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How to avoid getting sucked into internet arguments with rude people?

As the title states, I find it hard to deal with people who argue with me online and take an aggressive and rude tone. I decided a while ago to avoid resorting to the same name-calling and keep it professional, but I feel like that isnt enough. I might just try reporting and blocking and not dealing with people who come out swinging.

10:25 UTC


Movie buffs: Where you going to get your fix in 2024?

I just realized the last 3 years have not really been great for movie fans:

  • Regal went out of business and AMC pulled out of a bunch of cities including mine
  • Redbox experienced financial troubles, removed a bunch of kiosks and quit stocking new releases around the 1st of the year
  • Netflix ended their DVD service, restricted account sharing, raised prices and lost content to niche competitors like Disney+

Movies are still my favorite form of entertainment but I'm just now realizing how much less access I have all of a sudden, and I've seen almost nothing at all this year?

Where have you all been going?

10:15 UTC


Men, do you check out the menu online before going to a new restaurant?

My wife thinks it's a bit sad that I do this, but I find it helps me decide what I want and saves time. Do you do the same, or do you prefer to make your choice when you get there?

09:49 UTC


“The only constant is change.”

I can't remember where I heard that quote but it's pretty great.

I'm trying to think of what other constants there are though... is the universe constant? Who knows. Life isn't. Gas and equilibrium constants are constant. Time is constant, considering consistent conditions of coexistence in reality.

(Overthinking is constant...)

1 Comment
09:29 UTC


Tattoo removal experience

I have a tattoo on my butt that I got with my best friend at the time while we were at uni and I’ve grown to not like the tat much now and want to get rid of it, what is the process and what are your experiences with it all?

08:39 UTC


Smacking gum ..

yall ever get so mad at someone smacking gum so aggressively that you start to feel genuine hate .. or just me 😭😭😭

I mean like i can ignore it but i can always feel myself getting heavily annoyed ..

1 Comment
08:30 UTC


Do you guys like books? I know I do

I really like books, from where i live, there was this massive internet outage and i was basically kicked out of the overstimulating and quick world i was in. finished quite some books.

lmao i borrowed a library book 2 years ago, still lookin pretty on my shelf. not proud of myself for it but i dont go out that often that i could return it.

i read this book called behind closed doors by tony warren. didnt finish it however, it felt a bit um boring to say the least. found some haruki murakami books rotting in the corner so i finished it and it was not bad. also some hermann hesse books and i really enjoyed them. reread fight club because its one of my favorites. also read matilda because well, i really like the chocolate cake part (and guess what, i made the cake as well, it was just as delicious as i imagined it to be)

and that my internet-less week for you

07:37 UTC


I hope one day I'm able to fly into EAA Air Venture in Oshkosh

I just had this thought because I know that this particular air show is going on right now as we speak. The EAA Air Venture, for those of you that don't know, is one of the largest and most prestigious air shows in the world. It's practically a gala event where it's just as much about all of the vendors and representatives that show up along with all the airplanes that show up to perform. People fly in their airplanes to come to the event and it's like an RV park but with airplanes.

For a few days out of the year, the small city of Oshkosh Wisconsin becomes busier than most airports 10 times its size.

Aviation makes me happy. There's something so right about it. Man and machine and the laws of physics operating in harmony. I know this sounds really sappy and it probably sounds deranged to people that don't particularly like airplanes, but I'm not exactly sure how to express it otherwise.

06:57 UTC


What’s the most memorable trip you’ve ever taken and why?

Hey everyone,

I’ve been thinking about some of my past vacations and thought it would be great to hear about your most memorable trips. Whether it’s a road trip with friends, a solo adventure, or a family vacation, I’d love to hear your stories and what made them stand out.

One of the best trips for me was a spontaneous weekend getaway to a nearby town I had never visited before. The combination of beautiful scenery, friendly locals, and unexpected discoveries along the way made it an experience I’ll never forget.

06:54 UTC


I think I had a panic attack...

