upper middle spot of my left breast, accompanied by soreness since yesterday. The rest of my breast doesn't have this firm/dense spot to the touch, and my other breast feels normal. I'm hoping it may just be my period as it's less than a few days away (and I tend to have bad cramps on the first day + my skin breaking out), but I don't know I'm feeling very anxious. It feels kinda hard, a bit squishy however not visible and both my breasts look the same (keep double checking in the mirror aaah). I plan on going to the doctor after my period if it doesn't go away, meanwhile I wanted to ask for some advice or other's experience. For reference I'm not sexually active, my breasts are small, and I'm very nervous!!! :(

18:43 UTC


horrible itch, help

i feel quite nervous even posting about this but i’ve been searching stuff for two hours now. i’ve been having the itchiest sensation inside my vagina (mainly my clitoris and below it) and it’s gotten to a point where it’s too itchy to ignore. i’ve looked up my symptoms over and over again and i can’t seem to find the answer. i’ve never had sex which means it can’t be an STI. it’s been at least three days now since this started but i never noticed it till yesterday when i tried to rub my clit, i started to REALLY feel that unbearable itch. i couldn’t go on because it was just so itchy and now, even without contact, it itches and even hurts a little. it almost feels fragile, i don’t know what to do.

17:35 UTC


No Sex

I thought I was through menapause. I still have the vaginal dryness. I don't know if other things are because of menapause or not. But I know one thing for sure. I am not interested in sex. I don't care if I never have it again for the rest of my life. I am 55. My husband talks about it quite a bit. It is a chore. I don't want it with anyone, not just him.

1 Comment
16:51 UTC


Breasts getting bigger

Hi to all my fellow Redditers! Hope all is good. So, I have a strange thing going on with my body. My boobs are getting bigger! I am 38 years old for gosh sakes. This shouldn't be happening now. I have been tiny my entire life. I was only a size 32A. Now, I'm pushing into a size 34C! WTAF is going on?? Not that I'm complaining, don't get me wrong. I love my new, beautiful girls. I just wanna know why this is happening now. Puberty was a long time ago for me. And I'm pretty much the same weight I was back in high school. I used to be very envious of the girls in school cuz they had bigger, perkier boobs where as I was flatter than a pancake. Not anymore...For the past year, mine have grown significantly.

So, what I wanna know is this... Is it permanent? Will they stay this size, continue to grow or will they eventually shrink back down to my original size? And, before you ask, no I am for sure, 100% NOT pregnant.

Thanks a bunch, ladies! Brienna

16:33 UTC


Breast hurts

So I recently got a mammogram done and no issues were found in the 2d mammogram and I felt no pain prior to the examination

However after the examination I have felt the side of my right breast hurts. I did an examination myself and found no lumps or change in tissue or colour of skin

Should I be concerned?

16:39 UTC


Havent got my period this Jan

Hello! u guys are last hope lol. i really need ur help🥹 i havent got my period this month and ive been having alot of discharge lately. at first it started out as brown like what i usually have before my period starts, that lasted for almost 2 weeks. then recently it turned clear and watery but it was like alot then i usually have. ill also like to add that my last “tangos dance” was around november and even got my period that month and last december. i took a pregnancy test a couple of days ago and it turned negative. so basically i dont know whats wrong w me hahah, i dont know if its cuz of stress (ngl kinda was stress this jan) or something more serious. PLS HELP ME HUHU

1 Comment
16:33 UTC


Boric Acid after sex?

I have been seeing my new man for 4 months now. Haven’t been with anyone for about a year & a half prior. We are very, and I mean VERY sexually active. Lately, I’ve been noticing a SLIGHT fishy/metallic smell the day after.. I’m wondering if it could be due to the chemical reactions my body has to his sperm.

I found a blog that a woman mentioned using boric acid suppositories after sex & it helped balance everything back out. I’ve been using them the day after sex & don’t notice the odor anymore.

