
Photograph via snooOG

You know those nitty gritty details you can only talk about with your best friend? Well, here is TwoXSex: a place for women to bare all about their experiences, concerns, questions, anything you may want to talk about when it comes to doing the deed (or anything leading up to it). This might include technique, initiation tactics, grooming, "is this normal?," and everything in between.

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I think I just don't like sex (venting)

I'm not on any medications. I'm pretty healthy as far as bodily health goes. The thought of having a penis inside of me does absolutely nothing for me, and it isn't any better in practice. I can not for the life of me get off to it. I'm genuinely very confused - and being that sex is also a mental thing, I also don't get a psychological release either. I find the idea/act of penetrative sex rather humiliating and invasive, feels like it's something that is done to me. I don't know what brought on these feelings but it's something that's been engraved into my psych from a very young age, long before I had access to the internet. I have never been sexually abused. I seem to have come to this conclusion naturally, there were no external forces were at play. I don't think skill is behind this, but who knows. I hate to quote Freud, but I do remember having penis envy as a kid. Is there more to that? lol. I could go the rest of my life just masturbating, and by that, I only mean external stimulation. I don't even think about anything sex-related when I do so. However, I am sure I am attracted to men. Am I screwed? Lol. Does anyone have similar problems? Cause wtf is this, do I have deep-seated psychological problems? 😫 How am I suppose to find a relationship in this state when everything is a build up to piv ( penis in vagina ).

07:48 UTC


Alternative vulva names

Does anyone ever use another name for their vulva either in a casual or sexual setting? There are the obvious ones like ‘pussy’ or ‘vagina’ (which always annoys me when people use that term wrong). Just curious how people settle on names

07:48 UTC


my bf forced me

hi im 21f have a boyfriend 28m, we’ve been together for 2 years. this happened a week ago at his place, we were hanging out and he asked me to have sex, we never tried it before but he asked multiple times before. I am not ready yet because i am still living with my parents and they told me multiple times about this. basically he overpowered me and ended up kissing and touching my body but we did not really did the deed cuz i begged him to stop. he said sorry and we’re doing fine since then but i am lowkey scared of him. i just realized that he can easily overpower me and do anything he wants to do with me. He’s been asking me to hang out and we never seen each other again since then. I love him but i do not think i could go to his house alone again. He never hurt me and is very caring, this is the very first time he did something scary so i am not sure what to do. He explained to me that he just really loves me but i keep on changing the topic because i do not want to talk about it. My parents do not know about this rs, and this is not something i could share to my friends.

07:11 UTC


21F: Giving head with braces

Today I gave head for the first time, and while it was great, I accidentally nicked him a bit with my braces. I apologized, and he was nice about it, but I don’t want to hurt him again.

I have “buttons” on two of my molars, that are on the inside (closest to my tongue), that were added to place elastics.

Next time I’ll put on wax to reduce friction, but is there anything else I can do or wear to prevent this in the future?

1 Comment
03:41 UTC


Any good Rose toy recommendations?

My Rose broke yesterday, and I really liked it, i don’t remember the brand, but the new one i bought today does not vibrate well. Does anyone have some recommendations comendations for some high quality rose toys? Preferably one where the pedals are not sharp, and the top of the rose does have a hole.

1 Comment
03:17 UTC


Nobody is attracted to me.

(18F) I know I'm still pretty young but I'm scared nobody is ever gonna want to be in a relationship or have sex with me because of my looks. I've never been flirted with or even be looked at by a boy. I feel like I'm invisible. Most of the girls in school had boyfriends and I felt left behind. Now in college I'm friends with many girls who are in relationships and have experiences I can't even dream of. My closest friend is always being hit on while I stay there and feel uncomfortable and even jealous. She's is literally the most beautiful girl i know.

I haven't had my first kiss or boyfriend or even a fling. I'm not fat or extremely skinny, I have acne, my body and face look very mid. The only compliments I get are from girls and those are little but very important to me.

I feel like I'm staying behind and I'm scared it's going to be like that for the rest of my life. I want to find someone that cares about me and not just my looks but I'm loosing hope when nobody ever approaches me. I just wish I was as pretty as the other girls.

