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    [Film/TV] Logo for DC Studios released!

    21:50 UTC


    [Discussion] would you want a DC game like Marvel Rivals?

    1 Comment
    21:49 UTC


    [Other] New DC logo

    21:44 UTC


    Thoughts on Steve Orlando's Justice League of America?

    I for one think this was a pretty dumb fun League book. Its got a fun and creative team facing off against villains you don't normally see. I know this book gets a lot of flack for weird choices like having Lobo be on the team buuuuut counterpoint its kinda fun. Any book deserves a pass if its kinda fun in my eyes.

    21:36 UTC


    Absolute Pairing?

    I know a lot of memes come out about Absolute DC being New 52 2.0 or New 52 (but done right) or “we have Absolute at home, the Absolute at home being New 52). While that’s all in good fun, how would you all feel if it was a sort of resurgence of the New 52, including things like pairing Wonder Woman and Superman?

    Consider this, Absolute Superman is listed as having no family and being more alien than human. Absolute Wonder Woman is the last Amazon and basically all in on the warrior vibe. Maybe this pairing is even more natural than the New 52’s interpretation. Two super beings finding comfort in each other being alike

    21:35 UTC


    [Discussion] What is the Most Evil Thing Each DC Villain has Done? Day 14: Vandal Savage (Superman vol 3, #47)

    Inspired by u/DarthVaderIsMyWaifu I’ve, with mod approval, decided to start a daily series on here discussing the worst possible thing DC each villain has committed. Today’s villain is, one of my favorites, Vandal Savage. Sorry I missed a day. Had a lot going on yesterday; but I should be back on schedule now.

    20:21 UTC


    [Discussion] Jeff Lemire: “I’ll be announcing my 2nd new DC book on the DC Multiverse panel tomorrow at SDCC. Any guesses?”

    19:52 UTC


    [Discussion] I'm struggling to get through the animated adaptations of Infinite Crisis

    i don't know why. can't explain it. but for whatever reason, i'm struggling to connect with it.

    i even love the fact that it's spread out across 3 parts instead of being super condensed into one story.

    but some reason there's just too much going on, and not enough of it is grabbing my attention. i'm almost done part two now.

    19:47 UTC


    What would be your opinion on an irredeemable Batman?

    I'm sure this sort of story has been done over and over, but what would your opinion be on a Batman that doesn't kill, but it still irredeemable? I.e near-fatal beatings, purposeful paralysis against thugs, actual torture. things like that. A Batman without a Bat-family to keep it him check, (whether that be non-existant family or a just a dead family). A Batman that believes he's doing the right thing as he still doesn't kill, even while being sadistic.

    19:14 UTC


    It's time for DC to relaunch The Terrifics, and Tim Drake should join the team.

    This is an opinion piece, one which I hope fans of both The Terrifics and Tim Drake would agree with. Mr. Terrific and Metamorpho will be making their live action debut in next year's Superman film. Of course, this will be their second attempt at bringing Mr. T to live action, the first being on Arrow. There's no better time than now for DC to bring back the fan-favorite series. Dawn of DC was a prime time for this to happen, what with Mr. T being heavily involved in the Flash books as of recent. But alas, that did not happen. Why DC, just WHY?!

    For those that never heard of Terrifics, here's the gist: they were essentially DCs Fantastic Four. Terrific Four? It was a blast and just all kinds of fun...and they took it away from us. 😢 With that said, I feel it's time for Tim Drake to branch off and be part of something bigger. He'll always be a member of the Batfamily, and ultimately that and the world of Gotham is holding him back. He's been described as one of the best detectives out of the rest of the Robins, he has leadership skills, and is an incredibly skilled fighter. He has qualities that I believe would mesh well with the Terrific team, and it gets him out of Gotham to be part of something greater. As a permanent member!

    That's enough yapping. How do you all feel about this? And while we're at it, who else would you like to see on this team?

    18:18 UTC


    How is superman ripped.

    Is it genetics? Cause assuming muscles are build through resistance applied. Has Superman ever come across anything that he has actually found heavy? I know stupid question but is he just listing entire glaciers or something.

    17:04 UTC


    Have Batman and Wonder Woman ever officially been together?

    I remember during blackest night when Wonder Woman became a Star Sapphire, it was revealed she was in love with Bruce who was dead at the time. Bruce was resurrected not long after but not long after that everything got rebooted. So has there been any instance where Bruce and Diana have officially been together?

    16:38 UTC


    Marvel characters in DC (Writing Prompt)

    So let me stay off by saying that this isn't something like Marvel Character travels through the Omniverse and lands in the DC multiverse. I'm not looking to start a "vs" debate between two characters or anything. This is just a thread for ideas and scenarios on how characters and history would react to any marvel character being a part of thr DC Universe and how they would fit in without changing their essential character. I'll go first with Captain America

    His origin is definitely the same. Skinny kid from Brooklyn chosen for Project Rebirth and made into a superhero. Except instead of forming the Invaders, him and Bucky are part of the first incarnation of the Justice Society.

    During the war he fights and becomes the main rival of Captain Nazi. Captain Nazi being given an unstable version of the Nazi Super Soldier serum that drives him insane.

    In fac the Miraclo drug that Hourman uses, the Venom serum that Bane used, and the serum that save Deathstroke his powers are all attempts at recreating the Super Soldier Serum.