Not sure bc I wasn't having big symptoms and it was short but I had strong chest pains (I get mild ones sometimes) and couldn't breathe too well for a minute. I'm glad I'm ok and stuff.

06:13 UTC


I don't part with my plush even in asleep.

It's interesting to find myself even though I'm in sound sleep and lose all conscious limb movement, still I feel the presence and just clench my plush in arm till I awake.

I remember long ago mother tried to take them out from me while I'm sleeping but she failed, because I was holding them even more tighter in each unaware attempt to part my cozy friend in life. I'm unchanged still.

Does anyone else like plush and don't leave them alone during sleep?

06:04 UTC


Pointless existential conversations... Go!

Ghosts, conspiracies, cryptids, dreams, etc 🤗

Have had a few shots of the captain arghh and am bored af with my kitties 🙃🩷

What are you all up to? and what are some things you have fun thinking about?

05:32 UTC


Help with my sleep routine

So it would be bad if I slept 4 or 5 hours straight and then take naps during the day that last 2 or 3 hours? By the way I study everyday for future exams, I do exercises and I sunbathe. I go to bed 02 a.m or 03 a.m.

05:13 UTC


What's the scariest thing you've ever experienced?

🎃 Have you ever faced something truly terrifying? Whether it's a near-miss experience or a chilling encounter, fear can leave a lasting impression. It often leads us to confront our deepest anxieties and can even shape our perspectives on life. Share your most terrifying moments with us! What did you learn from them?

04:54 UTC


Why is Caleb McLaughlin so underrated?

He plays Lucas on stranger things, and he has turned out to be so so handsome! Easily the best looking guy of “the party” on the show! I just can’t believe he doesn’t have a ton of fangirls like Finn wolfhard, like huh?

03:54 UTC


What flew over your head as a kid but now you understand?

I’ll start. When I was in kindergarten, I went over to a friends house. She gave me a tour of the home, and there were two rooms. Room number 1 had two beds—her bed; and then her mother’s bed.

I asked why her mother didn’t sleep with the dad, to which she replied, “oh, he sleeps with Donald his friend in the other room” I looked around and there was only one bed in room number two.

Sometimes, she said, all three of them sleep in the big bed!

03:44 UTC


Do you think it’s more fulfilling over time to do work that really makes you happy, or work that matters?

Social worker here. The work I do can be very stressful and overwhelming. However, I think about the things that make me happy, and I don’t think that I would really find satisfaction doing it in the long run as a job. I think that in the long term, doing work that matters would give me more satisfaction at the end of the day. When really thinking about it, it seems rare to have a job that matters AND makes you happy.

03:23 UTC


How do you guys deal with your 9-5 job?

Ever since I graduated college, I went straight into working. And no matter how many jobs I've tried out, I can't find a job that I enjoy and can see myself doing for a long time. I've job hopped so much, because I care about my mental health too much to stay somewhere that I'm not happy in. But, it's gotten to the point that I leave jobs after a couple of months or few years. I hate the idea of work in America. I know other countries like Europe has so much better WLB. I truly just don't feel like you can live your life to the fullest, when you're busy attending your 9-5, 2 days off, and with only a 2 week vacation a year.

02:59 UTC


Why I keep fining black house spider on my bed?

They come out at night time and It seem like these spider are not afraid of anything and go anywhere including climing on human. Once it climbed on my arm while I was sitting in bed. I vacuum multiple times in a week. No food in bedroom. I never open windows. I use peppermint oil spider repellent multiple times in week.

How to stop them from coming in bedroom? I am thinking to sell house at this point.

02:59 UTC


What do you think of these people?

The people who talks as if they know you better than yourself? It doesn’t even have to be bad but sometimes when people say that about me I get so irked cause they barely know me. I wonder how you feel about this?

02:52 UTC


Which do you like better? Butterscotch or Caramel?

I personally like butterscotch more than caramel because it has a more in depth flavor than caramel. I like them both in their own rights BUT if I had the choice between caramel or butterscotch for an ice cream topping or in any kind of dessert? I’d choose butterscotch every time!