10:46 UTC


Old Spice Body Deodorant

Old Spice Commercial, 30 secs: https://youtu.be/ts68Bbjxuuk?si=PsIibY4V8wv43Tvx

The commercials are now suggesting that the deodorant sprays and sticks are for the Whole body. Pits, toes, and penis.

Does this worry anyone else?

I think about it every time I see the commercial. Unwashed dicks are already a topic for UTIs and other vagina problems. What now, with unwashed chemical dicks?!

It seems "nice" the companies are focusing on male grooming. But not a penis spray!! That cant taste any better.

Has it been happening all along? Since Axe body sprays started.

13:22 UTC


i feel like i’m terrible at sex.

i (18f) recently lost my virginity to this guy who i really liked but he just wanted a casual relationship with. the first time we hooked up, i honestly wasn’t entirely comfortable with it but i thought he liked me so i thought it was something to do and the afterwards he told me he wasn’t looking for anything serious. every time since, we hooked up, i honestly just felt like i wasn’t good enough for him. he never complimented me or. anything and had such a minimal amount of foreplay during it (we just make out and then it’s PIV), and during it i was just so awkward because i had no idea of what i was doing. he’s also so much more experienced than me (like to a greater degree) so i always felt like he could be doing it with someone better and genuinely more attractive. when he was drunk, he admitted that i could barely take his dick (which isn’t entirely true but i have admitted to him once that it genuinely just hurts after it because i think he’s quiet rough with it). i also never come and never come close to, i used to tell him and suggest that we should do more foreplay and he agreed but ultimately he never did. i just don’t know what to do, i feel like im sexually broken (even though i can get off easily by myself).

08:15 UTC


My worst enemy: Doggy Style

22 F

First I want to say that, I have a normal pelvic floor. Strong and healthy. I had anal sex one time at 16 (Regret immensely) but don’t know if this context is needed.

When I arch my back and bend over, sometimes air gets in my butthole and in my coochie, and I literally have to fart the air out. This sounds so gross lol but it’s very frustrating.. is this normal? Is it normal for air to get trapped in both holes? Why does this happen? How can I prevent this?

06:46 UTC


It feels like my boyfriend doesn’t care about my pleasure

This has been bugging me for so long and I just need advice on what to do.

My boyfriend (27M) and I (24F) have been dating for a little over a year now. Every aspect of our relationship besides our sex life is perfect. We rarely have sex and he almost never initiates anything. To throw a number out there, we maybe had sex only a dozen times in this past year. Within those times all of them were of me borderline begging him to do SOMETHING with me. Even then it would usually have to start with me giving him a blowjob or else he won’t get in the mood. He won’t give any foreplay either so I have to be the one to get myself in the mood too. I’m always on top as well and I have to ask him to switch positions. In the end, he orgasms and then immediately goes to shower leaving me unsatisfied and overall unwanted. He talks more about getting blowjobs from me than actual sex.

I’ve had a few conversations in the past about this and he gives me various reasons why we never have sex. I was a virgin when I first met him so initially it was so he wouldn’t pressure me. Even the experience of losing my virginity with him wasn’t the best. He didn’t give a lot of foreplay and just left me to go shower after he was done. I cried really hard afterwards and at the time I didn’t know how to talk to him about it. The only thing that changed after talking to him later was that we now shower together after sex.

Once I lost my virginity I thought he would be less nervous but things still didn’t change. So he told me that because he hasn’t been to the gym a lot recently his libido is low. I accepted that until he started going to the gym again and STILL things haven’t changed. Now he says that he is scared of dying because his grandpa died while having sex a decade ago. I felt guilty that I was frustrated with him but what can I do?

I then bring up why he hasn’t tried to help me orgasm and he says he will try. He does not try. He has never gone down on me. Never fingered me, he hasn’t even touched my clitoris in the year we have been together. After sex he doesn’t even ask if I enjoyed or anything either. He says he will help me finish next time but he doesnt.