My questions are: Has anyone else experienced this? And how long should/can I be using BA after sex to balance back out? And is my body going to eventually get used to him?

Just wanted some insight, please don’t feel the need to bash me in any way bc idgaf about cruel individuals! Thanksssss! 😘

1 Comment
15:21 UTC


Red/raw vulva during/period

Hi! Does anyone else ever just a red/ raw feeling on their period down there? It sometimes goes away on its own. I don’t think it’s a yeast infection or bv since no discharge or smell. I have only used all natural organic cotton tampons 3 times this week but now just feeling dry and irritated. Any advice helps.

16:15 UTC


Help understanding abnormal pap result?

I (28F) had a routine Pap smear done last week and got an abnormal result via MyChart last night. My doctor won't be in office until next week to review it (it is currently Friday). The MyChart result says "Rare ASC-US (atypical squamous cells-undetermined significance)". According to my googling this might be nothing to worry about? I don't think it is HPV related. I got the Gardasil as a pre teen and l've only ever had 1 sexual partner in my life (same with my husband, we have only ever been with each other). I think MyChart says they sent my sample for HPV 16/18 testing, but no result yet.

What is most likely next for me? Further tests, or just a wait and see? My anxiety is through the roof since I had talked to my gyn at the appointment about wanting to go off birth control to try to have a baby soon.

I've also turned off test result notifications in MyChart so in the future I don't see test results until the doctor has reviewed them and talks to me. So hopefully this doesn't happen again.

15:40 UTC


What are my options

I think I messed up

So I have been going through many post and about bc breakthrough bleed and I fear I made have made a worst by stopping

Long story short I was given bc pills. Started taking it and within 3 days the bedding start My doctor didn’t tell me I will experience bleeding all she said I will experience breast tenderness. When the bleeding start I thought was my peroid because I took a plan b the month and didn’t get a peroid after. 8 days and the bleeding is still going and with the constant used of pad the I began to get bumps the area was red and swollen. I’ll use candid b and don’t wear anything pad in the night the bumps will go down as I wear them again the burning and swelling will start

So decided to stop cause I was only on the bc pill to prevent pregnancy. I wanted my rash to heal first before starting back.

The bleed was light for the first 2 days after stopping and the. After the bleed is really heavy.

I’m seeing post where persons are saying that it’s not safe to stop so early or in the middle of the pack

1 Comment
14:52 UTC


Feel dismissed by doctors. Am I overreacting?

Hi y'all

I'm a bit at loss and thought maybe I can get some advice or a reality check here.

English isn't my first language. Sorry if it's hard to read and a bit long.

Background Info: I have an irregular period since it started.

When I was 21, 1.5 years ago, I got a new obgyn. She told me I have PCOS, even though my hormone levels aren't really indicating it, but the other symptoms match. I was glad I had an explanation for my irregular and prolonged cycle and went with it.

Spring last year my cycle went from 42 days to max. 20. Due to the sudden change i consulted my obgyn and she told me to take my DUI (not hormonal) out, maybe it's the cause. So we removed the DUI in the beginning of august.

Decreased libido, pain not related to periods (not bad but weird), tiredness, skin issues, hot flashes, water retention and no more periods caused me to go to my obgyn two times more. She brushed it off and told me to wait three months both times. Said some weird things in this appointments ^^

Well then I asked my gp for a bloodwork and It showed a lil estradiol deficiency. Got monk's pepper to help regulate it. Didn't check my hormone levels again but a few of the symptoms decreased.

But since august I had my period only once. My libido decreased further. I still sometimes have weird pain, still not bad but still weird.

Two weeks ago I went to a new obgyn. She didn't even examine me but doubted the previously diagnosed pcos without exploring it further.

She told me as long as I have 3-4 periods a year its ok. For the libido she can't do much and the pain could also come from my intestines (as if I cant tell that apart).