02:39 UTC


What is the longest job you have ever had?

A lot of people can't work in the same field for a long time again because they would find it tedious and boring, so some people change their jobs a lot, tell me what was the longest job you've ever had? How many years did you do it?

02:26 UTC


Y’all ever get anxious after choking?

I KNOW THATS STUPID TO ASK. But I was eating chip and I think I inhaled it and started choking and wheezing. I immediately tried to calm down and cough it up and catch my breath in between when I could and drank water and it just disappeared. I legit feel like one of those anxiety attacks now, throat is feeling better. Doesn’t hurt as much anymore.

02:14 UTC


Tailor Quoted Me Twice the Price of a New Shirt – So I am getting a new shirt instead😅

So I recently took one of my shirts to a tailor because it was just too long for my liking. I thought it would be a simple fix, but the tailor quoted me a price that was twice what I paid for the shirt originally💀

Needless to say, I decided to pass on that and am now thinking of just buying a new, shorter shirt instead. But this got me wondering – how hard is it to tailor your own shirt to be shorter? Anyways, that's my "just chatting" for this week!

02:04 UTC


Are there any genuinely real YouTube videos/pranksters that do "in the hood" pranks?

Are there any genuinely real YouTube videos/pranksters that do "in the hood" pranks?

I already know this isn't too popular on reddit. Reddit doesn't really like anything hood-related anyway so it is what it is. However as someone from around this kind of environment I find it entertaining sometimes, even if it is stupid to do.

Most of the "in the hood" pranks are obviously fake (for some reason people just naively think the shit is real, much like everything on social media) but are there any real ones? You'll see countless videos about it when you search it, but how many are actually genuine and not just scripted with actors? I know factually most people would notice someone literally filming them and I know factually most people would be outright punched and not just manhandled. But even a lot of the videos doing just that are faked because they know they'll get views having a genuine punch/etc. Most of the "gun pulled" videos are fake too.

01:22 UTC


New YouTube Idea: Read Aloud With Me

So, an idea has come to me, and that is: a person starts a brand-new YouTube channel featuring only videos of himself (or herself) reading novels. The person's face is NOT seen. Only the screen is shown. The person merely records the whole screen of the e-book pages and microphone input at the same time. The person narrates the story like an audiobook narrator, narrating the exposition and acting out the dialogue, sometimes even adding special sound effects with the human mouth and body. On top of all that, the person will add some commentary to whatever passage that is read aloud, even annotating the text digitally.

It doesn't have to be novels. It could be nonfiction, essays, newspapers, etc.

I just say 'novels' because novels are essentially stories, and I love it when they are acted out or performed by the audiobook narrator. However, unlike a traditional audiobook narrator, the YouTube presenter will add sound effects and commentary.

01:18 UTC


I had an awkward/embarrassing/funny realization after doing a DNA test. Feel free to laugh at me lmao

Welp, it's not every day that you find out that you've had a crush on your cousin.

﹥be me

﹥ develop a celebrity crush on a eurovision singer last year but who cares because celebrity crushes aren't that deep

﹥decide to take a dna test

﹥discover that apparently I am related to the eurovision singer

﹥realize that I've been out here like "damn my cousin is hot"


01:10 UTC


Phone on silent

My wife will often say, why do you not pick up when I call? Oh sorry honey, phone was on silent.

Phone needs to be on silent in order for stupid useless notifications to not interrupt my music listening experience on Spotify. My fellow music crazies will relate… 😏

01:07 UTC


Vacation rental mail forwarding

Just purchased a vacation property where we will AirBNB the place. Not planning to go weekly. We are going to do this thru AirBNB management company. Can someone tell me how to forward vacation house mails to my home address in another state perman

1 Comment
01:05 UTC


So, what is everybody's body mod collection?

What kinds of tattoos and piercings do y'all have?

0 tattoos and just my 1st lobes. Almost got my tongue pierced in college, but decided against it.

I am blind and cannot see pictures, so if you could be as descriptive as you can that would be great. :)

00:58 UTC

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