It just hurts because before we started dating he was very transparent about his past sexual partners. He would talk about how wild his sex was with his ex and how to was easy to make her orgasm. It makes me feel like something is wrong with me. I feel like I’m missing out on so many sexual experiences which sucks because he is the first person I felt safe enough to have sex with in the first place. It has caused me a lot of body image issues and now I just feel ugly and embarrassed when he sees me naked. It’s getting harder and harder to even want to have sex. I just assume I’ll be rejected or know I won’t be satisfied anyways. But if I stop initiating, we won’t have sex for weeks or months because it has always been that way.

To be very clear, he is a great partner. He is very physically affectionate, we hug, cuddle and kiss all the time. We spend almost 6 days a week together and in a month I’m going to move into his place. He is supportive of my mental health and understanding of my poor family situation. He talks about how sexy I am and how grateful he is that he found someone like me. I just don’t know why our sex life is like this.

Any advice would be appreciated im just so lost.

22:23 UTC


Is the question for exclusivity should be from a guy first? Or it does not matter with the gender?

Have you been on a fling or a no string attached relationship and wants to set it to an exclusive one? Want to know when do you set it up? Is few weeks or few months? Care to share your experience please.

19:09 UTC


Embarassed about lack of sexual experience

I’m in my late 20’s for context. Every time I go to the doctor and they ask if I’m sexually active I feel like they either don’t believe me or I get treated like I am younger than I am. It’s embarrassing when the medical assistant is like never? Like never ever? Are you sure?? I’m already insecure about it but the questioning makes me feel like something is wrong with me. I know it’s abnormal to be this old and be a virgin but I didn’t really do this on purpose, it just kind of happened. I’m afraid of admitting that I’ve never had sex to potential boyfriends and I’m afraid of it hurting. Right now it feels like this huge thing I’m holding on to. Part of me just wants to get it over with and the other part is afraid that I will be somehow “different” after. I guess I was just hoping someone could validate my feelings or share their experiences. Also is it awkward to finally admit to the Dr. when you start having sex? Not looking forward to that convo either.

18:43 UTC


Mentally horny but not physically horny

This is something that has been bothering me badly for the past couple months. I want to have sex or masturbate but it just doesn’t always do something for me physically. Like my body won’t react to the stimulation. Even though mentally I am extremely horny. This has been really inconvenient and I am not sure what is causing it? I am not on any medication or anything. Pleaseee if someone has any advice send it my way. :(

06:00 UTC


No problem orgasming, but no climax in it?!? Am I broken??

EDIT there are so many comments I've been so busy I am going to return in the morning to respond to all of them thank you all so much, not ignoring you I promise!!!

Well, there it is. I've never had a problem orgasming. But lately it feels like there's no... climax?? I don't remember when this started, but I can't find anything about it. I can't try to fix it if I can't find anything about it existing at all...

It's like, it might feel amazing during the build up to the climax, it might feel amazing the very moment prior, and it might even feel really good when the climax starts... but then, tipping over the climax point, the orgasm happens physically but never really... relieves. It's hard to explain, I guess. At the moment of orgasm it feels like... nothing much happens. Like I never even got there. It felt great climbing up, but the peak doesn't feel remotely as good as it used to. Like there's no come down. Also, doesn't matter if it's with a partner or self service.

Maybe I need multiple orgasms lmfao???? It's not like I feel just as ready to go afterwards. Please tell me if anyone knows wtf I'm on about.

04:04 UTC


34F - clit slightly numb from vibrator overuse, can’t manually masturbate anymore?

so months ago i went on wellbutrin and after taking it for a bit my clit very suddenly went numb for a few days. i was masturbating manually regularly and it came out of nowhere. it was bizarre. in a panic i bought a hitachi bc i couldn’t bear the thought of not masturbating/orgasming and thought i needed a stronger sensation - idk made sense in my head at the time

a day or two later the sensation in my clit came back and i tried the hitachi but found the orgasms from it pretty unsatisfying tbh. i went back to manual masturbating and found it so much better and my sex drive was also VERY high due do the wellbutrin - actually it started to become distracting for a while. so i was masturbating and orgasming frequently but the medication wasn’t actually helping with depression so i tapered off.