I don't know what I should do right now. Am I overreacting in my searching for answers? Is it really not that bad and kinda normal? Should I press for answers again?

I mean it's not like I'm really suffering. It's just that for me, all these things are indicators that there is something wrong with my body. If I'd know that it's nothing bad it would be okay. But I only got dismissed, nobody really explained something or searched for the cause and that still leaves me wondering.

Thanks for your answers <3

14:17 UTC


NSAID interactions

I’ve had to start taking meloxicam for tendinitis but I read that it can elevate potassium levels. Should I avoid high potassium foods like potatoes and tomatoes while on this medicine? Or does it mean you just can’t take potassium pills with it

13:59 UTC


I think my doctor is overlooking more dangerous health concerns.

I am a 19-year-old, anxious female student. Months ago, I noticed unusual changes in my skin, body, and hair.

First, I had recurrent boils in my bum, but now they’re gone after I took antibiotics (cloxacillin) for it.

After healing my boils, I thought I’d be free from any skin concerns. But then, I noticed some red spots on my skin. They are flat and not itchy, but when I try to scratch it, they become itchy and bumpy. My worries about my skin got worse when I noticed some pus or water-filled tiny bumps all over my body (they can still be counted with fingers, though). I tried to put ointment on it, but they’re just multiplying.

My biggest worry is my hair. I experienced hair fall ever since, but it was just a normal amount of hair. But these days, my hair fall became worse. Every time I go to shower, I think I lose about a hundred strands of hair. And when I brush my hair with a comb, my hair would break near its root (which is why visible broken hair strands can be seen on the top of my head).

Please, help me. I had a complete blood check and urinalysis, but my doctor just said that I have a urinary tract infection, which is so far from the areas I am really worried about.

What should I do?

13:49 UTC


Reoccurring BV. Not sure what the cause is…

The first time I got BV was after my bf went down on me. I woke up with weird looking (and smelling) discharge. B0ric ac1d helped the first time, but I’ve had it twice since then. I felt okay for a few weeks until my bf and I had sex a few nights ago (we use condoms because hormonal birth control doesn’t work for me) and the next day I woke up with the same symptoms all over again. Can you get BV from certain condoms? It doesn’t make sense to me.

Before you assume, no, he’s not cheating on me. He’s a homebody and an introvert. He comes right home after work and doesn’t like leaving the house. He also unlocks his phone in front of me so there’s absolutely zero chance of that.

12:41 UTC


I feel like my overall health is getting worse and worse

To start off I’m 24 and I have hypothyroidism. I went to my primary back in November expressing my concerns on how I wake up everyday with a horrible headache, chronic fatigue and constantly feeling dehydrated despite drinking plenty of water. My primary ordered bw. Results came back and she said my Cytomel needed to be adjusted. So off to the endo I went..

I didn’t even get to tell him my list of my symptoms I was experiencing because I happened to have an ultrasound a few days prior and found out I have PCOS so he if we adjusted my meds I would feel worse, and what I was experiencing is most likely due to the PCOS and I was put on Metformin. I wanted a second opinion because now my symptoms have gotten so much worse. My body feels so weak, I can’t regulate my body temperature and I just have so much brain fog that I don’t even like driving or leaving the house anymore because I can’t concentrate. My depression/anxiety have spiraled and my ADHD is out control.

So I went to the new endo a few days ago and she went over the November labs with me and she said that she would consider my thyroid levels TOXIC and that she sends people to the hospital for those numbers. I started crying.. out of disbelief and almost a bit of relief because I KNEW something was wrong. So she told me to get bw asap as well as a thyroid ultrasound. I was able to get the bw the next day and now I’m waiting for the results and now I’m just nervous, exhausted and restless.

I’m sorry this was so long. Thank you for anyone who read it and if anyone has a similar experience or has anything to share about doctors not listening to their concerns it would be great to hear just to not feel so alone.

11:50 UTC

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