    He's still a living legend in the DC Universe and has inspired a ton of heroes with his legacy. Both Superman and Batman were huge fans of Cap as a child. Jonathan Kent's grandfather was a member of the howling commandos and fought beside Cap during WWII, so Clark grew up hearing stories about him. His own suit is partially inspired by the one that Cap wore

    As a kid Bruce collected a ton of Captain America's merchandise. Even has the whole set of Captain America playing cards and the entire 8mm catalog of Captain America's wartime movie reels. They eventually do have a team up where they have to take down Bane together and Batman tries to be his usual stoic self, but can't help but admit that teaming up with Steve to fight bad guys is something he's wanted to do as a kid.

    16:08 UTC


    [Artwork] A clearer look at Dan Mora's concept art for the upcoming Justice League Unlimited ongoing

    15:51 UTC


    [Fan Art] Catwoman by Gabriel Larragán

    15:45 UTC


    [Cover] Better look at the Justice League Unlimited #1 cover by Dan Mora

    15:44 UTC


    Appreciation post: New 52 Justice League by Geoff Johns was amazing

    I started reading comics during New 52. I was a huge fan of Batman and Wonder Woman, but Justice League hooked me on comics. This might be a long rant, and English is not my native language, but welcome to my TEDTalk!

    I’m aware that the nostalgia filter is strong, but even after re-reading it after years, it continues to amaze me. I do agree that maybe it fails on some character definitions, but every single story still feels so big, so relevant. There was a nice and clear narrative line, as the arcs connected pretty well. That's something Hitch’s JL run failed to create, or something Scott Snyder made way too dense in his run.

    The Throne of Atlantis, Trinity War, Forever Evil, Darkseid War... To read those events while they were being released felt like a personal canon event. Even the small stories in-between still resonate with me, like the battle against Doom Patrol or Elemental Girl (still thinking of her). I was fascinated by how it was shaping other titles through New 52, like Aquaman (also by Johns), Superman/Wonder Woman (branching out), JLA (building up for Trinity War), and Jessica Cruz in Rebirth Green Lanterns… I mean, he actually opened New 52 with Flashpoint! I feel this huge editorial planning and coordination was not achieved so nicely after Rebirth.

    The New 52: FCBD Special Edition

    I feel like something at the end of New 52 went off, there were some conflicting plot decisions happening. As if Geoff Johns was taking decisions that were not properly communicated through the editorial:

    Justice League #50 was the last issue of Geoff run, in it he finishes the Darkseid War end and Superman is told that he is dying out of (iirc) over-exposure to the Apokolips sun. But at the same time, The Final Days of Superman was being released (big crossover among Superman Family titles) in which New 52 Superman was dying (iirc) because his Solar Flare power was malfunctioning. I liked The Final Days of Superman, it’s kind of sad that it was kind of forgotten even inside the universe pretty quick (except for the Superwoman Rebirth title). I’m also surprised that Geoff didn’t participate in the Final Days of Superman at all. 

    Superman (Volume 3) #52

    Justice League #51 was written by Dan Abnett and it works as an introduction to his upcoming Titans Hunt. In it the Titans realized that history and their memories were modify by Mr. Twister and somehow it teased Wally West comeback. It was an interesting comic, but the whole idea had a huge overlap with DC Rebirth by Geoff Johns: In Rebirth, Johns reveals that Dr. Manhattan had modified DC Universe history and memory and Wally West was at the center of it. Amazing, so cool! But in the first story arc of Abnett Rebirth run, the history and memories manipulation (iirc) was caused by Abra Kadabra. So, once again, they are overlapping the whole main plot of DC Rebirth. Isn’t it… strange? Also Wally West lost so much momentum, that Johns dropped him in his more recent works.

    Titans (Vol 3) #3, DC Rebirth #1 and Titans Hunt

    Justice League #52 was written by Dan Jurgens and it works as an introduction to his upcoming Action Comics run. I LOVED Jurgens’ AC run, I was so obsessed with it. But I always felt a bit confused about Lex Luthor Superman. In AC and in Rebirth in general (iirc) he was a secondary character, but he actually was an honest superhero, he really wanted to “rehabilitate”. But in Johns’ run, Luthor was never honest, he always had an ulterior motive behind his “rehabilitation”. When Luthor became Superman in JL #50, he was the leader of a revolution in Apokolips and his main weapon was, kind of hinted, to be a Mother Box (that I’m not so sure if it ever appears again). I honestly thought Superman Luthor was going to be a bigger and more sinister new deal or threat.

    Justice League (vol 2) #50 and Action Comics #957

    I speculate that maybe there was a JL #51 and #52 written by Geoff, some kind of Neon Genesis Evangelion episodes 25 and 26. A proper closure to his whole run. Maybe it would have been part of Superman's Final Days, but as the JL series had too much of a delay, the story was modified to skip Johns’ issues. In a similar way that Doomsday Clock was supposed to be the paradigm shift of DC, the problematic release rhythm of DDC made it practically a DC Black Label title and the paradigm shift changed. 

    There are other plot points that were opened by Johns but weren’t elegantly followed up, such as Three Jokers, Wonder Woman’s twin brother, or the Rise of the Seven Seas. Similarly, my expectations toward the ending of his Justice Society of America run are very, very low, which is very disappointing, ngl. I really wonder what Johns would have written or how the DC Universe would look if Geoff Johns was still as active as he used to be, for example, during the Infinite Crisis. 

    15:32 UTC

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