sex drive went back to regular - definitely didn’t lower but wasn’t nearly as high. i found myself using the hitachi more and more out of laziness i guess. again the orgasms from it aren’t particularly satisfying to me but they were quicker. i don’t use it very often, once or twice a day, but now can’t cum unless it’s on its highest setting, and now i can’t masturbate manually. i tried yesterday and i’m not numb, but it was just frustrating and annoying and i could get over the edge. today i tried again manually and couldn’t feel much so i just reached for the hitachi.

i wasn’t using the hitachi that often and am still worried i did potential permanent damage, tho i’ve heard mixed opinions on whether that’s possible.

i miss my more intense, satisfying manual orgasms. should i just lay off all masturbation for a bit to “reset”?

21:30 UTC


(35f) My husband balls smack my clit 🥲

Throwaway. Also I'm spanish so sorry if my slang is wrong or too vulgar haha.

35f, 33m husband, already 14 years together. This always happened to me but it's the firts time he convinces me to ask this here.

When we do doggy, when his dick enters my pussy, I feel his balls constantly slapping my clit. Further than that everything is fantastic, our sex really work well and we both enjoy a lot, still that constant small pain when we do doggy is super annoying to me. And it happened also with previous partners.

First of all did anyone feel the same or is this super weird? OTOH any advice or solution? 🤣 TiA

21:25 UTC


Sober hookup culture

I stopped drinking and I find it much more difficult to find casual encounters and hookups. Brain is overthinking. Are any casually hooking up with folks whole being sober? How do you do it lol? I feel like it’s much harder without drinking

17:11 UTC


Simultaneously crave and feel the ick around casual sex

I don't know if this is normal or relatable for anybody else, but I can't figure out how to think or feel about this, so hoping to hear from some other experiences and advice.

I'm non-monogamous, queer, used to have a very high sex drive that's calmed a little as I've gotten older. I used to be quite compulsive and use casual sex as a coping mechanism, often fuelled by a lot of drinking as well.

These days, I find myself simultaneously craving sexual intimacy with people while also being hesitant around casual sex culture in ways I wasn't before - because of anxiety around hygiene & safe sex.

As I've gotten older, I'm more conscious, more sober and slightly horrified at the hygiene problems many people seem to have and think are normal (possibly I read too much reddit as well lol). With women, I am not used to using dental dams, would using a dam ruin the experience? How does one even use one?? Or find one?? I'm a bit embarassed at having no clue about it beyond theory tbh.

I am wary of returning to casual sex culture as an older woman who cares more about her health than I did before... In the last two years I've become diabetic. Possible relevant (and apologies for TMI), I discovered I was diabetic after sleeping with a woman because I think she had some kind of general infection, and it infected my finger. The cut was taking so long to heal, I suspected my sugar was out of whack and got tested. Ever since I've been wary and uncomfortable around new people (sexually).

But i miss sex. Terribly. Crave it like crazy. But I'm a bit freaked out as well.

Does this happen to anyone else? I wish my libido would I just go away.

09:43 UTC


my sex drive is becoming annoying…is this normal? what can i do?

i literally can’t stop thinking about sex. i haven’t had it in like 2 months but i’m not seeing anyone and it’s so frustrating. i can touch myself and it’s great and all but really doesn’t satisfy me for long. i’m not sure if this is normal or if i’m hypersexual or something. i’m in my early 20s btw. can anyone help? it’s getting to the point that it consumes me in public sometimes and i have to try really hard not to let out a sound lmao 😭

21:06 UTC


When does flirting become cheating?

My boyfriend was in school a few months ago, and I have found out that during that time he sent 3 texts to an older classmate that I did not appreciate reading:

(1) BF: do you want a foot massage? response: "no, Im ticklish" BF: thats cute.

he willingly showed me this and apologized, agreed it was a weird thing to say and I never thought about it again. But this morning I had a strange feeling and looked through his phone

(2) BF: I like your hair today. response: thanks, I just let it airdry BF: well you're doing something right

*screenshot of the mask with his jaw dropped* sorry that was inapropriate. Response: no worries

(3) BF: sorry if the guys said anything embarassing today. reponse: no, why? BF: I had told them I found you attractive and I was worried they would bring it up. Respose: thats sweet

Obviously, she is not interested, and things could be less appropriate, but at what point would you decide it was an overstep? Do I ask this woman who is clearly in a committed relationship if anything occurred face to face? I genuinely do not know where to go from here

EDIT: thank you all so much for the tough love & honesty. I will be leaving this girl alone (I hold NOTHING against her to be clear, my brain is just spinning with what he potentially said not in writing, it’s not her job to uphold my relationship and she clearly was not receptive).

15:21 UTC


Cream During Sex

Hi! So my bf is really into porn and he sees these videos on twitter of women creaming while they’re having sex with their men. Now I get wet but I can never seem to cream. I want to give my man that experience. Does anyone have any suggestions or recommendations on how to cream. Is there a supplement I should be taking or a certain food I should be eating more? Please help. A part of me thinks that’s an infection symptom but am I just ignorant on what it is?

1 Comment
14:19 UTC


Labia woes and anxieties

I’m mid 40s and have been out of dating for a good 5 years now due to a rough break up and being a single mum. I’ve had the desire to start again but I have some anxiety with genitals- ex made comments about it when we were together and haven’t felt great about it since. What do I do? Is it worth seeing a therapist over? Am I being silly?

17:13 UTC


Lowering libido

I am a 43 year old woman, and am single. Don’t see any change to that anytime soon. Which I’m totally fine with. I’ve always had a strong libido. It’s was not uncommon for me to be very aroused multiple times a day, been that way since I was a teenager.

For the past 8 years or so I’ve been on an SSRI and progesterone only birth control. Totally killed my sex drive. I could still get aroused, but never felt the need to do anything about it. I was totally ok with that. It felt freeing to not have that chronic urge to orgasm constantly. I’d go sometimes a year or more without orgasm, until I’d eventually have one in my sleep.

Tried stopping the SSRI recently and within a few days my sex drive came back and I was not happy about that. I ended up starting the SSRI back.

Now I am trying to come off the progesterone only pill. I’ve been having trouble with brain fog and other things caused by the pill, and would like to stop. Well, I’m a few days in and my sex drive is back with a vengeance.

I hate it. Hate this near constant arousal feeling. If I were in a relationship, maybe I wouldn’t mind so much, but I’m not.

Is there any way to lower libido other than the pill and SSRI’s? Or am I stuck on both of these meds?

12:30 UTC


how long does wellbutrin take??

hi! back in january i went on 10mg of lexapro but it killed my ability to come. last week, my doctor started me on 150mg of wellbutrin (i think xl. the one you take once in the day) and lowered lexapro to 5mg.

does anyone know roughly how long it’ll take for the wellbutrin to kick in/to start noticing changes (if any will happen at all😭 fingers crossed)

i’ve just recently started being sexually active which i find fun even if i don’t finish.i just know my boy gets turned on by making me come and i don’t want to to fake it forever. plus i used to have a really high sex drive and i miss it.

i know drugs take a bit for you body to adjust, but i’m just so impatient

08:17 UTC


Is it weird that i find the idea of kids in red light district gross?

Is it weird to let your kid go to a red light district with a random friend?

This is not about me, but about a friend who told me this. He has sexual problems now related to many things.

I am pro sex work, this is not the point

Do you think it is weird to let your 12/13 year old child go with a random male friend to visit the city you just moved in and this said guy takes you to the red light district?

He told me he was groped/given lap dances by the women there who seemed to like he was underage.

Again, it was a city where sex work is huge. Am i a prude to think this is gross?

05:05 UTC


Scared of Overuse

I have been using a vibrator on my clit every night lately and I got curious on if it can cause any negative effects. I found out it could but you can’t trust everything you hear so I wanted to hear others thoughts, can I damage my clit from overuse?

23:42 UTC


Having less sex per week all of a sudden…is this bad?

Okay so…my husband and I have been married for a year and a half. Our frequency for having sex thus far has usually been 5-7 times a week (unless someone is sick or something). But a few weeks ago I started a new job where I am required to go in-person into the office every day. It’s been a jarring adjustment because I’ve been working remotely from home since 2020, so I’m just not used to it. I also graduated during COVID so it’s not like I have experienced much in-person work anyway.

These days I find that by the time I come home, I’m just absolutely exhausted (commuting is a nightmare, I’m running around and using a ton of brain power at work all day, etc.), and I don’t have much energy for anything except for basic things like taking a shower, heating up some leftovers for dinner, drinking water, and scrolling on my phone to unwind.

This has caused a hit in our sex life, and now we only have sex a couple of times a week during the weekend when we feel well-rested and stress-free. We tried having sex last night after both of us had a long day at work for the both of us, but he just couldn’t get hard and I couldn’t get aroused enough myself…we both just wanted to pass out and sleep.

Is this normal? Is there a way to get back to where we before the job change?

20:51 UTC


My bf's sex drive as fallen and I'm not sure what to do.

My bf and I have been dating for two years and we've been having sex for one. When we first started we did it as much and as often as we could since we were both living with our parents. I would say that our sex drives were fairly well matched, but he was the one to always initiate and be in control. He got his own place and the amount of sex we had went through the roof for a while, but over the past few months it's taken a huge dive.

He initiates way less and pretty much only when I stay the night. I started initiating much more, and while he doesn't say 'no' and we still have sex, it's much shorter, and the passion we used to have isn't there. He still tries to make sure I cum, but sometimes he stops there and says that he wants to cuddle instead.

Last night we were cuddling and I started touching him and I put my hand down his pants, but he stopped me and said he just want to lay there with me. I tried to push him a little but he was inistant (I didn't realize it till later, but it was wrong to push him) but that's the first and only time he's flat out said no to sex.

Several months ago he wanted to try some of his fantasies and kinks, which at the time I wasn't ready for. But now I'm worried that he's gotten bored with our fairly vanilla sex, or that he's loosing his attraction to me.

I know I need to apologize for trying to push him, but I'm not sure how to go about addressing our sex issue.

20:13 UTC


Need advice about prone masturbation

I have been masturbating prone(and did it every day) for the last 10 years. I literally feel nothing when my partner gives me oral. or even when I try to masturbate normally. I stopped for 3 months but I still dont feel any sensation on my clit. I just want to be able to orgasm with my partner, is this possible. If youre a woman who recovered from traumatic masturbatory syndrome, how long did it took and what did you do?

09:46 UTC


Had the BEST orgasm of my life- anyone else experienced this and can help me understand?

I started dating someone new a few months ago and our sexual progression has gone a bit differently than other people I’ve dated, leading to me becoming super comfortable with showing him some of my more “out there” kinks. We had been experimenting with all kinds of toys and techniques when one day I had maybe 10 orgasms in a row, all of which felt much different than the usual one and done “peak” I reach by touching myself during or after penetration.

I was on my back and using one of those “clit suction” toys while he had two fingers inside. I had taken a THC edible and was extraordinarily relaxed (it’s hard for me to get out of my head during sex sometimes because of pst experiences with partners and some insecurities about how my labia look so I partake occasionally). He had eaten me out, fingered me lightly, and we had done maybe an hour of moderate foreplay. I asked him to push up towards the back with his two fingers to try and find my g-spot while I controlled the toy and maybe 5 minutes into that the first orgasm crescendo started- it was a build up over maybe 15 seconds with a very warm release and then immediate drop. After the drop the crescendo came AGAIN and AGAIN and I orgasmed around 10 times according to my partner. It felt like a loop of a dream and he later described a feeling of rhythmic pulsing inside again and again.

I feel SO taken care of and loved in this relationship. I cannot believe I was able to achieve this kind of orgasm- I honestly thought things like this just would never happen for me. Any thoughts on achieving this again? Would love to experience it without the edible. Possibility that this was a G spot orgasm? I’ve heard about an A spot too. We want to go again!!

02:00 UTC

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